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sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número 170 - 04 de octubre de 2019.

Número ciento setenta - 04 de octubre de 2019
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No puedes tomar prestado el conocimiento de Dios y decir: "Conozco a Dios". ¡Cuanto más dice una persona, 'Conozco a Dios', más se sabe que no conoce a Dios! Porque Dios es una experiencia y no un objeto o conocimiento para saber. ¡Y la experiencia puede describirse mejor como más dulce que la cosa más dulce de la tierra, o más feliz que la experiencia más feliz de la tierra!                                                                                          -  Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento setenta de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana.

En este número, le presentamos las actualizaciones de las celebraciones gloriosas en curso de Maha Rudra Yajna, Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja y Chaturveda Parayana en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , Sadhguru Sri Madhusudan Sai comparte sobre un momento interesante entre Él y un estudiante.

- Equipo de comunicaciones de Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Sai 
Que Dios no repita
Un joven estudiante estaba justo afuera de la sala de entrevistas de Premamrutham cuando Swami notó que su cabello había crecido demasiado. 

Agarrando su largo cabello, Swami lo reprendió, “¡Sí! Necesitas un corte de pelo.

El muchacho aceptó tímidamente. 

A la mañana siguiente, cuando llegó Swami, este chico estaba allí otra vez, pero esta vez con un corte de pelo adecuado. Esto no escapó a la atención de Swami, que colmó al niño de elogios por llevar a cabo la instrucción divina de inmediato. 

“Mira, dije solo una vez y este chico se fue y se cortó el pelo. Así es como uno debería estar con Dios. Solo un comando y deberías hacerlo; hacer que Dios repita sus instrucciones sin obedecerlas es insultar a Dios ”, dijo Swami severamente. 

¡Honremos a Él y sus palabras al no permitirle que se repita!



El festival de Dussehra, dedicado a la Diosa Madre, es una de las ocasiones más celebradas y festivas del año en toda la India. Cada año, los diez días de rituales y ritos en homenaje a la Madre Divina en Sus diversas manifestaciones, llenan la atmósfera de Sathya Sai Grama con poderosas vibraciones. Cada mañana, Yajnas y Homas se realizan para propiciar a la Diosa Madre y, posteriormente, Aratise ofrece en estilo bengalí tradicional a las bellas imágenes de la Madre Durga y otras deidades Señor Ganesha, Señor Kartikeya, Madre Lakshmi y Madre Saraswati, que están especialmente hechas y traídas de Bengala Occidental. Este año también, los devotos de toda la India y...

Ídolos de la Madre Durga, el Señor Ganesha, el Señor Kartikeya, la Madre Lakshmi y la Madre Saraswati, que están especialmente hechas y traídas de Bengala Occidental
Sahasra Modaka Ganapati Homa se realiza
Navagraha Homa y Shani Shanti Homa se realizan
Arati se le ofrece a la Diosa Durga acompañada por los Dhakis y el ritual de baile Dhunuchi



El segundo día de celebraciones de Dussehra comenzó en la mañana con Pavamana Homa ( Invita a la pureza destruyendo los pecados) .y Ashlesha Bali Homa (Todos los obstáculos e impedimentos se anulan cuando se realiza este homa). Superar los malos efectos del planeta Marte o Mangal Dosha, que se realizaron en presencia de Bhagavan. 

El gobernador de Uttarakhand y otros diginitarios también estuvieron presentes. Chaturveda Parayana comenzó desde este día con Rig Veda cantada por sacerdotes que habían venido de Tirupathi Devasthanam.

Los niños de Bengala Occidental realizaron un ...

Ashlesha Bali Homa
Pavamana Homa
'El festival de la alegría', una ofrenda de danza de los niños de Bengala Occidental
Con Smt Baby Rani Maurya, Honorable Gobernador de Uttarakhand
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Issue One Hundred and Seventy - October 04, 2019
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You can’t borrow the knowledge of God and say, ‘I know God.’ The more a person says, ‘I know God’, all the more you know he doesn’t know God! Because, God is an experience and not an object or knowledge to know. And the experience can be best described as sweeter than the sweetest thing on earth, or more happier than the happiest experience on earth!                                                                                          - Baba
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Seventieth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you the updates of the ongoing glorious celebrations of Maha Rudra Yajna, Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja and Chaturveda Parayana at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sadhguru Sri Madhusudan Sai shares about an interesting moment between Him and a student.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Sai 
Let God Not Repeat
A young student was right outside the interview room of Premamrutham when Swami noticed that his hair had overgrown a bit.

Catching hold of his long hair, Swami chided, “Aye! You need a haircut.”

The boy sheepishly agreed.

The next morning when Swami arrived, this boy was right there again but this time with a proper haircut. This did not escape Swami’s attention who showered the boy with praises for carrying out the divine instruction immediately.

“See, I said only once and this boy has gone and had a haircut. This is how one should be with God. Just one command and you should do it; making God repeat His instructions without obeying them is insulting God”, Swami said sternly.

Let’s honour Him and His words by not allowing Him to repeat Himself!
The festival of Dussehra, dedicated to the Mother Goddess, is one of the most celebrated and festive occasions of the year throughout India. Every year, the ten days of rituals and rites in homage to the Divine Mother in Her various manifestations, fill the atmosphere of Sathya Sai Grama with powerful vibrations. Each morning, Yajnas and Homas are performed to propitiate the Mother Goddess and thereafter, Arati is offered in traditional Bengali style to the beautiful images of Mother Durga and other deities Lord Ganesha, Lord Kartikeya, Mother Lakshmi and Mother Saraswati, which are specially made and brought from West Bengal. This year too, devotees gathered from all over India and the world, to participate in this most magnificent event and offer their love and gratitude to their Divine Mother Sai.
The first day is dedicated to the Mother in her manifestation as Shailaputri, or ‘daughter of the mountains’ and the morning’s proceedings saw the performance of the Sahasra Modaka Ganapati Homa, Navagraha Homa and Shani Shanti Homa.
As the Homas and Pujas were underway, Swami arrived into the specially erected Pandal where the Yajnas will be held for the duration of the Celebrations. Welcomed by the regal sounds of Nadaswaram and Dhak drums, Swami proceeded straight to the Yagashala to see the Havan Kunda or sacred fire and the beautiful Rangoli of Lord Ganesha, prepared by the Ritwiks. As Bhajans were in progress, Swami then ascended His throne and the final part of the Homa was performed.
Thereafter, an explanation of the Yajnas that had been performed was provided in Kannada and English. Through worshipping Lord Ganapati and earning His grace, it becomes possible to rein in sensory desires. Since He is also the symbol of attainment, worshipping Maha Ganapati allows each person to attain....
To read more, click HERE
Idols of Mother Durga, Lord Ganesha, Lord Kartikeya, Mother Lakshmi and Mother Saraswati, which are specially made and brought from West Bengal
Sahasra Modaka Ganapati Homa being performed
Navagraha Homa and Shani Shanti Homa being performed
Arati being offered to Goddess Durga accompanied by the Dhakis and the Dhunuchi dance ritual
The second day of Dussehra celebrations began in the morning with Pavamana Homa and Ashlesha Bali Homa that were performed in the presence of Bhagawan. The Governor of Uttarakhand among other diginitaries were also in attendance. Chaturveda Parayana started from this day with Rig Veda being chanted by priests who had come from Tirupathi Devasthanam.
Children from West Bengal performed an endearing dance depicting the joys of the Durga Puja called ‘The festival of Joy’.
The programme concluded with the grand Arati to Maa Durga.
The evening programme of Day two of Dussehra Celebrations at Muddenahalli had eminent guests in attendance including Sri Vidyaprasanna Teertha Swamiji from the Subrahmanya Math at Kukke in Karnataka; Pandit Sri Yogendra Mahant from Madhya Pradesh, Former minister in the State Legislature; Sri KH Muniyappa, Former Union Minister, Government of India
The proceedings commenced with Veda chanting by girls of Grade seven and eight of the Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag, who chanted the Purusha Suktam.
The first address by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, spoke of the miracles one can witness today. The Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi, in his inaugural address during the inauguration of Sanjeevani Hospital had highlighted that, though there are several miracles that Baba performed during his lifetime, the biggest miracles were gift of Education and Health that He gave to several thousands of people. The same work continues to this day, on a greater scale.
The next address was by Pandit Sri Yogendra Mahant, who is known for the Krithrim Anga Kendra....
To read more, click HERE
Ashlesha Bali Homa
Pavamana Homa
‘The festival of Joy’, a dance offering by the children of West Bengal
With Smt Baby Rani Maurya, Honourable Governor of Uttarakhand
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