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sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

Sai Ram - Una experiencia muy bonita por Shri. Ramana Rao..._ Sai Ram -A Beautiful experience by Shri. Ramana Rao...

Sai Ram -Una experiencia muy bonita por Shri Ramana Rao...

A continuación se comparte una experiencia muy bonita por Shri.BVRamana Rao:

Una vez en el año 1966, tuve que parar y aparcar mi moto por la carretera, ya que la gente inundo las calles, desde sus casas ... en Hyderabad. 

Preguntando, me enteré de que Sai Baba de Puttaparthi se encontraba una de las casas y estaba a punto de salir. Traté de retroceder en vano, ya que para entonces se acumularon mas vehículos detrás mio. Dentro del recinto, donde se realizaba un Shamiana bhajan, estaba en pleno apogeo con los devotos sentados en filas. La multitud me empujaba hacia dentro y me quedé con la espalda contra la pared, esperando con impaciencia que el Avatar saliera para poder continuar mi camino.

Cuando Baba salió a la pandal, todos los rostros se vean iluminados por la alegría, mientras caminaba lentamente como si flotara en el aire entre las filas para tomar sus cartas, bendiciendo a todos, hablando con algunos, apartándolos del contacto con sus pies. 
Por primera vez me miró. Era bajo de estatura ... Su brillante traje de color naranja, su corona de pelo, su cara radiante con una sonrisa dulce y compasiva eran visibles para mí, aunque yo estaba detrás ha cinco o seis filas.

Mientras él suba a el coche que estaba esperando ... el aire se inundo con el aleluya "Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ki Jai". 
Después de que el coche se alejo, y por su carisma impresionante, noté que mis manos, sin darme cuenta, se sumaron a las reverencias, y me sonreí a mí mismo. 

No mencioné este incidente a nadie y me olvide de todo. 

Yo nunca pensé que iba a ver a Baba de nuevo. Cuando le comente  que esta era la primera que vez que veía a Swami , Baba interrumpió diciendo: "Esta es la segunda vez. 
Yo lo había visto a Él  en Hyderabad en la casa de Boorgula Ramakrishnarao  ", el me miro. 
Yo estaba estupefacto.



Sai Ram -A Beautiful experience by Shri. Ramana Rao...

Given below is a Beautiful experience by Shri.B.V.Ramana Rao :

Once in 1966, I had to stop and park my scooter by the road, as the street was gutted with people outside the compound of the house…at Hyderabad. On enquiry I learnt that Sai Baba of Puttaparthi was in the house and was about to leave. I tried to retreat in vain, since by then more two wheelers gathered. Inside the compound was a shamiana where bhajan was in full swing with devotees seated in rows. With the crowd pushing me inside I stood with my back to the compound wall eagerly waiting for the Avatar to come out and go out to make way for me to get out.

As Baba stepped out into the pandal, all faces, lighted up with joy, as he was walking slowly as though floating in air among the rows reaching out for their letters, blessing them, talking to some, restraining them from touching his feet. For the first time I looked at him. He was short in stature…His bright orange colored attire, his crown of hair, his radiant face with sweet and compassionate smile were visible to me though I was behind five or six rows.

While he was getting into the waiting car…the air was rent with hallelujah “Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba Ki Jai”. After the car sped away I noticed my hands inadvertently joined in obeisance and smiled to myself and to his stunning charisma. I didn’t mention this incident to anyone and forgot all about it. I never thought I would see Baba again. When my friend started explaining to Swami that this is the first time for me to see Swami, Baba interrupted saying “Not first time, this is the second time. He had already seen me at Hyderabad at Boorgula Ramakrishnarao’s place – didn’t you!” looking at me. I was dumbfounded.




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