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jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Sai Ram - Divino leela de Sai Krishna_Sai Ram - Sai Krishna's Divine Leela.

Sai Ram - Divino leela de Sai Krishna.

Durante las celebraciones  Janmastami Krishna
del 1982  , todos los chicos desfilaban como de costumbre con las vacas de la Gokulam en el Mandir de Prashanti. Nadie sabía que un estudiante tenía los pies pisoteados por una vaca y estaba sangrando mucho. Justo antes de entrar al Mandir, cuando la procesión se había detenido, el muchacho se había acercado a la toma, cerca del Mandir Ganesha y se lavó los pies, pero él estaba con un dolor muy severo.

Después de unos minutos, Bhagaván se acercó y observó la procesión y luego se acercó a las vacas, Swami sólo se detuvo cerca de la vaca que el muchacho llevaba y le dio unas palmaditas ya que era la única vaca que se estaba comportando de una manera brusca y luego le dio al muchacho vibuthi prasadam y también dio Padanamaskar. 
Swami derramo tanto amor en ese chico, que todo el mundo se sorprendió. Cuando Swami se alejó el muchacho estaba llorando, entonces se dio cuenta que milagrosamente la gran herida en la pierna había desaparecido por completo.

La Divina Leela de Sai Krishna.




Sai Ram - Sai Krishna's Divine Leela

During the 1982 Krishna Janmastami Celebrations, All the boys had as usual assembled with the Cows from the Gokulam in the Prasanthi Mandir, No one knew that one Student had his Feet Trampled by a Cow and was bleeding heavily. Just before entering the Mandir when the procession had stopped, the boy had run to the tap near the Ganesha Mandir and washed His Feet, but he was in the Most Severe pain.

After a Few minutes, Bhagawan came and watched the Procession and then went near the Cows, Swami stopped only near the Cow which the Boy was holding and patted it as it was the only cow which was behaving in a Rough Manner and then gave the Boy Vibuthi Prasadam and also gave the Boy Padanamaskar. Swami showered so much love on that Boy alone that everyone was surprised. When Swami moved away the Boy was in tears, Then he Noticed that Miraculously the Big Wound in His Leg had completely Dissapeared.

The Divine Leela of Sai Krishna.




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