"El dios hindú de la sabiduría, los caminos y las letras, Ganesha. Es uno de los dioses más modernos de la mitología hindú (todo lo "moderna" que puede ser una deidad de una civilización milenaria) .
Ganesh o Ganesha, el dios con cabeza de elefante, cabalga sobre un ratón. Entre los hindúes, es costumbre encomendarse a él cuando emprenden un viaje o un proyecto, así como en las bodas (que vienen a ser una mezcla metafóricamente festiva de ambas cosas).
"Según la leyenda, Párvati tuvo a su hijo mientras Shivá estaba en la guerra contra los asuras ('los que no son suras', demonios). Un día Párvati fue a bañarse, y le pidió a Ganesha que vigilara la puerta del aposento. En ese momento, Shivá volvió. Ganesh no reconoció a su padre, ni este a su hijo, de modo que el joven Dios le prohibió el paso. Hubo una reyerta y Shiva enfurecido, decapitó a Ganesha. Cuando se dio cuenta de que había matado a su hijo, y ante el llanto de la desconsolada madre, Shivá bajó a la tierra con la promesa de darle a su hijo la cabeza del primer ser que encontrara a su paso. Resultó ser un elefante." Ganesha representa el espíritu de los emprendedores.
Creo que ya he dicho que a pesar de lo que popularmente se cree, la religión hindú es monoteísta.
Debido a que este único Dios, llamado Brahman, es Absoluto (es decir, eterno, invariable y sin forma), no pude ser representado de una manera concreta y por ello se recurre a un sinnúmero de deidades que simbolizan los infinitos aspectos y cualidades de la Divinidad (en el Cristianismo, por ejemplo y de manera similar, se encuentran las Vírgenes, los ángeles, los arcángeles y los santos que cumplen el rol de asistentes de Dios).
Aparte de la infinidad de deidades, la India es un país de gran extensión territorial. Es por ello que dependiendo de muchos factores (la región, el idioma, la época del año) se pueden ver diferentes deidades o incluso la misma, con otros nombres o atributos. No es raro que una deidad muy popular al sur del país, por ejemplo, sea casi desconocida en el norte.
A pesar de esta variedad, hay una sola imagen que puede encontrarse a todo lo largo y ancho de la India.
Se trata de Ganesha, el dios con cabeza de elefante.
Su nombre naturalmente puede variar, y entre los más conocidos están Ganesh, Vinayaka, y Ganapati.
En las casas hindúes se puede encontrar una estatua de Ganesha sobre las puertas, para que proteja la entrada de las energías negativas.
La popularidad de Ganesha tiene más razones, ya que es considerado el destructor de los obstáculos y las dificultades. Por ello, ante el comienzo de cualquier tarea (sea la construcción de una casa, la jornada diaria, o una boda), es aconsejable orarle al Señor Ganesha para asegurar el éxito de la empresa.
Es debido a esto que también es considerado el protector de los viajeros, y muy especialmente de los estudiantes.
"Los niños principalmente pueden relacionarse con la forma amorosa, amigable y poco agraciada del Señor Ganesha. Él es el Señor del conocimiento y de todas las artes. Puede guiar a los estudiantes hacia una vida culta que también involucre la espiritualidad".

-= 9 September 2013 =- ____________________ Ganesh Chaturthi He removes all obstacles, as well on material as on spiritual level. He's also known as the Master of Discrimination. This quality is very important because we need it to solve practical problems or to control subtle inner processes. Devotees ask Ganesha's guidance in these matters. | ||||
-= Thought for the Day =- _______________________ | ||||
English | ||||
Vinayaka is the Lord who removes all obstacles. The elephant is noted for its acute intelligence. Ganesha's elephant head symbolises sharpness of intellect and the highest power of discrimination. In a forest, when an elephant moves through the jungle, it clears all the obstacles, and leads the way for others to follow. Likewise, worship Ganesha at the start of any activity. His Grace is sufficient to clear all the obstacles in your path and grant success in your undertakings. The small mouse is a clever and lively creature. Symbolically it implies that we should be wise, agile and diligent in our actions. Vinayaka is a deity of infinite potency, who encompasses the entire universe within Himself. Accord Him a place of honour and secure His Grace. Then your journey of life will be made smoother and happier. | ||||
Translated into Dutch by Sama Chintha Group Belgium | ||||
Vinayaka is de God die alle hindernissen wegneemt. De olifant is gekend voor zijn sterk ontwikkelde intelligentie. Ganesha's olifantenhoofd symboliseert een scherpzinnig intellect en de hoogste vorm van onderscheidingsvermogen. Als een olifant zich een weg baant door de jungle, verwijdert hij alles wat op zijn weg komt en maakt deze vrij voor de anderen die volgen. Vereer Ganesha daarom bij de start van alles wat je onderneemt. Zijn Blessing is genoeg om alle hindernissen op te ruimen en je succes te schenken bij al wat je doet. De kleine muis is een slim en energiek dier. Symbolisch gezien betekent dit dat we wijs, alert en ijverig moeten zijn in al onze handelingen. Vinayaka is een Godheid met oneindige kracht, die het hele universum in zich draagt. Schenk Hem een ereplaats en span je in om Zijn zegeningen te ontvangen. Dan zal je levensreis met meer harmonie en geluk verlopen. | ||||
Translated into French by Nathalie | ||||
Vinayaka est le Seigneur qui enlève tous les obstacles. L'éléphant est connu pour son intelligence aiguë. La tête de l'éléphant de Ganesha symbolise la finesse de l'intellect et la plus grande puissance de discrimination. Dans une forêt, quand un éléphant se déplace à travers la jungle, il enlève tous les obstacles et ouvre la voie pour les autres qui suivent. De la même façon, adorez Ganesha au début de toute activité. Sa grâce est suffisante pour enlever tous les obstacles sur votre chemin et accorde succès dans toutes vos entreprises. La petite souris est une créature intelligente et vivante. Symboliquement, cela signifie que nous devrions être sages, agiles et diligents dans nos actions. Vinayaka est une divinité d'une puissance infinie, qui englobe l'univers tout entier en Lui-même. Accordez Lui une place d'honneur et obtenez sa grâce. Alors, votre voyage de la vie sera plus facile et plus heureux. | ||||
Translated into German by Margitta Bonds | ||||
Vinayaka ist der Herr, der alle Hindernisse aus dem Weg räumt. Der Elefant ist dafür bekannt, daß er einen scharfen Verstand hat. Ganesha's Elefantenkopf symbolisiert die Schärfe des Intellekts und die höchsten Macht der Unterscheidung. Wenn der Elefant durch den Dschungel läuft, dann räumt er alle Hindernisse aus dem Weg und führt den Weg an, damit ihm alle anderen Elefanten folgen können. Deshalb betet zu Ganesha zu Beginn aller Aktivitäten. Seine Gnade genügt, um alle Hindernisse auf eurem Weg zu beseitigen und euch eure Handlungen erfolgreich ausführen zu lassen. Die kleine Maus ist eine schlaue und lebhafte Kreatur. Symbolisch deutet sie an, daß wir weise sein sollen, rege und gewissenhaft in unseren Handlungen. Vinayaka ist eine Gottheit, die von unendlicher Stärke und Wirksamkeit ist. Sie umfaßt in Sich das gesamte Universum. Verleiht Ihm einen Ehrenplatz und erhaltet Seine Gnade. Dadurch wird eure Lebensreise sanfter und glücklicher gemacht. | ||||
Translated into Spanish by Herta Pfeifer | ||||
Vinayaka es el Señor que quita todos los obstáculos. El elefante es notorio por su aguda inteligencia. La cabeza de elefante de Ganesha simboliza la agudeza intelectual y la máxima capacidad de discernimiento. En la selva, cuando un elefante avanza a través de la maleza, aparta todos los obstáculos, abriendo paso para que otros le sigan. De la misma manera, adoren a Ganesha al comenzar cualquier actividad. Su Gracia es suficiente para apartar todos los obstáculos del camino, y asegurar el éxito en lo que ustedes emprendan. El pequeño ratón es una criatura astuta y vigorosa. Simbólicamente implica que debemos ser sabios, ágiles y diligentes en nuestras acciones. Vinayaka es una deidad de infinita potencia, que abarca en Sí al Universo entero. Concédanle un lugar de honor, y logren Su Gracia. Entonces el viaje de la vida será para ustedes más sereno y feliz. | ||||
Translated into Bahasa Indonesian by Yuli Santosa | ||||
Vinayaka adalah Tuhan yang dapat menyingkirkan semua hambatan. Gajah ini terkenal karena kecerdasannya yang tajam. Kepala Ganesha yang berbentuk gajah melambangkan ketajaman akal dan kemampuan diskriminasi tertinggi. Di hutan, ketika gajah berjalan melalui hutan, ia membersihkan semua rintangan, dan memimpin jalan bagi yang lain untuk mengikutinya. Demikian juga, pujalah Ganesha pertama kali pada setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan. Berkat-Nya cukup untuk menghapus semua hambatan di jalanmu dan memberikan kesuksesan padamu. Tikus kecil adalah makhluk yang cerdas dan lincah. Secara simbolis itu berarti bahwa kita harus bijak, lincah, dan tekun dalam tindakan kita. Vinayaka adalah Dewa yang memiliki kemampuan yang tak terbatas, yang meliputi seluruh alam semesta dalam diri-Nya. Berikanlah Beliau tempat yang terhormat dan dapatkanlah berkat-Nya. Maka perjalanan hidupmu akan dibuat lebih lancar dan lebih berbahagia. | ||||
Translated into Arabic by Hossam Al-Ghossini | ||||
Translated into Portuguese by Fernando Noll | ||||
Vinayaka é o Senhor que remove todos os obstáculos. O elefante é conhecido por sua inteligência aguçada. A cabeça de elefante de Ganesha simboliza a agudeza do intelecto e o mais elevado poder de discernimento. Em uma floresta, quando um elefante se move através da selva, ele remove todos os obstáculos e mostra o caminho para os outros seguirem. Da mesma forma, venere Ganesha no início de qualquer atividade. Sua Graça é suficiente para eliminar todos os obstáculos em seu caminho e conferir sucesso a suas tarefas. O pequeno rato é uma criatura inteligente e animada. Simbolicamente isso implica que devemos ser sábios, ágeis e diligentes em nossas ações. Vinayaka é uma divindade de potência infinita, que abrange todo o universo dentro de Si mesmo. Conceda-Lhe um lugar de honra e garanta sua Graça. Então, sua jornada de vida ocorrerá de forma mais suave e feliz. | ||||
Translated into Russian | ||||
Господь Винаяка это Тот, Кто устраняет все препятствия. Слон известен своим высоким интеллектом. Голова слона у Ганеши символизирует остроту ума и высшую степень различения. В лесу, когда слон движется через джунгли, он устраняет все препятствия, прокладывая дорогу для тех, кто идёт следом. Ганеше также поклоняются в начале любой деятельности. Его Милости (Благодати) достаточно, чтобы очистить все препятствия на вашем пути и обеспечить успех ваших начинаний. Маленькая мышь очень ловкое и подвижное существо. Символически это означает, что мы должны быть мудрыми, подвижными и прилежными в своих действиях. Винаяка является божеством бесконечного могущества (потенциала), которое заключает внутри Себя всю Вселенную. Предоставьте Ему почетное место и заручитесь Его Милостью. Тогда ваш жизненный путь станет более гладким и счастливым. | ||||
Translated into Hindi by Nihal Gupta | ||||
Translated into Italian by Alfonsina De Paoli | ||||
Vinayaka è il Signore che rimuove tutti gli ostacoli. L'elefante è noto per la sua acuta intelligenza. Testa di elefante di Ganesha simboleggia acutezza d'intelletto e il più alto potere di discriminazione. In una foresta, quando un elefante si muove attraverso la giungla, azzera tutti gli ostacoli, e apre la strada per gli altri a seguire. Allo stesso modo, adorare Ganesha all'inizio di ogni attività. La sua grazia è sufficiente per cancellare tutti gli ostacoli sul percorso e il successo di sovvenzione nelle vostre imprese. Il piccolo mouse è una creatura intelligente e vivace. Simbolicamente ciò implica che dovremmo essere saggi, agile e diligente nelle nostre azioni. Vinayaka è una divinità di potenza infinita, che abbraccia l'intero universo in se stesso. Lui accordare un posto d'onore e di garantire la Sua Grazia. Poi il viaggio della vita sarà reso più agevole e più felice. | ||||
Translated into Tamil by Nadia | ||||
Translated into Polish by Aldona Lewalski | ||||
Winajaka jest Panem, który usuwa wszelkie przeszkody.Słoń słynie z ostrego wywiadu. Ganesha jest głowa słonia symbolizuje ostrość intelektu i najwyższą moc dyskryminacji. W lesie, gdy słoń porusza się przez dżunglę, to kasuje wszystkie przeszkody, i wskazuje drogę dla innych użytkowników. Podobnie czcić Ganesha na początku każdej działalności. Jego łaska jest wystarczająca, aby usunąć wszelkie przeszkody na swojej drodze i sukces dotację w swoich przedsiębiorstwach.Mała mysz jest mądry i żywa istota. Symbolicznie oznacza to, że powinniśmy być mądrzy, zwinny i sumienny w naszych działaniach. Vinayaka jest bóstwem nieskończonej siły, która obejmuje cały wszechświat w sobie. Accord Mu honorowe miejsce i zabezpieczyć swoją łaską. Wtedy Twoja podróż życia będzie gładsza i bardziej zadowoleni. | ||||
Translated into Swedish by Jens Olausson | ||||
Vinayaka är Herren som tar bort alla hinder. Elefanten är känd för sin akut intelligens. Ganeshas elefant huvud symboliserar skärpa intellektet och den högsta makten av diskriminering. I en skog, när en elefant rör sig genom djungeln, raderas alla hinder, och visar vägen för andra att följa. Likaså tillber Ganesha i början av varje aktivitet. Hans nåd är tillräcklig för att klara alla hinder i din väg och bidrag framgång i era åtaganden. Den lilla musen är en smart och livlig varelse. Symboliskt det innebär att vi ska vara kloka, smidig och flitig i våra handlingar. Vinayaka är en gudom av oändlig styrka, som omfattar hela universum inom sig. Accord honom en hedersplats och säkra hans nåd. Då din resa i livet kommer att göras smidigare och gladare. | ||||
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The Ganesha Principle as I Have Seen and Witnessed
By Mr. Veda Narayan
An alumnus of Sai educational institutions, Mr. Veda Narayan joined Baba's college in Brindavan (Bengaluru) way back in 1976. After his Bachelor's degree from this college in 1981, on Bhagawan's instructions, he pursued his Masters in Arts (Philosophy) in Bangalore University securing a Gold Medal. Later he completed his Masters in Arts (Sanskrit) from Mysore University with distinction.
A familiar face in Prasanthi Nilayam, he has been leading the Vedic Chants in the Prasanthi Mandir since the inception of this practice in 2004 besides teaching Sanskrit in the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School for nearly three decades now.
Bhagawan with Brahmasri Kamavadhani Garu |
The Memorable First Vinayaka Chathurthi
The year 1976 was the first time I had the great good fortune to be with the Lord on Vinayaka Chathurthi Day. I had just joined Bhagawan's College in Brindavan (Bengaluru). That particular day Swami came to the hostel and He brought with Him Brahmasri Kamavadhani Garu (an esteemed Vedic scholar) to do the pooja. We had a Ganesha idol made and Swami personally came and sat for the worship. While this was going on the first thing Swami asked was, "Where is Ganesha?" Kamavadhani Garu could not answer. The next moment Swami waved His hand and out came a beautiful silver Ganesha. He placed this creation in the shrine.
Then Swami asked again, "How can the son be there without the mother? The mother also should be there." Swami's hand again moved in a circle and this time He materialised a lovely statue of Mother Parvathi. Baba handed this over too and said that both should be worshipped. I clearly remember that amazing scene because it was the first time we were seeing Swami creating a Ganesha and Parvathi idol, hand in hand.
Dr. Lakshminarasimhan was our assistant warden then and he felt that daily worship should be done for those two creations of Bhagawan. I had the great good fortune of doing this for at least four years. In fact, that was the same day the Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital in Whitefield was inaugurated by Swami; that happened in the evening.
Mr. Veda Narayan with Bhagawan Baba |
A Mouse Brings the Joy of the Lord's Presence
When I was in the hostel in Brindavan, some boys felt that instead of buying Ganesha idols from the market we could make our own Ganesha. So they brought clay from somewhere. At that time the adjacent hostel which was a relatively new construction (which is called the S. N. Singh Block) was not yet occupied. So in the basement boys had put a wooden structure on which they were about to start their work in clay. Suddenly a small rat appeared from nowhere and went straight under the plank where the Ganesha statue was to be built. The boys did not disturb it. The making of the Ganesha took nearly four days. Interestingly that little rat did not go anywhere and stayed on till the idol was completed.
Those days during darshan we never used to sit down to see Bhagawan. Being very few in number we actually used to walk around Swami whenever He went for darshan. That day Swami came out and spotted the boy who was making the Ganesha idol and spontaneously asked him, "How is the Ganesha?" The boy replied, "Swami, by Your grace everything is coming up well". Then Swami asked, "How is that little rat?" Only then it occurred to us that it was Swami who was actually present there all the time and guiding the making of that idol.
Even the Vedas Extol Lord Ganesha
The aspect of Ganesha exists from time immemorial because Ganesha is one of the Vedic Gods. Rig Veda is considered as the one of the oldest Vedas, and in this there is a description and a prayer to Lord Ganesha. The Ganesha Suktam that we chant in the Mandir in Prasanthi Nilayam is from the Rig Veda.
Swami once said that the beauty of Lord Ganesha is that irrespective of caste everybody worships Him. He is the Vighna Vinashaka – the remover of all obstacles. He is also the pradata (giver) of siddhi (attainment) and buddhi (intelligence) without which we cannot lead our lives.
The Ganapathi Atharvashirsham actually describes how Lord Ganesha should be worshipped and in this a powerful Beeja mantra (a potent mantra) is also described. If you chant this, it is said, you will definitely get the vision of Lord Ganesha.
A Special Vision of the Endearing Lord
I somehow got attached to Lord Ganesha and I had been intensely praying. From the beginning my mind has been more of a rationalist. I want to experiment everything without which I do not accept or tell anybody anything. So I took this up as a challenge and started chanting that Beeja mantra. The result was that one day Swami did give me the vision of Himself as Lord Ganesha! I saw Ganesha in the form of a little baby with a small trunk and small ears, shaking his head this way and that way; it was simply a lovely and enthralling experience. All this shows that whenever we do something sincerely, the result is assured; there is absolutely no doubt.
Many are familiar with the story of Swami giving the vision of the golden Ganapathi to Swami Amritananda from the Ramana Ashram. Swami Amritananda was in the Ramana Ashram before He came to Swami. He was not a devotee of Swami but had heard about Him.
When he came to Prasanthi Nilayam, the first thing Swami did was to call him just as Ramana used to – using his pet name 'Amritam'. That was the first thing which struck him. The second thing was that Swami took him to the inner interview room. Those days there was no special room at all. If Swami wanted to speak to someone, He used to call them to the staircase room. Those who have gone inside that room know that there is hardly any space; there is room only for one person and Swami to stand; that's all. Beside is the winding staircase that goes upstairs.
There Swami asked him, "Do you remember a yajna (sacrifice) which you performed as a boy of seven?" He said, "Yes Swami, I did a Ganapathi Homam". What was that Ganapathi Homam? For 21 days he had to chant a mantra and then offer 1008 coconuts to the sacred fire; that was the yajna.
In those days there were plenty of coconut trees. The Nambudiris (a particular community of Brahmins) were very wealthy and everything was taken care of for them. So as a boy he performed such a yajna for 21 days. I found that the Beeja mantra to be chanted is exactly the same thing as mentioned in the Ganapathi Atharvashirsham. Amritananda as a little boy had chanted that mantra, offered the coconuts and performed this ritual diligently.
Swami asked him, "What is the phalasruthi (the promised reward according to the scriptures)?" He said, "Swami, at the end of the 21 days Ganapathi will appear in a golden form in the fire and will accept the final offering." Then Swami asked him, "Did it happen?" He said, "No Swami, maybe because I was only a small boy."
Swami then said, "No if in the scriptures it has been said that it has to happen, it will happen. There is no question of one being small or big." Swami added, "That is the main reason why you are here today. Now I will grant you that vision."
Then Bhagawan appeared before him with the brilliance of crores of suns – as said in the scriptures 'Koti Surya Sama Prabha'. Immediately after that Amritananda swooned. I remember Prof. Kasturi telling us later that he had to be shifted to a room where he took rest for three days before he became normal. That was his revealing experience.
The Significance of Worshipping the Elephant-Faced Lord
Now, what is the significance of worshipping this little beautiful Lord Ganesha? Unlike any other God, he has an elephant head. Elephants are the most intelligent animals. They are the leaders, as it is said 'Vigataha Nayakaha'. Elephants go in the front; nothing is an obstacle for them. They remove all the trees and in the forest they make their own way. In fact, all the other animals prefer to go behind an elephant to find their way. Even in a dense forest, elephants will find their own way. That is another significance of Lord Ganesha having the elephant head. He removes all the obstacles from our life – be they material or spiritual.
Lord Ganesha has four hands. In one hand He has a Pasha (rope) and in another He has an Ankusha (axe). In the third He has a sweet and with the fourth He is showing Abhayam (blessings).
What is the significance of these? If you pray to Lord Ganesha, what does He do? He will first start alluring you by showing you the sweet. He says, "Come, I will give you the sweet". Everybody likes sweets and so we go near Ganesha.
When you go near Him, what does He do? With the Pasha or the rope He ties you to Himself and does not allow you to go. Then with His axe He cuts asunder all your worldly ties. Finally what does He give you? He gives you Abhayam or protection. This is the significance of what He holds in His four hands – Pasha, Ankusha, the sweet as well as the Abhayahastha mudra.
The majestic Ganesh Mandir is the first scene that greets us when we walk in to the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram |
He has got as a vahana (vehicle) a small mouse or mooshika. It is not even a full-grown rat, just a baby. We might wonder how a huge-bellied Ganesha can ride on such a small mouse. The inner significance is that the mouse is something which always loves darkness. Mice are present wherever there is darkness; they don't like light at all. The mouse represents our inner darkness or our ignorance. Lord Ganesha sits on the mouse and when He is there everything is illumined. So He is also the deity who removes our ignorance and gives us buddhi and siddhi. That is why we worship Lord Ganesha before anybody else.
In the Kali Yuga, a few deities are said to be very powerful. One is Lord Ganesha and another is Devi. These deities are like our Lord – sulabha prasanna, as they get pleased easily and manifest in front of devotees. To get a vision of Lord Krishna or even of Lord Shiva is very difficult but getting a vision of Lord Vinayaka is very easy. He is like a child who can be pleased easily.
Ganesha - The Favourite Child of Our Bhagawan
Over the years Swami has given a lot of importance to Lord Ganesha. We can see at the entrance of Prasanthi Nilayam Lord Ganesha sitting and receiving all the devotees who come inside. When God has taken Avatar and we go for His darshan, just imagine who is welcoming us. It is really His own son!
It is natural that when we go to anybody's house either the main person or somebody who is mainly in charge of the house comes out and welcomes us. It is so significant that the little Lord Ganesha sits there and welcomes each and every one of us because He loves to directly take us to His Lord.
He assures us saying, "You have come to the right place. Here are my parents (Baba being the Shiva-Shakthi Avatar) waiting for you. Please come and see. You are entering the Abode of Supreme Peace. The Lord is going to grant you supreme peace not only for this life but even for lives to come." That is why Swami had installed Him there, right at the gate.
Not only that, for children's sake He has installed a Ganesha in the Institute. Later during the 60th birthday when the stadium construction was on, various deities were brought. There were also a little Ganesha and Parvathi. Swami was gracious enough to send that Ganesha to the Higher Secondary School. It was a huge seven-foot statue. Even today He sits in front of our school and before going inside all the children salute Him. During examination time He is in full demand!
Apart from this when the Sai Kulwant Hall was constructed, a Vinayaka idol was brought. It was black in colour and had an old and archaic look. Swami felt that it should be more of a golden colour. So He said, "Why don't you boys try to remove the black colour and polish it?"
We tried our level best but it was not happening. Swami Himself personally observed us doing this. We started polishing the back of the statue but then Swami said, "Just leave it. Don't do anything." That Ganesha was installed as the main deity behind Bhagawan's chair as He sat in the Sai Kulwant Hall.
After the Mahasamadhi in April 2011, when the authorities felt that Swami's Samadhi had to come up at that place, a question arose as to where to shift this Ganesha. Temporarily He was kept inside. Later I found that they wanted to install the same Ganesha in front of the Gopuram gate, which was now open for devotees. When people enter through this gate, there is a Ganesha here too. This is all divine sankalpa (will). Not only that, on the day of this installation I was there and I could not believe it was the same old Ganesha because the authorities had sent the idol for polishing. When it came, it was a golden Ganesha which Swami wanted from day one!
The Ganesha idol that was installed behind the dais on which Bhagwan sat for decades, is now installed in front of the Gopuram gate for all devotees to worship |
It might be something very insignificant but He had already made the sankalpa that it was going to be a golden Ganesha. That is what happened; it is just that it took its own time. That day when I saw the installation of Lord Ganesha in between the statues of Lord Rama, Lakshmana, Sita and the Gopuram Gate I could not believe my eyes. Everything has its own beautiful time.
We have to pray to the Lord to grant us that siddhi and buddhi so that we learn to surrender to His will and lead a life in tune with the divine all the time.
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