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sábado, 15 de junio de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento sesenta y cuatro - 12 Junio, 2019.

Número ciento sesenta y cuatro - 12 de junio de 2019.
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La verdadera educación debe cultivar el compañerismo, la paz, la armonía, eliminar todo pensamiento de mentalidad estrecha, desarrollar un pensamiento amplio y, en última instancia, lograr la armonía y la paz en el mundo. Es eso lo que enseña la unidad de toda existencia.                                                                                                            - Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento sesenta y cuatro  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, les presentamos las actualizaciones de las celebraciones de primer aniversario de Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam, Hyderabad y la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, Gulbarga en la presencia divina y la visita de Bhagavan a Sri Sathya Sai Sevaniketanam, Koppal, Sri Sathya Sai Shananetanetanam , Bijapur y Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag desde el 1 de junio hasta el 5 de junio de 2019.   

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , Sri Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante entre Bhagavan y estudiantes.

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!
Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

*Úsalo o piérdelo* 

Los estudiantes de Swami son muy queridos por Él, y Él ve el potencial de cambiar el mundo para mejorarlo transformándolo.

En una de esas sesiones con estudiantes, Swami estaba hablando con algunos de ellos cuando dijo: “Estar conmigo es una oportunidad que rara vez llega a las personas. De la penitencia de varios nacimientos y bendiciones de los dioses, esta oportunidad se da a muy pocos. Sin embargo, si no lo usas, entonces lo pierdes, y puede que nunca más vuelva a ti ". 

"Jantunaam Nara Janma Durlabham", dicen nuestras escrituras. Es muy raro obtener un nacimiento humano; más raro aún, es estar alrededor del Avatar, más raro es ser un estudiante de Swami y ser guiado personalmente por Él. Él, como maestro de todos nosotros, nos brinda oportunidades y nos guía con paciencia y amor, pero cuando no lo usamos, simplemente lo perdemos, ¡quizás para siempre!

Incluso cuando concluyó su breve sermón a los estudiantes, dijo: "Estoy totalmente desapegado y no lamento que no hayas comprendido el valor de esta oportunidad, pero si lo desperdicias sin cuidado, entonces seguramente lamentarás toda tu vida. 
He esperado mil nacimientos para que estés aquí y puedo esperar otros mil nacimientos para que te des cuenta y regreses ".



Unos días después de la conclusión de la Conferencia de Educación Global, Swami programo otra ronda de visitas al campus a Koppal, Hyderabad, Gulbarga, Bijapur y Gadag. 
Trabajando incansablemente por el bienestar de Sus hijos, una vez más partió de Muddenahalli en un helicóptero en la mañana del 1 de junio de 2019, junto con Sus invitados, Sri Atul Patel y Smt Darshana Patel.

Al llegar al Campus Sri Sathya Sai Sevaniketanam, el Señor fue recibido con una procesión de cantos védicos y Bhajans por parte de los estudiantes. Swami luego dio la vuelta y bendijo a los estudiantes y, después del desayuno, procedió a inaugurar tres nuevas habitaciones como una extensión del edificio de la escuela actual y derramó Sus bendiciones sobre los trabajadores distribuyendo ropa a todos ellos.

Después de eso, el Presidente del Campus Sri MS Sathyanarayana habló a la reunión y ofreció su gratitud a Bhagavan por bendecir su Campus con Su presencia divina, junto con Sus estimados invitados. Elogió el entusiasmo de los estudiantes por participar en actividades de servicio y su amor por Bhagavan. 

Sri BN Narasimha Murthy fue el ...

Bhagavan siendo recibido con procesión védica
Inaugurando la ampliación del edificio escolar actual.
Bendiciendo al personal de la construcción
Bendiciendo a los nuevos estudiantes.
Satsang con estudiantes y personal
Discurso divino 
Con los alumnos en el bus 'World on Wheels'. 


El 1 de junio de 2019 alrededor de las 12:30 pm, Bhagavan, acompañado por Sus invitados, llegó al Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam, el Campus Preuniversitario de niñas en Hyderabad. El Señor fue recibido en una procesión festiva compuesto por estudiantes que recitaban los Vedas , seguido de un Nadaswaram banda y niñas que realizan el Bathukamma danza, Chakka Bhajan y Kolatam . 
Bhagavan procedió a completar el Poornahuti de Chandi Homam que se realizó meticulosamente con mucha devoción y fervor por parte de todos los estudiantes y devotos. A partir de entonces, continuó a la sala de oración por las celebraciones que conmemoran el primer aniversario del Campus Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam. Después de encender la lámpara ceremonial, Bhagavan cortó ...

Poornahuti de 'Chandi Homam' realizó
Celebraciones de primer aniversario de Sri Sathya Sai Parashanthiniketanam, Hyderabad
Baile de bienvenida por parte de los estudiantes. 
Bhagavan junto con los dignatarios en el estrado
Charlas de estudiantes
DR KV Ramanachary, ex oficial de IAS y asesor, Govt. de Telangana dirigiéndose a la reunión.
Discurso de Sri T Harish Rao, Ministro de Riego, Mercadeo y Asuntos Legislativos, Gobierno de Telangana
Discurso divino 

GULBARGA - JUNIO 01 A 04, 2019.

01 de junio de 2019

Cada vez que Bhagavan anuncia sus visitas a Sus campus, el corazón de cada estudiante se llena de alegría, y no fue diferente para los estudiantes de Gulbarga que tuvieron la oportunidad de pasar tiempo con su Divina Madre al comienzo de la nuevo año académico. 
Con los preparativos para la Visita Divina que comenzaron diez días antes, todos los miembros del Campus estaban ocupados con los preparativos. 
Los estudiantes aprenden canciones y cantos védicos, el personal de cocina pone todo su empeño en la planificación de las delicias que se servirán a Bhagavan y, por supuesto, a sus estudiantes e invitados y al personal del Campus que trabajan día y noche para preparar el nuevo edificio del Colegio Preuniversitario. El único pensamiento que impregnó todo el Campus fue cómo podían hacer feliz a Bhagavan.

Con la lluvia que había descendido el día anterior en preparación para la llegada del Señor, enfriando considerablemente la temperatura, la tarde del 01 de junio vio la llegada de Bhagavan al Campus, después de haber pasado un tiempo en ....
02 de junio de 2019, mañana - Celebraciones de primer aniversario de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana
Dr Satyapal Singh entrega nuevos instrumentos de banda 
Discurso de bienvenida del Dr. AR Manjunath, Pro-Canciller
Charla de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy, Canciller
Sri TB Jayachandra, ex ministra de derecho y asuntos parlamentarios, gobierno de Karnataka
Sri Basawaraj Mattimudu, MLA, Gobierno de Karnataka
Sri Satyapal Singh, miembro del Parlamento
Discurso divino
02 de junio de 2019, tarde - Satsang con estudiantes y personal
Discurso divino
03 de junio de 2019, noche - bendición de las alumnas durante el Satsang
Discurso divino


04 de junio de 2019


Después de las refrescantes lluvias, con más lluvia, cuando el helicóptero de Bhagavan aterrizó majestuosamente en los terrenos del Campus Sri Sathya Sai Premaniketanam, fue recibido con un ramo de flores por el Presidente, Sri AR Manjunath.

Bhagavan junto con Sus invitados, luego fue dirigido por una procesión de muchachos que cantaban Vedas al edificio principal de la escuela, donde llamó a todos los estudiantes para un improvisado Satsang . 
Sri AR Manjunath dio un discurso introductorio y de bienvenida, seguido de un discurso de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy. 
Swami luego habló a todos los estudiantes y luego almorzó con ellos y distribuyó helados a todos.


Por la noche, Bhagavan fue al edificio de la escuela para inaugurar dos nuevas aulas para los estudiantes y también visitó la cocina antes del Satsang de la noche.

Los estudiantes ofrecieron muchas ...

04 de junio de 2019 - Satsang a su llegada por la mañana
Tarde Satsang en progreso
Ofrenda musical de los alumnos.
Presentación de mimo sobre 'Ahorro de agua' por estudiantes
Charla del Sr. David Cornsweet
Discurso divino
Fotografía de grupo


Era un hermoso día soleado cuando el muy esperado helicóptero de Bhagavan se vio acercándose al campus de Gadag. Mientras los corazones de los estudiantes, el personal y los devotos del Campus Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam para niñas, saltaban de alegría, esperando ansiosamente experimentar a su amado Señor, Bhagavan bajó del helicóptero mientras los alegres cantos de Jaikar resonaban  en el lugar. 

Junto con Sus invitados, Bhagavan fue recibido con una procesión de cantos Vedicos y Janz Pathak . Después de un breve descanso, procedió a plantar árboles con todos los invitados, para conmemorar el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, y procedió a realizar el Bhoomi Puja para un magnífico edificio escolar nuevo para las niñas, mientras los estudiantes recién ...

Plantando plantones en el 'Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente' 
Bhoomi Puja de nuevo edificio escolar
Satsang con estudiantes y personal
Presentación de danza
Ofrenda musical
Almuerzo con estudiantes, invitados y personal.
Una fotografía de grupo antes de la salida.
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Sixty Four - June 12, 2019
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True education should cultivate fellowship, peace, harmony, remove all narrow-minded thinking, develop broad-minded thinking and ultimately achieve harmony and peace in the world. It is that which teaches unity of all existence.                                                                                                            -Baba

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Sixty Fourth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you the updates of First Year Anniversary Celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam, Hyderabad and Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, Gulbarga in the Divine presence and Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Sevaniketanam, Koppal, Sri Sathya Sai Premaniketanam, Bijapur and Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag from June 01 to June 05, 2019.  

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sri Madhusudan shares an interesting moment between Bhagawan and students.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan 
         Use It or Lose It 
Swami’s students are dearest to Him, and He sees the potential to change the world for the better by transforming them.

In one such session with students, Swami was speaking to a few of them when He said, “Being with Me is an opportunity that comes rarely to people. Out of penance of several births and blessings of Gods, this opportunity is given to a very few. However, if you don’t use it then you lose it, and it may never come back to you again.”

‘Jantunaam Nara Janma Durlabham’, says our scriptures. It’s rarest of rare to get a human birth; rarer still, is to be around the Avatar, rarest is to be a student of Swami and be personally guided by Him. He, as a master of us all, patiently and lovingly gives opportunities and guides us, but when we don’t use it we just lose it, perhaps forever!

Even as He concluded His short sermon to the students He said, “I am totally detached and I don’t regret that you haven’t understood the value of this opportunity, but if you carelessly squander it away, then you will surely regret all your life. I have waited for a thousand births for you to be here and I can wait another thousand births for you to realise and return.” 


KOPPAL - JUNE 01, 2019    
A few days after the conclusion of the Global Education Conference, Swami was scheduled for another round of campus visits to Koppal, Hyderabad, Gulbarga, Bijapur and Gadag. Always tirelessly working for the welfare of His children, He once again departed from Muddenahalli in a helicopter early on the morning of June 01, 2019, along with His guests, Sri Atul Patel and Smt Darshana Patel.
Upon arrival at the Sri Sathya Sai Sevaniketanam Campus, the Lord was welcomed with a procession of Vedic chants and Bhajans by the students. Swami then went around and blessed the students and after breakfast, proceeded to inaugurate three new rooms as an extension for the current school building and showered His blessings on the workers by distributing clothes to all of them.
Thereafter, the Chairman of the Campus Sri M S Sathyanarayana spoke to the gathering and offered his gratitude to Bhagawan for blessing their Campus with His Divine presence, along with His esteemed guests. He praised the students’ eagerness to participate in service activities and their love for Bhagawan. Sri B N Narasimha Murthy was next to address the gathering and spoke about the befitting name of the Campus which matches the service-mindedness of its students. Emphasising on the importance of service as the only fulfilment of education, he urged all the students to always think of society and the wellbeing of others.
Thereafter, addressing all the students along with those who had gathered from the Sri Sathya Sai Vishwaniketanam Campus in Hampi, Bhagawan said, “You are all the children of immortality. By birth everyone is divine. Day after day the world enters and contaminates your original nature; but when you connect...

To know more, click HERE

Bhagawan being welcomed with Vedic procession
Inaugurating the extension of current school building
Blessing the extended staff
Blessing the new students
Satsang with Students and Staff
Divine Discourse 
With the students in 'World on Wheels' bus 


On June 01, 2019 at around 12:30 p.m., Bhagawan accompanied by His guests, arrived at the Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam, Pre-University Girls’ campus in Hyderabad. The Lord was welcomed in a festive procession consisting of students reciting Vedas, followed by a Nadaswaram band and girls performing the Bathukamma dance, Chakka Bhajan and Kolatam. Bhagawan proceeded to complete the Poornahuti of the Chandi Homam which was performed meticulously with a lot of devotion and fervour by all the students and devotees. Thereafter, He continued to the prayer hall for the celebrations commemorating the first anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam Campus. After lighting the ceremonial lamp, Bhagawan graciously cut the anniversary cake beautifully marking the occasion.
Thereafter, the second year students presented a dance as a loving welcome to their beloved Lord. After the dance presentation, the Principal of the College, Mrs Vijayalakshmi who is a distinguished alumna of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur campus, gave her welcome address. She previously worked in a leading national bank as a Vice President and upon seeing the rapid expansion of Bhagawan’s mission, quit her job to come and serve in His continuing mission. Indeed, it was a great source of joy to Bhagawan, seeing His students returning and dedicating their lives in service of society.
The next address was by Mrs Saida, a parent of one of the students who came from a rural background and was struggling to make ends meet. She expressed her deep....
To know more, click HERE
Poornahuti of 'Chandi Homam' performed
First year anniversary celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai Parashanthiniketanam, Hyderabad
Welcome dance by students 
Bhagawan along with the dignitaries on the dais
Talks by students
DR K V Ramanachary, Ex-IAS officer and Advisor, Govt. of Telangana addressing the gathering
Talk by Sri T Harish Rao, Minister for Irrigation, Marketing & Legislative Affairs, Govt of Telangana
Divine Discourse 

GULBARGA - JUNE 01 TO 04, 2019

June 01, 2019
Whenever Bhagawan announces His visits to His campuses, the heart of every student swells with the joy, and it was no different for the students of Gulbarga who were blessed with the opportunity of spending time with their Divine Mother at the very beginning of the new academic year. With preparations for the Divine visit having begun ten days earlier, every member of the Campus were busy with the preparations. Students learning songs and Vedic chants, the kitchen staff putting their heart and soul into planning of delicacies to be served to Bhagawan, and of course His students and guests and the Campus staff working day and night to prepare the new Pre-University College building. The only thought which permeated the entire Campus, was how they could make Bhagawan happy.
With showers of rain having descended the previous day in preparation for the Lord’s arrival, cooling the temperature considerable, the evening of 01 June saw Bhagawan’s arrival at the Campus, after having spent time at the Koppal and Hyderabad Campuses. Along with His guests Smt Darshana Patel and Sri Atul Patel, Bhagawan was welcomed with a procession of boys chanting the Vedas. He proceeded straight towards the new Sri Sathya Sai Saraswati Pre-University College building for the inaugural function and blessed the Poornahuti of the Ganapathi Homam, which was conducted by Sri Adinarayana, the Principal of the Pre-University College. After the Homam, Bhagawan asked him and the Warden, Brother Bhupal Chidambar to speak on how their journey to Sai. The Lord then spoke to all the students, staff and others gathered. He said that in order to be blessed with such Divine proximity, each and every student sitting in the hall would have accumulated much Punya or merit in their past births. He went on to say that the Pre-University College is like the bridge between the High School and University and urged the students of the Pre-University College to make the best use of every second spent in their two-year stay.
Thereafter, Mangala Arati was offered to Bhagawan and He then went around the building before proceeding to the University prayer hall. He then spoke to all those who had gathered about the evolution... 

To know more, click HERE
June 02, 2019, morning - First year anniversary celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence
Dr Satyapal Singh handing over new band instruments 
Welcome speech by Dr A R Manjunath, Pro-Chancellor
Talk by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Chancellor
Sri T B Jayachandra, Former Minister of Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Govt of Karnataka
Sri Basawaraj Mattimudu, MLA, Govt of Karnataka
Sri Satyapal Singh, Member of Parliament
Divine Discourse
June 02, 2019, evening - Satsang with students and staff
Divine Discourse
June 03, 2019, evening - blessing the girl students during the Satsang
Divine Discourse

BIJAPUR - JUNE 04 AND 05, 2019

June 04, 2019
After cooling showers of rain, as Bhagawan’s helicopter majestically landed on the grounds of the Sri Sathya Sai Premaniketanam Campus, He was welcomed with a bouquet of flowers by the Chairman, Sri A R Manjunath.
Bhagawan along with His guests, was then led by a procession of boys chanting Vedas to the main school building, where He called all the students for an impromtu Satsang. Sri A R Manjunath gave an introductory and welcome address, which was followed by a speech by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy. Swami then spoke to all the students and then partook lunch with them and distributed ice-creams to all.
In the evening, Bhagawan went to the school building to inaugurate two new classrooms for the students and also visited the kitchen before the evening Satsang.
The students offered many songs, talks and even a miming act depicting the story of a village which was suffering due to scarcity of water and how they got relieved by Bhagawan’s water project.
After this, Swami asked one of the guests, Dr David Cornsweet from the USA to speak to the students. Thereafter, Bhagawan granted His Divine Message and announced that the Godavari project will help the Vidarbha region...
To know more, click HERE
June 04, 2019 - Satsang upon arrival in the morning
Evening Satsang in progress
Musical offering by students
Mime presentation on ‘Saving Water’ by Students
Talk by Mr David Cornsweet
Divine Discourse
Group photograph

GADAG - JUNE 05, 2019 

It was a beautiful sunny day when Bhagawan’s much awaited helicopter was spotted approaching the Gadag Campus. As the hearts of the students, staff and devotees of the Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam Campus for girls, leapt with joy, eagerly waiting to experience their beloved Lord, Bhagawan, He stepped down from the helicopter while the gleeful chants of Jaikar resounded across the grounds.
Along with His guests, Bhagawan was welcomed with a procession of Veda chanting and Janz Pathak. After a short break, He proceeded to plant trees with all the guests, to mark World Environment Day, and proceeded to perform the Bhoomi Puja for a magnificent new school building for the girls, as the newly inducted Grade six students chanted the Mantrapushpam. Swami also instructed the engineers to complete the work as early as possible, for the students’ convenience.
Thereafter, He made His way to the venue for Satsang. The girls offered many songs as an outpour of their love and devotion for Bhagawan, along with music and dance presentations. During talks by students, one of the girls shared that her parents were no more, to which Bhagawan immediately gave her the Mantra: Tvameva Maata Cha Pitaa Tvameva (You alone are my mother, You alone are my father), reassuring her that He alone was her true mother and father. When another student cried out saying that she had found her Allah in Him, Bhagawan called her near and wiped away her tears assuring that He is always there for her. The Lord expressed....
To know more, click HERE
Planting saplings on 'World Environment Day’ 
Bhoomi Puja of new school building
Satsang with students and staff
Dance presentation
Musical offering
Lunch with students, guests and staff
A group photograph before departure
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