El Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust inicia nuevo proyecto de aguas.
"Estoy preocupado por proporcionar requisitos primordiales para nuestro pueblo. La educación gratuita, asistencia médica gratuita, y servicios básicos como agua potable. La educación es para la cabeza; atención médica es para el corazón, y el agua pura, es para el cuerpo. Estos tres cubren las principales necesidades de la vida "-. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
El 24 de enero 2013, fue otro día de oro en la historia de Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. El Bhoomi "Pujacommenced (un ritual ceremonial donde se ofrecen oraciones especiales a la madre tierra antes de colocar la primera piedra, también llamada ceremonia innovadora), para un proyecto de abastecimiento de agua único a cargo del Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, en coordinación con el Gobierno de Andhra Pradesh.
(District Collector de Anantapur, Shri.Durga Das rompe un coco)
(Shri Rathnakar, Miembro del Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust durante la Puja)
Este nuevo proyecto, con un presupuesto estimado de casi Rs.80 crores llevará agua desde el embalse de equilibrio de Chitravati en Peddakotla para saciar la sed de los 118 pueblos (beneficiando a unas doscientas mil personas), en los tres Mandals de Puttaparthi, Kothacheruvu y Bukkapatnam. Estos son los pueblos que no estaban cubiertos por el Proyecto Sri Sathya Sai de suministro de agua de 1995, debido a algunas razones técnicas. Este es un "sueño hecho realidad" para estos pueblos que habían estado esperando por las bendiciones divinas.
El gobierno señalo un lugar en la ciudad Kothacheruvu para la construcción del tanque de carga desde donde el agua se distribuia a las Villas en a la ceremonia inaugural.
La cual se ha celebrado hoy el 24 de Ene de 2013, con la participación de
Shri V. Durga Dass, IAS, recaudador del distrito,
Shri Palle RaghunathaReddy garu MLA,
Shri RJ Rathnakar, Miembro, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust,
El ex director general de L & T Shri Ramakrishna,
Shri GSRCV Prasada Rao, IAS (IDT), ex Secretario de Gobierno de Andhra Pradesh, que actualmente es el Secretario de la Fundación,
Shri. Kondala Rao, Asesor Técnico, Govt. de AP , también asistió al programa junto con los devotos de los mandals Kothacheruvu y Bukkapatnam.
En declaraciones a la prensa Shri.V.Durga Das, recaudador del Distrito de Anantapur expresa la felicidad inmensa con el inicio de este proyecto por el Fideicomiso de Swami. Él dijo, se trata de una rara fortuna para la gente del Distrito de Anantapur, el recibir las bendiciones y la ayuda de Sri Sathya Sai Baba directamente. Dio las gracias al Primer Ministro, Ministros de Estado Smt. Geetha Reddy y Sri Raghuveera Reddy por garantizar un espacio y la incondicional cooperación para la realización del proyecto. Hablando en nombre de la Administración Distrital y el Gobierno, Shri.Durga Das aseguro cualquier apoyo en el futuro para el Trust de Swami y para los proyectos asumidos por el mismo.
Dirigiéndose a los medios de comunicación, Shri RJ Rathnakar miembro, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, dijo que este único proyecto de agua potable de Sri Sathya Sai Baba es un proyecto de agua noble, como continuación de la primera fase del Proyecto de Abastecimiento de Agua a Anantapur .
Declaró que Sri Sathya Sai proyectos de agua potable debe ser visto en su totalidad y no sólo en términos de estadísticas, impresionante como son. Que debe ser visto como un símbolo conmovedor del amor de Sathya Sai Baba para la Humanidad.
Dijo que los proyectos Sai gratuitos de agua potable, constituyen un hito importante en la historia del Sathya Sai Central Trust. El dijo que fue una decisión unánime de todos los Fideicomisarios iniciar este proyecto y agradeció al gobierno de Andhra Pradesh por permitir que el Trust seguiera adelante con este proyecto, ofreciendo todas las autorizaciones administrativas y técnicas. Shri. Rathnakar dijo con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, este proyecto se completará en marzo de 2014 y la gente de estos pueblos va a recibir agua potable para beber.
Más tarde Sri. Palle Raghunatha Reddy, MLA, Puttaparthi y Shri. Prasada Rao, Secretario de Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust compartieron sus pensamientos con los medios de comunicación.
El Proyecto de Agua Potable Sri Sathya Sai, es el mayor proyecto de beneficio social emprendido en cualquier parte del mundo por una organización privada de beneficencia y las estadísticas del proyecto son muy impresionantes.
El Fideicomiso en años anteriores había establecido el abastecimiento de agua potable en zonas rurales en los distritos de Ananthapur, beneficiando a más de 1,2 millones de personas, en el distrito Medak beneficiando a más de 450.000 personas, en Mahboobnagar benefician más de 350,00 personas del Distrito, y la población rural en las zonas tribales del este y oeste del Godavari. Los proyectos de agua Sai cubren alrededor de 1.500 aldeas. Estos proyectos fueron ejecutados completamente por el Fideicomiso al costo y luego entregado al Gobierno de Andhra Pradesh. El Fondo Central también modernizó el Canal Telugu Ganga para asegura el suministro de agua a Krishna , como contratado por el Gobierno de Andhra Pradesh, al Gobierno de Tamil Nadu para la ciudad de Chennai, en beneficio para cientos de miles en la población de la ciudad Chennai .
El Proyecto de Abastecimiento de Agua Sri Sathya Sai ha tenido la distinción de ser mencionado durante Cinco años como un proyecto que es digno de emulación, para cientos de miles de personas que reciben el beneficio. El cuarto Foro Mundial del Agua celebrado en México 03 2006, adjudicó al Proyecto de Agua Sri Sathya Sai como uno de los diez mejores proyectos locales de acción en el mundo, que contribuyen a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. La inversión y el proyectos son ejecutados por la Fundación y se transfiere al Gobierno y al público, y en el área de abastecimiento de agua potable solamente, es de alrededor de Rs 650 millones de rupias, lo que habla de la fuerza de este proyecto. Uno de los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio de la ONU es reducir en los próximos diez años el número de personas que carecen de agua y los proyectos de agua Sri Sathya Sai, son un claro ejemplo de cómo el inspirado liderazgo, y la adecuada colaboración público-privada, y más aún con un puro corazón, pueden lograr lograr estupendos objetivos a través de Amor y la Compasión.
Swami ha sido muy amable con todos nosotros para estar siempre alerta y vigilante. A pesar de las subidas y bajadas aquí y allá, ya pesar de algunas "nubes pasajeras", el Movimiento Sai se dirige a donde Él lo ha planeado, el Movimiento Sai está llegando al nesecitado, con el Señor a nuestro lado, ...no hay nada de lo que deberíamos estar preocupados ..
Con reverencia a los pies de loto de nuestro amado Señor,
R.Satish Naik.
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust starts new water project.
“I am concerned about providing primary requisites for our people. Free education, free medical aid, and free basic amenities like drinking water. Education is for the head; medical care is for the heart; and pure water is for the body. These three cover the main requirements of life.”- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
January 24, 2013 was yet another golden day in the history of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. The "Bhoomi Pujacommenced ( a ceremonial ritual where special prayers are offered to Mother Earth before laying the first foundation stone also called as Ground breaking ceremony) for an unique water supply project taken up by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust in coordination with the Government of Andhra Pradesh .
( In the above photo from Right to Left Shir.Rathnakar, Shri Ramakrishna, Shri Durga Das Collector of Anantapur, Shri.Palle Raghunatha Reddy, MLA of Puttaparthi Constituency)
(District Collector of Anantapur, Shri.Durga Das breaking a coconut)
(Shri Rathnakar, Member of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust during the Puja)
This new project, with an estimated budget of nearly Rs.80 crores will bring water from the Chitravati Balancing Reservoir at Peddakotla to quench the thirst of 118 villages (benefitting about Two Hundred Thousand people)
in the three Mandals of Puttaparthi, Kothacheruvu and Bukkapatnam. These are the villages that were not covered under the Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Project of 1995 due to some technical reasons. This is a "dream come true" for these villages which had been waiting for the Divine Blessings.
The government identified a place in Kothacheruvu town for construction of the over head tank from where the water would be distributed to the villages.The inaugural Ceremony was held today on 24 Jan, 2013, attended by
Shri V. Durga Dass, IAS , District Collector,
Shri Palle RaghunathaReddy garu MLA,
Shri R. J. Rathnakar, Member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust,
Former CEO of L&T Shri Ramakrishna ,
Shri GSRCV Prasada Rao, I.A.S (Rtd), formerly Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh who is currently the Secretary of the Trust,
Shri.Kondala Rao, Technical Advisor, Govt.of A.P also attended the programme along with devotees of Kothacheruvu and Bukkapatnam mandals.
Speaking to the media Shri.V.Durga Das, District Collector of Anantapur expressed immense happiness on the start of this project by Swami's Trust. He said, it is a rare fortune for the people of Anantapur District to receive the blessings and help of Sri Sathya Sai Baba directly. He thanked the Chief Minister, State Ministers Smt.Geetha Reddy and Sri Raghuveera Reddy for giving clearance and unconditional co-operation for the completion of the project. Speaking on behalf of the District Administration and the goverment, Shri.Durga Das assured of any support in the future for Swami's Trust and for the projects taken up by the Trust.
Addressing the media, Shri R.J. Rathnakar Member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, said that this unique, safe, assured supply of drinking water project of Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a noble water project in continuation of the first phase of the Anantapur Water Supply Project.
He stated that the Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Projects must be viewed in its entirety and not merely in terms of statistics, impressive as they are. , --- they must be seen a touching symbol of Sathya Sai Baba's Love for Humanity.
He said that the Sai Free drinking-water projects constitute a major milestone in the history of the Sathya Sai Central Trust.He said it was an unanimous decision by all the Trustees to start this project and he thanked the government of Andhra Pradesh for allowing the Trust to go ahead with this project by giving all the administrative and technical clearances. Shri.Rathnakar said with the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, this project will be completed by March 2014 and the people of these villages will be getting Sai water for drinking.
Later Sri.Palle Raghunatha Reddy, MLA, Puttaparthi and Shri.Prasada Rao,Secretary of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust shared their thoughts with the media.
The Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Project is the largest social benefit project undertaken anywhere in the world by a private charitable organization and the statistics of the Project are most impressive.
The Trust in earlier years had established rural Drinking Water Supply Projects in the districts of Ananthapur, benefitting over 1.2 million people, in Medak District benefiting over 450,000 people, in Mahboobnagar District benefitting over 350,00 people , and rural people in tribal areas of East and West Godavari. The Sai Water projects covered about 1,500 villages. These projects were completely executed by the Trust at their cost and then handed over to the Government of Andhra Pradesh,. The Central Trust also modernized the Telugu Ganga Canal to ensure supply of Krishna water as contracted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to the Government of Tamil Nadu for Chennai city, benefitting lakhs of Chennai city population
in the three Mandals of Puttaparthi, Kothacheruvu and Bukkapatnam. These are the villages that were not covered under the Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Project of 1995 due to some technical reasons. This is a "dream come true" for these villages which had been waiting for the Divine Blessings.
The government identified a place in Kothacheruvu town for construction of the over head tank from where the water would be distributed to the villages.The inaugural Ceremony was held today on 24 Jan, 2013, attended by
Shri V. Durga Dass, IAS , District Collector,
Shri Palle RaghunathaReddy garu MLA,
Shri R. J. Rathnakar, Member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust,
Former CEO of L&T Shri Ramakrishna ,
Shri GSRCV Prasada Rao, I.A.S (Rtd), formerly Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh who is currently the Secretary of the Trust,
Shri.Kondala Rao, Technical Advisor, Govt.of A.P also attended the programme along with devotees of Kothacheruvu and Bukkapatnam mandals.
Speaking to the media Shri.V.Durga Das, District Collector of Anantapur expressed immense happiness on the start of this project by Swami's Trust. He said, it is a rare fortune for the people of Anantapur District to receive the blessings and help of Sri Sathya Sai Baba directly. He thanked the Chief Minister, State Ministers Smt.Geetha Reddy and Sri Raghuveera Reddy for giving clearance and unconditional co-operation for the completion of the project. Speaking on behalf of the District Administration and the goverment, Shri.Durga Das assured of any support in the future for Swami's Trust and for the projects taken up by the Trust.
Addressing the media, Shri R.J. Rathnakar Member, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, said that this unique, safe, assured supply of drinking water project of Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a noble water project in continuation of the first phase of the Anantapur Water Supply Project.
He stated that the Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Projects must be viewed in its entirety and not merely in terms of statistics, impressive as they are. , --- they must be seen a touching symbol of Sathya Sai Baba's Love for Humanity.
He said that the Sai Free drinking-water projects constitute a major milestone in the history of the Sathya Sai Central Trust.He said it was an unanimous decision by all the Trustees to start this project and he thanked the government of Andhra Pradesh for allowing the Trust to go ahead with this project by giving all the administrative and technical clearances. Shri.Rathnakar said with the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, this project will be completed by March 2014 and the people of these villages will be getting Sai water for drinking.
Later Sri.Palle Raghunatha Reddy, MLA, Puttaparthi and Shri.Prasada Rao,Secretary of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust shared their thoughts with the media.
The Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Project is the largest social benefit project undertaken anywhere in the world by a private charitable organization and the statistics of the Project are most impressive.
The Trust in earlier years had established rural Drinking Water Supply Projects in the districts of Ananthapur, benefitting over 1.2 million people, in Medak District benefiting over 450,000 people, in Mahboobnagar District benefitting over 350,00 people , and rural people in tribal areas of East and West Godavari. The Sai Water projects covered about 1,500 villages. These projects were completely executed by the Trust at their cost and then handed over to the Government of Andhra Pradesh,. The Central Trust also modernized the Telugu Ganga Canal to ensure supply of Krishna water as contracted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to the Government of Tamil Nadu for Chennai city, benefitting lakhs of Chennai city population
The Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Project has had the distinction of being mentioned in the Ninth Five Year Plan as a project that is worthy of emulation, with lakhs of people getting the benefit. The fourth World Water Forum held at Mexico in March 2006 adjudged Sri Sathya Sai Water Project as one of the ten best Local Action Projects in the world contributing to the Millennium Development Goals. The value of the projects executed by the Trust and transferred to the Government and public so far, in the area of drinking water supply alone, is around Rs 650 crore which itself speaks about the might of this project. One of the millennium development goals of the UN is to reduce in the next ten years the number of people going without water and Sri Sathya Sai water projects are a telling example of how with inspired leadership, proper public-private partnership and more so with a pure and self less heart, stupendous objectives can be achieved through Love and Compassion.
Swami has been very kind on all of us to be ever vigilant and watchful. In spite of few hick ups here and there, in spite of few "Passing Clouds" the Sai Movement is heading to where He has planned to, the Sai Movement is reaching the "un reached" and with our Lord next to us, there is nothing that we should be worried of..
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,
R.Satish Naik
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