photo om_anm_zps9964cdbf.gif


martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Historia detrás de la foto _Story behind the Photo.

Historia detrás de esta foto_Sai Premi Sathabhishekam.

Dr. Balakrishan, conocido cariñosamente como "Sai Premi", es mi colega y compañero en el camino espiritual sai.
Estábamos trabajando juntos en varias misiones de sai.
Uno de los mayores eventos fue la grabación del video "canciones Jhoola. Se había
prestados maravillosas canciones Laali.
Sri Sai Premi celebró su "Sahasra Chandra" Darsha prapthi.
Esto quiere decir que era su cumpleaños 82. 
Después de algunos años de separación física , visité Chennai especialmente para
participar en este evento sagrado.
Me uno a muchos otros devotos de Sai de todo el mundo para orar a nuestro amado Bhagavan, para que le conceda a él ya su pathni Dharma, con una larga y la vida feliz.

Con amor, saludos,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan



Story behind this Photo _Sai Premi Sathabhishekam.

Dr. Balakrishan, affectionately known as “Sai Premi”, is my long
time colleague on my spiritual sai path.
We had been associating ourselves together in various sai missions.
One of the biggest event was the recording of the video “Jhoola Songs. He had
rendered wonderful Laali songs.
Sri Sai Premi celebrated his “Sahasra Chandra” Darsha prapthi.
This means it was his 82nd birthday. After few years of physical
separation, I visited Chennai specially to
participate in this holy event.
I am joining many other sai devotees across the world to pray
to our beloved Bhagavan, to bestow him and his Dharma pathni, with a long and
blissful life.

With Love & Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan



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