Sai Ram - Milagros, manifestación de
vibuthi en Puttaparthi - por Shri.B.Aravind .
Shri.Aravind, alumno del ISSSES, ahora trabaja en Radio Sai, Prashanti Nilayam, y escribe ....
En cuanto a el mundo, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba dejó su cuerpo físico el 24 de abril de 2011. Pero mis observaciones indican lo contrario. Incluso cuando estaba físicamente allí, yo había oído hablar de historias en las que se manifestaba vibhuti de sus fotografías y los ídolos de otras deidades. Lo había visto en algunas ocasiones ....
...... El pueblo de Puttaparthi no ha sido una excepción a este fenómeno de vibhuti materializado de la nada. Como ya he dicho, ha habido muchos casos. Tuve la suerte de tener la oportunidad de fotografiar algunas de estas maravillas y yo les presento aquí para que todos lo vean. A propósito he guardado los nombres de las personas involucradas debido a las peticiones.
A continuación se muestra el enlace al artículo maravilloso con fotos de Shri.B. Aravind titulado "Los milagros de manifestación de vibuthi en Puttaparthi" ...
Sai Ram
Milagros manifestación de Vibhuti en Puttaparthi.

Shri.Aravind, alumno del ISSSES, ahora trabaja en Radio Sai, Prashanti Nilayam, y escribe ....
En cuanto a el mundo, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba dejó su cuerpo físico el 24 de abril de 2011. Pero mis observaciones indican lo contrario. Incluso cuando estaba físicamente allí, yo había oído hablar de historias en las que se manifestaba vibhuti de sus fotografías y los ídolos de otras deidades. Lo había visto en algunas ocasiones ....
...... El pueblo de Puttaparthi no ha sido una excepción a este fenómeno de vibhuti materializado de la nada. Como ya he dicho, ha habido muchos casos. Tuve la suerte de tener la oportunidad de fotografiar algunas de estas maravillas y yo les presento aquí para que todos lo vean. A propósito he guardado los nombres de las personas involucradas debido a las peticiones.
A continuación se muestra el enlace al artículo maravilloso con fotos de Shri.B. Aravind titulado "Los milagros de manifestación de vibuthi en Puttaparthi" ...
Sai Ram
Milagros manifestación de Vibhuti en Puttaparthi.
Creación de vibhuti al parecer es la materialización más frecuente que hemos visto de Swami
Fuente: aravindb1982
Fuente: aravindb1982
En cuanto a el mundo se refiere, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba dejó su cuerpo físico el 24 de abril de 2011. Pero mis observaciones indique lo contrario. Incluso cuando estaba físicamente allí, yo había oído hablar de historias en las que vibhuti (ceniza sagrada) se manifestaba a partir de sus fotografías e ídolos de otras deidades. Lo había visto en algunas ocasiones. Sin embargo, nunca lo había experimentado personalmente.
Pero a partir de la 24 de abril 2012 , me he encontrado con muchas de estas maravillas .
El pueblo de Puttaparthi ha sido una excepción a este fenómeno de vibhuti materializado de la nada. Como ya he dicho, ha habido muchos casos. Tuve la suerte de tener la oportunidad de fotografiar algunas de estas maravillas y yo les presento aquí para que todos lo vean.
A propósito he guardado los nombres de las personas involucradas debido a las solicitudes para dejarlo así. Uno de ellos fue la aparición pasos de vibhuti que conducen a un santuario improvisado, temprano en la mañana del 12 de mayo de 2012. Este fue el dormitorio de Sevadal - el espacio donde todos los voluntarios vibrantes y trabajador descansan sus cuerpos cansados o doloridos durante un tiempo. Me pareció lo más adecuado y maravilloso que Swami mostrara su presencia de manera tan espectacular aquí.

Por la mañana, los voluntarios descubrieron huellas de vibhuti de la entrada de la sala hasta el altar improvisado en su interior.
Fuente: aravindb1982

Por la mañana, los voluntarios descubrieron huellas de vibhuti de la entrada de la sala hasta el altar improvisado en su interior.
Fuente: aravindb1982
Los pasos llegan al altar, donde todos los voluntarios habían colocado una fotografía de su elección ...
Fuente: aravindb1982
El segundo caso fue bastante sorprendente. Este tipo sale de su edificio temprano en la mañana. Él está a punto de ir a su recorrida de la mañana. Y luego, para su asombro, avista manchas vibhuti en el velocímetro y el indicador de su moto!. Ese era un lugar muy poco probable que vibhuti se manifestara.

Los trazas de vibhuti que habían aparecido en los relojes de una moto.
Fuente: aravindb1982
El tercer caso está en la sala del hospital general. Un paciente había ingresado allí después de un accidente traumático. A la mañana siguiente, cuando ella se levantó para recibir su inyección, vio algo suave, esponjoso y polvoriento en la fotografía de Swami que estaba colgado a unos 3 metros por encima de su cama. Resultó ser el santo vibhuti a partir de una fotografía en la que Swami llevaba un estetoscopio! . El personal del hospital agradecidos, pegaron un pedazo de cartón en la pared, para que vibhuti extra cayera sobre él. Este luego de distribuía.

La fotografía de Swami con el estetoscopio en un pabellón en el Hospital General de Sathya Sai, que exudaba vibhuti de 8 pies de altura ! 'El papel de recogida "de color amarillo se coloco a continuación.
Fuente: aravindb1982

Hubo vibhuti en todas partes en el edificio N6.
Fuente: aravindb1982
El cuarto caso de que tuve la oportunidad de fotografiar, era un trabajo realmente enorme, debo decir. Fue en una habitación - C19 o el edificio N6. Hubo vibhuti por todas partes cuando la pareja alquilo esa habitación regresó después de la sesión de la mañana. A pesar de que entré en la habitación, el olor me golpeó. Fue increíblemente fuerte y yo simplemente estaba impresionada cuando vi el santuario.
Allí estaba la ceniza sagrada en todas partes. Una silla de la sala se había convertido en una silla de Swami con un sari. Todos los libros sagrados habían sido colocados en el frente. Y vibhuti había manifestado en grandes cantidades en todo los libros, la silla y el colchón de los pies.
Se estaba repartiendo en paquetes a todo el que llegaba allí y le pedían . Yo también lo pedí y me dio un paquete. Tenía un sabor tan diferente al vibhuti que conseguimos en los paquetes en las tiendas de Sathya Sai.También tenía una fragancia muy fuerte y única.

El altar de la habitación estaba llena de grandes cantidades de vibhuti
Fuente: aravindb1982
Esto es sólo la proverbial "punta del iceberg", como ellos dicen. Estoy seguro de que muchos casos están sucediendo en muchos lugares en Puttaparthi. También estoy seguro de que están ocurriendo muchas cosas en muchos lugares alrededor del mundo. Recordemos que Swami siempre define estos milagros como su "tarjeta de visita".
Tales milagros nos impulsan a un mayor servicio y amor. Recordemos que las manos que ayudan son más santas que los labios que sirven. Y el servicio es algo que todos nosotros debemos experimentar.
Sai Ram - Vibuthi Manifestation Miracles in Puttaparthi - by Shri.B.Aravind.
Shri.Aravind, Alumni of SSSIHL and now workin in Radio Sai, Prasanthi Nilayam writes....
As far as the ‘human’ world is concerned, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba left His physical frame on the 24th of April 2011. But my observations state otherwise. Even when He was physically there, I had heard of stories where vibhuti would manifest from His photographs and idols of other deities. I had seen it on a few occasions....
......The town of Puttaparthi has been no exception to this phenomenon of vibhuti materializing from thin air. As I said, there have been many instances. I was blessed to get the opportunity to photograph a few of these wonders and I present them here for all to see. I have purposely kept out the names of the people involved because of requests to leave it so.
Below is the link to the Wonderful Article with Photos by Shri.B.Aravind titled " Vibuthi Manifestation Miracles in Puttaparthi"...
Sai Ram
Vibhuti manifestation miracles in Puttaparthi

Creating vibhuti apparently is the most frequent materialization that we have seen Swami doing...
Source: aravindb1982
The great Kabirdas, a mystic poet and saint of India who brought about the devotion movement during his life (1440–1518) was a weaver by birth. But his undying love for God and the wisdom he exuded through hisDohas or couplets have made him immortal. There is one particular couplet which I love:
"Sab dharti kaagaz karo,
Lekhan sab ban rai,
Saat samudra ki masi karo,
Guru gun likheeya na jaee."
This couplet is not new in the sense that it has been proclaimed as a Subashitha(good saying) in Sanskrit too. It runs as follows:
“Asitagiri Samam Syat Kajjalam Sindhu Patram
Surataruvara Shakha Lekhani Patramurvi
Likhati Yadi Gruhitva Sharada Sarvakaalam
Tadapi Tava Gunanaam Isha Paaram Na Yaati.”
In spirit, both mean the same -
If the Goddess of Learning were to herself write about the glories of the Lord/Guru taking the entire earth as paper, all the trees in all the world's forests as pens and all the seven oceans into ink then also they would not be complete.
As far as the ‘human’ world is concerned, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba left His physical frame on the 24th of April 2011. But my observations state otherwise. Even when He was physically there, I had heard of stories where vibhuti (holy ash) would manifest from His photographs and idols of other deities. I had seen it on a few occasions. However, I had never personally experienced it. But beginning on the 24th of April 2012, I have come across so many of these vibhuti wonders from around the globe.
The town of Puttaparthi has been no exception to this phenomenon of vibhutimaterializing from thin air. As I said, there have been many instances. I was blessed to get the opportunity to photograph a few of these wonders and I present them here for all to see. I have purposely kept out the names of the people involved because of requests to leave it so.
One was the appearance of vibhuti footsteps leading to a makeshift shrine, early in the morning of May 12th 2012. This was the Sevadal dormitory - the space where all the vibrant and hard-working volunteers rest their tired or aching bodies for a while. It seemed only appropriate and wonderful that Swami showed His presence so spectacularly here.

In the morning, the volunteers discovered footsteps of vibhuti from the entrance of the hall to the makeshift altar within.
Source: aravindb1982

The footsteps lead to this altar where every volunteer had placed a photograph of his choice...
Source: aravindb1982
The second case was quite amazing. This guy comes down his building early in the morning. He is about to go for his morning jog. And then, to his utter amazement, notices vibhuti blobs on the speedometer and gauge of his bike! That was a very unlikely place for vibhuti to manifest. But rather than vibhuti appearing only in ‘sacred’ spaces, this guy believes that wherever the vibhuti comes is sacred!

The lumps of vibhuti which had appeared on the dials of a motorbike.
Source: aravindb1982
The third case is in the ward of the general hospital. A patient had been admitted there after a traumatic accident. The next morning, as she got up to receive her injection for the day, she saw something fluffy and powdery on the photograph of Swami that was hung about 5 feet above her cot. It turned out to be the holyvibhuti from a photograph in which Swami was wearing a stethoscope! The grateful staff of the hospital later stuck a piece of cardboard on the wall so that the extravibhuti fell on it. This collected vibhuti, they distributed.

The photograph of Swami with the stethoscope in a ward at Sathya Sai General Hopital which was exuding vibhuti from 8 feet above the ground! A yellow 'collection paper' had been fixed below.
Source: aravindb1982

There was vibhuti everywhere in the room in N6.
Source: aravindb1982
The fourth case that I got a chance to photograph was a really huge job I must say. It was in a room - C19 or the N6 building. There was vibhuti everywhere when the couple renting that room returned after the morning session. Even as I entered the room, the fragrance hit me. It was unbelievably strong and I was simply awestruck when I saw the shrine.
There was the holy ash everywhere. A chair from the room had been converted into a chair for Swami with a sari. All the holy books had been placed in front. And vibhuti had manifested in copious amounts all over the books, the chair and the foot-cushion.
It was being doled out in packets to anyone who came there and asked for it. I too sought it and was given one packet. It tasted so different from the vibhuti that we get in packets at the Sathya Sai Stores. It also had a very strong and unique fragrance.

The altar in the room was overflowing with copious amounts of vibhuti
Source: aravindb1982
This is just the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’ as they say. Am sure a lot is happening at many places in Puttaparthi. I am also sure that a lot is happening in many places around the world. Let us remember that Swami always defines these miracles as His 'visiting card'. He says,
"What is Ascharyam (surprise) for you is Sahajam (natural) for me."
Let such miracles spur us into greater service and love. Let us remember that the hands that help are holier than the lips that serve. And service is something that all of us must dive into. What is service? My touchstone for service is - anything that brings happiness and cheer to someone. Let us be happy and bring happiness to everyone everywhere. The world is in need of it. Joy multiplies on sharing. With this intent of multiplication, am sharing this with all!
Fuente: aravindb1982
El segundo caso fue bastante sorprendente. Este tipo sale de su edificio temprano en la mañana. Él está a punto de ir a su recorrida de la mañana. Y luego, para su asombro, avista manchas vibhuti en el velocímetro y el indicador de su moto!. Ese era un lugar muy poco probable que vibhuti se manifestara.
Los trazas de vibhuti que habían aparecido en los relojes de una moto.
Fuente: aravindb1982
El tercer caso está en la sala del hospital general. Un paciente había ingresado allí después de un accidente traumático. A la mañana siguiente, cuando ella se levantó para recibir su inyección, vio algo suave, esponjoso y polvoriento en la fotografía de Swami que estaba colgado a unos 3 metros por encima de su cama. Resultó ser el santo vibhuti a partir de una fotografía en la que Swami llevaba un estetoscopio! . El personal del hospital agradecidos, pegaron un pedazo de cartón en la pared, para que vibhuti extra cayera sobre él. Este luego de distribuía.
La fotografía de Swami con el estetoscopio en un pabellón en el Hospital General de Sathya Sai, que exudaba vibhuti de 8 pies de altura ! 'El papel de recogida "de color amarillo se coloco a continuación.
Fuente: aravindb1982
Hubo vibhuti en todas partes en el edificio N6.
Fuente: aravindb1982
El cuarto caso de que tuve la oportunidad de fotografiar, era un trabajo realmente enorme, debo decir. Fue en una habitación - C19 o el edificio N6. Hubo vibhuti por todas partes cuando la pareja alquilo esa habitación regresó después de la sesión de la mañana. A pesar de que entré en la habitación, el olor me golpeó. Fue increíblemente fuerte y yo simplemente estaba impresionada cuando vi el santuario.
Allí estaba la ceniza sagrada en todas partes. Una silla de la sala se había convertido en una silla de Swami con un sari. Todos los libros sagrados habían sido colocados en el frente. Y vibhuti había manifestado en grandes cantidades en todo los libros, la silla y el colchón de los pies.
Se estaba repartiendo en paquetes a todo el que llegaba allí y le pedían . Yo también lo pedí y me dio un paquete. Tenía un sabor tan diferente al vibhuti que conseguimos en los paquetes en las tiendas de Sathya Sai.También tenía una fragancia muy fuerte y única.
El altar de la habitación estaba llena de grandes cantidades de vibhuti
Fuente: aravindb1982
Esto es sólo la proverbial "punta del iceberg", como ellos dicen. Estoy seguro de que muchos casos están sucediendo en muchos lugares en Puttaparthi. También estoy seguro de que están ocurriendo muchas cosas en muchos lugares alrededor del mundo. Recordemos que Swami siempre define estos milagros como su "tarjeta de visita".
Tales milagros nos impulsan a un mayor servicio y amor. Recordemos que las manos que ayudan son más santas que los labios que sirven. Y el servicio es algo que todos nosotros debemos experimentar.
¿Qué es el servicio? El servicio es - todo lo que trae felicidad y alegría a alguien. Vamos a ser felices y hacer felices a todos en todas partes. El mundo tiene necesidad de ella. La alegría se multiplica en el intercambio. Con esta intención de la multiplicación, estoy compartiendo esto con todos!
Sai Ram - Vibuthi Manifestation Miracles in Puttaparthi - by Shri.B.Aravind.
Shri.Aravind, Alumni of SSSIHL and now workin in Radio Sai, Prasanthi Nilayam writes....
As far as the ‘human’ world is concerned, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba left His physical frame on the 24th of April 2011. But my observations state otherwise. Even when He was physically there, I had heard of stories where vibhuti would manifest from His photographs and idols of other deities. I had seen it on a few occasions....
......The town of Puttaparthi has been no exception to this phenomenon of vibhuti materializing from thin air. As I said, there have been many instances. I was blessed to get the opportunity to photograph a few of these wonders and I present them here for all to see. I have purposely kept out the names of the people involved because of requests to leave it so.
Below is the link to the Wonderful Article with Photos by Shri.B.Aravind titled " Vibuthi Manifestation Miracles in Puttaparthi"...
Sai Ram
Vibhuti manifestation miracles in Puttaparthi
Creating vibhuti apparently is the most frequent materialization that we have seen Swami doing...
Source: aravindb1982
The great Kabirdas, a mystic poet and saint of India who brought about the devotion movement during his life (1440–1518) was a weaver by birth. But his undying love for God and the wisdom he exuded through hisDohas or couplets have made him immortal. There is one particular couplet which I love:
"Sab dharti kaagaz karo,
Lekhan sab ban rai,
Saat samudra ki masi karo,
Guru gun likheeya na jaee."
This couplet is not new in the sense that it has been proclaimed as a Subashitha(good saying) in Sanskrit too. It runs as follows:
“Asitagiri Samam Syat Kajjalam Sindhu Patram
Surataruvara Shakha Lekhani Patramurvi
Likhati Yadi Gruhitva Sharada Sarvakaalam
Tadapi Tava Gunanaam Isha Paaram Na Yaati.”
In spirit, both mean the same -
If the Goddess of Learning were to herself write about the glories of the Lord/Guru taking the entire earth as paper, all the trees in all the world's forests as pens and all the seven oceans into ink then also they would not be complete.
As far as the ‘human’ world is concerned, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba left His physical frame on the 24th of April 2011. But my observations state otherwise. Even when He was physically there, I had heard of stories where vibhuti (holy ash) would manifest from His photographs and idols of other deities. I had seen it on a few occasions. However, I had never personally experienced it. But beginning on the 24th of April 2012, I have come across so many of these vibhuti wonders from around the globe.
The town of Puttaparthi has been no exception to this phenomenon of vibhutimaterializing from thin air. As I said, there have been many instances. I was blessed to get the opportunity to photograph a few of these wonders and I present them here for all to see. I have purposely kept out the names of the people involved because of requests to leave it so.
One was the appearance of vibhuti footsteps leading to a makeshift shrine, early in the morning of May 12th 2012. This was the Sevadal dormitory - the space where all the vibrant and hard-working volunteers rest their tired or aching bodies for a while. It seemed only appropriate and wonderful that Swami showed His presence so spectacularly here.
In the morning, the volunteers discovered footsteps of vibhuti from the entrance of the hall to the makeshift altar within.
Source: aravindb1982
The footsteps lead to this altar where every volunteer had placed a photograph of his choice...
Source: aravindb1982
The second case was quite amazing. This guy comes down his building early in the morning. He is about to go for his morning jog. And then, to his utter amazement, notices vibhuti blobs on the speedometer and gauge of his bike! That was a very unlikely place for vibhuti to manifest. But rather than vibhuti appearing only in ‘sacred’ spaces, this guy believes that wherever the vibhuti comes is sacred!
The lumps of vibhuti which had appeared on the dials of a motorbike.
Source: aravindb1982
The third case is in the ward of the general hospital. A patient had been admitted there after a traumatic accident. The next morning, as she got up to receive her injection for the day, she saw something fluffy and powdery on the photograph of Swami that was hung about 5 feet above her cot. It turned out to be the holyvibhuti from a photograph in which Swami was wearing a stethoscope! The grateful staff of the hospital later stuck a piece of cardboard on the wall so that the extravibhuti fell on it. This collected vibhuti, they distributed.
The photograph of Swami with the stethoscope in a ward at Sathya Sai General Hopital which was exuding vibhuti from 8 feet above the ground! A yellow 'collection paper' had been fixed below.
Source: aravindb1982
There was vibhuti everywhere in the room in N6.
Source: aravindb1982
The fourth case that I got a chance to photograph was a really huge job I must say. It was in a room - C19 or the N6 building. There was vibhuti everywhere when the couple renting that room returned after the morning session. Even as I entered the room, the fragrance hit me. It was unbelievably strong and I was simply awestruck when I saw the shrine.
There was the holy ash everywhere. A chair from the room had been converted into a chair for Swami with a sari. All the holy books had been placed in front. And vibhuti had manifested in copious amounts all over the books, the chair and the foot-cushion.
It was being doled out in packets to anyone who came there and asked for it. I too sought it and was given one packet. It tasted so different from the vibhuti that we get in packets at the Sathya Sai Stores. It also had a very strong and unique fragrance.
The altar in the room was overflowing with copious amounts of vibhuti
Source: aravindb1982
This is just the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’ as they say. Am sure a lot is happening at many places in Puttaparthi. I am also sure that a lot is happening in many places around the world. Let us remember that Swami always defines these miracles as His 'visiting card'. He says,
"What is Ascharyam (surprise) for you is Sahajam (natural) for me."
Let such miracles spur us into greater service and love. Let us remember that the hands that help are holier than the lips that serve. And service is something that all of us must dive into. What is service? My touchstone for service is - anything that brings happiness and cheer to someone. Let us be happy and bring happiness to everyone everywhere. The world is in need of it. Joy multiplies on sharing. With this intent of multiplication, am sharing this with all!