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lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Sai Ram - Mantra Divino de Swami ..._Sai Ram - Swami's Divine Manthra...

Sai Ram - Mantra Divino de Swami ...

Una vez, un estudiante en la universidad de Swami pensaba que era muy kee, conseguir un mantra de Swami. Durante Dassahra ese año, Swami le dijo al muchacho "Yo te daré el mantra ahora." El estudiante penso que Swami le daría el mantra en el escenario en frente de todos. Swami comenzó Su discurso, como siempre con 'Divyaatmaswaruplara', y luego completó Su Discurso Divino.

Era una rutina que Swami, en su camino de vuelta al Mandir de Prashanti, después de una función,  preguntara sobre los discursos o funciones del día o que tuvieron lugar en el auditorio Poornachandra. El muchacho sintió que no había recibido el mantra de Swami, a pesar de que Swami se lo había prometido. El muchacho tampoco había escuchado nada en el discurso;  él estaba reflexionando sobre si había oído el discurso Divino correctamente.

Swami miró al niño y le preguntó: "¿Tienes el mantra?"

El muchacho dijo: "No, Swami".

Swami lo dijo, "Escucha mi discurso de nuevo." Y Swami le dio una copia de la cinta, y se alejó. El niño escucho la cintas muchas veces, una y otra vez, y no encontró nada, el estaba buscando una línea que comenzara con "om" o un canto que termine con "... ja", etc

El niño empezó a escribir cartas a Swami, ya que no lo encontraba.

Swami le dijo al profesor Nanjundiah , dígale al chico que siempre comienzo mis discursos con un mantra, 'Divyaatmaswarupara', o 'Encarnaciones del Atma Divina ", y que era el mantra a cantar.

Lo Divino Mantra de Swami ...



Sai Ram - Swami's Divine Manthra...

Once a student in Swami's college was very kee to get a mantra from Swami. During Dussehra that year, Swami said to the boy “I will give you the mantra now.” The student thought that Swami will give him the mantra, on the stage in front of everyone. Swami started His discourse as usual with ‘Divyaatmaswaruplara,’ and then completed His Divine Discourse.

It was a routine that Swami, on his way back to the Prasanthi Mandir after a function, used to ask about day’s speeches or functions that transpired in the Poornachandra auditorium. The boy felt that he had not got the mantra from Swami even though Swami had said so. The boy had also not got anything in the Discourse and he was reflecting on whether he had heard the Divine discourse correctly.

Swami looked at the boy and asked, “Did you get the mantra?”

The boy said, “No Swami.”

Swami the said, “Listen to my discourse again.” And Swami the gave a copy of the tape, and walked off. The boy listened to the tape many times, over and over again, and found nothing and was looking for a line starting with ‘om,’ or a chant ending with ‘…ha,’ etc.

The boy started writing letters to Swami, that he was introspecting, and not getting it.

Swami then asked Prof. Nanjundiah to tell the boy that HE always starts his discourses with the first word of the mantra, ‘Divyaatmaswaruplara,’ or ‘Embodiments of the divine atma,’ and that was the mantra to chant.

The Divine Manthra of Swami...




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