Retrospectiva (2010): Mar - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre - octubre - noviembre - diciembre
Retrospectiva (2011): Jan - febrero - marzo - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre
Actualizado miercoles 5 de octubre de 2011.
Hoy en día, el penúltimo día de la celebraciones de Dasara y la última noche de Navaratri, se celebra la Puja a Saraswati. Y pudimos disfrutar de las actuaciones auspiciosas del 6 to día del Veda Purusha Jnana Yajna Saptaha y la finalizacion exitosa del Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva de este año. Los estudiantes del Campus de Anantapur distribuyeron prasadam y Prendas de Vestir en Prashanti Nilayam .
El programa de la noche fue el discurso de un estudiante de Anantapur Campus y otra elocuente exposición por un miembro de la facultad del Campus de Anantapur. El primer discurso fue de Kum Lalitha, que actualmente cursa su maestría en el departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, fue sobre el tema "El Shakti Divino".
Kum Lalitha en el transcurso de su discurso dijo que el objetivo último de la Fiesta de Navaratri, es salir de la oscuridad de la ignorancia y la realización de la Conciencia Divina, la conciencia de lo Divino. Lo Divino es adorado en la forma de Sri Devi. Sri significa luz, augurio y Devi significa Prakriti (la naturaleza). Esto significa que el resplandor de la Divinidad permea todo el cosmos.
Hablando sobre el concepto de Ichcha Shakti (impulso creativo), Kum Lalitha dijo que tenía la oportunidad de jugar el papel de Parvatamma (la hermana mayor de Bhagavan) en la serie "Shirdi Sai Sai Parthi" en el año 1997 cuando ella tenía sólo seis años de edad.
Se le dio la oportunidad de sentarse por separado para el Darshan. Sus padres siempre insistieron en que le pida a Bhagavan la oportunidad de estudiar en su institución. Ella estaba preocupada por si Bhagavan recibiría su notificación, siendo tan pequeñita. Pero Bhagavan se acercó a ella y la miro. Eso le dio una gran sensación de plenitud.
Hablando del Jnana Shakti (impulso de la verdadera sabiduría), ela estudiante dijo que había aplicado para obtener la admisión en la clase 11 de la Escuela Primaria Sri Sathya Sai . Ella era la novena persona llamada para la entrevista de admisión. La primera pregunta de la directora fue, por qué ella quería unirse a la universidad de Bhagavan cuando había tantas instituciones educativas en Chennai. Ella respondió que sería transportada desde Tamas (la oscuridad de la ignorancia) a Jyoti (la luz), en la institución de Bhagavan. La alumna concluyó su discurso con la oración,"Anyatha Saranam Nasti Twameva Saranam Mama, Tasmath Karunya Bhavena Raksha Raksha Sayeeswara" . Nos inclinamos ante Sai, nuestro protector, la forma del amor y la compasión, y que no hay otro refugio que su pies de loto ).
Hablando del Jnana Shakti (impulso de la verdadera sabiduría), ela estudiante dijo que había aplicado para obtener la admisión en la clase 11 de la Escuela Primaria Sri Sathya Sai . Ella era la novena persona llamada para la entrevista de admisión. La primera pregunta de la directora fue, por qué ella quería unirse a la universidad de Bhagavan cuando había tantas instituciones educativas en Chennai. Ella respondió que sería transportada desde Tamas (la oscuridad de la ignorancia) a Jyoti (la luz), en la institución de Bhagavan. La alumna concluyó su discurso con la oración,"Anyatha Saranam Nasti Twameva Saranam Mama, Tasmath Karunya Bhavena Raksha Raksha Sayeeswara" . Nos inclinamos ante Sai, nuestro protector, la forma del amor y la compasión, y que no hay otro refugio que su pies de loto ).
El segundo exponente, la Sra. Suma Rao, miembro de la facultad del Campus de Anantapur, en la actualidad haciendo su doctorado sobre el tema "Mujeres Ejecutivas de la India", habló sobre el tema "El amor de Dios."
Hablando sobre un incidente que sucedió cuando ella estaba haciendo labores de vigilancia en el Sai Kulwant Hall, una señora de un grupo ruso se le acercó y le dijo en Inglés elemental, que venían por primera vez y quería una entrevista con Bhagavan. Ella le dijo a la señora que Bhagavan elige a las personas para las entrevista por su propia voluntad. Ella le explico que cuando Bhagavan les pregunta "¿De dónde vienes, debe responder de Rusia y cuando él le pregunta:" ¿Cuántos? Se debe responder que eran 37 en total.
Cuando Bhagavan llegó a Darshan, le pregunto al grupo: "¿Cuántos?" Ellos dijeron: "Rusia". Bhagavan la miraba mientras ella estaba sentado . Luego, después de algún tiempo, Bhagavan volvió a preguntar al grupo, "¿De dónde eres?" Ellos le respondieron: "37".
El orador erudito, dijo que a menudo damos por sentado algo y no podemos predecir las acciones de Bhagavan .
Narro otra experiencia, que ocurrió durante una entrevista, Bhagavan dijo a su madre, " su hija se enoja demasiado y luego va a la sala de oración en el albergue Anantapur caminando de un extremo al otro para superar su ira." Ella dijo , pero eso fue una actitud positiva para deshacerse de la ira. Bhagavan contestó: "¿Por qué se enoja con todos."
Narro otra experiencia, que ocurrió durante una entrevista, Bhagavan dijo a su madre, " su hija se enoja demasiado y luego va a la sala de oración en el albergue Anantapur caminando de un extremo al otro para superar su ira." Ella dijo , pero eso fue una actitud positiva para deshacerse de la ira. Bhagavan contestó: "¿Por qué se enoja con todos."
Cuando sus padres tuvieron un accidente grave, Bhagavan le ayudó a superar el trauma y el dolor con su amor.
El profesor concluyó su discurso hablando de Rabindranath Tagore: Cuando el niño está bajo el cuidado reconfortante de la madre, el niño siente la seguridad de la madre y su amor. Pero cuando se retira la madre, el niño siente el dolor de la separación. El orador lo comparó con la situación actual en Bhagavan, la Madre del universo física nos ha dejado. Debemos ver su rostro hermoso en el mundo entero y continuar con nuestra vida, dijo el orador .

Las disertaciones fueron seguidas por un programa de música melodiosa de los alumnos de Prashanti Nilayam Campus, que estuvo acompañado por brillantes efectos visuales de la inauguración de diversas instituciones de Bhagavan en Prashanti Nilayam.
El profesor concluyó su discurso hablando de Rabindranath Tagore: Cuando el niño está bajo el cuidado reconfortante de la madre, el niño siente la seguridad de la madre y su amor. Pero cuando se retira la madre, el niño siente el dolor de la separación. El orador lo comparó con la situación actual en Bhagavan, la Madre del universo física nos ha dejado. Debemos ver su rostro hermoso en el mundo entero y continuar con nuestra vida, dijo el orador .
Las disertaciones fueron seguidas por un programa de música melodiosa de los alumnos de Prashanti Nilayam Campus, que estuvo acompañado por brillantes efectos visuales de la inauguración de diversas instituciones de Bhagavan en Prashanti Nilayam.
Otro regalo para la vista , esta vez fueron las celebraciones de Dasara 2002 en Prashanti Nilayam y un discurso de Bhagavan.
El último programa de la noche fueron los Bhajans, seguido por la distribución de prasadam, y ropa para los estudiantes y el personal de las instituciones educativas de Bhagavan.

Al final, hubo un anuncio por el profesor Anil Kumar, un miembro de la facultad de Prashanti Nilayam campus. El profesor anunció que el Programa de Grama Seva fue un éxito, que recibió grandes elogios de los pueblos de los alrededores de Prashanti Nilayam. Los habitantes de los pueblos dieron la bienvenida a los estudiantes con los brazos abiertos y recibieron el prasadam y la ropa de los estudiantes y el personal de las instituciones educativas de Bhagavan.
Al final, hubo un anuncio por el profesor Anil Kumar, un miembro de la facultad de Prashanti Nilayam campus. El profesor anunció que el Programa de Grama Seva fue un éxito, que recibió grandes elogios de los pueblos de los alrededores de Prashanti Nilayam. Los habitantes de los pueblos dieron la bienvenida a los estudiantes con los brazos abiertos y recibieron el prasadam y la ropa de los estudiantes y el personal de las instituciones educativas de Bhagavan.
El prasadam era preparado cada noche por los estudiantes del Campus de Anantapur de 7 p.m.-03 a.m.. y los estudiantes varones de las instituciones educativas de Bhagavan entraban por las calles y por los pasillos de los pueblos distribuyendo el prasadam de Bhagavan.
Otro anuncio fue el Poornahuti, el ritual de clausura de Veda Purusha Jnana Yajna Saptaha que se llevará a cabo a las 9.30 horas del 6 de octubre de 2011.
El programa para la noche es un concierto de Padma Bhushan Pandit Rajan y Sajan Misra de Varanasi.

Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug - Sep
Updated Tuesday, October 05, 2300 - 1353 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2300 - 1353 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Hrs. IST
Today, the penultimate day of Dasara Celebrations and the last night of Navaratri, is celebrated as Saraswati Puja. The day saw the auspicious proceedings of the 6th day of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna and the successful conclusion of the Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva for the year. Students of Anantapur Campus will distribute Prasadam and Clothes to Prasanthi Nilayam inmates on the 10th day. Poornahuti

The programme for the evening was speech by a student of Anantapur Campus and another eloquent exposition by a faculty member of Anantapur Campus. The first speech by Kum. Lalitha currently pursuing her M.Sc. programme in the Biosciences department was on the topic “The Divine Shakti”.
Kum. Lalitha in the course of her speech said that the ultimate aim of Navaratri festival is coming out of the darkness of ignorance and realising the Divine Consciousness, the awareness of the Divine. The Divine is worshipped in the form of Sri Devi. Sri means light, auspiciousness and Devi means Prakriti (nature). It means the effulgence of Divinity pervades the entire cosmos.
Speaking on the concept of Ichcha Shakti (creative impulse), Kum. Lalitha said she had the opportunity to play the role of Parvatamma (Bhagawan’s elder sister) in the serial “Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai” in the year 1997 when she was only six years old. They were given an opportunity to sit separately for Darshan. Her parents always insisted on her to ask Bhagawan to give an opportunity to study in His institution. She was apprehensive whether Bhagawan would notice her, being small in stature. But Bhagawan came near her and noticed her. That gave her a great sense of fulfillment.
Speaking on Jnana Shakti (impulse of true wisdom), the student said that she had applied for getting admission in the 11th class of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School. She was the ninth person to be called for interview. The first question asked by the headmistress was as to why she wanted to join in Bhagawan’s college when there were so many educational institutions in Chennai. She replied that she would be transported from Tamas (the darkness of ignorance) to Jyoti (light) in Bhagawan’s institution. The student concluded her speech with the prayer, “Anyatha Saranam Nasti Twameva Saranam Mama, Tasmath Karunya Bhavena Raksha Raksha Sayeeswara” (I cannot take refuge in any other than at your Lotus Feet. We bow to Sai, our protector, the form of love and compassion).

The second speaker, Ms. Suma Rao, a faculty member of Anantapur Campus, currently doing her Ph.D. on the topic “Women Executives of India” spoke on the theme “The Love of God.” Madam said there is a difference between how we love God which is prefixed with materialistic ambitions and how God loves us selflessly.
Speaking on an incident which happened when she was doing security duty in Sai Kulwant Hall, a lady from a Russian group approached her and told her in broken English that they were coming for the first time and wanted an interview with Bhagawan. She told the lady that Bhagawan picks people for interview on His own volition. She gave a short training by saying that when Bhagawan asks them “Where do you come from, they should reply Russia and when He asks, “How many? They should reply that they were 37 in number. When Bhagawan came for Darshan, He asked the group, “How many?” They replied, “Russia”. Bhagawan at once looked at her though she was sitting a little further. Then after some time, Bhagawan again asked the group, “Where are you from?” They replied, “37”. The erudite speaker said that we often take Bhagawan for granted and attempt predicting His actions.
Narrating another experience, Ms. Suma Rao said during an interview, Bhagawan said to her mother, “your daughter gets too much angry and then she mopes the prayer hall in Anantapur Hostel from this end to the other to overcome her anger.” She said, but that was a positive attitude to get rid of anger. Bhagawan replied, “Why get angry at all.” When her parents had a major accident, Bhagawan helped her to get over the trauma and pain with His deluge of love.
The teacher concluded her speech by speaking about Rabindranath Tagore: When the child is in the comforting care of the mother, the child feel the mother’s security and love. But when the mother withdraws, the child feels the pain of separation. The speaker compared this with the present situation where Bhagawan, the Mother of the universe has physically left us. We should see His beautiful countenance in the entire world and march on in our life, said the learned speaker.

This was followed by a melodious music programme by the students of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus which was accompanied by brilliant visuals of Bhagawan’s inaugurating various institutions in Prasanthi Nilayam. Another visual treat followed, this time it was the 2002 Dasara Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam and a Discourse of Bhagawan. The last programme for the evening was Bhajans, followed by distribution of Prasadam, clothes to the students and staff of Bhagawan’s educational institutions.

At the end, there was an announcement by Prof. Anil Kumar, a faculty member of Prasanthi Nilayam campus. The professor announced that the Grama Seva programme was a thumping success, which got wide acclaim in the villages surrounding Prasanthi Nilayam. The villagers welcomed the students with open arms and received the Prasadam and clothes from the students and staff of Bhagawan’s educational institutions. The Prasadam was packed every night by the students of Anantapur Campus from 7 pm to 3 am. and the male students of Bhagawan’s educational institutions went into lanes and by lanes of villages distributing Bhagawan’s Prasadam. Another announcement was the Poornahuti, the concluding ritual of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna would be conducted at 9.30 am on 6th October 2011. The programme for the evening is a concert by Padma Bhushan Pandit Rajan & Sajan Misra from Varanasi.

Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug - Sep
Updated Tuesday, October 05, 2300 - 1353 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2300 - 1353 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Hrs. IST
Today, the penultimate day of Dasara Celebrations and the last night of Navaratri, is celebrated as Saraswati Puja. The day saw the auspicious proceedings of the 6th day of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna and the successful conclusion of the Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva for the year. Students of Anantapur Campus will distribute Prasadam and Clothes to Prasanthi Nilayam inmates on the 10th day. Poornahuti
The programme for the evening was speech by a student of Anantapur Campus and another eloquent exposition by a faculty member of Anantapur Campus. The first speech by Kum. Lalitha currently pursuing her M.Sc. programme in the Biosciences department was on the topic “The Divine Shakti”.
Kum. Lalitha in the course of her speech said that the ultimate aim of Navaratri festival is coming out of the darkness of ignorance and realising the Divine Consciousness, the awareness of the Divine. The Divine is worshipped in the form of Sri Devi. Sri means light, auspiciousness and Devi means Prakriti (nature). It means the effulgence of Divinity pervades the entire cosmos.
Speaking on the concept of Ichcha Shakti (creative impulse), Kum. Lalitha said she had the opportunity to play the role of Parvatamma (Bhagawan’s elder sister) in the serial “Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai” in the year 1997 when she was only six years old. They were given an opportunity to sit separately for Darshan. Her parents always insisted on her to ask Bhagawan to give an opportunity to study in His institution. She was apprehensive whether Bhagawan would notice her, being small in stature. But Bhagawan came near her and noticed her. That gave her a great sense of fulfillment.
Speaking on Jnana Shakti (impulse of true wisdom), the student said that she had applied for getting admission in the 11th class of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School. She was the ninth person to be called for interview. The first question asked by the headmistress was as to why she wanted to join in Bhagawan’s college when there were so many educational institutions in Chennai. She replied that she would be transported from Tamas (the darkness of ignorance) to Jyoti (light) in Bhagawan’s institution. The student concluded her speech with the prayer, “Anyatha Saranam Nasti Twameva Saranam Mama, Tasmath Karunya Bhavena Raksha Raksha Sayeeswara” (I cannot take refuge in any other than at your Lotus Feet. We bow to Sai, our protector, the form of love and compassion).
The second speaker, Ms. Suma Rao, a faculty member of Anantapur Campus, currently doing her Ph.D. on the topic “Women Executives of India” spoke on the theme “The Love of God.” Madam said there is a difference between how we love God which is prefixed with materialistic ambitions and how God loves us selflessly.
Speaking on an incident which happened when she was doing security duty in Sai Kulwant Hall, a lady from a Russian group approached her and told her in broken English that they were coming for the first time and wanted an interview with Bhagawan. She told the lady that Bhagawan picks people for interview on His own volition. She gave a short training by saying that when Bhagawan asks them “Where do you come from, they should reply Russia and when He asks, “How many? They should reply that they were 37 in number. When Bhagawan came for Darshan, He asked the group, “How many?” They replied, “Russia”. Bhagawan at once looked at her though she was sitting a little further. Then after some time, Bhagawan again asked the group, “Where are you from?” They replied, “37”. The erudite speaker said that we often take Bhagawan for granted and attempt predicting His actions.
Narrating another experience, Ms. Suma Rao said during an interview, Bhagawan said to her mother, “your daughter gets too much angry and then she mopes the prayer hall in Anantapur Hostel from this end to the other to overcome her anger.” She said, but that was a positive attitude to get rid of anger. Bhagawan replied, “Why get angry at all.” When her parents had a major accident, Bhagawan helped her to get over the trauma and pain with His deluge of love.
The teacher concluded her speech by speaking about Rabindranath Tagore: When the child is in the comforting care of the mother, the child feel the mother’s security and love. But when the mother withdraws, the child feels the pain of separation. The speaker compared this with the present situation where Bhagawan, the Mother of the universe has physically left us. We should see His beautiful countenance in the entire world and march on in our life, said the learned speaker.
This was followed by a melodious music programme by the students of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus which was accompanied by brilliant visuals of Bhagawan’s inaugurating various institutions in Prasanthi Nilayam. Another visual treat followed, this time it was the 2002 Dasara Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam and a Discourse of Bhagawan. The last programme for the evening was Bhajans, followed by distribution of Prasadam, clothes to the students and staff of Bhagawan’s educational institutions.
At the end, there was an announcement by Prof. Anil Kumar, a faculty member of Prasanthi Nilayam campus. The professor announced that the Grama Seva programme was a thumping success, which got wide acclaim in the villages surrounding Prasanthi Nilayam. The villagers welcomed the students with open arms and received the Prasadam and clothes from the students and staff of Bhagawan’s educational institutions. The Prasadam was packed every night by the students of Anantapur Campus from 7 pm to 3 am. and the male students of Bhagawan’s educational institutions went into lanes and by lanes of villages distributing Bhagawan’s Prasadam. Another announcement was the Poornahuti, the concluding ritual of Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna would be conducted at 9.30 am on 6th October 2011. The programme for the evening is a concert by Padma Bhushan Pandit Rajan & Sajan Misra from Varanasi.