Sai Ram - Swami está más cerca de ti que nadie en el mundo ...
Shri.V.Kumar era estudiante en la Escuela Sathya Sai en Prashanti Nilayam. Swami asigno alojamiento permanente en la planta en el bloque oriental cerca del Mandir de Prashanti.
Durante los Bhajan de la tarde, un día, Kumar estaba cantando un Bhajan, "Sai Sai Matha Pitha Aur" ("Sai es el padre y Sai es la madre"). Swami se sentó en su trono muy cerca, asintió con la cabeza en sintonía con la canción. Ojos de Swami nadaban con amabilidad y compasión.
Tan pronto como la primera estrofa de la canción terminó, Swami abruptamente se levantó y salió a toda prisa. El muchacho sintió que su canto no era probablemente del agrado de Swami.
Tan pronto como la primera estrofa de la canción terminó, Swami abruptamente se levantó y salió a toda prisa. El muchacho sintió que su canto no era probablemente del agrado de Swami.
Swami entró a la residencia de los padres de Kumar. Los devotos que vieron la escena se sorprendieron. En los últimos tiempos, nadie había visto a Swami dejar su residencia e ir más allá de su recinto.
En la residencia de los padres de Kumar, su madre tuvo un ataque al corazón y estaba luchando por su vida. Baba fue de prisa a la casa, le dio un vaso de agua y materializó vibhuti para ella. Después de unas palabras de consuelo y aliento a la señora, regresó a la sala de bhajan y retomo su trono, en ese momento, el canto del bhajans de Kumar estaba llegando a su fin.
En la residencia de los padres de Kumar, su madre tuvo un ataque al corazón y estaba luchando por su vida. Baba fue de prisa a la casa, le dio un vaso de agua y materializó vibhuti para ella. Después de unas palabras de consuelo y aliento a la señora, regresó a la sala de bhajan y retomo su trono, en ese momento, el canto del bhajans de Kumar estaba llegando a su fin.
¿Cuando todo terminó, Swami habló con Kumar, "¿Sabes por qué me apresuré? Su madre estaba a punto de morir y yo fui a salvarla. Aquí estaban cantando:. 'Tú eres el padre, tú eres la madre . ¿Cómo podría sentarme aquí disfrutando de su canción cuando su madre estaba en agonía allí? Tenía que llegar urgentemente y salvarla. "
El esposo de la dama estuvo todo el tiempo presente en la sala bhajan entre los devotos. Su hijo también estaba allí cantando. De todos modos, sólo Dios podia rescatar a la dama en sufrimiento. Dios, sin duda, es el más cercano y el más íntimo de su parientes y amigos , más cerca que nadie.
Sai Ram - Swami is closer to you than anyone in the world...
Shri.V.Kumar was a student in the Sathya Sai College in Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami allotted his parents ground floor accommodation in the eastern block close to Prasanthi Mandir. During evening Bhajan one day, Kumar was singing a Bhajan, "Sai Pitha Aur Matha Sai" ("Sai is the father and Sai is the mother"), as Swami sat on his throne quite close by and nodded His head in tune with the song. Swami's eyes were swimming with kindness and compassion.
No sooner had the first stanza of the song ended, than Swami abruptly got up and hurried out. The boy felt that his singing was not probably to Swami's liking. Swami walked into the residence of Kumar's parents. Devotees who watched the scene were surprised. In recent times, no one had seen Swami thus leave His residence and proceed beyond its precincts.
In the residence of Kumar's parents, his mother had a heart attack and was struggling for life. Baba hastened into the house, gave her a glass of water and materialized vibhuthi for her. After a few words of solace and encouragement to the lady, He returned to the bhajan hall and resumed His throne; just then, Kumar's bhajansong was coming to a close. When it was over, Swami spoke to Kumar, "Do you know why I hurried out? Your mother was on the verge of dying and I went to save her. Here you were singing : 'You are the father; You are the mother'. How could I sit here enjoying your song when your mother was in agony there? I had to reach her urgently and save her."
The lady's husband was all the time present in the bhajan hall among the devotees. His son too was there singing. All the same, only God could rescue the suffering lady. God, undoubtedly, is the closest and the most intimate of one's kith and kin - closer than anyone.
El esposo de la dama estuvo todo el tiempo presente en la sala bhajan entre los devotos. Su hijo también estaba allí cantando. De todos modos, sólo Dios podia rescatar a la dama en sufrimiento. Dios, sin duda, es el más cercano y el más íntimo de su parientes y amigos , más cerca que nadie.
Sai Ram - Swami is closer to you than anyone in the world...
Shri.V.Kumar was a student in the Sathya Sai College in Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami allotted his parents ground floor accommodation in the eastern block close to Prasanthi Mandir. During evening Bhajan one day, Kumar was singing a Bhajan, "Sai Pitha Aur Matha Sai" ("Sai is the father and Sai is the mother"), as Swami sat on his throne quite close by and nodded His head in tune with the song. Swami's eyes were swimming with kindness and compassion.
No sooner had the first stanza of the song ended, than Swami abruptly got up and hurried out. The boy felt that his singing was not probably to Swami's liking. Swami walked into the residence of Kumar's parents. Devotees who watched the scene were surprised. In recent times, no one had seen Swami thus leave His residence and proceed beyond its precincts.
In the residence of Kumar's parents, his mother had a heart attack and was struggling for life. Baba hastened into the house, gave her a glass of water and materialized vibhuthi for her. After a few words of solace and encouragement to the lady, He returned to the bhajan hall and resumed His throne; just then, Kumar's bhajansong was coming to a close. When it was over, Swami spoke to Kumar, "Do you know why I hurried out? Your mother was on the verge of dying and I went to save her. Here you were singing : 'You are the father; You are the mother'. How could I sit here enjoying your song when your mother was in agony there? I had to reach her urgently and save her."
The lady's husband was all the time present in the bhajan hall among the devotees. His son too was there singing. All the same, only God could rescue the suffering lady. God, undoubtedly, is the closest and the most intimate of one's kith and kin - closer than anyone.


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