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viernes, 2 de junio de 2023



Boletín Fundación Voluntad Divina

Junio 2023
Serie de videos y audio Master the Mind serie de videos Kathopanishad

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vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam
Un Mundo Una Familia 
Satsang mensual en línea de
Heart to Heart Foundation
3 de junio de 2023
 Con gran alegría anunciamos que nuestro querido hermano,
Naveen Lakkur,
será nuestro orador invitado este mes.

Naveen Lakkur es un empresario, autor y orador muy exitoso. A través de su experiencia y conocimiento únicos, ha ayudado a una gran cantidad de corporaciones en todo el mundo. Es un emprendedor en serie convertido en Innovation Coach. Es el fundador y principal entrenador de innovación en el Instituto de Innovación Inspiradora.

Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para unirse al seminario web
Satsang con el Sr. Naveen Lakkur
Lecciones de Swami en la realización de Gemelos Inseparables
Fecha y hora:
EE. UU.: sábado 3 de junio, 5:30 p. m., hora del Pacífico, 8:30 p. m., hora de la costa este
India: domingo, 4 de junio , 6:00  . copie y pegue el enlace en su navegador si no puede abrir el enlace directamente desde aquí.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
International Travel continúa
Murwillumbah, Australia
Al dejar las hermosas costas de Fiji, el próximo destino de Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai fue el sereno municipio de Murwillumbah, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. 

El Centro de Desarrollo Humano Heart of Love se estableció con la guía de Sadguru, en septiembre de 2022, con el objetivo de servir a la comunidad a través de programas de capacitación para padres, jóvenes, adolescentes, niños y maestros, así como talleres sobre temas generales y espirituales.
Un Satsang Divino se llevó a cabo el 7 de mayo de 2023
La mañana del Satsang comenzó con un corroboree , una danza aborigen australiana a cargo de la amable gente de la tribu Bundjalung que invocaba a los espíritus nativos, transmitiéndoles gratitud a ellos ya la naturaleza. Abrieron sus corazones y dieron la bienvenida a Sadguru como propio, fomentando un vínculo que trasciende fronteras. A través de esta hermosa conexión, el mensaje de amor reverberó a lo largo y ancho, encendiendo una llama de armonía que une a todos.

Sadguru dijo que el Centro Heart of Love, Australia, tiene un papel muy importante que desempeñar, no en términos de establecer mejores instalaciones de atención médica o instituciones educativas, sino en el crecimiento de un sistema de valores, espiritualidad, cultura, amor y bondad. La espiritualidad debe expresarse a través del servicio desinteresado y ayudando a alguien en necesidad.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai apreció la tierra, la cultura antigua, la rica herencia y su gente que los aceptó con gracia como propios. Reiteró su agradecimiento a los aborígenes, quienes realizaron el ritual al inicio de la ceremonia.
"Es posible que hayamos heredado esta tierra de nuestros antepasados, pero también la hemos tomado prestada de nuestras generaciones futuras, de nuestros hijos", dijo Sadguru, "depende de nosotros transmitirla a nuestros hijos mejor de lo que recibimos".
Este mundo necesita en gran medida AMOR, que es la pieza que falta en el rompecabezas de la vida. Intentamos completar este rompecabezas de la vida tratando de llenarlo con riqueza, relaciones, poder, fama, pero nada encaja. Porque la pieza que falta es el amor, ¡nada más! Y el amor es lo ÚNICO que verdaderamente nos pertenece. El dinero que ganamos, nuestro cuerpo, el conocimiento que tenemos, todo esto es prestado o proporcionado por la sociedad, realmente no pertenece a ninguna persona. El amor es lo único que verdaderamente somos nosotros. Nuestra alma. De lo que realmente estamos hechos. Entonces, Heart of Love se trata de reclamar nuestra forma de vida original, que es simplemente amar.
"Este es un lugar para aquellos que pueden Pensar con sus Corazones, que pueden Ver con sus Corazones, que pueden Hablar con sus Corazones y aquellos que pueden Trabajar con sus Corazones. Este es el lugar para las personas con Corazones, y por lo tanto este lugar es CORAZÓN DE AMOR porque el Corazón no conoce otra cosa que el AMOR".
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai - 7 de mayo de 2023,
Heart of Love, Center for Human Development,
Murwillumbah, Australia
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Actualizaciones de viajes internacionales 
desde abril de 2023
En su gira de dos semanas por los EE. UU. durante abril de 2023, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai visitó los estados de Virginia, Nueva York, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Colorado y California.
Actualización desde Atlanta, Georgia
El Centro PeopleShore en Atlanta, EE. UU., fue inaugurado por Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai el 10 de abril de 2023.
Actualización desde Colorado
Nuestro tiempo en Colorado con Él fue sublime, y el grupo tenía solo unas veinte personas, aparte de la familia anfitriona y el pequeño séquito, todos sentados juntos, a dos o cuatro metros, en una sala de estar hermosa, elegante y acogedora, en sillas y sofás. . Una fría lluvia de primavera caía fuera de los grandes ventanales.

La calidad de la energía de la familia anfitriona y de los asistentes, en cuanto a su presencia, fue impresionante. Estaban muy tranquilos, con los pies en la tierra, sin frenesí, sin charlar de antemano, sin agarrar/aferrar energías, sin tomar fotografías o explotar Su Presencia cercana en el entorno íntimo. Era como estar sentado en las rodillas de nuestra Madre Amorosa, con Su profundo reconocimiento de todos los que estaban allí.

Actualización de Fiyi
La Embajada de Japón en Fiji entregó una ambulancia por valor de 264.948 FJD, proporcionada a través de GGP al Centro Médico Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani. El Centro Médico podrá realizar sus servicios médicos de forma remota, y también mejorará su capacidad para ofrecer servicios de emergencia las 24 horas.
La Subvención de Asistencia para Proyectos de Seguridad Humana de Base (GGP) ofrece asistencia financiera para proyectos de desarrollo para satisfacer las diversas necesidades de los países en desarrollo a través del Gobierno de Japón. 
Satsang en Sai Prema Ashram en Fiji el 28 de abril de 2023
A Satsang was held at Sai Prema Ashram in Fiji with devotees from the USA, Australia and India, along with state leaders. During the session, Sumeet Tappoo shared his experiences from the meetings that Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai had had with various state leaders since April 26, 2023. These leaders were inspired to work alongside the healthcare mission of Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji and Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children's Hospital, Fiji.
Speaking at the Satsang, Isaac Tigrett highlighted the incredible impact that 214 free surgeries have had in changing the fabric of the nation of Fiji and the Pacific.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai spoke of a Silent Revolution that has begun transforming leaders of nations to commit to doing more good work. and that their work will change the thought process and inspire the influential people in positions of power.
Aravind hails from the Sri Sathya Sai Institution, Muddenahalli and was among the first batch of graduating students from Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence. As part of the mission to deploy at least 100 of his students world-wide, Aravind was the first to be selected by Sadguru to serve in a global center.

The Satsang concluded with Sadguru asking everyone to keep reminding themselves to do good till the end. 
When people asked as to why all these services are free to all,
they were simply asked back as to how else would it be when
Everyone is a Family

A Silent Revolution
View Video Here
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
A Visit to Sankara Eye Foundation
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai was at the Sankara Eye Foundation, Coimbatore this morning upon a special invitation from Dr S.V. Balasubramaniam, the Chairman, and Dr. R.V. Ramani, the Founder and Managing Trustee. It also happened to be the completion of 45 years of service by Sankara Eye Hospitals during which they have given the gift of sight to over 2.3 million rural people and screened over 6.5 million eye patients.
"Restoring eyesight is not just about restoring the vision, but it is much more than that. It is about restoring their dignity, a sense of control over their destiny, self-respect. It is of independence and the rightful place in the society as contributing citizens." Sankara Eye Foundation has served millions of nameless, voiceless, forsaken and forgotten people in rural areas, which is truly commendable.
"A menudo no nos damos cuenta de las dificultades de aquellos que no tienen vista. Hoy, me siento inspirado por el servicio que se realiza en los Hospitales Oftalmológicos de Sankara al dar el 'regalo de la visión' a los necesitados y he aprendido sobre su programa de donación de ojos. "
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
promete sus ojos a Sankara Eye Foundation
"Por lo tanto, le pedí al Dr. Ramani que me diera un formulario para prometer mis ojos para los necesitados cuando ya no esté alojado en este cuerpo. paropakārārtham idam śarīram : este cuerpo se entrega para servir a los demás. Por la presente me comprometo a donar mis ojos después de mi fallecimiento. Espero que mis ojos sean buenos para dárselos a alguien que los necesite, cuando llegue el momento. Aseguremos juntos que más y más personas reciban el don de la vista, que es una necesidad fundamental para vivir una vida digna. " -Sri Madhusudan Sai
Un retiro divino de verano con
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai viajó a Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu en helicóptero. Kodaikanal, la princesa de las estaciones de montaña, dio la bienvenida a Sadguru para otro retiro de verano el 18 de mayo de 2023.
Día 1: Retiro de bienvenida al verano 19 de mayo de 2023
En esta hermosa mañana en Kodaikanal, en medio de la impresionante belleza de la naturaleza, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai llegó a la sala de oración y bendijo a todos antes de unirse a los bhajans . 
Dio la bienvenida a todos a Kodaikanal y compartió la historia de Ida Scudder, destacando el servicio médico misionero cristiano a las comunidades rurales. Instó a la fraternidad médica a emular su misión y trabajar tan desinteresadamente y sin miedo como lo hizo ella.

Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder
American Medical Missionary, philanthropist, healer and former owner of the hilltop bungalow, which is now known as:
Sri Sathya Sai Anand Ashram in Kodaikanal
Day 2: Basking in the Bliss
May 20, 2023
It was a bright sunny day in Kodaikanal
The highlight of the day was the message from Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai about the role of a Samartha Sadguru - the one who ensures that the disciple reaches the ultimate goal of life. The path is laid down for the disciple and all that is expected of him/her is to be obedient and convenient, ever following the Guru's words and not causing trouble. Such a disciple is blessed with the grace of the Guru.

Yuva Supreeth Reddy, a student pursuing an MBBS degree, provided a concise glimpse into life within Sri Madhusudan Sai's institutions and expressed the commitment of every student to devote his/her life to His mission. Following this Dr. Vasudev Upadhya, Director of Sri Sathya Sai Sarla Memorial Hospital spoke of his journey and transformation through the years.
Fun games were organized on the lawn after the Satsang. It was a session full of laughter and learning.
Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre
Clinic Welcomes Dermatologist
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Patients with skin care issues now have the chance to be treated by a highly experienced dermatologist at the Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre in Clarksdale, Mississippi.

Dr. Purvisha Patel, M.D., a Memphis-area dermatologist with more than 20 years of experience and a thriving private practice, is volunteering to see patients at the Clarksdale Sanjeevani Medical Center. She said she is eager to help patients care for "the largest organ of the body" and is planning to hold bi-monthly clinics where she will see up to 20 patients and provide biopsies when needed. 
La Dra. Patel, una cirujana experimentada en cáncer de piel con su propia línea de productos para el cuidado de la piel, dijo que a veces se siente como una "Sherlock Holmes de la medicina". Para un dermatólogo experimentado, explicó, la piel ofrece pistas que pueden revelar todo tipo de problemas médicos y dietéticos. "Todo lo que está adentro se manifiesta afuera", dijo, y agregó que hay beneficios psicológicos asociados con la dermatología. 
"Cuando tratas la piel, es algo que el paciente también puede ver. Entonces, si haces que desaparezca lo que sea que les esté molestando, puede darles confianza, y eso se propagará". 
La Dra. Purvisha Patel, MD, está certificada por la Junta Estadounidense de Dermatología y es miembro de la Academia Estadounidense de Dermatología y la Sociedad Estadounidense de Cirugía Dermatológica. Es miembro del American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology y se desempeña como profesora clínica en el Departamento de Dermatología de la Universidad de Tennessee.
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital
Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh
El primer conducto valvulado de homoinjerto se implantó en el estado de Chhattisgarh en el Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani en Nava Raipur, y todos los servicios se brindaron de forma totalmente gratuita. El conducto con válvula pulmonar se implantó en Aryan Raj, de 6 años, que recibió un certificado Gift of Life en el momento del alta. El Centro alberga el primer banco de homoinjertos de Chhattisgarh y la India central.
Mucha gratitud a Aavas Financiers Limited por apoyar 10 cirugías cardíacas que salvaron vidas en el año fiscal 22-23 que ha dado nueva vida a estas 10 familias. ¡La historia de cada niño pasa de la lucha por la familia a un futuro brillante, después de recibir tratamiento totalmente gratuito en el Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani con el amable apoyo de Aavas Financiers Ltd por segundo año consecutivo!
Se firmó un Memorando de Entendimiento entre el Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh y la Academia de Cardiología Congénita, Roma, Italia.
Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
Servicios médicos móviles
en la India rural
Construyendo Bharat a través
de la transformación social de la atención médica a través de la atención médica compasiva 
Todos los servicios se prestan completamente gratis a las puertas de las zonas rurales. 
Programa de Salud Infantil
Child Healthcare se enfoca en el bienestar de los niños desde la concepción hasta la adolescencia. Proteger y mejorar la salud de los niños para que crezcan y se desarrollen de manera óptima con cuidados cariñosos y cariñosos es de fundamental importancia.
Through its child health programs, Aarogya Vahini provided comprehensive screening of children in rural areas for general symptoms as well as for congenital anomalies. Aarogya Vahini Trust also provided treatment support to children by providing free of cost medicines.
Access to early detection, diagnosis and treatment support provided by Aarogya Vahini has not only improved the quality of life of the children but also greatly reduced the long-term consequences of health issues on their lives.
World Hypertension Day
May 17, 2023
Commencement of Services
Sai Swasthya Wellness Center
Howrah, West Bengal
The Wellness Center was inaugurated on May 25, 2023. It was graced by the Holy Presence of Revered Swami Atmapriyananda, Vice Chancellor Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Education & Research Institute.
Sai Swasthya - Rural Wellness Center provides completely free-of-cost Health Services offering Consultation, Diagnostics and Dispensary for the rural people at Gondolpara Howrah, West Bengal, India.
The initiative is envisioned in creating access to multiple, cluster of villages for free-of-cost health services around the Rural Wellness Center for antenatal care, child health and chronic ailments pertaining to hypertension and diabetes for the rural population!
Click Here to Know More About Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
All Services are Rendered Completely Free-of-Cost
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust
Accolades and Activities
Breakthrough Ideas for Social Impact
A consulting company based in Bengaluru has been hosting Intrapreneurship Conclave for the past 4 years. They primarily provide consultancy for companies to promote entrepreneurial mindset within organizations.
Every year they recognize start-up companies who come up with breakthrough ideas that impact business and society.
SaiSure Neutraceuticals was nominated for Breakthrough Ideas for Social Impact category and the jury assessed, over a zoom call, the work that was done and the products that were developed over the last few years to address hidden hunger.
There was an awards ceremony held at Bangalore International Centre, Domlur. SaiSure Neutraceuticals was declared winner under the Social Impact category along with companies like Titan and Tata Elxsi.
Memorandum of Understanding
In their efforts to reach out to every possible school-going child, they are happy to announce the first Memorandum of Understanding sign-off with the State of Madhya Pradesh.
Very soon, they will be starting to serve 60,000 children with
Ragi-Jaggery health-mix in the Indore District
SaiSure Nutraceutical Facility
Chikkaballapur, Karnataka
The SAISURE Nutraceutical Factory has received the FSSAI License (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India).
Walk Through of SaiSure Nutraceutical Facility, Chikkaballapur, Karnataka
View Video Here
There is a great need to set up SaiSure Nutraceutical facilities in rural areas. The urban-rural divide can affect access to nutraceutical facilities for growing children, adolescents, elders, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Typically, in urban areas there are more healthcare resources and facilities available, including nutraceutical facilities. This can make it easier for urban children to receive the specialized care they need for nutritional deficiencies or disorders. However, in rural areas, access to healthcare resources and facilities are more limited. This can make it more difficult for rural children to receive the same level of care as their urban counterparts.

Additionally, rural areas often have a higher prevalence of poverty, which can lead to a higher incidence of malnutrition and other nutritional issues. Nutritional facilities in rural areas may have fewer resources and staff to meet the needs of the population. There may also be limited transportation options and lack of accessibility to these facilities, making it difficult for families to access care, especially for nutraceutical facilities.
Overall, the urban-rural divide can create disparities in access to nutraceutical facilities for children, with rural children facing more challenges in receiving the specialized care they need for their nutritional needs.                  - Anand K Kadali, Secretary and Trustee,
                                                             Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust 
Fundación Sai Prema, Lituania
Una luz para Ucrania
El increíble equipo de voluntarios dirigido por Sergey Sadovoy realizó otro viaje que se suponía que debía llegar a la ciudad de Ugledar. Desafortunadamente, debido al mal tiempo y la niebla en los caminos, no fue posible llegar allí. Luego, el equipo se dirigió a Avdiivka, donde se entregaron a las afueras de la ciudad gasolina, aceite, comestibles, productos químicos para el hogar, artículos de higiene, filtros de agua, agua potable, pasteles de Pascua y medicamentos para los síntomas del resfriado y la gripe, así como para problemas cardíacos. .
Aquí no llega la ayuda humanitaria por la cercanía de la línea del frente, unos 300-500 metros. Sergey dijo que sintió que en este viaje, una vez más, Dios los ayudó ya que debido al terrible clima, la ciudad no fue golpeada. Eso bajó el nivel de tensión en el equipo y les permitió llegar a una calle en las afueras.
La misión "Una luz para Ucrania" continúa apoyando a los niños ucranianos que aún permanecen y sufren en los territorios de primera línea. Estos niños han perdido a sus familiares, hogares y escuelas como resultado de las acciones militares. Debido a la sombría situación y los constantes bombardeos en las aldeas de primera línea, allí no funcionan farmacias, tiendas, hospitales, oficinas de correos o cajeros automáticos. Durante el mes pasado, los voluntarios reunieron y enviaron alrededor de 70 paquetes con ayuda humanitaria para niños de familias necesitadas afectadas por la guerra. La ayuda incluyó alimentos, artículos de higiene, zapatos de temporada (15 pares), ropa de cama (12 juegos), ropa, papelería, medicamentos para niños en hospitales, etc.
A medida que avanza la guerra en Ucrania, quedan miles de ancianos en apuros. Muchos de ellos han pasado por el horror devastador de la ocupación, los bombardeos, la violencia, traumas tanto físicos como psicológicos. Hoy en día, muchos de ellos tienen una necesidad urgente de alimentos, medicamentos y artículos domésticos vitales. Lo más importante es que estas personas vulnerables necesitan apoyo humano, alguien que las abrace, las escuche, les sonría después de otro día solitario. La misión "Una luz para Ucrania" sigue cuidando a estos ancianos en apuros, muchos de ellos tienen más de 80 años y no tienen a nadie que los cuide.
 Para participar a través de DWF, haga clic en este enlace
Enugu, Nigeria
Aldea JOY
Inspirado por las enseñanzas de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, el padre Charles Ogada fundó Spiritan Self Awareness Initiative (SSAI), una organización humanitaria sin fines de lucro, en 2010 en Nigeria. Proporcionó agua a miles de personas de su pueblo y áreas cercanas, albergue a las personas sin hogar y educación a los niños. En 2015, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai visitó al padre Charles y nombró a todas sus instalaciones "JOY Village". En 2016, comenzó un nuevo capítulo de atención médica en JOY Village con la inauguración del Aruike Specialty Hospital (ASH), el Hospital de la Buena Salud.
Seguro médico del estado
Aruike Specialty Hospitals (ASH) ha seguido brindando servicios de atención médica gratuitos y compasivos a las personas que viven en aldeas remotas de los estados de Enugu e Imo donde no hay asistencia médica disponible.
El programa Old is Gold es uno de los programas Sociocare de Joy Village que actualmente atiende a 147 personas mayores. Trimestralmente, el equipo de Joy Villages Old is Gold visita a los ancianos y les entrega paquetes de alimentos.
Siempre se llenan de alegría cada vez que el equipo los visita y algunos lo expresan bailando y orando por los donantes que hacen que esto suceda. 
Centro de Adquisición de Habilidades TELA
El Centro de Adquisición de Habilidades (TSAC) de la Academia Embodiment of Love (TELA) inició las secciones de TIC y Confección en mayo de 2023. 
TSAC, actualmente cuenta con 63 participantes en el departamento de TIC y la sección de Confección cuenta con 5 jóvenes. Los participantes están integrados por alumnos de TELA, exalumnos de Tela y jóvenes de comunidades vecinas.
Edición Kindle
Hacia la excelencia en
la atención médica moderna

Perspectiva basada en valores humanos con
pautas prácticas

El primer libro del Instituto Sri Madhusudan Sai de Ciencias Médicas e Investigación (SMSIMS&R), publicado por la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana (SSSUHE), ya está disponible como libro electrónico Kindle en Amazon. El libro es escrito por el Dr. Hiramalini Seshadri y editado por el Dr. Divya Seshadri.

Una versión gratuita está disponible
para leer
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Un nuevo sitio web

Se ha lanzado un sitio web recientemente renovado para Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, que está dedicado a difundir su filosofía de One World One Family.

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai es un líder espiritual que encabeza una misión global única de servicio y espiritualidad a través de atención médica, educación y nutrición gratuitas en 33 países de todo el mundo.
Este sitio web tiene como objetivo llegar a personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida, que creen en la idea simple del servicio desinteresado y la espiritualidad práctica, y que buscan orientación, inspiración y crecimiento espiritual. El sitio brinda acceso a una gran cantidad de recursos que incluyen discursos, artículos, videos, materiales de audio y libros que transliteran la noción de servicio y espiritualidad.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Fragmentos y videos cortos
Para nuestro deleite, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai ha puesto a disposición varios videos cortos sobre varios temas importantes. Ver enlace a continuación:
Enlace a Sai Vrinda Official para videos cortos 
Enlaces para boletines
Una luz para Ucrania: mayo de 2023
Cada uno educa a uno:  mayo de 2023
Educación para todos:  mayo de 2023
Joy Village:  mayo de 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna: abril de 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Karuna Nilayam Foundation:  enero de 2023 
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani: abril de 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children's Hospital Fiji: abril de 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Sarla Memorial Hospital: febrero de 2023
Sri Sathya Sai University of Human Excellence: 2021 - 2022
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: abril de 2023
Sitio web de
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana
Libros y Publicaciones, División de Medios y Comunicaciones de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
Sitio web de Sai Prakashana: 
Acceda a los últimos videos, grabaciones de audio, programas de radio, boletines, artículos y navegue para ordenar libros, revistas, CD, DVD y otros artículos de la tienda en línea de Sai Prakashana. 

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai da respuestas a preguntas importantes :
Próximos Satsangs con Sadguru

Regístrese para recibir notificaciones cada vez que se celebren Satsangs exclusivos con Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai. Como miembro de esta lista, no necesitará registrarse por separado cada vez que 

satsang is livestreamed online via Zoom. You will receive notifications and direct access links to upcoming satsangs.

Additionally, throughout the year, Newsletters with exclusive content in relation to Sadguru, His teachings and His mission will be made available to you.

'Sai Vrinda Official' YouTube Channel
Links for Playlists
Playlist Links for the Following Series:


Includes Bhagavad Gita Summaries
New Book Release
"Master the Mind and be a mastermind. Not just a mastermind; be a master."
- Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
'Master the Mind', a veritable eye-opening treatise in the form of talks and videos on mastering one's mind to bring positivity, hope and spiritual wellbeing to people across the world, especially in the ongoing times of the pandemic, is now available in Paperback and Kindle e-book editions.
To get your copy of the book 'Master the Mind' authored by
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, Click Here
For the Amazon Kindle version, Click Here
To download the free Kindle app on your mobile, Click Here
eBooks on Amazon Kindle
A selection of eBooks 
to keep you connected 24x7 
Receive His guidance anywhere 
and everywhere:

Spirituality 101
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Vol - 15
God Management
Sanatana Dharma
The Story Divine, Part - 1
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Vol - 1
Audio & Video Series
Radio Programs
Study Circles & Satsangs

Sound Cloud Audio for Master the Mind Series: CLICK HERE  
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Study Circles have been scheduled every day of the week. They are taking place in the US, Canada, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand/Laos and Australia.

Please contact the facilitator of the Study Circle you wish to join by checking the link below. Please Bookmark this web page and refer back to it for the latest information.
Important Links

There is so much happening in the world of Sai that it is almost impossible to keep up with everything.  Below are a few links to sites that provide updated info, videos, summaries of talks and much more.  What a delight it is to be a part of Swami's ongoing mission of love and service.
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June 2023
Master the Mind
Audio and Video Series
Video Series
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vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam
One World One Family 
Online Monthly Satsang From
Heart to Heart Foundation
June 3, 2023
 It is with great joy we announce our dear brother,
Naveen Lakkur
to be our Guest Speaker this month

Naveen Lakkur is a very successful entrepreneur, author and speaker. Through his unique expertise and knowledge, he has helped a large number of corporations around the globe. He is a serial entrepreneur turned Innovation Coach. He is the founder and the chief innovation coach at the Institute of Inspiring Innovation.

Please click the link below to join the Webinar
Satsang with Mr. Naveen Lakkur
Lessons by Swami in the making of Inseparable Twins
Date & Time:
USA: Saturday, June 3rd, 5:30PM Pacific Time, 8:30PM East Coast Time
India: Sunday, June 4th, 6:00AM
Zoom Link:  
Please copy-paste link in your browser if you are unable to open the link directly from here.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
International Travel Continues
Murwillumbah, Australia
Upon leaving the beautiful shores of Fiji, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai's next destination was the serene township of Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia. 

The Heart of Love Center for Human Development was established with Sadguru's guidance, in September 2022, with the aim of serving the community through training programs for parents, youths, teenagers, children and teachers, as well as workshops on general and spiritual topics.
A Divine Satsang was held on May 7, 2023
The morning of the Satsang began with a corroboree, an Australian aboriginal dance by the gracious people of the Bundjalung tribe invoking the native spirits, conveying gratitude to them and to nature. They opened their hearts and welcomed Sadguru as their own, fostering a bond that transcends borders. Through this beautiful connection, the message of love reverberated far and wide, kindling a flame of harmony that unites everyone.

Sadguru said that the Heart of Love Center, Australia has a very big role to play, not in terms of establishing better healthcare facilities or educational institutions but in the growth of a value system, spirituality, culture, love and kindness. Spirituality must express itself through selfless service and by helping someone in need.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai appreciated the land, the ancient culture, the rich heritage and its people who gracefully accepted them as their own. He reiterated his gratitude towards the aboriginal people, who performed the ritual at the beginning of the ceremony.
"We may have inherited this land from our ancestors, but we have also borrowed it from our future generations, from our children", said Sadguru, "it is on us to pass it on to our children better than what we received".
This world largely is in need of LOVE, which is the missing piece of the puzzle of life. We try to complete this puzzle of life by trying to fill it with wealth, relationships, power, fame but nothing fits in. Because the missing piece is love, nothing else! And Love is the ONE thing that truly belongs to us. The money we earn, our body, the knowledge we have, all of this is either borrowed or provided by the society, it does not truly belong to any one person. Love is the only one thing that is truly us. Our soul. What we are truly made of. So, Heart of Love is about reclaiming our original way of life, which is to simply love!
"This is a place for those who can Think with their Hearts, who can See with their Hearts, who can Speak with their Hearts, and those who can Work with their Hearts. This is the place for people with Hearts, and therefore this place is HEART OF LOVE  because the Heart knows nothing else but LOVE".
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai - May 7, 2023,
Heart of Love, Center for Human Development,
Murwillumbah, Australia
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
International Travel Updates 
From April 2023
In his two-week tour of the USA during April 2023, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai visited the States of Virginia, New York, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Colorado and California.
Update from Atlanta, Georgia
PeopleShore's Center in Atlanta, USA was inaugurated by Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai on April 10th, 2023.
Update from Colorado
Our Colorado time with Him was sublime, and the group was just about twenty, aside from the host family and the small entourage, all sitting close, within two to four meters, in a lovely, elegant, cozy living room, on chairs and sofas. A chilly spring rain poured down outside the large windows.

The energy-quality of the host family and the attendees, as far as their presence, was impressive. They were very quiet, grounded, with no frenzy, no chatting beforehand, no clutching/grasping energies, no picture-taking or exploiting His close Presence in the intimate setting. It was just like sitting at our Loving Mother's knee, with His deep acknowledgment of everyone there.

Update from Fiji
The Embassy of Japan in Fiji handed over an ambulance worth 264,948 FJD, provided through GGP to Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Center. The Medical Center will be able to conduct its medical services remotely, and it will also improve its capacity to offer round-the-clock emergency services.
The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) offers financial assistance for development projects to meet the diverse needs of developing countries through the Government of Japan. 
Satsang at Sai Prema Ashram in Fiji on April 28, 2023
A Satsang was held at Sai Prema Ashram in Fiji with devotees from the USA, Australia and India, along with state leaders. During the session, Sumeet Tappoo shared his experiences from the meetings that Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai had had with various state leaders since April 26, 2023. These leaders were inspired to work alongside the healthcare mission of Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji and Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children's Hospital, Fiji.
Speaking at the Satsang, Isaac Tigrett highlighted the incredible impact that 214 free surgeries have had in changing the fabric of the nation of Fiji and the Pacific.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai spoke of a Silent Revolution that has begun transforming leaders of nations to commit to doing more good work. and that their work will change the thought process and inspire the influential people in positions of power.
Aravind hails from the Sri Sathya Sai Institution, Muddenahalli and was among the first batch of graduating students from Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence. As part of the mission to deploy at least 100 of his students world-wide, Aravind was the first to be selected by Sadguru to serve in a global center.

The Satsang concluded with Sadguru asking everyone to keep reminding themselves to do good till the end. 
When people asked as to why all these services are free to all,
they were simply asked back as to how else would it be when
Everyone is a Family

A Silent Revolution
View Video Here
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
A Visit to Sankara Eye Foundation
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai was at the Sankara Eye Foundation, Coimbatore this morning upon a special invitation from Dr S.V. Balasubramaniam, the Chairman, and Dr. R.V. Ramani, the Founder and Managing Trustee. It also happened to be the completion of 45 years of service by Sankara Eye Hospitals during which they have given the gift of sight to over 2.3 million rural people and screened over 6.5 million eye patients.
"Restoring eyesight is not just about restoring the vision, but it is much more than that. It is about restoring their dignity, a sense of control over their destiny, self-respect. It is of independence and the rightful place in the society as contributing citizens." Sankara Eye Foundation has served millions of nameless, voiceless, forsaken and forgotten people in rural areas, which is truly commendable.
"We often do not realize the hardships of those who have no eyesight. Today, I am inspired by the service being done at Sankara Eye Hospitals in giving the 'gift of vision' to the needy and have learnt about their program of eye donation."
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Pledges His Eyes to Sankara Eye Foundation
"Therefore, I asked Dr. Ramani to give me a form to pledge my eyes for the needy when I am no longer housed in this body. paropakārārtham idam śarīram - this body is given to serve others. I hereby pledge to donate my eyes after my demise. I hope my eyes will be good to be given to somebody in need, when the time comes. Let us together ensure that more and more people are given the gift of eyesight, which is a fundamental need to live a dignified life." - Sri Madhusudan Sai
A Divine Summer Retreat with
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai traveled to Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu by helicopter.  Kodaikanal, the princess of hill stations, welcomed Sadguru for yet another summer retreat on May 18, 2023.
Day 1: A Welcome to Summer Retreat
May 19, 2023
On this beautiful morning in Kodaikanal, amidst the breath-taking beauty of nature, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai arrived at the prayer hall, blessing everyone before joining the bhajans
He welcomed everyone to Kodaikanal and shared the story of Ida Scudder, highlighting the Christian, medical missionary's service to rural communities. He urged the medical fraternity to emulate her mission and work as selflessly and fearlessly as she did.

Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder
American Medical Missionary, philanthropist, healer and former owner of the hilltop bungalow, which is now known as:
Sri Sathya Sai Anand Ashram in Kodaikanal
Day 2: Basking in the Bliss
May 20, 2023
It was a bright sunny day in Kodaikanal
The highlight of the day was the message from Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai about the role of a Samartha Sadguru - the one who ensures that the disciple reaches the ultimate goal of life. The path is laid down for the disciple and all that is expected of him/her is to be obedient and convenient, ever following the Guru's words and not causing trouble. Such a disciple is blessed with the grace of the Guru.

Yuva Supreeth Reddy, a student pursuing an MBBS degree, provided a concise glimpse into life within Sri Madhusudan Sai's institutions and expressed the commitment of every student to devote his/her life to His mission. Following this Dr. Vasudev Upadhya, Director of Sri Sathya Sai Sarla Memorial Hospital spoke of his journey and transformation through the years.
Fun games were organized on the lawn after the Satsang. It was a session full of laughter and learning.
Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre
Clinic Welcomes Dermatologist
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Patients with skin care issues now have the chance to be treated by a highly experienced dermatologist at the Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre in Clarksdale, Mississippi.

Dr. Purvisha Patel, M.D., a Memphis-area dermatologist with more than 20 years of experience and a thriving private practice, is volunteering to see patients at the Clarksdale Sanjeevani Medical Center. She said she is eager to help patients care for "the largest organ of the body" and is planning to hold bi-monthly clinics where she will see up to 20 patients and provide biopsies when needed. 
Dr. Patel, an experienced skin cancer surgeon with her own line of skin care products said she sometimes feels like a "Sherlock Holmes of medicine". To an experienced dermatologist, she explained, the skin offers clues that can reveal all kinds of medical and dietary issues. "Everything on the inside is manifested on the outside," she said, adding that there are psychological benefits associated with dermatology. 
"When you treat the skin, it's something the patient can also see. So, if you make whatever is bothering them go away, it can give them confidence, and that ripples forward." 
Dr. Purvisha Patel, M.D., is certified by the American Board of Dermatology and member of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. She is a fellow of the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology and serves as a clinical professor at the University of Tennessee, Department of Dermatology.
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital
Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh
The first Homograft Valved Conduit was implanted in the State of Chhattisgarh at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital in Nava Raipur, with all services provided totally free. The Pulmonary valved conduit was implanted in 6-year-old Aryan Raj who received a Gift of Life Certificate at the time of discharge. The Center hosts Chhattisgarh and Central India's first Homograft Bank.
Much gratitude to Aavas Financiers Limited for supporting 10 life-saving heart surgeries in the fiscal year 22-23 which has given new life to these 10 families. Each child's story goes from struggle for the family to a bright future, after they received totally free-of-cost treatment at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital with the kind support from Aavas Financiers Ltd for the second consecutive year!
Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh and Congenital Heart Academy, Rome, Italy.
Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
Mobile Medical Services
in Rural India
Building Bharat Through Healthcare
Societal Transformation through Compassionate Healthcare 
All services are rendered completely free of cost to rural doorsteps 
Child Health Program
Child Healthcare focuses on the well-being of the children from conception through adolescence. Protecting and improving the health of children to grow and develop optimally with nurturing care is of fundamental importance.
Through its child health programs, Aarogya Vahini provided comprehensive screening of children in rural areas for general symptoms as well as for congenital anomalies. Aarogya Vahini Trust also provided treatment support to children by providing free of cost medicines.
Access to early detection, diagnosis and treatment support provided by Aarogya Vahini has not only improved the quality of life of the children but also greatly reduced the long-term consequences of health issues on their lives.
World Hypertension Day
May 17, 2023
Commencement of Services
Sai Swasthya Wellness Center
Howrah, West Bengal
The Wellness Center was inaugurated on May 25, 2023. It was graced by the Holy Presence of Revered Swami Atmapriyananda, Vice Chancellor Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Education & Research Institute.
Sai Swasthya - Rural Wellness Center provides completely free-of-cost Health Services offering Consultation, Diagnostics and Dispensary for the rural people at Gondolpara Howrah, West Bengal, India.
The initiative is envisioned in creating access to multiple, cluster of villages for free-of-cost health services around the Rural Wellness Center for antenatal care, child health and chronic ailments pertaining to hypertension and diabetes for the rural population!
Click Here to Know More About Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
All Services are Rendered Completely Free-of-Cost
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust
Accolades and Activities
Breakthrough Ideas for Social Impact
A consulting company based in Bengaluru has been hosting Intrapreneurship Conclave for the past 4 years. They primarily provide consultancy for companies to promote entrepreneurial mindset within organizations.
Every year they recognize start-up companies who come up with breakthrough ideas that impact business and society.
SaiSure Neutraceuticals was nominated for Breakthrough Ideas for Social Impact category and the jury assessed, over a zoom call, the work that was done and the products that were developed over the last few years to address hidden hunger.
There was an awards ceremony held at Bangalore International Centre, Domlur. SaiSure Neutraceuticals was declared winner under the Social Impact category along with companies like Titan and Tata Elxsi.
Memorandum of Understanding
In their efforts to reach out to every possible school-going child, they are happy to announce the first Memorandum of Understanding sign-off with the State of Madhya Pradesh.
Very soon, they will be starting to serve 60,000 children with
Ragi-Jaggery health-mix in the Indore District
SaiSure Nutraceutical Facility
Chikkaballapur, Karnataka
The SAISURE Nutraceutical Factory has received the FSSAI License (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India).
Walk Through of SaiSure Nutraceutical Facility, Chikkaballapur, Karnataka
View Video Here
There is a great need to set up SaiSure Nutraceutical facilities in rural areas. The urban-rural divide can affect access to nutraceutical facilities for growing children, adolescents, elders, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Typically, in urban areas there are more healthcare resources and facilities available, including nutraceutical facilities. This can make it easier for urban children to receive the specialized care they need for nutritional deficiencies or disorders. However, in rural areas, access to healthcare resources and facilities are more limited. This can make it more difficult for rural children to receive the same level of care as their urban counterparts.

Additionally, rural areas often have a higher prevalence of poverty, which can lead to a higher incidence of malnutrition and other nutritional issues. Nutritional facilities in rural areas may have fewer resources and staff to meet the needs of the population. There may also be limited transportation options and lack of accessibility to these facilities, making it difficult for families to access care, especially for nutraceutical facilities.
Overall, the urban-rural divide can create disparities in access to nutraceutical facilities for children, with rural children facing more challenges in receiving the specialized care they need for their nutritional needs.                  - Anand K Kadali, Secretary and Trustee,
                                                             Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust 
The Sai Prema Foundation, Lithuania
A Light for Ukraine
The amazing volunteer team led by Sergey Sadovoy went on another trip which was supposed to reach the city of Ugledar. Unfortunately, due to bad weather and foggy roads it was not possible to reach there. The team then went to Avdiivka, where petrol, oil, groceries, household chemicals, hygiene items, water filters, drinking water, Easter cakes, and medicines for cold and flu symptoms as well as for heart troubles were delivered to the outskirts of the city.
Here humanitarian aid does not arrive due to the proximity of the front line, about 300-500 meters. Sergey said that he felt that on this trip, once again, God helped them as due to the terrible weather, the city was not hit. That lowered the tension level in the team and allowed them to reach one street on the outskirts.
"A Light for Ukraine" mission keeps on supporting Ukrainian children who still remain and suffer in front-line territories. These children have lost their relatives, homes and schools as a result of military actions. Due to the grim situation and constant shelling in the frontline villages neither pharmacies, nor shops, hospitals, post offices or ATMs work there. Over the past month, volunteers have gathered and shipped about 70 parcels with various humanitarian aid for kids from the needy families affected by war. The aid included food, hygiene items, seasonal shoes (15 pairs), bed linen (12 sets), clothes, stationery, medications for children in hospitals, etc.
As war in Ukraine is dragging on, there are thousands of struggling elderly people left behind. Many of them have been through the devastating horror of occupation, shelling, violence, both physical and psychological trauma. Today many of them are in urgent need of food, medications and vital household items. Most importantly, these vulnerable people need human support, someone to hug them, listen to them, smile at them after another lonely day. "A Light for Ukraine" mission keeps on taking care of these struggling elderly people, many of them are over 80 years of age and have nobody to care for them.
 To participate through DWF, click on this link
Enugu, Nigeria
JOY Village
Inspired by the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Father Charles Ogada founded the Spiritan Self Awareness Initiative (SSAI), a non-profit humanitarian organization, in 2010 in Nigeria. He provided water to thousands of people from his village and nearby areas, shelter to the homeless, and education to children. In 2015, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai visited Father Charles and named his entire premises "JOY Village." In 2016, a new chapter of healthcare began in JOY Village with the inauguration of Aruike Speciality Hospital (ASH) – the Hospital of Good Health.
Aruike Specialty Hospitals (ASH) have continued to provide free and compassionate health care services to people living in remote villages of Enugu and Imo States where no medical assistance is readily available.
The Old is Gold Program is one of Joy Village's Sociocare program which presently takes care of 147 elderly people. On a quarterly basis, Joy Villages Old is Gold team visits the elderly and presents them with food packs.
They are always filled with joy whenever the team visits and some express this by dancing and praying for the donors who makes this happen. 
TELA Skills Acquisition Center
The Embodiment of Love Academy (TELA) Skills Acquisition Center (TSAC) started the ICT and Dress Making sections in May 2023. 
TSAC, currently has 63 participants in the ICT department and the Dress Making section has 5 youths. The participants are made up of TELA students, Tela ex-students and youths from neighboring communities.
Kindle Edition
Towards Excellence in
Modern Healthcare

Human Values Based Perspective with
Practical Guidelines

The first book from Sri Madhusudan Sai Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (SMSIMS&R), published by Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence (SSSUHE), is now available as Kindle eBook on Amazon. The book is authored By Dr. Hiramalini Seshadri and Edited by Dr. Divya Seshadri.

A free version is available
for reading
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
A New Website

A newly revamped website for Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai which is dedicated to spreading his philosophy of One World One Family, has been launched.

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai is a spiritual leader who spearheads a unique global mission of service and spirituality through free healthcare, education and nutrition across 33 countries globally.
This website aims to reach out to people from all walks of life, who believe in the simple idea of selfless service and practical spirituality, and who are seeking guidance, inspiration, and spiritual growth. The site provides access to a wealth of resources including discourses, articles, videos, audio materials and books that transliterate the notion of service and spirituality.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Snippets & Short Videos
To our delight, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai has made available several short videos on various, important topics. See link below:
Link to Sai Vrinda Official for Short Videos 
Links for Newsletters
A Light for Ukraine: May 2023
Each One Educate One: May 2023
Education For All: May 2023
Joy Village: May 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna: April 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Karuna Nilayam Foundatiom: January 2023 
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani: April 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children's Hospital Fiji: April 2023
Sri Sathya Sai Sarla Memorial Hospital: February 2023
Sri Sathya Sai University of Human Excellence: 2021 - 2022
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: April 2023
Website for
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana
Books and Publications, Media and Communications Division of Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
Sai Prakashana's Website: 
Access the latest videos, audio recordings, radio programs, newsletters, articles and browse through to order books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and other items from the Sai Prakashana online store. 

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai gives answers to important questions:
Upcoming Satsangs with Sadguru

Register to be notified whenever exclusive Satsangs with Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai are held. As a member of this list, you will not need to   register   separately  each  time  a 

satsang is livestreamed online via Zoom. You will receive notifications and direct access links to upcoming satsangs.

Additionally, throughout the year, Newsletters with exclusive content in relation to Sadguru, His teachings and His mission will be made available to you.

'Sai Vrinda Official' YouTube Channel
Links for Playlists
Playlist Links for the Following Series:


Includes Bhagavad Gita Summaries
New Book Release
"Master the Mind and be a mastermind. Not just a mastermind; be a master."
- Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
'Master the Mind', a veritable eye-opening treatise in the form of talks and videos on mastering one's mind to bring positivity, hope and spiritual wellbeing to people across the world, especially in the ongoing times of the pandemic, is now available in Paperback and Kindle e-book editions.
To get your copy of the book 'Master the Mind' authored by
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, Click Here
For the Amazon Kindle version, Click Here
To download the free Kindle app on your mobile, Click Here
eBooks on Amazon Kindle
A selection of eBooks 
to keep you connected 24x7 
Receive His guidance anywhere 
and everywhere:

Spirituality 101
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Vol - 15
God Management
Sanatana Dharma
The Story Divine, Part - 1
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Vol - 1
Audio & Video Series
Radio Programs
Study Circles & Satsangs

Sound Cloud Audio for Master the Mind Series: CLICK HERE  
Sai Vrinda YouTube Channel Videos:
Download and Install Sanathana Vani App: Google Play Store; App Store; Website 
Study Circles have been scheduled every day of the week. They are taking place in the US, Canada, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand/Laos and Australia.

Please contact the facilitator of the Study Circle you wish to join by checking the link below. Please Bookmark this web page and refer back to it for the latest information.
Important Links

There is so much happening in the world of Sai that it is almost impossible to keep up with everything.  Below are a few links to sites that provide updated info, videos, summaries of talks and much more.  What a delight it is to be a part of Swami's ongoing mission of love and service.
Divine Will Foundation Newsletter:  Sign-Up Form
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PO Box 235795
Encinitas, CA 92023-5795

