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viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

ETERNO CONDUCTOR DE ENERO 2012_Sanathana Sarathi

Dedicado a la elevación Moral y Espiritual de la Humanidad       Enero de 2012 
Eterno Conductor
Logren el Amor de Dios
La flor de la misericordia o de la compasión deberá ofrecérsele al Señor. Actualmente las personas no sienten compasión. Sus corazones son tan duros como una piedra. Sin embargo, esos corazones pueden ser derretidos con amor. No existe nada en este mundo que no pueda ser derretido con el amor. Con amor puedes lograr cualquier cosa en este mundo. Cada persona en este mundo debe tener amor en su corazón. No se debe usar este amor con fines egoístas. Puede haber amor egoísta entre usted y sus padres, y entre usted y su esposa. Pero el amor de Dios nunca es egoísta y no hay nada de interés propio en él. Por lo tanto, trabajen duro para merecer el amor de Dios.

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compartiendo el amor de
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Ediciones Mensuales (en inglés)

    15 de Julio de 1996
Divino Discurso
TODAS las formas animadas e inanimadas que vemos en este mundo son encarnaciones de la paz. Las formas físicas de todos los seres vivientes son encarnaciones de la belleza. La Divinidad, es la encarnación de la Verdad, la Bondad y la Belleza.
Bien fuese que la interpretación de los cantos o si fue la música que los acompañó, los niños hicieron una presentación impecable, y le dieron un final muy propio a las grandiosas celebraciones de Navidad en Prashanti Nilayam.
De Nuestros Archivos
El festival de Sankranti fue diseñado para promover armonía y amor en la familia, para hacer que las personas realicen la unidad del creador con la creación, para ensenar a las personas sus obligaciones, para motivar el heroísmo en ellas haciendo del sol su ejemplo y, sobre todo, para hacerles realizar las divinidades inherentes en si mismas. 
¿Recuerdas el casi accidente en tu carro? ¿En donde los dos carros casi chocan por un segundo de diferencia? Swami estaba allí. Siempre estoy contigo, alrededor tuyo y dentro de ti.”
A lo largo de toda la ruta de la procesión, niños y devotos cantaron Bhajans de todas las religiones. Al final del programa, un Langar (alimento gratuito) se sirvió para todos los participantes. 
    Purificación del Corazón
Pequeña historia
Cuando tu corazón es puro, puedes ver claramente la forma de Dios en él. La purificación del corazón se puede lograr solo por la devoción saturada con fe y amor.
Copyright © 2006-2010 Todos los derechos reservados.



Prof. N. Kasturi was the Editor of Sanathana Sarathi from its inception in 1958 till he attained the Divine Lotus Feet in the year 1987.
I got the good news pretty quick; Baba had come to Bangalore. He was staying in Sri Vittal Rao’s house on the 9th Cross Road, Wilson Gardens, only five minutes away from my residence, “Ashoka” on the 12th cross. Knowing that there was a possibility of His coming to His place, I had tipped the dry cleaner, who attended to the washing and ironing of his door and window curtains, to inform me as soon as he delivered the wash to Vittal Rao. I had noticed that he had the curtains washed and ironed as part of house cleaning, preliminary to Baba’s visit. When the news leaked at last, I posted the little daughter of my domestic help on a slab of stone facing his house, with directions to keep watch for a big car and an orange robe. So within ten minutes of Baba’s stepping into his house, Vittal Rao was amazed to find me on his verandah! “Wait! Wait! He pleaded. But Baba spotted and came towards me with His palm ready to fall on my shoulder. “Now, you have work at Puttaparthi”, he said. “A monthly magazine will start soon. Guess! How is it named?” He asked. I confessed I could not delve into His will. Yet He drew out from my reluctance a few names. “The Godward Path”, “Karma Dharma”, “Prema Yoga”. He waved aside the titles I suggested and announced that he had decided to designate it as “Sanathana Sarathi”.
That name is a clarion call. It is the conch of Vishnu, awakening the sleeping. It is the drum of Siva challenging the unruly to shed their waywardness. ‘Sarathi’ means ‘he who holds the reins’, ‘Sanathana’ means ‘Eternal’. So, that title would announce to the world that Baba is the Omniwill, which is moulding and manipulating, since Times began, the wills of living beings from the amoeba to the astronaut. “Recognise God as the Sarathi, yield wholeheartedly to His direction, reach your Destination in good shape”, was the message Baba was conveying through that Name. I was elated, elevated.
“This is the 32nd year of the Avataric Career and it is time He stood forth as the world Teacher,” I said to myself, recalling His first public discourse during Dasara, 1953. It was while the Lord was the Sarathi for Arjuna that the Bhagavad Gita was conferred on mankind through him. The Lord is therefore known as Partha (Arjuna) Sarathi. Baba is now standing forth as Sanathana Sarathi – the Sarathi for every one, everywhere.
A few days prior to the release of the first number of the magazine, Baba declared before a gathering on the Chithravathi sands, “The Bhagavad Gita is a guidebook, a map for the aspirant to peace and liberation. The Lord has installed Himself in every heart as the charioteer. Ask Him for the proper direction and He will answer and lead. You can hear a Gita specially designed for you, if you call upon the Lord”. The “Sanathana Sarathi” was therefore intended as the “Bhagawan Uvacha” (Thus saith the Lord) for a world that has jumped the rails and is in fatal jeopardy.

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