Sai Ram - Akshaya Patra Swami ..
Cuando Swami abrió el Edificio Samithi Seva( Centro Sai) Sathya Sai en Venkatagiri, Andhra Pradesh, fue el primer edificio de Samithi Seva, abierto por Swami, ahora hay infinidad de ellos en este mundo .......
En la noche de ese día maravilloso, había un "Narayana Seva", un programa de servicio en el que un montón de gente vino a tomar un alimento.
Por lo general, no más de 500 personas venían para los programas "Narayana Seva", que fueron organizadas antes, esta vez la multitud era muy grande, se reunieron cerca de 3000 personas, fueron más personas de las que entraban, había escasez de todo, hojas de plátano, agua y lo más importante comida ....... Las hojas y el agua se consiguieron muy pronto, pero la comida era un gran problema, y ya estaba oscureciendo, Swami le había dicho al Raja de Venkatagiri que nadie debe irse sin alimentarse.
Por lo general, no más de 500 personas venían para los programas "Narayana Seva", que fueron organizadas antes, esta vez la multitud era muy grande, se reunieron cerca de 3000 personas, fueron más personas de las que entraban, había escasez de todo, hojas de plátano, agua y lo más importante comida ....... Las hojas y el agua se consiguieron muy pronto, pero la comida era un gran problema, y ya estaba oscureciendo, Swami le había dicho al Raja de Venkatagiri que nadie debe irse sin alimentarse.
Todo el mundo estaba muy preocupado, pero no lo demostraba a Swami, ¿Alguien puede ocultar algo a Bhagavan?....
Swami vio la tensión en el rostro, fue a la cocina y vio a un corrillo de gente, Swami entendió el problema y les pregunto: para cuántas personas faltaban alimentos, la respuesta fue: para alrededor de "500 personas", Swami les reprendió por no ser cuidadosos, y luego dijo "¿Qué habrían hecho si yo no estuviera aquí?, diciendo esto Bhagavan preguntó dónde estaba el arroz Sambar, estaba en un olla muy grande y estaba vacía casi en su 3/4 parte, Swami sonrió creado vibhuti y lo puso en un vaso y dijo: "Andhariki Saripotundhi", que significa "Será suficiente para todo el mundo" .
Alimentación, que no era suficiente para menos de 50 personas ahora era capaz de alimentar a 500 personas sin ningún tipo de problema. Todos estuvieron bien alimentados y felices.
Uno ha oído hablar de la Akshaya Patra( recipiente que materializa alimentos todos los días para los devotos envueltos en sadhanas aislados) en el Mahabarata, este era un "Swami Akshaya Patra".
Sai Ram - Akshaya Patra Swami ..
When Swami opened the Sathya Sai Seva Samithi Building in Venkatagiri in Andhra Pradesh, it was the first Seva Samithi Building to be opened by Swami, Now there are countless of them in this world……. In the evening on that Wonderful day, there was a "Narayana Seva" programme wherein a lot of people came to partake of food.
Usually not more than 500 people used to come for "Narayana Seva" programme's which were organised before, This time the Crowd was very huge ranging to about 3000 people and more people were entering, there was a Shortage of everything, Banana Leaves, Water and most importantly Food……. Leaves and water were arranged at the earliest, But Food was a Big Problem and it was getting dark, Swami had told the Raja of Venkatagiri that no person should go without partaking of
the Food, Everyone was very worried but did not show it to Swami, Can anyone hide anything from Bhagawan?, Swami saw the tension in the faces and went to the Kitchen Room and saw a Huddle of People, Swami understood the Problem and asked as to for how many people would there be a Shortage, The Answer was around "500 people", Swami chided them for not being careful, then said "What would you have done if I was not here ?, So saying Bhagawan asked as to where the Sambar Rice was being Kept, It was in a very big vessel and it was almost 3/4th empty, Swami smiled Created some Vibuthi and put it in the Vessel and said "Andhariki Saripotundhi", meaning "It will be enough for everybody". Food which was not enough for less than 50 people was now able to feed 500 people without any problem. Everybody was well fed and happy.
One has heard of the Akshaya Patra in the Mahabarata, This was "Swami's Akshaya Patra".
Uno ha oído hablar de la Akshaya Patra( recipiente que materializa alimentos todos los días para los devotos envueltos en sadhanas aislados) en el Mahabarata, este era un "Swami Akshaya Patra".
Sai Ram - Akshaya Patra Swami ..
When Swami opened the Sathya Sai Seva Samithi Building in Venkatagiri in Andhra Pradesh, it was the first Seva Samithi Building to be opened by Swami, Now there are countless of them in this world……. In the evening on that Wonderful day, there was a "Narayana Seva" programme wherein a lot of people came to partake of food.
Usually not more than 500 people used to come for "Narayana Seva" programme's which were organised before, This time the Crowd was very huge ranging to about 3000 people and more people were entering, there was a Shortage of everything, Banana Leaves, Water and most importantly Food……. Leaves and water were arranged at the earliest, But Food was a Big Problem and it was getting dark, Swami had told the Raja of Venkatagiri that no person should go without partaking of
the Food, Everyone was very worried but did not show it to Swami, Can anyone hide anything from Bhagawan?, Swami saw the tension in the faces and went to the Kitchen Room and saw a Huddle of People, Swami understood the Problem and asked as to for how many people would there be a Shortage, The Answer was around "500 people", Swami chided them for not being careful, then said "What would you have done if I was not here ?, So saying Bhagawan asked as to where the Sambar Rice was being Kept, It was in a very big vessel and it was almost 3/4th empty, Swami smiled Created some Vibuthi and put it in the Vessel and said "Andhariki Saripotundhi", meaning "It will be enough for everybody". Food which was not enough for less than 50 people was now able to feed 500 people without any problem. Everybody was well fed and happy.
One has heard of the Akshaya Patra in the Mahabarata, This was "Swami's Akshaya Patra".


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