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martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Emisión de ciento treinta y cinco - 04 de agosto de, 2018 _Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Thirty Five - August 04, 2018.

Número Ciento treinta y cinco - 04 de agosto de 2018
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La sabiduría suprema y la comprensión de que uno es divino, y también lo son todos los demás, y todo lo demás, por sí solo puede establecer la moralidad en la sociedad, y la paz en el mundo. Ustedes lo llaman por cualquier nombre, cualquier forma, atribuye cualquier cosa a esa Divinidad en base a sus fes y creencias; no es un problema en tanto crean que esa Divinidad que es amor puro, desinteresado, existe en todo y en todos. -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento treinta y cinco de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, nos gustaría compartir una doble felicidad y alegría. La Fundación Sai Prema, Fiji, ha sido galardonada con el Premio Nacional por el Servicio Nacional de Donación de Sangre en Fiji junto con la Cruz Roja de Fiji; y el premio Best NGO Award para Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust por National CSR Summit celebrado en New Delhi el 2 de agosto de 2018. Además, les traemos las actualizaciones de las celebraciones Ashadi y Guru Purnima celebradas en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli entre el 23 de julio de 2018 a 27 de julio de 2018. 

'Inscríbase en' One Nation Youth 2018 ', una reunión de jóvenes que se realizará en Bengaluru el 15 de agosto de 2018 para discutir algunos de los problemas sociales. Los detalles de la reunión de jóvenes están en este número. 

En la VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana , el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y él mismo en los Estados Unidos. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!

Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

*No temido, sino querido.*

Al pasar por las calles del vecindario élite de Encinitas, en el camino de regreso de Satsang, Swami dijo: .......

Para saber más, haga clic AQUÍ


Fundación Sai Prema, Fiji ha sido galardonado con el Premio Nacional por su proyecto "BE A HERO" *SE UN HÉROE* que logró la mayor donación de sangre en 2017. El premio fue otorgado a la Fundación por el Servicio Nacional de Sangre de Fiji y la Cruz Roja de Fiji .
Junto con el premio se encuentran los Fideicomisarios de SPF (Sri Mahendra Tappoo, Smt Maya Tappoo, Sri Rajen Kumar y Sri Kamlesh Tappoo), Miembros del Comité Ejecutivo (Sri Pratin Lal y Sri Remal Tappoo) y Coordinadores del Proyecto Be A Hero (Mr Mayur Maisuria y Mr Khushant Amarsee).


 23 Y 24 DE JULIO, 2018.

23 de julio de 2018.

El calendario del festival indio está lleno de días importantes celebrados con el ciclo climático: todas las estaciones cambiantes tienen su propio valor y el comienzo de tales temporadas se celebra en forma de festivales en varias partes de la India.

El undécimo día de la brillante quincena del ....

23 de julio de 2018 - Concierto musical de Sri Kunal Ganjawala, Smt Gayatri Ganjawala y estudiantes del Grupo de Instituciones Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva
24 de julio de 2018 - Hipnótico recital de Sarod por Sri Amaan Ali Bangash y Sri Ayaan Ali Bangash

 25 Y 26 DE JULIO, 2018.

25 de julio de 2018.

El tercer día de la celebración de cinco días en Muddenahalli había amanecido y los devotos estaban ansiosos por sumergirse profundamente en el océano de devoción, disfrutando de la más sagrada bendición de pasar su tiempo con el Señor. 

Swami entró al Salón Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham en Muddenahalli desde el lado del escenario y se deslizó entre los devotos, aceptando cartas de casi todos.

La velada comenzó con ....
25 de julio de 2018 - Recital de Hari Katha por el Dr. Prema Pandurang 
25 de julio de 2018 - Bharata Natyam. Recital de danza de Padma Bhushan. Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam.

 27 DE JULIO DE 2018.


Uno de los días más auspiciosos y reverenciados en el calendario indio, Guru Purnima se celebró en Muddenahalli con mucha alegría, mientras los devotos se reunían de todo el mundo en el Salón Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham para el programa matutino del último día de celebraciones de cinco días .

Después de pasar casi ...
Mañana - Celebraciones de Guru Purnima
Lanzamiento de libros de Guru Vikas
Lanzamiento del CD de audio 'Naada Brahma'
Lanzamiento de los libros 'Growing to be God' 
Lanzamiento del CD de audio de 'Ananda Brahma'
Lanzamiento del libro 'Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Volumen 8'
Bhagawan con el equipo global de Uvacha
Lanzamiento del libro "Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Volumen 1 - Hindi"
Lanzamiento de Love Beyond Boundaries, volumen 6 del libro
Lanzamiento del libro 'Nithya Prarthana'
Felicitando a los maestros
Tarde - Inauguración de 'Sai Ashraya - Bloque F' 
Tarde - Centelleante recital de Santoor por Padma Vibhushan Pandit Shivkumar Sharma

15 DE AGOSTO DE 2018.

Aumento de los costos de educación y salud, desigualdad, desnutrición, corrupción .... India tiene una buena cantidad de desafíos. Pero, ¿qué vamos a hacer al respecto? 

Podemos quejarnos o encontrar formas de marcar la diferencia. ¿En qué lado te gustaría estar? 

Este Día de la Independencia  
ejerce su opción de ser parte de la solución.Regístrese en línea para el evento 'One Nation Youth' y únase a muchos jóvenes de ideas afines para debatir algunos de los mayores problemas de la nación. Discutamos y deliberemos 
y seamos parte de un movimiento que sigue su discurso. 

Esperando la fuerza más fuerte de la nación para "Unirse por la Igualdad y la Transformación". 

Fecha - 15 de agosto, miércoles, 2018. 
Lugar - Auditorio de la Universidad Dental de RV, JP Nagar, Bangalore.
Hora - 4:00 p.m. en adelante. 

Regístrese en Mfm8NC4eyCFJlyfG2 El

programa será seguido por un concierto musical y una cena. 

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con 
8749095158- Darshan SH, 
9945319320- Rajnikanth 
comuníquese con 
nosotros a

Suscríbete al canal oficial de YouTube de Sai Vrinda  para ver la transmisión en vivo y los eventos de Muddenahalli. 

Visita para obtener actualizaciones de Satsang, visitas divinas y la misión en curso de Bhagawan. 

Sintoniza , una radio por Internet 24x7 de Muddenahalli, una plataforma asociarse y transformarse con amor, servicio y espiritualidad
¡Suscríbete a 'Amruta Vahini', la revista mensual de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli hoy!Desde los Discursos Divinos hasta las actualizaciones de eventos, desde las funciones fotográficas hasta los relatos de viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias, ¡'Amruta Vahini' es una revista mensual imprescindible! 

Para suscribirse, visite nuestro sitio web o envíenos un correo electrónico a .
Estaremos encantados de ayudarle con los trámites de suscripción y ¡entregarlo a su hogar u oficina!

Sintoniza a Sanathana Vani todos los jueves (IST 5:30 p.m.), domingo (IST a las 6 p.m.), y durante los festivales, para escuchar el satsang EN VIVO, transmitido directamente desde Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.
Copyright © * 2017 * 
* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Thirty Five - August 04, 2018
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The ultimate wisdom and the realisation that one is Divine and so is everybody else and everything else alone can establish morality in the society, peace in the world. You call it by any name, any form, attribute anything to that Divinity based on your faiths and beliefs - it is not a problem as long as you believe that that Divine which is pure, selfless love exists in everything and everyone.             

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Thirty Fifth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we would like to share the double happiness and joy. Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji has been honoured with National Award by Fiji National Blood service along with Fiji Red Cross; the Best NGO award for Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust by National CSR Summit held at New Delhi on August 02, 2018.

Also,we bring you the updates on Ashadi and Guru Purnima Celebrations held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli between July 23, 2018 to July 27, 2018.  

'Register for the 'One Nation Youth 2018', a Youth Meet that will be hosted in Bengaluru on August 15, 2018 to discuss some of the societal problems. Details of the youth meet are in this issue.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and himself in USA.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Not Fear But Dear  

Passing through the streets of the elite neighbourhood of Encinitas, on the way back from Satsang, Swami said, “America is doing things to get nearer to the other nations, but it’s only creating fear. It wants the world to idolise it, but how can that be possible by creating fear. If it wants to get near to other nations then it can’t be through fear, but it should make itself dear! Not by force and strength, but by love and service it can become dear. America needs to change the way it thinks, speaks or acts as that would change the world too.

What America thinks today, is what the world thinks tomorrow. What America does today is what the world does tomorrow. Therefore, the very core of American thinking needs to change from ‘creating fear’ to ‘being dear’, by shunning weapons and warfare, and instead practise love and genuine concern for humanity.”

Is this not the reason why Swami is in such a great hurry to change America by building Centres for Human Development on the east and the west coasts, the cradles of American thinking and industry?

When someone asked Swami if America is so powerful what’s the role of India, Swami replied, “America is like the mighty brother Bheema, whereas India is like Dharmaraja, the eldest and wisest amongst the five Pandava brothers. So America’s might and India’s wisdom must go together.”

No one is more clear about how the world can be changed than Swami, I concluded. 


Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji has been honoured with the National Award for its "BE A HERO" project which achieved the Highest Blood Collection in 2017. The award was presented to the Foundation by the Fiji National Blood Service & Fiji Red Cross.
Standing with the award are SPF Trustees (Sri Mahendra Tappoo, Smt Maya Tappoo, Sri Rajen Kumar & Sri Kamlesh Tappoo), Executive Committee Members (Sri Pratin Lal & Sri Remal Tappoo) & Be A Hero Project Coordinators (Mr Mayur Maisuria and Mr Khushant Amarsee).
 JULY 23 AND 24, 2018
July 23, 2018
The Indian festival calendar is full of significant days celebrated with the weather cycle—all the changing seasons have their own value and the beginning of such seasons are celebrated in the form of festivals in various parts of India.
The eleventh day of the bright fortnight of the Indian lunar month Aashada is celebrated as ‘Aashadi Ekadashi,’ also popularly known as ‘Devashayani Ekadashi’. It marks the beginning of the period of four months of the rainy season. The vegetation is dependent on the rains, and therefore, this day holds a great significance in the Indian household. On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshipped through various rituals, observing fasts and vows.
In the State of Maharashtra, Lord Vitthal is worshipped by the pilgrims by undertaking a journey to the town of Pandarpur. Likewise, the devotees, eager to pay their obeisance at the Lotus Feet of Lord Sai Vitthal, had gathered in Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.
On the evening of the July 23, there was a cultural programme organisedto celebrate the auspicious day. Bhagawan entered the Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham Hall, Muddenahalli from the stage-side and blessed all the devotees, accepted their letters, compassionately heard their prayers, and mercifully offered word of encouragement and counsel. Delighting the young and the old, Swami sat on His throne off-stage and signalledthe start of the programme.
The programme began with the Vedic invocation by the students of the Vidya Kendra, Muddenahalli, as they....
To know more, click HERE
July 23, 2018 - Musical concert by Sri Kunal Ganjawala, Smt Gayatri Ganjawala and students of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions
July 24, 2018 - Mesmerising Sarod recital by Sri Amaan Ali Bangash and Sri Ayaan Ali Bangash
 JULY 25 AND 26, 2018
July 25, 2018
The third day of the five-day celebration in Muddenahalli had dawned and the devotees were eager to dive deep into the ocean of devotion, enjoying the most sacred benediction of spending their time with the Lord. Swami entered the Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham Hall in Muddenahalli from the stage-side and glided among the devotees, accepting letters from almost everybody.
The evening commenced with a talk by Sister Bhuvana Santhanam about the second meet of the Sai Global Federation of Foundations that was held that very morning with Bhagawan preceding the session. The Sai Global Federation of Foundations is a platform bringing together all the Trusts, Societies, Organisations, and groups that are working in the various fields of selfless service, be it education, healthcare or nutrition, taking Swami’s Universal message of ‘Love All Serve All’ to the four corners of the world. Trustees and members of various organisations from 18 countries took part in the meeting. A video presentation encapsulating all activities done by close to 30 countries were showcased, which gave a perspective of the magnitude of the work being carried out in the last six years! Bhagawan has divided all the countries into four regions across the world, and region-wise arious projects and activities were shown in the presentation.
Devotees watching were amazed to see all the work, and truly without Swami guiding them, there is no way so much could have happened in such a short time. Proof enough that Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, like other Avatars and Masters, have no birth or death, their eternal spirit liveson, and continues to guide humanity.
This was followed by a rendition of Hari Katha by Dr Prema Pandurang—the famous exponent of scriptures who enchants her audience with an erudite and refined language proficiency in English, Sanskrit, Hindi and various other languages.
In an hour-long rendition, her topic was Bhakti, focusing on the uniqueness and singular beauty of Gopis....

To know more, click HERE
July 25, 2018 - Hari Katha recital by Dr Prema Pandurang 
July 25, 2018 - Bharata Natyam Dance recital by Padma Bhushan Dr Padma Subrahmanyam
 JULY 27, 2018
One of the most auspicious and revered days in the Indian calendar, Guru Purnima was celebrated in Muddenahalli with much joy, as devotees gathered from around the world at the Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham Hall for the morning programme of the last day of five-day celebrations.
After spending almost half an hour in the Darshan Lines, satiating the thirsting souls of the devotees, He also cut the Guru Purnima cake, marking the acceptance of everybody’s prayers and obeisance at the Lotus Feet of their Beloved Guru. Bhagawan then ascended the stage with Sri T B Jayachandra, Sri C Sreenivas, Mr Isaac Tigrett, and Sri B N Narasimha Murthy. Brother Madhusudan Naidu looked radiant in his yellow attire, which reflected the fact that Swami was dressed in His resplendent yellow robe!
The Bhajan Group regaled the Lord with the bouquet of their soulful renditions of various songs and Bhajans, specially prepared for this holy occasion. The morning programme commenced with Vedic invocation of the Prana-Ahuti Mantra, chanted by the Grade Six students of the Muddenahalli Campus. This was followed by a series of releases – books and a couple of CDs. In total, 33 books, two CDs were launched by Bhagawan which included seven books on Guru Vikas (an initiative for teachers), one book on Growing to be God (an initiative for children), Naada Brahma (Instrumental Bhajans performed by Mandolin U Rajesh, Dimitris Lambrianos on the grand piano and bass guitar, and Praveen Narayan on the tabla), Ananda Brahma (Meditative Bhajans by Dimitris Lambrianos on the grand piano, and vocals by Pooja Vaidyanath, Srinivas V and Tarashankar), Uvacha – Volume 8 in English, and 17 Uvacha books translated in various languages of the world along with their......

To know more, click HERE
Morning - Guru Purnima Celebrations
Launch of Guru Vikas books
Launch of 'Naada Brahma' audio CD
Launch of 'Growing to be God' books 
Launch of 'Ananda Brahma' audio CD
Launch of 'Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Volume 8' book
Bhagawan with the Global Uvacha Team
Launch of 'Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Volume 1 - Hindi' book
Launch of Love Beyond Boundaries, Volume 6 book
Launch of 'Nithya Prarthana' book
Felicitating the teachers
Afternoon - Inauguration of 'Sai Ashraya - F Block' 
Evening - Scintillating Santoor recital by Padma Vibhushan Pandit Shivkumar Sharma
AUGUST 15, 2018
Rising education and health costs, inequality, malnutrition, corruption…. India has its fair share of challenges. But what are we going to do about it?

We can either complain or find ways to make a difference. Which side would you like to be on?

This Independence Day 
exercise your choice to be a part of the solution. Register online for the 'One Nation Youth' event and join many like-minded youngsters in debating some of the Nation’s biggest problems. Let’s discuss and deliberate
, and be a part of a movement that walks its talk.

Awaiting the strongest force of the nation to "Unite for Equality and Transformation".

Date - August 15, Wednesday, 2018.
Venue - RV Dental College Auditorium, JP Nagar, Bengaluru.
Time - 4:00 p.m onwards.

Register at

Programme shall be followed by a musical concert and dinner.

For more details, contact
8749095158- Darshan S H,
9945319320- Rajnikanth
Reach us at
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Tune in to Sanathana Vani every Thursday (IST 5:30pm), Sunday (IST 6pm), and during festivals, to listen to the LIVE satsang, streamed directly from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.
Copyright © *2017*
*Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: commsm

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