Sai Ram - Las cosas que Bhagavan da, nunca se pueden perder.
Una devota, cuando regresaba a Hyderabad desde Puttaparthi, descubrió que su equipaje había sido robado en la noche, en algún lugar cerca Mahbubnagar.
Ella informó a la policía ferroviaria. Dos días después fue llamada a identificar sus pertenencias, ya que el ladrón había sido detenido y se recuperó el equipaje.
Imagine su sorpresa cuando se enteró que todos los artículos estaban intactos, excepto un Rosario de Baba que El le había materializado ! .
Ella envió un mensaje a Baba por cable. Baba respondió que el rosario había llegado a su posesión, porque no puede ser robado!
¿Quién podría describir su alegría por conseguir el mismo rosario por segunda vez de manos de Baba !
Un devoto, NC Padma, escribe: "Fue hace doce años. Una noche, Baba reunió a todos los que estaban con El , en el antiguo templo en las arenas del río Chitravati.
Tras cantar algunos Bhajans, me llamó, y mientras me consolaba de mis problemas personales, Él materializó un rosario y me lo entregó, y pensé que lo guardaría en mi casa, en una caja de plata, con otro Rosario, que El me había dado.
Quizá se alarmó de mi situación, que puede haber empeorado, y sentía que necesitaba protección adicional.
Así que le pregunté, '¿Por qué, Baba, ¿por qué un segundo rosario para mí?'.
Me dijo: 'Este es el que yo te di la última vez, y que guardaste en tu casa, en esa caja de plata ! .
Me dijo: 'Este es el que yo te di la última vez, y que guardaste en tu casa, en esa caja de plata ! .
Se lo "robaron" ayer, mantengalo en lugar seguro.!'
Era cierto. Cuando fui a casa, me encontré con la casa allanada y la caja de plata no estaba.
Hubo un incidente con un anillo de diamantes de Srimati Sakamma. Hace algunos años, había llegado a Puttaparthi para el Festival de Dasara.
En la confusión, al desembalar, no podía encontrar un anillo de siete piedra de diamante.
Al descubrir su ausencia después de la búsqueda, ella informó a Baba al respecto.
Baba simplemente se burlaba de todo el asunto, esbozó una broma o dos, y se rió de todo corazón por su pérdida.
Meses más tarde Baba fue a visitarla . Sentado en la cocina de una casa pequeña, y mientras toma el café, dijo: "¡Oh, Sakamma, desea aquel anillo de diamantes, ¿no? .
Bueno, aquí está!" Con esas palabras, él dio unas palmaditas en la pared, y he aquí que el anillo estaba allí en Su mano! . Esa mano es, sin duda Divina! .
Sai Ram - Things that Bhagawan gives can never be lost.
A devotee, while returning to Hyderabad from Puttaparthi, discovered her luggage had been stolen at night, somewhere near Mahbubnagar. She reported this to the railway police. Two days later she was called upon to identify her belongings, for the thief had been apprehended and the luggage recovered. Imagine her surprise when she found every article intact except the rosary Baba had materialized and given her! She sent a message to Baba by wire. Baba replied that the rosary had come to His possession, because it could not be stolen! Who can describe her joy at getting the same rosary a second time from Baba's Hands!
A devotee, C. N. Padma, writes, "It was twelve years ago. One evening Baba took all those who were at the old temple to the sands of the river. After the chanting He called me, and while consoling me about my personal problems, He materialized a rosary and handed it to me. He had already given me one, and I kept it at my home in a silver box. When He gave me another, I was alarmed that my situation may have worsened, since He felt I needed additional protection. So I asked Him, 'Why, Baba, why a second rosary for me?' He said, 'This is the one I gave you last! You left it at home in that silver box; it was 'stolen' yesterday. Here, keep this safe!' It was true. When I went home, I found the house broken into and the Silver box gone."
There was the incident of Srimati Sakamma's diamond ring. Some years ago she had hurried to Puttaparthi for the Dasara Festival. In the confusion of packing, she misplaced a seven-stone diamond ring. Discovering its absence too late for any search to be made, she informed Baba about it. Baba simply made fun of the whole affair, cracked a joke or two, and heartily laughed at her loss. Months later Baba was visiting her coffee-seed-curing factory. Sitting in the kitchen of a small house behind it, and while sipping coffee, He said, "Oh, Sakamma, you want that diamond ring, don't you? Well, here it is!" With those words, He patted the wall, and lo, the ring was there in that Hand! That Hand is certainly Divine!
Sai Ram - Things that Bhagawan gives can never be lost.
A devotee, while returning to Hyderabad from Puttaparthi, discovered her luggage had been stolen at night, somewhere near Mahbubnagar. She reported this to the railway police. Two days later she was called upon to identify her belongings, for the thief had been apprehended and the luggage recovered. Imagine her surprise when she found every article intact except the rosary Baba had materialized and given her! She sent a message to Baba by wire. Baba replied that the rosary had come to His possession, because it could not be stolen! Who can describe her joy at getting the same rosary a second time from Baba's Hands!
A devotee, C. N. Padma, writes, "It was twelve years ago. One evening Baba took all those who were at the old temple to the sands of the river. After the chanting He called me, and while consoling me about my personal problems, He materialized a rosary and handed it to me. He had already given me one, and I kept it at my home in a silver box. When He gave me another, I was alarmed that my situation may have worsened, since He felt I needed additional protection. So I asked Him, 'Why, Baba, why a second rosary for me?' He said, 'This is the one I gave you last! You left it at home in that silver box; it was 'stolen' yesterday. Here, keep this safe!' It was true. When I went home, I found the house broken into and the Silver box gone."
There was the incident of Srimati Sakamma's diamond ring. Some years ago she had hurried to Puttaparthi for the Dasara Festival. In the confusion of packing, she misplaced a seven-stone diamond ring. Discovering its absence too late for any search to be made, she informed Baba about it. Baba simply made fun of the whole affair, cracked a joke or two, and heartily laughed at her loss. Months later Baba was visiting her coffee-seed-curing factory. Sitting in the kitchen of a small house behind it, and while sipping coffee, He said, "Oh, Sakamma, you want that diamond ring, don't you? Well, here it is!" With those words, He patted the wall, and lo, the ring was there in that Hand! That Hand is certainly Divine!


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