Este es un maravilloso incidente que ocurrió en algún momento en 1989, el examen final había terminado, y ya todos los alumnos del Instituto y de la escuela, se iban a casa.
Swami dio Prasadam a todos y le dijo a un estudiante en particular que les diera Prasadam a sus padres que no estaban bien.
Unas pocas semanas después, el muchacho vino a Brindavan para tener el Darshan de Swami, lo llamó y le dio un paquete de vibhuti, que era el mismo paquete que le había dado para su madre, tenia escrito "Para la madre", aunque ya le había dado el Prasadam para su Madre, pero Swami le dijo que él había dejado descuidadamente el Prasadam en su armario del Hostel.
Swami le dijo al Muchacho que cuando "Swami da algo, es para un propósito de amor que no se puede imaginar, y que debía seguir las palabras de Swami todo el tiempo ".
Con Amor Divino y la Gracia de Swami ...
Swami's Divine Love and Grace...
This is a wonderful Incident which happened sometime in 1989, the final exams had got over and all the students of the Institute and the school were leaving for home.
Swami had given Prasadam to everyone and told one particular student to give Prasadam to His Parents who were not well. A few weeks after that the same boy came to Brindavan to have Darshan, Swami called him amd gave him a Packet of Vibuthi, It was the same packet that he was to give to his Mother, it was written "To mother", But he had already given the Prasadam to his Mother, Swami told him that he had carelessly left the Prasadam in his Hostel Cupboard, Swami told that Boy that when ".
Con Amor Divino y la Gracia de Swami ...
Swami's Divine Love and Grace...
This is a wonderful Incident which happened sometime in 1989, the final exams had got over and all the students of the Institute and the school were leaving for home.
Swami had given Prasadam to everyone and told one particular student to give Prasadam to His Parents who were not well. A few weeks after that the same boy came to Brindavan to have Darshan, Swami called him amd gave him a Packet of Vibuthi, It was the same packet that he was to give to his Mother, it was written "To mother", But he had already given the Prasadam to his Mother, Swami told him that he had carelessly left the Prasadam in his Hostel Cupboard, Swami told that Boy that when ".
Swami gives something it is for a Purpose and out of Love which no one can imagine, Follow Swami's words everytime".
Swami's Divine Love and Grace...
Swami's Divine Love and Grace...


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