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jueves, 12 de enero de 2017


Entrevista con Swami - Preparación Mahashivaratri - Feliz 2017.

Entrevista de Swami con el grupo hispanoparlante cerrando el 2016 - Cantos de preparación para Mahashivaratri - Feliz 2017. 

Muy queridos hermanos:

Sai Ram, con enorme alegría estamos despidiendo el año 2016. Y muy especialmente nos embarga un agradecimiento infinito a la Vida, a Dios, a nuestros hermanos, por haber vivido tantas experiencias, y haber hecho realidad justamente en este año, un sueño largamente acariciado y profundamente anhelado.

Sathya Sai Baba, nuestro amado Maestro en Su forma sutil visitó nuestro país, lo llenó de bendiciones que todavía reverberan en cada uno de nosotros, y lo más importante nos entregó, nos legó una tarea, nos dio servicio a realizar de manera conjunta.

En el final de este día, estará muy presente para todos, el recuerdo de Su Presencia, Su Palabra, Su Darshan. 

Los invitamos hoy entonces a celebrar en Su Nombre, para que nos de la fuerza, la valentía y la alegría permanente para seguir Su guía, Su mensaje único para cada uno y el mensaje para todos nosotros, especial para Argentina.

Sai nos regala este camino hermoso como una Gracia inefable en la inmensidad del tiempo y del espacio.

Que este año que se inicia nos encuentre felices, en paz y con mucho entusiasmo por construir y realizar . Dispuestos a trabajar de manera conjunta para hacer realidad Su visión. 

Que seamos realmente como El nos pidió Sus brazos y manos, Sus piernas y pies, que sea sólo El quien habite nuestro corazón, quien desee morar allí por el dulce néctar que emanemos al respirar, al andar, al vivir.

Sai nos invitó a todos los argentinos, a estar presentes en Muddenahali y cantar para la sagrada fecha próxima de Mahashivaratri, 24 de Febrero del año 2017.

Nos encontramos en Buenos Aires el Sábado 7 de Enero en la localidad de Pacheco. El objetivo de esta reunión es preparar los cantos que serán presentados para Mahashivaratri. Los esperamos a todos, sea que viajen o no, es una manera hermosa de realizar una práctica espiritual que nos eleva y fortalece. 

En la página pueden encontrar un canto que seguramente cantaremos, con música y letra. Se llama "Pido a Dios" - Sat Chith Ananda. Podemos ir practicando durante la semana, escuchándolo y repitiendo.

Por favor vayamos todos con bhajanavalis, cancioneros, e instrumentos.

En la semana les enviamos la dirección del lugar, y también cómo llegar.

Ayer a la tarde Swami recibió en una entrevista al grupo hispanoparlante. Su mensaje fue: “El año nuevo está comenzando mañana. Dejen lo viejo aquí y regresen con lo nuevo. Lo que sucedió, sucedió. El pasado es pasado. El futuro es incierto. No lo conocemos. El presente es solo presente. Hagan el esfuerzo en el presente. Olviden el pasado. Ya terminó. De aquí en más sean buenos. Sean divinos. Piensen de una manera divina. Hablen de una manera divina. Actúen de una manera divina. Mis bendiciones están allí para todos”.

Con amor y nuestros mejores deseos:

Equipo Difusión.
Ama a todos, sirve a todos. 

DIVINO DISCURSO_Dependiendo del tipo de semilla que se siembra, se obtienen los frutos de ella más tarde_29-12-2016.

Discurso Divino Resumen_29 de diciembre del año 2016.
Dependiendo del tipo de semilla que se siembra, se obtienen los frutos de ella más tarde.

Para cruzar este océano del  Samsara, de la vida y la muerte, no es suficiente si hacen penitencia, o si ustedes visitan los centros de peregrinación, o si estudian todas las escrituras de el mundo. Esto es posible solamente cuando se presta servicio a las personas nobles, almas nobles. Este cuerpo es dado a nosotros para ayudar a los demás. El nacimiento humano es dado a nosotros con el fin de prestar un servicio. Si nos fijamos en la creación, se encuentra que todo en la creación es prestación de servicio por todas partes. Los ríos fluyen sólo para saciar la sed de los demás; nunca beben su propia agua.

Hay dos aspectos de la devoción a Dios. Un aspecto de la devoción es cantar el nombre de Dios, participar en los cantos comunitarios, visitar centros de peregrinación - todo esto es un aspecto de la devoción. Los devotos lo hacen con gran amor: eso es correcto. Sin embargo, tener sólo esta clase de amor no es suficiente. El amor a Dios en el corazón de un devoto tiene que manifestarse como servicio a todos, porque Dios es el morador en todo el mundo. El cuerpo es el templo de Dios y el alma individual no es otro que Dios. Dios reside en el corazón de cada ser y por lo tanto, le aman al servirlos.

Aunque nació en la especie de los monos, Hanuman prestó un gran servicio a Dios, alcanzando la gracia de Dios y alcanzó el estado supremo. En su mente, ustedes tiene que cantar el nombre de Rama. Con sus manos, deben hacer el servicio de Rama. Sólo entonces se puede ganar su gracia. Sólo cuando se presta servicio, se puede alcanzar la gracia divina. Cuando dos cosas se ponen juntos - el amor y el servicio - Vibheeshana alcanzan la gracia divina y por lo tanto, se podrían obtener la proximidad a Dios, Rama.

Dios no necesita el servicio de nadie. Él está sirviendo a todos. En realidad no acepta el servicio de nadie. ¿Por qué estamos dando esta oportunidad de servir a nuestros estudiantes? Debido a que es sólo a través del servicio, serán capaces de cruzar este océano del  Samsara y alcanzar el objetivo final de la vida. El servicio prestado por ellos ahora, va a volver a ellos por diez y protegerlos en el futuro. No me preocupa la cantidad de servicio, lo importante es la calidad del servicio. Lo que realmente acepto de estos niños es la devoción, el jugo de la devoción, con la que se prestan los servicios. 
Cuando Kuchela, el amigo de Krishna, ofreció tres puñados de arroz batido a Krishna, Krishna le dio tanta prosperidad y riqueza que podia llevar toda su vida con gran facilidad y comodidad. Pequeñas cosas que haces para Dios, volverán de nuevo a ustedes mil veces y los protegerá.

Todo lo que experimentamos en nuestra vida no es más que las consecuencias de nuestras acciones previas. Si hacemos buenas acciones, obtendrá buenas recompensas. Cuando hacen malas acciones, obtendrán castigo. Dependiendo del tipo de actividades en que nos implicamos, vamos a cosechar las consecuencias. Por lo tanto, siempre realicen buenas actividades. Si ustedes están en buena compañía, van a hacer buenas actividades. 
Dime de tus companias; Te diré lo que eres. 
Dependiendo del tipo de semilla que se siembra, se obtienen los frutos de ellas más tarde. Si ustedes siembran la semilla de la devoción a Dios y el servicio a Dios, cuando crezcan, recibirá los frutos de la dicha.


SATSANG Temp.3 - Epis 2_Sr Amey Deshpande.

El mensaje de Sai en el Festival de las Luces.


HOME wall paper index page . Sai Baba wallpapers - "sai diwali" 800x600 1024X768 

El mensaje de Sai en el Festival de las Luces.

"Cierta vez, había un mercader que, mientras caminaba por las calles de Benares, repentinamente fue enfrentado por dos hermanas que estaban discutiendo frenéticamente sobre el tema de cuál de las dos era más justa. No eran otras que Dhanalakshmi, la Diosa de la riqueza y su famosa hermana Dharidhralakshmi, la Diosa de la pobreza. Detuvieron al mercader y lo obligaron a aceptar ser el juez; lo presionaron a declarar quién era la más justa de las dos. El mercader temía decir que Dhanalakshmi era más justa, pues entonces la Diosa de la pobreza podría infligir sus cargas sobre él; temía declarar que Dharidhralakshmi era la más justa, pues entonces su hermana, Dhanalakshmi, podría privarlo de su favor. Así, elaboró una artimaña para salvar su pellejo. Pidió que las hermanas caminaran unos pasos, hacia adelante y hacia atrás, frente a él; permaneció en silencio por un rato observando sus lentas idas y venidas deliberadas, y entonces les pidió que se le acercaran, para que pudiesen escuchar su sentencia. 

Dijo: “Dhanalakshmi es más justa cuando viene hacia mí; Dharidhralakshmi se ve más justa cuando se aleja de mí. 

¿Cómo entonces puedo dar un veredicto definitivo?” 

Esta fue una respuesta inteligente, enmarcada en escapar del castigo. Pero ustedes no deberían cambiar el rostro de la verdad para agradar a las personas; pronuncien lo que tienen en mente, actúen de acuerdo con las palabras que pronuncian. Ese es el procedimiento más seguro, el más fácil y el más correcto. 

Así es como debería comportarse un hombre que se precie. Nada es más correcto que la verdad. No traicionen al Dios en vuestro ser, permitiendo que ingrese el mal a través del temor y de la codicia. Caminen, de forma recta, no desviándose jamás hacia la falsedad o el engaño. No sean atraídos por el encanto del nombre y de la forma; busquen el Atma, con fervor atento. Este es el Mensaje que les doy en este Festival de las Luces. 

Deberían reconocer la verdad de que la vida del hombre debería consistir en realizar el trayecto desde la posición del “Yo” hacia la posición del “Nosotros”. 

Si todo el tiempo simplemente permanecen, se sientan en el sitio del “Yo”, se quedarán donde están. 

Esta creación es como el puente que conecta al hombre con Dios. “Yo” es una colina. “Dios” es otra colina. El puente entre los dos es el aspecto de la creación. Si rompen y destruyen el puente, nunca podrán alcanzar el destino. 

Espero que se sumerjan en la sociedad y realicen servicio a la misma, y así utilicen el puente para alcanzar a Dios." 

Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

Prashanti Nilayam, 25/10/1973. 

Love & Peace Sai Youth Global Newsletter_Periódico de la Juventud

Om Sri Sai Ram

compartimos este hermoso periódico de la Juventud 


From: One World One SAI <>
Date: 2017-01-11 5:44 GMT-03:00
Subject: Love & Peace Sai Youth Global Newsletter

"Service is a lifetime programme; it knows no rest or respite. This body has been given to you so that you may devote its strength and skills to the service of your brothers and sisters. Serve man until you see God in all people; then, what you do will be elevated to worship.” – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

A clarion call from Bhagawan that youth from around the world should engage in service activities to make a positive difference in the lives of others, which ultimately helps unfold the latent divinity within him/her. In selfless service, the motive is to raise consciousness of Divinity through our loving efforts. The aim is to progress from ‘I’ to ‘We’ and eventually from ‘We’ to ‘He’, thus realising the unity among one and all. 

Selfless love and selfless service without any distinction of religion, nationality, race or status and transcending all barriers is the essence of Bhagawan’s message – “Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man.” From engaging in teachers' training programmes to conducting medical camps, from teaching English in labour camps to providing breakfast to the underprivileged, youth from around the world are striving to follow Bhagawan's priceless message - "Love All. Serve All." 

The Sai Youth Global Newsletter has been initiated on the command of our dear Lord. Sai Youth around the world have been divided into four regions, and every week, one region will lead the content of the newsletter and update all the youth around the world about the Seva activities initiated, planned, managed and executed by the youth.

Region One - Asia Pacific 
Region Two - Sub Continent, Nigeria and Middle East
Region Three - UK, Europe, Russia and Lithuania 
Region Four - North America and South America
On January 01, 2017 Swami named the newsletter 'Love and Peace' and lovingly launched Issue One during the special  New Year Satsang at Muddenahalli. This week we bring you Seva updates from the Middle East and Indian Sub Continent.

  Yours in Sai Service,

  Bhuvana Santhanam and Sumeet Tappoo
 Sister Krishna Subhaga and Brother Anand Kadali, youth leaders for India presenting the newsletter to Bhagawan

Updates from Region Two

When divine grace and human effort join hands, even the sky isn’t the limit. The story of how the Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust started and has since touched many lives is a powerful testimony to what the partnership between Man and God can achieve.
The Trust which provides free breakfast for closed to 8000 school children has started its formal operations a year ago on Bhagawan’s 90th Birthday celebrated its first anniversary in Muddenahalli in the Sri Sathya Sai Hrudaya Mandiram. The programme was attended by over 160 school staff from 120 schools, along with 150 Annapoorna volunteers, who are the backbone of this successful service initiative.
Gathering of the volunteers and staff for the First Anniversary celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust in the Divine Presence
Annapoorna Breakfast Programme - Building The Nation Through Nutrition
How it all started
Annapoorna Breakfast Programme - Building The Nation Through Nutrition
  Christmas Celebrations, Bangalore
CV Raman Nagar, Dec 24, 2016

It was the eve of Christmas and there was a sense of excitement among us; Premadhara members, the youth in and around CVRaman Nagar, because we knew we had a surprise in store for the breakfast Seva children, that evening. Our group had been blessed and guided by our beloved Bhagawan to spend a “Value Hour” with these kids every week as Seva, that we could render as a part of our busy city lives. 
Banaswadi Government School, Dec 22, 2016 

With Swami’s Blessings, Christmas was celebrated in Banaswadi Government School by
Sevamrutham Volunteers in Bangalore. As it is followed every day the school prayer started as the 325 Children stood in line chanting the shlokas and singing the National anthem. Post that, the School Head Master announced to the students about Sri Sathya Sai Seva Members celebrating Christmas with them and it was warmly welcomed by loud cheer & clapping of hands by the children.
JP Nagar , Dec 25, 2016

We had a fun filled Christmas evening with Volunteers from Oracle and from the JP Nagar Breakfast Seva team. Some of our Sai brothers started with few bhajans and the kids joined. Few people from adjoining slum joined to see the event. One of the Brothers explained the importance of Christmas celebration to the kids. Following this, we played the “Memory” game. The aim of the game was to remember 21 random objects that the Proctor’s of the game show for a very short while. This was followed by a few rounds of ‘Passing the ball’ game. Kids enjoyed a lot during these games.


The New Year with Swami, Sri Lanka
Upon receiving the delightful news that our beloved Bhagawan would be with us on the very first day of the New Year, the youth in Colombo, together with the trustees and the organising committee of the Sri Satya Sai Karuna Nilayam Foundation busied themselves with ensuring that His Divine visit would be a memorable one.
Weekly meetings were held and much was planned as this was one of the most important events of our calendar. Youths were entrusted with certain responsibilities such as arranging transport for the entourage and planning activities in the Ashram land.
The fruits of these dedicated efforts were seen when the entire programme went smoothly, culminating in everyone expressing their happiness, the most important among them being Bhagawan Himself.
Our hearts overflowed with joy and excitement when Swami announced that he would visit our beautiful Island on the first of January every year.
We were also amazed to receive a message from Brother Madhusudan after returning to India, stating that Swami had asked him to convey that “ Swami is very happy”.
We are ever grateful and thank Swami from the bottom of our hearts for His limitless Grace and boundless love.
We are ever grateful and thank Swami from the bottom of our hearts for His limitless Grace and boundless love.
Youth Satsang, Post-World Youth Meet
Middle East, Dec 02, 2016
The Middle East group met to share with the rest of the Sai Hridayam team the precious moments from the World Youth Meet 2016 and Bhagawan’s 91st Birthday Celebrations. This Satsang which was focused on inspiring the Youth to take to more Seva initiatives, truly charged up the group. In addition, the group also recapped memories from the wonderful visit made by the Middle East  group to the newest campus at Hassan district of Karnataka, Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam.
The Middle East group is immensely blessed to have been assigned this project by Bhagawan Himself. Although most of us have been exposed to Swami’s miraculous ways of working time and again, to watch the school in Hassan rise up so quickly, right from its inception in June 2016 to its present setup, was nothing short of Bhagawan’s miracle.
The group also discussed various spiritual activities planned for December 2016, which included:
 Resuming the Weekly Tea and Snacks Distribution Seva,
 Breakfast Seva,
 Toiletries Distribution Seva,
 Divine Discourse Transcription Seva, and
 A new programme on “Ceiling on Desires”

All these activities, which were conducted in December 2016, are described briefly below under Service Events section.

Ceiling on Desires Programme, A humble initiative by Sai Hridayam, Middle East
During the Youth Satsang held in Dubai, post-World Youth Meet 2016, the group decided to launch a ‘Ceiling on Desires’ programme to ensure participation of every member of the group in Bhagawan’s grand mission in a humble way.
The objective of the programme was supporting the setting up and functioning of the Hassan school project with the ultimate goal of self-transformation. Under this programme, each participant will, over the next few months, identify and work on placing ceiling on various “wants” in their lives. 
Service Events in December 


Kolkata Seva Update
 This month we focused on filling the air with love for the people whom the team could touch upon through selfless service! Along with the General scheduled medical camps in the adopted villages, we started special activities and sustained projects which were need-based: Mobile Clinics were planned for the children in the slums, a drinking water supply was planned in three village clusters, Narayana Seva for the special children, and we inaugurated a Tele Medicine Centre focusing more upon Paediatric Cardiac patients!

 Bangalore Seva Update 1
Digital Halli, Dec 18,  2016
With the divine grace of Swami “Digital Halli” program was organised in Sri Sathya Sai Sevamrutham Breakfast Seva centre in Doddabele village in the outskirts of Bangalore on Sunday, December 18th, 2016. 
This event was organised with the collaborative efforts of Annapoorna Trust and NGO ACT INDIA with the following aim: 
India lives in its villages. And that is where the cashless revolution needs to begin. Come join hands to help our country become cashless economy.  
Bangalore Seva Update 2
Large-scale Medical Camp,   Dec 25, 2016
 On the beautiful Christmas morning of the 25th December 2016, the doctors and volunteers of the Sai Prema Sagara Charitable Trust, Bangalore accepted the invitation from Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust to conduct a comprehensive wellness screening and medical camp at the village of Gollu. This village is one of the nearly 70 government schools around the Chikkaballapur district, where the Annapoorna team serves breakfast free of cost to the children attending the local government school, on a daily basis.
Bangalore Seva Update 3  Dental Camp at Government schools
In Collaboration with RV Dental College and Hospital – We have been conducted dental screening camps at many of the breakfast service centers in Bangalore and Chickballapur.

The sincere dedication from the doctors has enabled us to conduct free dental screening and treatment camps across close to 25 rural schools covering 1500 school children till date. These out reach camps are conducted every week as per the agreed schedule between Annapoorna Volunteers group and the RV Dental college staff.

On Dec 15th – Dental Screening Camp has been conducted at Marthahalli Govt School  for about 100 children and on Dec 22nd a similar camp has been conducted at Mahadevapur. Govt School for 80 children. 

The camp was initiated with dental awareness talk, educating students about common dental ailments, especially stressing on tooth decay and gum diseases and measures to prevent from them.  The students were highlighted about the eating patterns and food choices which cause tooth decay.   

The students got ample opportunities to interact with the dental doctors to enquire and gain knowledge concerning oral diseases. On completion of the dental checkup each student was given a Patient Card, a report summary of the diagnosed problem and the recommended treatment was conducted. 
Bangalore Seva Update 4
Health Screen Camp at Whitefield Breakfast Service Centre.
A Holistic Approach to Child Welfare and Nutrition
 It is said it takes a village to raise a child. To ensure that children continue to reap the benefits of healthful breakfast and values-based sessions, we aim to reach out to their village as a community. Towards this, the volunteers of Annapoorna Breakfast Program have been involved in conducting regular health screening and ensure good health and well being of school children.

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a health screen Camp was conducted in Whitefield for 100 children from Gopalan Colony and Adarsh Labour colony (Nelurahalli Village). These Children are recipients of the daily breakfast program.

By focusing on the 4Ds in children - Defects, Deficiencies, Diseases and Developmental Delays - we aim to contribute to the health of children through timely Detection, Prevention, Education and Medical Management
Visakhapatnam (in Andhra Pradesh state) Seva Update 1
Clothing Distribution Seva, Dec 11, 18, 25, 27, 28.  2016

December was a busy month as the youth of Visakhapatnam conducted multiple Seva projects to help keep the needy warm by distributing clothing and blankets.
A group of 55 youth went to Draksharamam in West Godavari District (in Andhra Pradesh State)  on December 11th, 2016 to distribute clothes and blankets to 400 needy people.  
On December 18th 2016, a group of 30 youth went to Tuni (in Andhra Pradesh State) and the surrounding 10 villages for distributing clothes and blankets to 400 needy people. 
On Christmas Day, December 25th 2016, we distributed clothes and blankets to 470 needy people in Gopalapatnam, Visakhapatnam (in Andhra Pradesh State).
Blankets were also distributed to needy. 

Visakhapatnam Seva Update 2       
Breakfast Service for school children
 There is an ongoing breakfast service project for school children conducted in the below Govt Schools in Visakhapatnam district (Andhra Pradesh State): 

Butchirajupalem – 35 Children
Neelakantapuram -35 Children
Gollavillivanipalem  - 55 Children
Gangubudi  - 35 Children
Thummikapalli - 30 Children

We have selected two more schools in Gopalapatnam where breakfast service will be started after the Pongal holidays. 

Visakhapatnam SevaUpdate 3
Dental Camp
A dental camp was conducted in Saripalli High School (Pendurthi, Visakhapatnam District) and treatments like root canals, cementing and scaling were provided for the school children identified with dental ailments.

Vision screening was done in three government schools and 200 spectacles were given to children with problems with their eyesight.



Medical Camp
 Service Venue:  Alaba Leprosy Colony, Lagos Nigeria .

Serving 150 Leprosy Patients 

Foundation: Praying Hearts & Helping Hands

Sri Lanka

Breakfast Seva Pragramme
As Swami reiterates time and time again, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. He has stated, “It is very important to ‘break fast’ each morning, as by nature, every individual fasts throughout the night. Therefore every morning you should eat like a King.” 
The student body of the Dharmapuram school is comprised of 44 students, both boys and girls;
New Play Park for Children of Primary school
 The play area used by the Dharmapuram Primary school children, had severely damaged play items that were in no condition to be used by the children and they were needed to be replaced.  Therefore the playground was restored and new play items such as Sea-Saws, Swing set, Slide and Commando Bridge were installed to the delight of the children.

This was all possible with the generous donations received by some Sri Lankan youth residing in Australia.


Middle East

Tea & Snacks DistributionSeva
(December 1, 17, 24 & 31, 2016)
This Seva is conducted between the months of December to March when the weather in the region is cooler, where construction workers are served home-made ‘Masala Chai (Tea)’ and biscuits as they head home from the site after a 12-hour shift. 
Groceries, Toiletries & Dry Ration Distribution Seva
December 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2016
 In addition to serving Tea and Biscuits, the Seva group distributed vegetables, toiletries and dry rations to workers at another camp in the Middle East. 
Breakfast Seva
December 2 & 16, 2016
The youth served home-made sandwiches and various drinks to approximately 180 labourers on 2nd December 2016, with more than 15 youth participating in thisSeva. On 16th December, the menu was changed to home-cooked vegetable ‘Upma’ (a south-Indian dish)
Toiletries Distribution Seva
December 2, 2016
 A range of toiletries donated by the group were taken to India by a couple of our youth members who distributed the same as a part of the Grama Seva undertaken in a village in Andhra Pradesh. This village is nearly 60 kilometers from Puttaparthi and is in a very remote area. The name of the village is P.Kottala kondagattapalli (P.O) in Mudigubba (Mandal) in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, India.
In addition to the toiletries, some of the youth members collected used clothes in good condition from several families in the region. These clothes which include Sarees, Shirts, Trousers and Children’s wear, are currently in transit to India.
