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domingo, 20 de enero de 2013




Por Miguel González Santos Puttaparthi, 18 ene. 2013

El profesor Anil Kumar y su esposa Vijaya Laxmi Kamaraju acaban de salir en la tarde de hoy de Puttaparthi con destino a Australia.

Este es el programa de charlas que el profesor llevará a cabo a partir del próximo domingo en Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Filipinas y Fidji.

También está prevista ya su visita, próximamente, a África del Este, Nagarkurnool y Ongole (India) y USA, desde finales de mayo hasta principios de julio según el siguiente programa oficial:

Prof. Anil Kumar will be visiting Zone 3 of the International Sai Organisation, including Australia, New Zealand, Philippines and Fuji. His trip commences in Australia on January 19th, where he remains until February 6th. You can view the Australia flyer on the website now: Anil Kuma's Program.htm

Subsequently he will visit the other countries in that region. He plans to return from this international trip on March 5th. You can find out more about his program by clicking on "Prof. Anil Kumar Kamaraju's Program" on the home page of

All Puttaparthi satsangs will recommence after his arrival here.

Sathya Sai Organisation - Zone 3, schedule for Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Philippines - 19th January - 6th February 2013

AUSTRALIA - 19th January to 06th Feb 2013

January 20 Perth

January 23 Adelaide

January 25 to 29 Canberra

January 31, Melbourne

February 2 to 03 Sydney

February 5, Gold Coast

February 6, Brisbane

NEW ZEALAND - 7th Feb to 18th Feb 2013

February 8 to 18 Auckland

February 9 & 10 New Zealand National Conference

February 12 Waikato, Hamilton

February 16 South Island Region

FIJI - 19th Feb to 25th Feb 2013

February 20 Nadi

February 21 Ba

February 22 Sigatoka

February 23 Suva

PHILIPPINES - 26th Feb to 03rd March 2013

February 26 & 27 Manila

February 28 Pililla

March 2 Tagaytay Highlands

March 3 Manila


Prof. Anil Kumar and team will attend the anniversary of the Mandir inaugurated by Bhagwan at NAGARKURNOOL , Mahaboobnagar district, Andrah Pradesh .

April 5 to 15, 2013 EAST AFRICA Kenya

May 6, 2013 ONGOLE

Prof. Anil Kumar and Team will attend Easwaramma day (Mother's day) in Ongole, Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.




The 2013 National Conference will be held in Canberra during the Australia day weekend from Saturday 26 – Monday 28 January 2013.

The theme of the Conference is Be His Flute. This reminds us of the need to shed our ego and attachment and surrender to the will of God, making our being hollow and pure - enabling Him to breathe through us. This melodious tune of love towards all creation will continue the mission of Sathya Sai Baba, transforming to pure love the minds and hearts of men and women, youth and children.

The Sathya Sai National Conference 2013 will have speakers (both international and local), exhibitions, presenters and workshops focussed on the theme. We will also be inspired and uplifted by talented musicians and performers throughout the conference.

The purpose of this biennial conference is to bring together members of the Sai community around Australia for the purpose of inspiration, renewal and invigoration of our spirituality, in an atmosphere charged with the love of Sathya Sai Baba. The Conference also provides an opportunity for us all to reflect, refresh and to open to new ideas - individually and collectively.

Inspiring Speakers

Professor Anil Kumar needs no introduction. He is an enchanting speaker who, in addition to translating Swami's discourses for many years, has given talks regularly at Prasanthi Nilayam and at various locations around the world.

Mr Leonardo Gutter is one of the leading lights in the Sai Organisation in South America and gave a keynote address at the 2011 Guru Poornima celebrations in Prashanti Nilayam.

Mr Sumeet Tappoo is a gifted and popular singer who has performed several times at Prashanti Nilayam at the behest of Swami and is well known amongst Australian devotees.

Australian Focus

This conference is set on the stage of our nation's capital and offers an opportunity for us to reflect on how we can be instruments of Sai's love to promote the well being of our Australian society and the beautiful land in which He has placed us. We inhabit an ancient land with a rich indigenous spiritual tradition which has supported its people over centuries to withstand the hardships of wind, sun and rain and to live in harmony with all. The song lines they followed kept their sacred land alive.

The ancient spiritual teachings brought to us through Sathya Sai Baba remind us that we are divine, that all is God - this is the song which will call and unite all of us as one human family - that will enable us to experience our sacredness – if we Be His Flute.
See the short video




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Thought for the Day_Pensamiento del día_20-01-2013.

Thought for the Day_Pensamiento del día_20-01-2013.

-= 20 January 2013 =-


The silence you maintain in temples and devotional congregation must be carried over to wherever you go. It must be taken as an exercise in the control of the senses. Senses always are exterior oriented. The tongue should not talk evil. The eyes should not look out for evil. The ears should not seek evil. The presence of God in every being makes everyone holy. Thinking low of others amounts to thinking low of God. You must always cultivate the feeling that God is the Father and everyone around you are brothers and sisters. This brotherhood is more real and binding than the blood brotherhood, for here the paternal property for which you struggle can be shared without the share of the other being diminished in any way. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate - When the Full is subtracted from the Full, what is left is still Full! 

 Translated into Spanish by Herta Pfeifer 

El silencio que mantienes en los templos y congregaciones devocionales debe ser llevado a dondequiera que vayas. Se le debe tomar como un ejercicio de control sobre los sentidos. Los sentidos están siempre orientados hacia el exterior. La lengua no debe hablar el mal. Los ojos no deben buscar el mal. Los oídos no deben perseguir el mal. La presencia de Dios en todos los seres, les hace sagrados a todos ellos. Pensar mal de los demás equivale a pensar mal de Dios. Debes cultivar siempre el sentimiento de que Dios es el Padre, y todos los que te rodean son hermanos y hermanas. Esta hermandad es más real y vinculante que la hermandad de sangre, porque aquí la propiedad paterna, por la que luchas, puede ser compartida sin que disminuya en absoluto la porción que le corresponde al otro. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornamevaavasishyate - cuando lo Completo se sustrae de lo Completo, lo que queda sigue siendo lo Completo.

Translated into Dutch by Sama Chintha Group Belgium 

Bewaar de stilte niet alleen in tempels en op devotionele bijeenkomsten, maar overal waar je komt. Bekijk dit als een training om de zintuigen te leren beheersen. De zintuigen zijn altijd naar buiten gericht. Gebruik je tong niet om kwaad te spreken, laat je ogen niet naar negatieve zaken zoeken en richt je oren niet op laaghartige roddels. God is in iedereen aanwezig. Als je neerkijkt op anderen, kijk je neer op God. Weet dat God de Vader is van iedereen en dat wij allemaal broers en zusters zijn. Deze broederschap is echt en drukt meer verbondenheid uit dan de bloedband, want de rijkdom van de Goddelijke Vader is er voor iedereen en benadeelt niemand. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate: Trek het Volledige af van het Volledige; wat overblijft is het Volledige! 

Translated into French by Nathalie 

Le silence que vous maintenez dans les temples et dans les rassemblements dévotionnels doit être reporté partout où vous allez. Il doit être considéré comme un exercice dans le contrôle des sens. Les sens sont toujours orientés vers l'extérieur. La langue ne doit pas parler mal. Les yeux ne doivent pas regarder après le mal. Les oreilles ne doivent pas chercher le mal. La présence de Dieu en chaque être fait de tous des saints. Penser mal des autres revient à penser mal de Dieu. Vous devez toujours cultiver le sentiment que Dieu est le Père et que chaque personne autour de vous sont des frères et soeurs. Cette fraternité est plus réelle et attachante que la fraternité du sang car ici la propriété paternelle pour laquelle vous luttez peut être partagée sans que la part de l'autre soit diminuée en aucune façon. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate - Lorsque le complet est soustrait du complet, ce qui reste est toujours complet! 

Translated into German by Margitta Bonds 

Die Stille, die ihr in Tempeln und Andachten einhaltet, müsst ihr auch dahintragen, woimmer ihr auch hingeht. Diese Stille muss als eine Übung ausgeführt werden, um die Sinne zu kontrollieren. Die Sinne orientieren sich immer nach Aussen. Die Zunge sollte nichts Böses sprechen, die Augen nicht nach dem Bösen Ausschau halten. Die Ohren sollten nicht nach dem Bösen suchen. Die Anwesenheit Gottes in jedem Wesen macht jeden heilig. Über jemanden minderwertige Gedanken zu hegen, heisst über Gott minderwertig zu denken. Ihr müsst das Gefühl hegen und pflegen, dass Gott der Vater (aller) ist und alle Menschen um euch herum sind eure Brüder und Schwestern. Diese Verwandschaft ist echter und verbindet mehr als Blutsbrüderschaft. Warum? Hier wird das väterliche Eigentum, um das ihr euch bemüht, geteilt, ohne das der Teil der für die anderen (Geschwister) gedacht ist, sich auf irgend eine Art und Weise verringert. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate – Wenn Fülle von Fülle genommen wird, ist das, was übrigbleibt immer noch Fülle! 

Translated into Malayalam by Ram Sai 


Translated into Portuguese by Fernando Noll 

O silêncio que você mantém em templos e congregações devocionais deve ser transferido para onde quer que você vá. Deve ser recebido como um exercício de controle dos sentidos. Sentidos são sempre orientados para o exterior. A língua não deve falar mal. Os olhos não devem olhar para o mal. Os ouvidos não devem procurar o mal. A presença de Deus em cada ser torna todos santos. Pensar mal sobre os outros equivale a pensar mal sobre Deus. Você deve sempre cultivar o sentimento de que Deus é o Pai, e todos ao seu redor são irmãos e irmãs. Essa fraternidade é mais real e vinculativa que a irmandade de sangue, pois aqui a propriedade paterna pela qual você luta pode ser compartilhada sem que a parte do outro seja diminuída de alguma forma. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate - Quando o Todo é subtraído do Todo, o que resta ainda é o Todo! 

Translated into Russian 

Тишина, которую вы поддерживаете в храмах и на собраниях преданных, должна быть с вами, куда бы вы ни пошли. Для того чтобы научиться контролировать чувства, вам необходимо практиковать тишину. Чувства всегда направлены вовне. Ваш язык не должен произносить плохие слова. Глаза не должны смотреть на плохое. Ушам не следует слушать плохие слова. Присутствие Бога в каждом существе делает каждого человека святым. Думать плохо о других людях значит плохо думать о Боге. Вы всегда должны чувствовать, что Бог - это Отец, и что все люди, окружающие вас, это ваши братья и сёстры. Такие взаимоотношения более реальные и крепкие, чем родственные взаимоотношения, так как собственность Отца, за которую вы боретесь, может быть разделена между всеми существами поровну, не уменьшаясь в количестве. "Пурнасья Пурнамадая Пумамевавасищьяте (Если Полноту отнять от Полноты, то остаётся Полнота!)". 

Translated into Hindi by Nihal Gupta 


Translated into Italian by Alfonsina De Paoli 

Il silenzio si mantiene nei templi e devozionale congregazione devono essere riportati al ovunque tu vada. Deve essere preso come un esercizio nel controllo dei sensi. I sensi sono sempre orientati esterno. La lingua non deve parlare male. Gli occhi non devono guardare fuori per il male. Le orecchie non devono cercare il male. La presenza di Dio in ogni essere rende tutti santi. Pensando basso degli importi degli altri a pensare bassa di Dio. Si deve sempre coltivare la sensazione che Dio è il Padre e tutti intorno a te sono fratelli e sorelle. Questa fraternità è più reale e vincolante rispetto alla fratellanza di sangue, per questo la proprietà paterna per il quale si lotta può essere condivisa senza la quota degli altri essere diminuita in alcun modo. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate - Quando la completa viene sottratta dalla completa, ciò che resta è ancora completo! 

Translated into Tamil by Nadia 


Translated into Polish by Aldona Lewalski 

Cisza utrzymać w świątyniach i kongregacji oddania musi zostać przeniesione, gdziekolwiek jesteś. Należy traktować jako ćwiczenia w kontroli zmysłów. Senses zawsze są zorientowane na zewnątrz.Język nie powinien mówić zła. Oczy nie powinny zwracać uwagę na zło. Uszy nie powinny szukać zła.Obecność Boga w każdej istocie sprawia, że ​​każdy święty. Myślenie niski z pozostałych kwot do myślenia niski Boga. Musisz zawsze kultywować poczucie, że Bóg jest Ojcem, a wszyscy wokół ciebie są braćmi i siostrami. To braterstwo jest bardziej prawdziwe i wiążące niż braterstwo krwi, bo tu majątku ojca, dla którego walka może być wspólna, bez udziału innych zostały zmniejszone w jakikolwiek sposób. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate - Kiedy Pełna jest odejmowany od Full, co pozostało nadal jest pełna! 

Translated into Swedish by Jens Olausson 

Tystnaden du behålla i tempel och hängiven församlingen måste föras över till vart du än går. Det måste ses som en övning i kontrollen av sinnena. Sinnen är alltid yttre orienterade. Tungan ska inte prata ondska. Ögonen får inte se upp för onda. Öronen får inte söka det onda. Guds närvaro i varje varelse gör alla heliga. Funderar lite på andras uppgår till tänkande låg på Gud. Du måste alltid odla känslan av att Gud är Fadern och alla runt omkring dig är bröder och systrar. Denna broderskap är mer verklig och bindande än blod broderskap, för här faderliga egendom som du kämpar kan delas utan den del av den andra skall minskas på något sätt. Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poomamevaavasishyate - När Full subtraheras från Full, det som finns kvar är fortfarande full! 


Anyone who would like to translate and join the daily ‘Thought for the Day’ seva-translation, feel free to respond to

Om Sai Ram



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