¿Como es Puttaparthy ahora y cómo sera?
Por Jay Dinakar, Puttaparthy.
"He estado viniendo a este Ashram por los últimos 15 años - para trabajar como voluntario por
dos semanas al año y siguiere hasta mis últimos días", dice a los 93 años de edad, la joven de una
una aldea remota de Uttha Pradesh. Este pequeño pueblo de agricultores, cerca de la frontera de
India con Nepal, en Uttar Pradesh, que llegan a Parthy por lo menos tres veces al año, para Shivaratri, el cumpleaños Swamy y durante dos semanas como Seva cada año.
Ella tiene que viajar en tren en el compartimiento lleno de la segunda clase, 3 días y 3 noches para
llegar a Parthy - mínimo 72 horas de viaje!.
Su hijo yerno ( esposo de su hija ) de 70 años también trabaja como voluntario, junto con ella.
Ambos dicen que con vehemencia, con plena convicción; Swamy está aquí, y seguirá aquí, con
Tal es la devoción y la fe firme, con la que la mayoría de los voluntarios vienen y cumplir con su
deber en el Ashram, provenientes de diversas partes de la India y el mundo - incluso hoy
en día, cuando Swamy no está en forma mortal.
¿Cómo es Puttaparthy ahora? ¿Cómo va a ser en el futuro? estas son las preguntas pendientes en
¿Cómo es Puttaparthy ahora? ¿Cómo va a ser en el futuro? estas son las preguntas pendientes en
las mentes de muchos millones de devotos, después de que Swamy decidió abandonar esta forma
física a finales de abril de 2011.
La buena noticia es: que el Ashram esta funcionando de la misma manera que antes, en todos estos años.
La buena noticia es: que el Ashram esta funcionando de la misma manera que antes, en todos estos años.
Ellos están siguiendo el mismo calendario a partir de Sai Suprabatham y Sankeerthan Nagar hasta
el Aarthi después de los Bhajans en la noche.
Los Bhajans por los mismos cantantes, se llevan a cabo dos veces al día en el Salón Kulwant. La
única diferencia, y la gran diferencia, es, que Swamy no está en el Ashram, en la forma física.
Pero él sigue estando aquí todo el tiempo y en todas partes.
Wayne Dyer, un locutor famoso de América, en un discurso ante miles de espectadores en el Javits
Centre NY, a la que asistí hace 5 años, dijo:
Una familia estaba caminando en un parque. Una bandada de mariposas vino directamente y se posó en las manos y los hombros de el miembro más joven, de la muchacha de la familia-la niña de
Una familia estaba caminando en un parque. Una bandada de mariposas vino directamente y se posó en las manos y los hombros de el miembro más joven, de la muchacha de la familia-la niña de
7 años y no en otros.
La razón: Ella ama a los animales mucho más que todos los demás en su familia.
Esto es para ilustrar que los insectos y los animales tienen un sentido único para reconocer e
identificar a las personas que más los aman.
Muchos de ustedes habrán notado que en los árboles alrededor de la morada Swamy, el Yajur
Mandir, hay miles de aves en todo momento. Cuando temprano por la mañana y por la noche, cantan es como escuchar una melodía r. Al mismo tiempo, usted no puede ver tantas aves en el
los árboles fuera del Ashram. No es necesario mencionar, que es el amor de Swamy que atrae a
miles de aves cerca de él.
Incluso hoy en día, continúan con la misma tendencia, que es amplia evidencia de que Swamy está
presente allí en el Ashram!.
Pequeños y hermosos pájaros , nos indican que Swamy sigue ahí y tenemos que tomar nota de ello.
No es exagerado decir que"Swamy es omnipresente y esta en todas partes". Nuestro médico de
familia en Puttaparthi es de Ananthapur, donde su madre se queda con su hermano. Tan pronto
como Swamy dejo este cuerpo mortal, Vibhuti comenzó a salir de la imagen Swamy en su casa en
Ananthapur. Su madre se sorprendió ya que nunca había visto un milagro antes y no era una
firme creyente como el Doctor.
Nectar (Amrith) empezó a salir de un cuadro, en el comedor del sur de India en el Ashram - en el
ala de mujeres.
Los milagros continúan no sólo en el Ashram, sino en otros lugares, en todo el mundo. Vibhuti es
brota de la imagen de Swamy en Madrás, así como en una casa en California, al mismo tiempo. La
lista de milagros, que se celebra hoy, es interminable.
Podría haber algún momento de calma en las actividades de construcción de nuevos edificios y en
Podría haber algún momento de calma en las actividades de construcción de nuevos edificios y en
las actividades comerciales en la ciudad de Puttaparthi. Algunos lo atribuyen a los días de verano,
cuando los devotos extranjeros no vienen en grandes cantidades.
Sea como fuere, todos tienen la esperanza de que todo va a revivir después de Guru Purnima.
Sea como fuere, todos tienen la esperanza de que todo va a revivir después de Guru Purnima.
"Debe" es la ilusión de uno y de todos aquí .
Los voluntarios que trabajan en el Ashram, en los diferentes departamentos, como las librerías,
Los voluntarios que trabajan en el Ashram, en los diferentes departamentos, como las librerías,
cafetería, departamentos de mantenimiento, etc, siguen funcionando como antes. Un oficial
retirado, que trabaja en la sección de publicaciones de libros, acaba de regresar después de un
tratamiento prolongado por su diabetes. Él, a sus setenta años, dice que "cada Avathar, tiene un
propósito y se van una vez que se lleva a cabo. Lo mismo hizo Swamy.
Él ha creado una misión
muy grande y nos ha dado la oportunidad de hacernos cargo de esta.
Él ha decidido abandonar esta forma mortal. Tenemos que tener cuidar de esto con más
dedicación y devoción. Es nuestro deber ,"este es el espíritu de quienes trabajan en el Ashram,
hoy día.
Sienten, que al no estar físicamente presente ahora, tienen que trabajar con mayor
responsabilidad y contribuyen más que antes.
Hay cientos de devotos extranjeros que viven en Parthy, y poseen departamentos .
Todos ellos siguen viviendo aquí. Yo estuve hablando con unos y no tiene planes de volver y
permanecen aquí para asistir a los bhajans en el Salón Kulwant.
El Fideicomiso Central, parece estar dividido en su opinión de que deben realizar y hacer todo lo
El Fideicomiso Central, parece estar dividido en su opinión de que deben realizar y hacer todo lo
posible para que las actividades del Ashram continúen y devotos sigan visitando Parthi como
antes. Los devotos dicen que volverán a Parthy, pero no podrán permanecer por largo tiempo, como antes.
Podrán permanecer por 2 o 3 días y rezar en el Mahasamadhi y asistir a los Bhajans, Mandir y
otras actividades. Esta es la expectativa de la gente en Parthy.
Todas las fechas señaladas, como el cumpleaños de Swamy, Shivaratri , se siguen realizando.
La universidad y otras instituciones educativas seguirán creciendo y atrayendo a más estudiantes
meritorios. El hospital seguirá prestando los servicios médicos gratis, a muchas mas personas
necesitadas, que antes.
From Jay Dinakar, Puttaparthy

“I have been coming to this Ashram for the last 15 years - to work as a volunteer two weeks a year and will continue to come till my last days” says a 93 year old young man from a remote village in UP. This farmer from a small town near India’s border with Nepal, in Uttar Pradesh, comes to Parthy at least thrice every year, for Shivarathri , Swamy’s birthday and for two- week of Seva each year . He has to travel by train in the crowded second class compartment, 3 days and 3 nights to reach Parthy – minimum of 72 hours during which the flight from JFK to Bangalore can make two, two-way trips !.
His son-in-law in his 70s also works as volunteer along with him.
Both of them say vehemently, with full conviction; Swamy is here , will continue to be here, with us.
Such is the devotion and staunch faith with which most of the volunteers come and perform their duty in the Ashram, coming from various parts of India and the World – even today, when Swamy is not in mortal form.
How is Puttaparthy now ? How is it going to be in future ? these are the questions lingering in the minds of many millions of devotees, after Swamy decided to leave this physical form by the end of April 2011.
The good news is: Ashram is just functioning in the same way it used to, all these years. They are following the same schedule starting from Sai Subrabatham and Nagar Sangheerthan till Aarthi after evening Bhajans. Bhajans by the same singers are held twice a day in Kulwant Hall. The only difference, the big difference, is; Swamy is not in the Ashram in the physical form. But HE continues to be here all the time and everywhere.
Wayne Dyer, a renowned American Speaker , in a speech to thousands of audience in Javits Centre NY, that I attended 5 years ago, said;
A family was walking in a park. A bevy of butterflies came straight and sat on the hands and shoulders of the youngest member of the family-the 7 year old girl and not on others. The reason: She loves animals much more than all others in their family. This is to illustrate that insects and animals have unique sense to know and identify the people who love them most.
Many of you might have noticed that on the trees around Swamy’s abode, the Yajur Mandir, there are thousands of birds all the time. When they chirp together, in the early mornings and evenings, it is such a melody to hear. At the same time, you cannot find so many birds in the tree outside Ashram. It is needless to mention, that it is the love of Swamy that attracts thousands of birds near Him. Even today, the same trend continues, that is ample evidence that Swamy is present there in the Ashram ! Black little mynah birds and the beautiful green parrots indicate to us that Swamy is still there and we should make a note of it .
It is no exaggeration to say ‘Swamy is omnipresent and everywhere’. Our family doctor in Puttaparthy is from Ananthapur, where his mother is staying with his brother. As soon as Swamy left this mortal body, Vibhudhi started pouring out from Swamy’s picture in their house in Ananthapur. His mother was stunned as she had never seen such a miracle before and was not a staunch believer like the Doctor.
Nectar (amrith) started coming out of a picture in the South Indian Canteen in Ashram - on the ladies wing. Miracles continue not only at Ashram, but elsewhere, all over the world. Vibhuthi is pouring from Swamy’s picture in Madras as well as in a home in California, the same time. The list of miracles, taking place today, is endless.
There might be some lull in the activities of construction of new buildings and in business activities in the town of Puttaparthy. Some attribute this to the summer days, when overseas devotees do not come in big numbers.
Be it as it may, all are hopeful that everything will revive after Guru Poornima. ‘It should’ is the wishful thinking of one and all here.
Volunteers working in the Ashram, in different departments, like book stores, canteen, building maintenance departments etc., continue to work as before. A retired official, working in the books publishing section, has just come back after prolonged treatment for his diabetes. He, in his seventies, says “every Avathar has a purpose and they leave once it is accomplished. So did Swamy. He has created such a great mission and establishment and given us opportunity to take care of this. He has decided to leave this mortal form. We have to take care of this with greater care and devotion. It is our duty” this is the spirit of those working in the Ashram today. They feel , since Swamy is not physically present now, they have to work with greater responsibility and contribute more than before.
There are hundreds of overseas devotees living in Parthy, owning apartments. They all continue to live here. I was speaking to few and they do not have any plans to go back and will continue to stay here attending to the Bhajans at Kulwant Hall.
The Central Trust seem to be undivided in their opinion that they should perform and do their best now so the Ashram activities will continue and devotees will continue to visit as before. Devotees will definitely visit Parthy from all over the world, but may not stay for long duration, as before. They may stay for 2 or 3 days and pray at Mahasamadhi and attend Mandir Bhajans and other activities. This is the expectation of the people in Parthy.
All important celebrations like Swamy’s Birthday or Shivarathri will continue to take place. The university and other educational institutions will continue to grow drawing more meritorious students. Hospital will continue to render free medical facilities to many more needy people, than before.
From Jay Dinakar, Puttaparthy
“I have been coming to this Ashram for the last 15 years - to work as a volunteer two weeks a year and will continue to come till my last days” says a 93 year old young man from a remote village in UP. This farmer from a small town near India’s border with Nepal, in Uttar Pradesh, comes to Parthy at least thrice every year, for Shivarathri , Swamy’s birthday and for two- week of Seva each year . He has to travel by train in the crowded second class compartment, 3 days and 3 nights to reach Parthy – minimum of 72 hours during which the flight from JFK to Bangalore can make two, two-way trips !.
His son-in-law in his 70s also works as volunteer along with him.
Both of them say vehemently, with full conviction; Swamy is here , will continue to be here, with us.
Such is the devotion and staunch faith with which most of the volunteers come and perform their duty in the Ashram, coming from various parts of India and the World – even today, when Swamy is not in mortal form.
How is Puttaparthy now ? How is it going to be in future ? these are the questions lingering in the minds of many millions of devotees, after Swamy decided to leave this physical form by the end of April 2011.
The good news is: Ashram is just functioning in the same way it used to, all these years. They are following the same schedule starting from Sai Subrabatham and Nagar Sangheerthan till Aarthi after evening Bhajans. Bhajans by the same singers are held twice a day in Kulwant Hall. The only difference, the big difference, is; Swamy is not in the Ashram in the physical form. But HE continues to be here all the time and everywhere.
Wayne Dyer, a renowned American Speaker , in a speech to thousands of audience in Javits Centre NY, that I attended 5 years ago, said;
A family was walking in a park. A bevy of butterflies came straight and sat on the hands and shoulders of the youngest member of the family-the 7 year old girl and not on others. The reason: She loves animals much more than all others in their family. This is to illustrate that insects and animals have unique sense to know and identify the people who love them most.
Many of you might have noticed that on the trees around Swamy’s abode, the Yajur Mandir, there are thousands of birds all the time. When they chirp together, in the early mornings and evenings, it is such a melody to hear. At the same time, you cannot find so many birds in the tree outside Ashram. It is needless to mention, that it is the love of Swamy that attracts thousands of birds near Him. Even today, the same trend continues, that is ample evidence that Swamy is present there in the Ashram ! Black little mynah birds and the beautiful green parrots indicate to us that Swamy is still there and we should make a note of it .
It is no exaggeration to say ‘Swamy is omnipresent and everywhere’. Our family doctor in Puttaparthy is from Ananthapur, where his mother is staying with his brother. As soon as Swamy left this mortal body, Vibhudhi started pouring out from Swamy’s picture in their house in Ananthapur. His mother was stunned as she had never seen such a miracle before and was not a staunch believer like the Doctor.
Nectar (amrith) started coming out of a picture in the South Indian Canteen in Ashram - on the ladies wing. Miracles continue not only at Ashram, but elsewhere, all over the world. Vibhuthi is pouring from Swamy’s picture in Madras as well as in a home in California, the same time. The list of miracles, taking place today, is endless.
There might be some lull in the activities of construction of new buildings and in business activities in the town of Puttaparthy. Some attribute this to the summer days, when overseas devotees do not come in big numbers.
Be it as it may, all are hopeful that everything will revive after Guru Poornima. ‘It should’ is the wishful thinking of one and all here.
Volunteers working in the Ashram, in different departments, like book stores, canteen, building maintenance departments etc., continue to work as before. A retired official, working in the books publishing section, has just come back after prolonged treatment for his diabetes. He, in his seventies, says “every Avathar has a purpose and they leave once it is accomplished. So did Swamy. He has created such a great mission and establishment and given us opportunity to take care of this. He has decided to leave this mortal form. We have to take care of this with greater care and devotion. It is our duty” this is the spirit of those working in the Ashram today. They feel , since Swamy is not physically present now, they have to work with greater responsibility and contribute more than before.
There are hundreds of overseas devotees living in Parthy, owning apartments. They all continue to live here. I was speaking to few and they do not have any plans to go back and will continue to stay here attending to the Bhajans at Kulwant Hall.
The Central Trust seem to be undivided in their opinion that they should perform and do their best now so the Ashram activities will continue and devotees will continue to visit as before. Devotees will definitely visit Parthy from all over the world, but may not stay for long duration, as before. They may stay for 2 or 3 days and pray at Mahasamadhi and attend Mandir Bhajans and other activities. This is the expectation of the people in Parthy.
All important celebrations like Swamy’s Birthday or Shivarathri will continue to take place. The university and other educational institutions will continue to grow drawing more meritorious students. Hospital will continue to render free medical facilities to many more needy people, than before.
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