Held on March 3 and 4, 2018
San Jose, California
Conference Introduction
Day One
March 3, 2018
The purpose of the “One World One Sai” Conference was to introduce the many aspects of One World One Sai which was initiated by Swami in 2015. One World One Sai is an initiative to share all His service activities happening across the world.
The mission of One World One Sai (or OWOS) is to unite like-minded people and assist in individual self-transformation through community service by providing a
website where nearby service projects are posted and anyone can volunteer. Not only can someone volunteer for one of these projects, but they can also organise their own project or volunteer to be part of the OWOS Team. Right now, OWOS includes projects such as Sai Ashraya, Love with Service Radio and the centre for Human Development (CHD). At the conference, these projects and others were introduced to the attendees beginning with Sai Ashraya.
An introduction to Sai Ashraya was given explaining ‘How it all started’, going back to Swami’s 2016 visit to California, the drive on the streets of San Jose and Swami’s specific instructions to find ‘A permanent solution to homelessness’. The mental health component was emphasised and the various programmes under Sai Ashraya such as the Kids-helping-Kids programme. which was initiated by high school age students with parents involved in the Sai Ashraya programme,
What is One World One Sai?
You may wonder, "What is One World One Sai" and why one should volunteer their time there?
One World One Sai (OWOS) is a platform that will list all of Swami’s subtle form missions worldwide -- all His hospitals, schools, social programmes, events,Ashrams and such, in all countries. Eventually it will include public projects as well. There are a number of reasons for this platform according to Swami, but the first is self-transformation -- in serving others we serve our selves. How? Because serving others creates transformation within us. OWOS is a platform and an opportunity - not only to help ourselves, but also to help others on their journey towards transformation by providing opportunities to serve, engage, interact and inspire. Swami says that if He can do so much good for the world with His various projects, imagine how much more can be accomplished when thousands and thousands of others are transformed by doing selfless service.
How OWOS and Sai Ashraya
Have Joined Together!
The three speakers for this topic gave an overview of the One World One Sai system as a social networking platform that engages and inspires people all over the world to volunteer as one family, which eventually leads to self-transformation. The Sai Ashraya project was showcased with a live demo of past, present and future event web pages. An insight was shared with the conference attendees on how the Sai Ashraya team in Silicon Valley has successfully been using OWOS actively for service activities, since September of 2017.
Love and Peace Newsletter
Purpose and History
In December 2016, Swami commanded the global youth to begin a newsletter about their service projects. He sent Bobby Patel an email through Bhuvana Santhanam, the World Youth Coordinator which gave the following requirements and guidelines:
• A global youth newsletter will commence from January 1, 2017 which will be on the OWOS site...
Ways to Participate in OWOS
All of us have love for people who are less fortunate than us and for those who are going through difficult times. When the love converts into service it helps not only the needy, but also mainly helps us in discovering our true self through service.
One World One Sai is a platform to find volunteering opportunities for various service activities happening around the world and enables event organisers to plan and host their event. Not only are there many volunteering opportunities available through the various projects that are listed on the OWOS website, but there are also different activities within the OWOS Team itself.
Introduction of OWOS Volunteer
and Help Desk Management Systems
In this presentation, two One World One Sai (OWOS) systems were presented to the audience at the conference, namely, the OWOS volunteer management system and the OWOS Help Desk management system.
The presentation on the OWOS volunteer management system covered three major components: volunteer registration/signup, volunteer database, and volunteer management team.
At this first OWOS Conference, Love with Service Radio was officially announced to the public, by the pilot team. The team gave a brief overview of Love with Service Radio, the foundation that the team has been laying since its inception in November 2017, a few sample interviews and a request to the public to take the up the opportunity to participate in this effort.
The goal of Love with Service Radio is to create a platform for self-transformation to share and absorb individual experiences of selfless service, by following the blueprint given by Swami to manifest this dream into the physical world. By doing this it helps nurture and encourage people to explore a higher level of consciousness, which exists within everyone.
Center for Human Development (CHD)
In 2016, Sathya Sai Baba commanded that Northern California acquire a piece of land for use as the centre for Human Development. He gave specific guidance about the location of the land, the slopes, being near to a body of water, the property size and other details. After overcoming a number of challenges, the property was located and purchased in 2017...
Visit to Center for Human Development
Early Morning Sunday
Group Photos and Evening Bhajans
The registrants and presenters (above)
Presenters (below)
Check-in table & volunteers
Conference Introduction
Day Two
March 4, 2018
The approach of OWOS for the corporate world was introduced under the name of VIEAA – an adaptation of the Latin word for road or pathway.
The objective of this presentation was to share the concept of VIEAA, the engine behind One World One Sai system and the potential for this software in the “Corporate Social Responsibility” world. The audience consisted of corporate leaders and employees across multiple industries and varied backgrounds. There were those knowledgeable about Corporate Social Responsibility and others who were hearing the term for the first time.
Three youth were asked to share their experiences during the second day of the conference. Their talks were filled with laughter, emotion and profound love for Swami. Everyone was touched by their wonderful sharing.
At the end of the conference, booths were set up where the conference attendees were encouraged to mingle among the various projects and get to know more about them. Some booths included interactive demos. There were booths for OWOS, Love with Service Radio, Centre for Human Development and Sai Ashraya.
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