Yo siempre estoy en ananda - Bhagawan
Durante una reúnion de Ex alumnos en Brindavan en la que el ex alcalde del
Sri Sathya Sai Hostel de Brindavan - Shri.BNNarasimha Murthy , dio un
maravilloso discurso sobre diversos aspectos de Bhagaván y su Divinidad.
En el discurso, mencionó que Dr.Venugopal y algunos otros médicos que
asistían a Bhagavan quería saber si "Swami tenia ningún tipo de dolor
en cualquier parte de su cuerpo, durante su internacion en el Hospital de Super especialidades ".
Por lo que pidió al hermano Sathyajit, que consultara a Swami en telugu; fue Sathyajit
cerca de Bhagavan y le preguntó lentamente en telugu, a lo que Bhagavan respondió "
Swami no tiene dolor, YO SIEMPRE ESTOY EN ANANDA ".
Las divinas palabras de nuestro Divino Señor.
asistían a Bhagavan quería saber si "Swami tenia ningún tipo de dolor
en cualquier parte de su cuerpo, durante su internacion en el Hospital de Super especialidades ".
Por lo que pidió al hermano Sathyajit, que consultara a Swami en telugu; fue Sathyajit
cerca de Bhagavan y le preguntó lentamente en telugu, a lo que Bhagavan respondió "
Swami no tiene dolor, YO SIEMPRE ESTOY EN ANANDA ".
Las divinas palabras de nuestro Divino Señor.
Iam always in Bliss - Bhagawan
During an Alumni Meet in Brindavan in which the Former Warden of the
Sri Sathya Sai Hostel, Brindavan - Shri.B.N.Narasimha Murthy gave a
Wonderful speech on various aspects of Bhagawan and His Divinity. In
the speech, he mentioned that Dr.Venugopal and some other Doctors who
were attending on Bhagawan wanted to know whether " Swami had any pain
in any part of His Body".
So they asked Brother Sathyajit to ask Swami in Telugu, Sathyajit went
near Bhagawan and asked slowly in Telugu, to which Bhagawan replied "
Swami has never any pain, Iam always in Bliss".
Divine words from our Divine Lord.
Iam always in Bliss - Bhagawan
During an Alumni Meet in Brindavan in which the Former Warden of the
Sri Sathya Sai Hostel, Brindavan - Shri.B.N.Narasimha Murthy gave a
Wonderful speech on various aspects of Bhagawan and His Divinity. In
the speech, he mentioned that Dr.Venugopal and some other Doctors who
were attending on Bhagawan wanted to know whether " Swami had any pain
in any part of His Body".
So they asked Brother Sathyajit to ask Swami in Telugu, Sathyajit went
near Bhagawan and asked slowly in Telugu, to which Bhagawan replied "
Swami has never any pain, Iam always in Bliss".
Divine words from our Divine Lord.
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