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sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Ananda Vahini - Edición Noventa y cuatro - Septiembre 21, 2017._Ananda Vahini - Issue Ninety Four - September 21, 2017.

Edición Noventa y cuatro - 21 de septiembre de 2017
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"Navaratri es un festival para conmemorar la victoria del bien sobre el mal." 
La Encarnación del Poder Divino (Para-Shakti), en sus diversas manifestaciones, Satvica (como Maha-Saraswati), Rajasica (como Maha-Lakshmi), Tamasica como Mahakali) son capaz de superar las fuerzas del vicio, la maldad y el egoísmo, durante los nueve días de lucha, y finalmente, en Vijaya Dashami (Dásara, el Día décimo, se conmemora la victoria final ), y se hace el culto de despedida. "

Con las Bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestra Edicion Noventa Cuarto de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, le traemos la parte final del viaje de Bhagavan a Singapur, Fiji y Australia del 05 de septiembre al 18 de septiembre de 2017. También, un informe sobre la Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo del Programa de Salud Divina Materno  Infantil celebrada en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli el 20 de septiembre de 2017.  

En la VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un interesante momento que sucedió entre el Señor y los devotos de Fiji. 

-  Equipo de Comunicaciones, Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu

*Los alimentos son muchos, el hambre es uno.!*

Mientras los anfitriones estaban sirviendo el desayuno a Swami en Fiji, Swami miró el plato que tenía gujarati, así como platos del sur de la India y exclamó: "Hoy tanto la comida del norte, como la del sur de la India están aquí". Entonces le preguntó a los anfitriones uno por uno, en cuanto a qué tipo de cocina les gustaba. Algunos dijeron, del sur de la India, algunos dijeron el norte de la India y algunos dijeron la italiana y así sucesivamente. Swami entonces comentó: "Vean la comida puede ser diferente de acuerdo a las preferencias y gustos de las personas, pero el hambre es uno y el mismo. Si ustedes comen la comida del norte de la India o la del sur de la India u otras cocinas, en última instancia, es para apaciguar el hambre dentro. Para el sabio, el hambre de Dios es una y la misma en todos, pero las maneras de apaciguarlo son diferentes, diferentes personas siguen diferentes formas de adoración, pero la meta es sólo un Dios ".

Entonces miró a uno de los jóvenes que estaba allí y le preguntó: "¿Y qué comida te gusta?", Y el propio Swami respondió inmediatamente por su cuenta, mirando a los Pakoda (Swami llama juguetonamente a los seres de mayor tamaño) "No les importa que cocina es, siempre y cuando sea comida", y se echó a reír y les aconsejó, "...¡ Eh, la comida es la medicina para la enfermedad del hambre. Si ustedes no comen alimentos como medicina, entonces ustedes van a terminar tomando medicinas para la comida. " 

Así terminó el sermón en la mesa del desayuno.! 

Para transmisión en vivo  , 


sintonice en para 

la emisión de radio LIVE 

Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo del 

Programa de Salud Divina Materno-

Infantil- Sathya Sai Grama, 


-20 de septiembre de 2017. 

Nuestros hijos son la verdadera riqueza de nuestra nación y en su bienestar descansa el progreso de nuestro país. Sin embargo, la buena salud de la madre es imprescindible para asegurar que su hijo permanezca sano y feliz. 01 de septiembre de 2017, fue testigo del lanzamiento de un programa de hito - el Programa  Divino para el Cuidado de la  Salud Materno - Infntil por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. El único aspecto de este programa es dar prioridad a la detección temprana a través de una evaluación exhaustiva, intervención oportuna e implementar medidas preventivas, para asegurar una maternidad saludable y una infancia sana para cada madre y niño en el mundo. El programa ...

Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo del Programa Divino de Salud Materno - Infantil.
Dr. Sathish Babu. Un alumno de la institución Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva, Jefe del departamento de endocrinología, BGS Global Hospital, Bangalore, destacando las áreas claves de apoyo que se identificaron en el programa.
El Oficial Distrital de Salud del distrito de Chikkballapur se dirigió a la reunión.
Congregación de Médicos, apoyo médico, invitados, estudiantes para la conferencia.


12 Y 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2017.

Era una mañana de descanso para el séquito, ya que la familia Tappoo junto con los jóvenes Sai estaban ocupados preparándose para la visita de Swami a la tierra del Ashram a la mañana siguiente. Por la tarde, un pequeño Satsang privado fue sostenido por orden de Swami, donde la familia Tappoo, sus familiares y algunos jóvenes se habían reunido. Bhajans conmovedores interpretados por el hermano Sumeet y su hija Saisha, fueron ofrecidos en los Divinos Pies de Loto de Swami. Swami estaba muy contento y especialmente con el canto de la niña. Entonces ordenó al señor Isaac Tigrett que se dirigiera a la reunión íntima. Mirando a Saisha, él recordó ...
Visita al próximo Ashram en Fiji.
Ceremonia de vertido de hormigón para el próximo Ashram.

Satsang con devotos de Nueva Zelanda en la noche.



Poco después del desayuno y el Mangala Arati en la residencia de Tappoo, el séquito de Swami procedió a un viaje de tres horas a Nadi, para abordar su vuelo a Brisbane. Ellos aterrizaron alrededor de las 8 pm esa noche y fueron recibidos con mucho cariño por Gary Seaton y la activa brigada juvenil Sai. Después de dos horas de viaje, llegaron a 'Shangrila', residencia del Sr. Gary y su esposa la señora Frances Seaton, situada en Murwillumbah, considerado un lugar muy sagrado por los aborígenes nativos. Ya que ya era tarde, y por supuesto otra zona horaria, la cena fue servida, y todos se retiraron por la noche.

La mañana siguiente, del 15 de septiembre, comenzó con el desayuno tradicional del sur de la India, cocinado con amor por los devotos. Swami concedió ...

 Bhagavan visitando a los niños.
Voluntarios que sirven comida a los niños en 'Dilkusha'.
 Bhagavan visitando a los niños.


16 Y 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2017 

16 de septiembre de 2017 - un día en letras rojas para los devotos en Australia, Swami estaba listo para inaugurar el Heart of Love Center, el Ashram en Australia. Tan pronto después del desayuno, Swami se dirigió al Ashram , que estaba a sólo cinco minutos en coche de 'Shangrila', la residencia de Seaton. Heart of Love Center está situado en un marco muy impresionante, y una mirada llena el corazón y el alma de felicidad. El camino sinuoso salpicado a ambos lados con altos pinos y otros árboles, con el Monte Advertencia a poca distancia, es realmente un banquete para los ojos. De hecho, cada Ashram que se está estableciendo en todo el mundo están todos en el regazo de la madre naturaleza, ya sea en las montañas o por el océano.

Más de 200 personas se habían ...

Inauguración de 'Heart of Love Center'
Inauguración del Centro de Meditación
Satsang en progreso
Visita a Smt Sangita y la residencia del hermano Sunil Naidu
Satsang público en curso en la noche
Liberación del libro escrito por el Sr. Ramon Quek
Ofrenda musical por el coro australiano.


Después de un desayuno temprano en Australia, el Mangala Arati se ofreció a Swami que bendijo a todo el mundo con Namaskar y muestras de Su amor. El séquito de Swami procedió al traslado de Murwillumbah a Brisbane para abordar su vuelo a Singapur. Aterrizaron por la noche en el aeropuerto de Changi y fueron recibidos con cariño por los devotos.

A la mañana siguiente, Swami se reunió ...

Jóvenes se reúnen en el Ashram de 'Sai Anandam'
El hermano Ryan Tan saludando a la reunión.
Hermano Bobby Patel hablando de Sai Ashraya.
Hermano Anand Kadali hablando sobre el programa 'Annapoorna Breakfast Service'.



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Amruta Vahini es una revista mensual de 50 páginas en inglés / kannada de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, que capta desde los Discursos Divinos de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en sutiles actualizaciones de eventos, desde presentaciones fotográficas hasta reportajes, desde pasajes de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias. También presenta la serie "Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam", la biografía continua de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy. 

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Sanathana Vani es una plataforma para invitar, asociar, hablar, escuchar, contemplar, buscar, practicar y realizar la verdad, enseñada por todos los grandes seres que alguna vez caminaron por la faz de nuestro planeta. 

Mi Señor y yo',  una serie de conversaciones estimulantes, superando fronteras y barreras. Las dulces historias del Señor y Sus devotos de diferentes estilos de vida, que son refrescantes, inspiradoras y brillantes, serán On Air cada semana. Éstas serán una hermosa amalgama del viaje de un individuo desde "yo" a "nosotros" a "él". Venid, escuchad, contemplad y disfrutad de la divina felicidad de la Voz Eterna, todos los jueves a las 15:00 hrs IST y repiten a las 2200 hrs IST. Esta semana nuestra invitada en la demostración eshermana Elena (gloria de Yor), un devoto ardiente de Italia 
compartiendo sus experiencias con su Señor. 

Una difusión repetida de la entrevista con la Sra. Chiara Francavilla de Italia, un ferviente devoto de Bhagavan 
 será transmitido el lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017 a las 0930 hrs IST y 1930 hs IST.

Suscríbete a 'Amruta Vahini', la revista mensual de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli hoy! Desde Discursos Divinos hasta actualizaciones de eventos, desde presentaciones fotográficas hasta reportajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias, 'Amruta Vahini' es una revista mensual imprescindible. 

Amruta Vahini también presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue Ninety Four - September 21, 2017
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"Navaratri is a festival to commemorate the victory of the good over the evil. The Embodiment of Divine Power (Para-Shakti), in its various manifestations, Satwic (as Maha- Saraswati), Rajasic (as Maha-Lakshmi), Tamasic (as Mahakali) was able to overcome the forces of vice, wickedness and egoism, during the nine days' struggle and finally, on Vijaya Dashami (Dasara, the tenth Day commemorating victory), the valedictory worship is done."
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our Ninety Fourth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the final part of Bhagawan's trip to Singapore, Fiji and Australia from September 05 to September 18, 2017.

Also, a report on the Working Group Meeting of Divine Mother And Child Health Program held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on September 20, 2017 has been presented.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and devotees from Fiji.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu

Foods are many, Hunger is one!  
As the hosts were serving breakfast to Swami in Fiji, Swami looked at the plate that had Gujarati, as well as South Indian dishes and exclaimed, "Today both North and South Indian food is here." Then He asked the hosts one by one as to which kind of cuisine they liked. Some said, South Indian, some said North Indian and some said Italian and so on. Swami then remarked, "See food may be different according to the likes and tastes of different people, but the hunger is one and the same. Whether you eat North Indian food or South Indian or other cuisines, ultimately it's for appeasing the hunger within. Like wise, hunger for God is one and the same in all, but ways of appeasing it are different. Different people follow different ways of worship, but the goal is only one God."

Then He looked at one of the young men there who is a foodie and asked, "So which food do you like?", and Swami Himself immediately responded on His own, looking at the Pakoda (Swami playfully calls the bigger sized beings), "You don't mind which cuisine as long as it's food", and burst out laughing and advised him, "Hey! food is the medicine for the disease of hunger. If you don't eat food like medicine, then you will end up having medicine for food."

Thus ended the sermon on the breakfast table! 
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Our children are the true wealth of our nation and in their well being rests the progress of our country. However a mother’s good health is imperative to ensure her child remains healthy and happy. September 01, 2017, witnessed the launch of a milestone programme – the Divine Mother and Child Health Program by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The unique aspect of this programme is to prioritise early detection through comprehensive screening, timely intervention and implement preventive measures, to ensure healthy motherhood and a healthy childhood for every mother and child in the world. The programme was executed simultaneously in seven different countries of the Asia Pacific region and over the three days, over 2000 children along with 200 doctors and volunteers participated, sharing and basking in the Divine love.
The Divine Mother and Child Health Program being a continuous and ongoing programme, today envisions to cover all the six taluks of the Chikkaballapur district.
On September 20, 2017 a working group meeting of the Divine Mother and Child Health Program was held at Sathya Sai Grama. The objective of the Meet was to facilitate all like minded individuals and institutions to come together, collaborate....
To know more, click HERE
Working Group Meeting of  Divine Mother and Child Health Program
Dr Sathish Babu. An alumnus of the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva institution, Head of the department of endocrinology, BGS Global Hospital, Bangalore highlighting the key areas of support that were identified in the programme
District Health Officer of Chikkballapur district addressed the gathering
Congregation of  Doctors, medical support, guests, students for the conference

SEPTEMBER 12 AND 13, 2017

It was a morning of rest for the entourage, as the Tappoo family along with the Sai youth were busy preparing for Swami’s visit to the Ashram land the next morning. In the evening, a small private Satsang was held on Swami’s command, where the Tappoo family, their relatives and a few youth had gathered. Soulful Bhajans by Brother Sumeet and his daughter Saisha were offered at Swami’s divine Lotus Feet. Swami was very happy and pleased with the singing of the little girl. He then commanded Mr Isaac Tigrett to address the intimate gathering. Looking at Saisha, he reminisced the days of Prasanthi Nilayam when the Primary School children would chant the Vedas, and confessed that there was nothing more exciting to him, than to watch all of them. Mr Tigrett said that this was born out of purity.
Swami in His short message prophesied that in the times to come the Ashram in Fiji would grow and become a place of great significance. “As time passes it will reveal itself to people. It is not without a reason that I am coming here and spending so much time.” He said.
Swami asked whether everyone rested enough, and all nodded in the affirmative. Swami then said, “I don’t have any rest at all. For me there are so many homes, so many worlds, and so many beings to look after.” How true, for there....

To know more, click HERE
Visit to the upcoming Ashram in Fiji
Concrete pouring ceremony for the upcoming Ashram
Satsang with devotees from New Zealand in the evening


Soon after breakfast and Mangala Arati at the Tappoo residence, Swami’s entourage proceeded on a three-hour drive to Nadi to board their flight to Brisbane. They landed at around 8 p.m. that night and were lovingly welcomed by Mr Gary Seaton and the active Sai youth brigade. After a two hour-drive, they reached ‘Shangrila’, residence of Mr Gary and his wife Mrs Frances Seaton, situated in Murwillumbah, considered to be a very sacred place by native aboriginals. Since it was already late, and of course yet another time zone, dinner was served, and everyone retired for the night.
The next morning, September 15, started with traditional South Indian breakfast, cooked lovingly by the devotees. Swami granted a few interviews before lunch, while the youth were busy with preparations for the evening Satsang at ‘Shangrila’, which was to receive at least a couple of hundred devotees.
After a few interviews in the evening, Swami emerged from His room to bless everyone who had gathered, amidst Bhajans. Swami’s previous visit to Australia was in September 2015, and all the devotees had very sincerely prayed and yearned to welcome the Lord in their midst, in their country. God’s delay can never be His denial. There always has to be a reason for His delay, which is beyond our mortal comprehension!
My Gary Seaton welcomed all the devotees who had gathered, and thanked Swami for having blessed them all with His divine visit. He reminisced all the challenges that were encountered, but alas, God’s will supersedes everything else! Swami called upon Mr Isaac Tigrett to speak, who reminisced his early...

To know more, click HERE
 Bhagawan visiting the children
Volunteers serving food to the children at 'Dilkusha'
 Bhagawan visiting the children

SEPTEMBER 16 AND 17, 2017 

September 16, 2017 – a red letter day for devotees in Australia, Swami was all set to inaugurate the Heart of Love Centre, the Ashram in Australia. So soon after breakfast, Swami proceeded to the Ashram, which was just a five-minutes drive from ‘Shangrila’, the Seaton residence. Heart of Love Centre is set in very stunning surrounds, and one look fills the heart and soul with bliss. The meandering road dotted on either sides with tall pines and other trees, with Mount Warning at a distance, is truly a feast for the eyes. Indeed, every single Ashram which is being established around the world are all set in the lap of Mother Nature, either in the mountains or by the ocean.
Over 200 people had gathered to welcome their Lord, and as Swami alighted from the car, He first inaugurated the logo which was beautifully etched on a rock with a pole. Thereafter, Swami walked to the house, which has a room for Swami. The house will also serve as the residence for the Ashram caretakers, and Swami picked a young couple last year to move to Murwillumbah. Swami also picked another young girl from Netherlands to move to Murwillumbah to look after organising events, and other facilities when devotees arrive. Swami walked around the house, which was done up very beautifully, and the Lord promised to stay there during His next trip, and even joked saying that the Heart of Love Centre will be His office, and Shangrila, His home.
Swami then walked to the meditation centre which was built by the architect, Mr Leonard Steiner. Swami lit the eternal lamp of love and spoke...
To know more, click HERE
Inauguration of ‘Heart of Love Centre'
Inauguration of Meditation Centre
Satsang in progress
Visit to  Smt Sangita and Brother Sunil Naidu's residence
Public Satsang in progress in the evening
Release of book authored by Mr Ramon Quek
Musical offeing by the Australian Choir


After an early breakfast, Mangala Arati was offered to Swami who blessed everyone with Namaskar and tokens of His love. Swami’s entourage proceeded on their drive from Murwillumbah to Brisbane to board their flight to Singapore. They landed at night at the Changi Airport and were lovingly welcomed by the devotees.
The next morning, Swami met the Sai youth at Sai Anandam Ashram. Ryan Tan welcomed the gathering, and gave a quick snapshot of the service activities, including the mother and child screening which was held recently, as part of the Divine Mother and Child Program, launched by Swami in seven countries. A short PowerPoint presentation was shown, which captured glimpses of the screening. Thereafter, Swami beckoned Brother Bobby Patel and Brother Anand Kadali to speak....
To know more, click HERE
Youth Meet at 'Sai Anandam' Ashram
Brother Ryan Tan welcoming the gathering
Brother Bobby Patel speaking about Sai Ashraya
Brother Anand Kadali speaking about ‘Annapoorna Breakfast Service’ programme

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Amruta Vahini is a 50 page monthly magazine in English/Kannada from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli which captures from Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in subtle to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from book excerpts to news updates. It also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.

Below are the subscription charges,

Annual Subscription: Rs. 250/-  (Only in India)
                                   Rs.1800/- (For Oversees)
                                Acceptable for 1,2 or 3 years

Patronship: Rs.10,000/- (Only In India)

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For details, contact:
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna, Amruta Vahini,
B-103, Sai Sannidhi, Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli,
Chikkaballapur Taluk & District - 562101,
Phone Number: +91-9902035742, +91-7760221060.
Sanathana Vani is a platform to invite, associate, speak, listen, contemplate, seek, practise and realise the truth, taught by all the great beings that ever walked the face of our planet. 

'My Lord and I’, a series of stimulating conversations, cutting across boundaries and barriers. Sweet stories of the Lord and His devotees from different walks of life, which are refreshing, inspiring and scintillating will be On Air every week. These will be a beautiful amalgamation of an individual’s journey from 'I' to 'We' to 'He'. 
Come, let’s listen, contemplate and bask in the divine bliss of the Voice Eternal, every Thursday at 1500 hrs IST and repeat at 2200 hrs IST. This week our guest on show is Sister Elena (Yor Glory), an ardent devotee from Italy sharing her experiences with her Lord.

A repeat broadcast of the interview with Mrs Chiara Francavilla from Italy, an ardent devotee of Bhagawan 
will be aired on Monday, September 25, 2017 at 0930 hrs IST and 1930 hrs IST.
Subscribe to 'Amruta Vahini', the monthly magazine from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli today! From Divine Discourses to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from  book excerpts to news updates, 'Amruta Vahini' is a must-have monthly magazine!

Amruta Vahini also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.
To subscribe to 'Amruta Vahini' mail us at

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Tune in to Sanathana Vani every Thursday (IST 5:30pm), Sunday (IST 6pm), and during festivals, to listen to the LIVE satsang, streamed directly from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.
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