Sai Ram - Hoy es el 5 º Aniversario del fallecimiento de Sai Gita .
Hoy es un día para recuerdo divino de Sai Gita en su quinto aniversario de su muerte. Ella era una divina Seva Sai.
Esto sucedió más de una década y media atrás. Era una mañana tranquila en la aldea sagrada de Puttaparthi. Cuando el sol despejaba la noche con sus rayos penetrantes de agradable luz, en una mañana relajante, Bhagavan, con Su darshan divino, había llenado los corazones de sus devotos con el calor de su amor. Los bhajans terminaron como de costumbre, a las nueve y media, y Swami se retiró a su habitación. El Ashram, una vez más, se vio envuelto en el silencio de gran alcance.
Como los devotos dispersos, llevan la serenidad de la mañana feliz en sus corazones, sus mentes y sentidos fueron sumergidos en un solo pensamiento: ~ ¿Cuándo puedo tener el darshan del Señor de nuevo "para escuchar los darshan, una vez más, como una ráfaga fresca?, ellos sabían que tendrán que esperar al menos cinco horas, por la tarde.
Esto sería cierto, si hubiera sido cualquier otro día. Pero este día iba a ocurrir una agradable sorpresa. Eran las once y media de la mañana y inesperadamente oyeron la sirena de la policía que precedía a la caravana de Swami!.
De repente, hubo emoción en todas partes, era como si el ashram fuera en un instante catapultado a una quinta marcha. Swami estaba en una de sus no programadas salidas del Mandir, aveces iba tan lejos como el Hospital de Super Especialidades, ubicado a unos cinco kilómetros de distancia.
Pero ¿dónde exactamente iba ese día? ¿ Visitaría el albergue?, O el hospital?, O la escuela? o es sólo un paseo?. El juego de adivinanzas estaba en la mente de todos. Ambos lados de la carretera se llenaban de devotos, que de alguna manera trataban de hacerse un poco de espacio para no perderse esta bendición extra del día. Todos los niños de la escuela secundaria y estudiantes del albergue Ishvaramma se alinearon a ambos lados de la carretera. Ya que su coche llegó cerca del albergue, y desaceleró en su paso, recibiendo la bendición Divina.
En ese momento, Sai Gita, tenía un enorme recinto con un techo abovedado a la derecha, en frente del albergue de los muchachos mayores. Al parecer, al oír el sonido de la sirena, se precipitó hacia la puerta y si no hubiera sido por su cuidador, lo habría aplastado. Ella estaba en el camino antes de que los niños se alinearan. Parecía demasiado emocionada ese día, por lo que era difícil sostenerla bajo control. Auto de Swami se acercó y Sai Gita avanzado lentamente. Todo el mundo allí, que había visto a Sai Gita levantar su trompa a modo de saludo cada vez que veía Swami, fueron testigos de ese día de una escena inusual. Su trompa robusta estaba en gran medida sobre el capó del coche. Ella se negó a ceder a pesar de la insistencia. Sus orejas se agitaban a un ritmo alarmante, parecía perturbada.
El cristal de la puerta del lado de Swami se deslizó sin hacer ruido y antes que multitud se acercara, su tronco se deslizó hábilmente desde el capó a la ventana y muy suavemente tocó la mejilla de Swami y el cabello. Era un espectáculo tan delicado, dulce y encantadora. Un silencio descendió sobre la reunión. Nadie quería perderse ni el más mínimo segundo de la obra divina. Algo sutil, ocurrió entre los dos ", tal vez un mensaje de entenderse sólo por la verdad de corazón puro - y poco a poco retiró el tronco desde la ventana del coche. A continuación, a una señal de Swami, el muchacho sentado en el asiento delantero rápidamente abrió la puerta.
Swami salió del coche y de inmediato las orejas batientes redujeron a un movimiento suave. Ella se corrió hacia atrás, cunado Swami se dirigió hacia ella, murmurando palabras cariñosas, mientras que su trompa alcanza a acariciar sus pies. Él la tocó y los más cercanos pudieron ver como su enorme cuerpo se alegraba de la bendición. Sólo los que estaban en la proximidad escucharon la conversación entre la dulce de Sai Gita y su amado Swami, en Telugu dulce, le habló en voz baja.
"Vamos Gita, me tengo que ir, dijo, acariciando su trompa.
Ella protestó en voz baja y la trompa se elevó y se puso sobre el capó de nuevo. Fue un muy fuerte "¡No!"
"Quiero irme Gita, vamos, vamos, muevete, dijo Swami, llegando a acariciarle la mejilla. Y de repente brillaba como un diamante, una gota de lagrima que era su amor por él, una expresión silenciosa de sus sentimientos :... una lágrima se abrieron camino hasta la mejilla misma sobre la que descansaba su mano, cunado los estudiantes y devotos miraban, más lágrimas corrían y se mojó la mano de Swami, la miró y asintió con la cabeza comprensivamente Sus orejas se quedaron quietas, inmóviles, y su gran cabeza gacha.
Bueno, bueno, no voy a irme! Swami dijo con simpatía.
Inmediatamente ella acerco sus orejas . Ella no se había movido un centímetro. Tal vez ella no quería romper el contacto. Tal vez, ella no quería que su Señor quitara su mano. Ella se quedó inmóvil con la cabeza inclinada escuchando a su maestro.
"Vaya, vaya de nuevo a su nave, dijo Swami, acariciándole y bajando la mano. Ella sacudió la cabeza con suavidad. Y de nuevo movió su cabeza con un gran" No ".
¿Va a volver si vuelvo al ashram? Swami le preguntó.
Y dio un paso atrás ", pero sólo uno pequeño - la trompa todavía estaba en el capó.
Bueno, bueno, no voy a ir, voy a volver al ashram. ¿Esta usted feliz?, Él le preguntó.
Ella visiblemente se estremeció de alegría y respondió en su propio idioma con la afirmativa. El, por supuesto, entendida.
Buena chica, buena chica, dijo Swami.
Luego se dirigió a los estudiantes y aceptó un pañuelo. Volviendo a ella, le secó las lágrimas y mirando a los chicos otra vez, dijo en voz alta , "Yo había planeado ir a Brindavan hoy.
Las palabras salieron de la nada! Estupefacto, los chicos se limitaron a mirarlo. La euforia con la que estaban disfrutando del romance divino simplemente! Los chicos solo parpadearon por falta de una expresión mejor. Swami iba a Brindavan? Y ninguno de nosotros sabía? No hubo ningún mensaje, ninguna insinuación. Habríamos perdido Swami? Todos los chicos estaban allí con sus manos cruzadas y desconcertadas cabezas.
Su mirada pasó por encima de todos los chicos. Utilizando el mismo pañuelo para limpiarse la mano, Swami continuó, yo quería ir en silencio, sin mucho ruido. Sus ojos miró al igual que otros cien. Ella lo sabía, lo intuía. De alguna manera descubrió que Swami se iba y ella estaba llorando, Paapam (pobrecita). Él la miró, sus ojos y su trompa, ya estaban a sus pies. Algunos de los muchachos bajaron la mirada y vieron que ella le había movido ligeramente a un lado la toga que descansa sobre la tierra y le acariciaba los pies de loto. Con suavidad, pero con firmeza, la empujó y ella se retiró a su tinglado.
Consulte a Swami! ...y comentó mirando a los chicos cuando él se sentó en el coche. A ella le encanta Swami tanto que ella puede sentir los sentimientos de Swami. Ella vino a Swami cuando era un bebé pequeño, por lo que han pasado muchos años, ves? Su amor ha aumentado "el amor se expandió. Eso es devoción.
El Amor Divino de un maravilloso Seva Sai.
Pero ¿dónde exactamente iba ese día? ¿ Visitaría el albergue?, O el hospital?, O la escuela? o es sólo un paseo?. El juego de adivinanzas estaba en la mente de todos. Ambos lados de la carretera se llenaban de devotos, que de alguna manera trataban de hacerse un poco de espacio para no perderse esta bendición extra del día. Todos los niños de la escuela secundaria y estudiantes del albergue Ishvaramma se alinearon a ambos lados de la carretera. Ya que su coche llegó cerca del albergue, y desaceleró en su paso, recibiendo la bendición Divina.
En ese momento, Sai Gita, tenía un enorme recinto con un techo abovedado a la derecha, en frente del albergue de los muchachos mayores. Al parecer, al oír el sonido de la sirena, se precipitó hacia la puerta y si no hubiera sido por su cuidador, lo habría aplastado. Ella estaba en el camino antes de que los niños se alinearan. Parecía demasiado emocionada ese día, por lo que era difícil sostenerla bajo control. Auto de Swami se acercó y Sai Gita avanzado lentamente. Todo el mundo allí, que había visto a Sai Gita levantar su trompa a modo de saludo cada vez que veía Swami, fueron testigos de ese día de una escena inusual. Su trompa robusta estaba en gran medida sobre el capó del coche. Ella se negó a ceder a pesar de la insistencia. Sus orejas se agitaban a un ritmo alarmante, parecía perturbada.
El cristal de la puerta del lado de Swami se deslizó sin hacer ruido y antes que multitud se acercara, su tronco se deslizó hábilmente desde el capó a la ventana y muy suavemente tocó la mejilla de Swami y el cabello. Era un espectáculo tan delicado, dulce y encantadora. Un silencio descendió sobre la reunión. Nadie quería perderse ni el más mínimo segundo de la obra divina. Algo sutil, ocurrió entre los dos ", tal vez un mensaje de entenderse sólo por la verdad de corazón puro - y poco a poco retiró el tronco desde la ventana del coche. A continuación, a una señal de Swami, el muchacho sentado en el asiento delantero rápidamente abrió la puerta.
Swami salió del coche y de inmediato las orejas batientes redujeron a un movimiento suave. Ella se corrió hacia atrás, cunado Swami se dirigió hacia ella, murmurando palabras cariñosas, mientras que su trompa alcanza a acariciar sus pies. Él la tocó y los más cercanos pudieron ver como su enorme cuerpo se alegraba de la bendición. Sólo los que estaban en la proximidad escucharon la conversación entre la dulce de Sai Gita y su amado Swami, en Telugu dulce, le habló en voz baja.
"Vamos Gita, me tengo que ir, dijo, acariciando su trompa.
Ella protestó en voz baja y la trompa se elevó y se puso sobre el capó de nuevo. Fue un muy fuerte "¡No!"
"Quiero irme Gita, vamos, vamos, muevete, dijo Swami, llegando a acariciarle la mejilla. Y de repente brillaba como un diamante, una gota de lagrima que era su amor por él, una expresión silenciosa de sus sentimientos :... una lágrima se abrieron camino hasta la mejilla misma sobre la que descansaba su mano, cunado los estudiantes y devotos miraban, más lágrimas corrían y se mojó la mano de Swami, la miró y asintió con la cabeza comprensivamente Sus orejas se quedaron quietas, inmóviles, y su gran cabeza gacha.
Bueno, bueno, no voy a irme! Swami dijo con simpatía.
Inmediatamente ella acerco sus orejas . Ella no se había movido un centímetro. Tal vez ella no quería romper el contacto. Tal vez, ella no quería que su Señor quitara su mano. Ella se quedó inmóvil con la cabeza inclinada escuchando a su maestro.
"Vaya, vaya de nuevo a su nave, dijo Swami, acariciándole y bajando la mano. Ella sacudió la cabeza con suavidad. Y de nuevo movió su cabeza con un gran" No ".
¿Va a volver si vuelvo al ashram? Swami le preguntó.
Y dio un paso atrás ", pero sólo uno pequeño - la trompa todavía estaba en el capó.
Bueno, bueno, no voy a ir, voy a volver al ashram. ¿Esta usted feliz?, Él le preguntó.
Ella visiblemente se estremeció de alegría y respondió en su propio idioma con la afirmativa. El, por supuesto, entendida.
Buena chica, buena chica, dijo Swami.
Luego se dirigió a los estudiantes y aceptó un pañuelo. Volviendo a ella, le secó las lágrimas y mirando a los chicos otra vez, dijo en voz alta , "Yo había planeado ir a Brindavan hoy.
Las palabras salieron de la nada! Estupefacto, los chicos se limitaron a mirarlo. La euforia con la que estaban disfrutando del romance divino simplemente! Los chicos solo parpadearon por falta de una expresión mejor. Swami iba a Brindavan? Y ninguno de nosotros sabía? No hubo ningún mensaje, ninguna insinuación. Habríamos perdido Swami? Todos los chicos estaban allí con sus manos cruzadas y desconcertadas cabezas.
Su mirada pasó por encima de todos los chicos. Utilizando el mismo pañuelo para limpiarse la mano, Swami continuó, yo quería ir en silencio, sin mucho ruido. Sus ojos miró al igual que otros cien. Ella lo sabía, lo intuía. De alguna manera descubrió que Swami se iba y ella estaba llorando, Paapam (pobrecita). Él la miró, sus ojos y su trompa, ya estaban a sus pies. Algunos de los muchachos bajaron la mirada y vieron que ella le había movido ligeramente a un lado la toga que descansa sobre la tierra y le acariciaba los pies de loto. Con suavidad, pero con firmeza, la empujó y ella se retiró a su tinglado.
Consulte a Swami! ...y comentó mirando a los chicos cuando él se sentó en el coche. A ella le encanta Swami tanto que ella puede sentir los sentimientos de Swami. Ella vino a Swami cuando era un bebé pequeño, por lo que han pasado muchos años, ves? Su amor ha aumentado "el amor se expandió. Eso es devoción.
El Amor Divino de un maravilloso Seva Sai.
Sai Ram - Today is the 5th Anniversary of Sai Geetha passing away.
Today is a Day of Divine Rememberance of Sai Geetha on her 5th Death Anniversary. She was a Divine Sai Sewak.
This happened more than a decade and half ago. It was one serene morning in the hallowed hamlet of Puttaparthi. As the Sun cleared the dispiriting clutter of the night with its pleasantly penetrating rays of soothing morning light, Bhagavan, with His divine darshan, had filled the devotees hearts with the warmth of His love. The bhajans ended as usual, at nine-thirty, and Swami retired to His room. The Ashram, again, was enveloped in powerful silence.
As the devotees dispersed carrying the serenity of the blissful morning in the chalices of their hearts, their minds and senses were submerged with only one thought: ˜when can I have the Lords darshan again?" To hear the darshan music once more waft through the silent settings of Prasanthi Mandir and still their bliss-seeking souls, they knew they will have to wait at least five hours.
This would be true, had it been any other day. But on this day they were in for a pleasant surprise. It was eleven thirty in the morning and quite unexpectedly they heard the siren of the police pilot that precedes Swami's convoy! Suddenly there was excitement everywhere; it was as if the ashram was in one instant catapulted into fifth gear. Swami was on one of His ˜unscheduled" drives around the Mandir, when at times He would go as far as the Super Specialty Hospital, located about five kilometers away.
But where exactly was He going that day? Will He visit the Hostel?, or the Hospital?, or the School? or is it just a drive?.The guessing game was on in everyones mind. Either side of the road was bursting with devotees somehow trying to carve a little space for their necks so that they would not miss this bonus blessing of the day. All the children of the Easwaramma High School and students from the Hostel lined up on either side of the road. As His car reached near the hostel, it slowed down, and His hands were raised in blessing for all the beaming faces that thrust themselves to have a precious glimpse.
At that time, Sai Geetha,had a huge vaulted roofed enclosure right in front of the Senior Boys Hostel. Apparently, hearing the sound of the siren, she rushed towards the gate and had it not been for her caretaker, she would have crushed it. She was out on the road even before the boys lined up. She seemed unduly excited that day, making it difficult for her mahout to hold her in check. Swami's car approached and Sai Geetha moved forward. Everyone there, who had seen Sai Geetha raise her trunk in salutation whenever she saw Swami, were witness that day to an unusual scene. Her stocky trunk lay heavily on the bonnet of the car. She refused to budge despite urgings. Her ears were flapping at an alarming rate; she seemed disturbed.
The glass door beside Swami slid down noiselessly and before anyone could crowd around, her trunk slickly slid off the bonnet into the window and ever so gently touched Swami's cheek and hair. It was such a delicate, charming and sweet sight. A silence descended over the gathering. No one wanted to miss even a minutest mini-second of the divine play. Something subtle transpired between the two “ maybe a message understood only by the truly pure-hearted - and she slowly withdrew her trunk from the window of the car. Next, at a signal from Swami, the boy seated in the front seat swiftly opened the door.
Swami stepped out of the car and immediately the flapping ears stilled to a gentle wave. She undulated backward as Swami moved towards her, murmuring endearments while her trunk reached to caress His feet. He touched her and the ones closest could see a ripple run across her huge frame as she rejoiced at the blessing. Only the ones in the closest proximity heard the sweet conversation between Sai and His beloved Geetha. Swami, in His sweet Telugu, spoke to her softly.
" Come on Geetha, I have to go,He said, patting her trunk.
She protested softly and her trunk rose to lie on the bonnet again. It was a very loud " No!"
" I want to go Geetha, come on, come on, move,said Swami, reaching up to stroke her cheek. And suddenly a diamond glistened, a dew drop that was the coalescence of her love for Him, a silent expression of her feelings: a tear found its way down the very cheek upon which His hand rested. As the students and devotees watched, more tears coursed down and wet His hand. He looked up at her and nodded understandingly. Her ears stood still, unmoving, her massive domed-head drooping.
Okay, okay, I will not go! said Swami sympathetically.
Immediately the ears moved a whisker. She had not stirred an inch. Perhaps she did not want to break the contact. Perhaps, she did not want her Lord to remove His hand. She stood motionless with her head bowed listening to her master.
" Go, go back to your shed, said Swami, patting her and lowering His hand. She shook her head gently. It was again a big " No ".
Will you go back if I return to the ashram? asked Swami.
She stepped back a fraction “ but only a fraction - her trunk still lay on the bonnet.
Okay, okay, I will not go, I am going back to the ashram. Are you happy?, He asked her.
She visibly trembled with joy and replied in her own language in the affirmative. He, of course, understood.
Good girl, good girl,said Swami.
He then turned to the students and accepted a handkerchief. Turning back to her, He wiped her tears and looking at the boys again, He said aloud casually, " I had planned to go to Brindavan today.
The words came out of the blue! Dumbstruck, the boys just stared at Him. The exhilaration with which they were enjoying the divine romance just vaporized! The boys just blinked for want of a better expression. Swami was going to Brindavan? And none of us knew? No message, no hint whatsoever. We would have lost Swami? All the boys stood there with their hands folded and heads baffled.
His gaze ran over all the boys. Using the same handkerchief to wipe His hand, Swami continued, I wanted to go quietly without much ado, but look at her. His eyes glanced at her and so did another hundred. She knew it, she sensed it. She somehow figured out Swami was leaving and she was crying, Paapam (poor thing!). He looked back at her, His eyes tracing her trunk which was now at His Feet. Some of the boys dropped their gaze and saw that she had gently moved aside the robe resting on the earth and was caressing the Lotus Feet. He gently, yet firmly, pushed her and she withdrew her worship.
See ra, see!He commented looking at the boys as He sat in the car. She loves Swami so much that she can feel Swami's feelings. She came to Swami when she was a small baby, so many years have passed, but see? Her love has only increased “ expansion love. That is devotion.
The Divine Love of a Wonderful Sai Sewak.
Sai Ram - Today is the 5th Anniversary of Sai Geetha passing away.
Today is a Day of Divine Rememberance of Sai Geetha on her 5th Death Anniversary. She was a Divine Sai Sewak.
This happened more than a decade and half ago. It was one serene morning in the hallowed hamlet of Puttaparthi. As the Sun cleared the dispiriting clutter of the night with its pleasantly penetrating rays of soothing morning light, Bhagavan, with His divine darshan, had filled the devotees hearts with the warmth of His love. The bhajans ended as usual, at nine-thirty, and Swami retired to His room. The Ashram, again, was enveloped in powerful silence.
As the devotees dispersed carrying the serenity of the blissful morning in the chalices of their hearts, their minds and senses were submerged with only one thought: ˜when can I have the Lords darshan again?" To hear the darshan music once more waft through the silent settings of Prasanthi Mandir and still their bliss-seeking souls, they knew they will have to wait at least five hours.
This would be true, had it been any other day. But on this day they were in for a pleasant surprise. It was eleven thirty in the morning and quite unexpectedly they heard the siren of the police pilot that precedes Swami's convoy! Suddenly there was excitement everywhere; it was as if the ashram was in one instant catapulted into fifth gear. Swami was on one of His ˜unscheduled" drives around the Mandir, when at times He would go as far as the Super Specialty Hospital, located about five kilometers away.
But where exactly was He going that day? Will He visit the Hostel?, or the Hospital?, or the School? or is it just a drive?.The guessing game was on in everyones mind. Either side of the road was bursting with devotees somehow trying to carve a little space for their necks so that they would not miss this bonus blessing of the day. All the children of the Easwaramma High School and students from the Hostel lined up on either side of the road. As His car reached near the hostel, it slowed down, and His hands were raised in blessing for all the beaming faces that thrust themselves to have a precious glimpse.
At that time, Sai Geetha,had a huge vaulted roofed enclosure right in front of the Senior Boys Hostel. Apparently, hearing the sound of the siren, she rushed towards the gate and had it not been for her caretaker, she would have crushed it. She was out on the road even before the boys lined up. She seemed unduly excited that day, making it difficult for her mahout to hold her in check. Swami's car approached and Sai Geetha moved forward. Everyone there, who had seen Sai Geetha raise her trunk in salutation whenever she saw Swami, were witness that day to an unusual scene. Her stocky trunk lay heavily on the bonnet of the car. She refused to budge despite urgings. Her ears were flapping at an alarming rate; she seemed disturbed.
The glass door beside Swami slid down noiselessly and before anyone could crowd around, her trunk slickly slid off the bonnet into the window and ever so gently touched Swami's cheek and hair. It was such a delicate, charming and sweet sight. A silence descended over the gathering. No one wanted to miss even a minutest mini-second of the divine play. Something subtle transpired between the two “ maybe a message understood only by the truly pure-hearted - and she slowly withdrew her trunk from the window of the car. Next, at a signal from Swami, the boy seated in the front seat swiftly opened the door.
Swami stepped out of the car and immediately the flapping ears stilled to a gentle wave. She undulated backward as Swami moved towards her, murmuring endearments while her trunk reached to caress His feet. He touched her and the ones closest could see a ripple run across her huge frame as she rejoiced at the blessing. Only the ones in the closest proximity heard the sweet conversation between Sai and His beloved Geetha. Swami, in His sweet Telugu, spoke to her softly.
" Come on Geetha, I have to go,He said, patting her trunk.
She protested softly and her trunk rose to lie on the bonnet again. It was a very loud " No!"
" I want to go Geetha, come on, come on, move,said Swami, reaching up to stroke her cheek. And suddenly a diamond glistened, a dew drop that was the coalescence of her love for Him, a silent expression of her feelings: a tear found its way down the very cheek upon which His hand rested. As the students and devotees watched, more tears coursed down and wet His hand. He looked up at her and nodded understandingly. Her ears stood still, unmoving, her massive domed-head drooping.
Okay, okay, I will not go! said Swami sympathetically.
Immediately the ears moved a whisker. She had not stirred an inch. Perhaps she did not want to break the contact. Perhaps, she did not want her Lord to remove His hand. She stood motionless with her head bowed listening to her master.
" Go, go back to your shed, said Swami, patting her and lowering His hand. She shook her head gently. It was again a big " No ".
Will you go back if I return to the ashram? asked Swami.
She stepped back a fraction “ but only a fraction - her trunk still lay on the bonnet.
Okay, okay, I will not go, I am going back to the ashram. Are you happy?, He asked her.
She visibly trembled with joy and replied in her own language in the affirmative. He, of course, understood.
Good girl, good girl,said Swami.
He then turned to the students and accepted a handkerchief. Turning back to her, He wiped her tears and looking at the boys again, He said aloud casually, " I had planned to go to Brindavan today.
The words came out of the blue! Dumbstruck, the boys just stared at Him. The exhilaration with which they were enjoying the divine romance just vaporized! The boys just blinked for want of a better expression. Swami was going to Brindavan? And none of us knew? No message, no hint whatsoever. We would have lost Swami? All the boys stood there with their hands folded and heads baffled.
His gaze ran over all the boys. Using the same handkerchief to wipe His hand, Swami continued, I wanted to go quietly without much ado, but look at her. His eyes glanced at her and so did another hundred. She knew it, she sensed it. She somehow figured out Swami was leaving and she was crying, Paapam (poor thing!). He looked back at her, His eyes tracing her trunk which was now at His Feet. Some of the boys dropped their gaze and saw that she had gently moved aside the robe resting on the earth and was caressing the Lotus Feet. He gently, yet firmly, pushed her and she withdrew her worship.
See ra, see!He commented looking at the boys as He sat in the car. She loves Swami so much that she can feel Swami's feelings. She came to Swami when she was a small baby, so many years have passed, but see? Her love has only increased “ expansion love. That is devotion.
The Divine Love of a Wonderful Sai Sewak.
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