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sábado, 2 de julio de 2022

Fundación Voluntad Divina - Boletin informativo - julio 2022 - Divine Will Foundation - July 2022 Newsletter

Fundación Voluntad Divina

Boletín informativo

julio 2022

Dominar la mente
Serie de audio y video
Serie de videos

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Desplácese hacia abajo para llegar a Master the Mind y Kathopanishad

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Grama de Sathya Sai
Muddenahalli, Karnataka

El amor es lo que te da el coraje para hacer lo que te has propuesto.
El amor es lo que da valor a Dios para hacer lo que Él quiere hacer.
El amor es lo que hace que todo suceda.

Y sólo este amor es propiedad de Dios.
- Sadgurú Sri Madhusudan Sai

Lo Humano y lo Divino
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai está liderando la misión global de espiritualidad y servicio fomentando la causa de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Bajo su liderazgo, se han llevado a cabo varios proyectos de servicio gigantescos en los últimos 11 años en la India y en 30 países en los campos de la salud, la educación y la nutrición. Miles de niños y familias necesitadas se han beneficiado de estos proyectos, y todos los servicios se prestan de forma totalmente gratuita.

El sadgurú Sir Madhusudan Sai dice: "Respeta a todos, ama a todos, no lastimes a nadie, sirve a todos tanto como sea posible, permanece desinteresado, piensa en el bienestar y la preocupación de todos, y vive con un sentido de sacrificio dando más de lo que tomas. el mundo." Su enseñanza central es: "ahaṁ brahmā, sarvaṁ brahmā - Tú eres Divino y también lo son todos", por lo tanto, vive de acuerdo con esa verdad. Servir y sacrificarse por los demás considerándolos como propios porque toda espiritualidad debe expresarse como un servicio desinteresado a todos".

Invitación de Satsang mensual en línea de
Fundación de corazón a corazón
2 de julio de 2022

Es un honor dar la bienvenida a nuestro Invitado Especial para el Satsang de julio.
Sri C. Sreenivas
Los devotos de Swami aman y respetan mucho al hermano Sreenivas, sabiendo que es un devoto ejemplar y una personificación de los valores de Swami. Su amor y devoción por Swami es sobresaliente.
Mientras estuve en Fiji para la inauguración del hospital más nuevo que ofrece operaciones cardíacas gratuitas para niños, fue una gran bendición pasar unas horas con nuestro querido hermano Sreenivas. Fue increíblemente inspirador y maravilloso escucharlo. ¡Su continuo servicio desinteresado a los necesitados y su extraordinario amor, devoción y dedicación a Swami nos deja asombrados! ¡Swami ha dicho que solo una entre 8 mil millones de personas tiene la profundidad y amplitud de devoción que encarna el hermano Srinivas!
Sri C. Sreenivas, ha estado asociado con Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba y sus diversos proyectos de servicio en iniciativas de atención médica, educación, suministro de agua potable y servicios rurales durante más de 40 años. Tiene maestrías en Comunicación y Filosofía. Un trabajador desinteresado, Sri C. Sreenivas ha construido y dirigido una serie de instituciones de servicios en toda la India. Se desempeña como líder del Sistema Hospitalario Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, que tiene centros para el cuidado del corazón infantil en India y Fiji. En estas instituciones, todos los servicios se brindan de forma totalmente gratuita para todos. En el corto lapso transcurrido desde el inicio de este sistema, se han realizado más de 15 000 cirugías y 5500 intervenciones de cateterismo pediátrico. Actualmente es el presidente de Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust, así como miembro fundador de la junta directiva de Divine Will Foundation.
Únase a nuestro Satsang en julio con nuestro querido hermano Sreenivas.

Satsang con C. Sreenivas
• Tema: Sai Satsang - Bhajans, oradores y actualizaciones
• Fecha: sábado, 2 de julio de 2022, EE. UU.
Hora: 5:30 p. m., hora del Pacífico, 7:30 p. m., hora central,
8:30 p. m., hora de la costa este (6:00 a. m. del IST el 3 de julio de 2022)

Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para unirse al seminario web:

Si su centro/región/ciudad desea organizar el próximo satsang mensual con bhajans/oraciones, envíe un correo electrónico al hermano Mehran Ataee a

Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani
Hospital Infantil del Corazón

Una colaboración
DY Patil Considerada Universidad, Escuela de Medicina, Navi Mumbai; El Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Kharghar y la Fundación de Investigación Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani acordaron colaborar para brindar exposición a los estudiantes de Medicina Compasiva, Licenciados en Medicina, Postgrados, Enfermería y Paramédicos en Ciencias Cardíacas Pediátricas y Medicina Comunitaria.

La facultad de DY Patil brindará capacitación avanzada en soporte vital a médicos y enfermeras en el Centro Sathya Sai Sanjeevani. También trabajarán conjuntamente con la Fundación de Investigación Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para la investigación colaborativa y los Proyectos de Investigación Conjunta.
Dr. VK Sashindharan, Decano DY Patil Considerado como Universidad, Facultad de Medicina; la Dra. Manisha Bobade, Directora y Jefa del Hospital DY Patil; Sri C Sreenivas, presidente de los hospitales Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani; Sri Sunil Gavaskar, Síndico; Dr. CS Srinivas, Director Académico; y el Dr. Snehal Kulkarni, Mentor Pediatric Cardiology estuvieron presentes en la ocasión.

Hospital Infantil del Corazón
Próximas Ubicaciones
Hospital Maternoinfantil
Se firmó un Memorando de Entendimiento entre Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust y Kantilal Gandhi Memorial Hospital Trust para el inicio de servicios totalmente gratuitos en Jharkhand mediante el establecimiento del Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Mother & Child Cardiac Care Hospital en Jamshedpur.

Se firmó un Memorando de Entendimiento entre Ramngrah Trust y Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust para la creación del Hospital Materno Infantil Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani en Raiwala, distrito de Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Todos los servicios se prestarán de forma totalmente gratuita.

Fundación Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna
Actualización sobre actividades

Colaboración del programa de desayuno
15 de junio de 2022
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust en colaboración con la Fundación del Aeropuerto Internacional Kempegowda ha iniciado un programa de desayuno para 1200 estudiantes rurales en Karnataka. El programa se lanzó el 15 de junio de 2022 en GH HPS Bettakote, Devanahalli Taluk en Bangalore Rural, y se ejecutará durante toda la sesión académica de 2022-23.

Inauguración Programa Desayuno
23 de junio de 2022
Programa Matutino de Nutrición para Niños de Escuelas Públicas
fue inaugurado en Puducherry en presencia de
Sadgurú Sri Madhusudan Sai
El Vicegobernador de Puducherry, el Ministro Principal, el Ministro de Educación, MLA, el Secretario de Educación, funcionarios y escolares estuvieron presentes en la ocasión. Agradecieron a Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust por proporcionar la bebida nutricional matutina 'Sai Sure' a 23,000 niños de escuelas gubernamentales. Esto estaba en sintonía con el camino visionario establecido por el Primer Ministro de la India para proporcionar educación supervisada por la nutrición en todos los niveles, como se establece en la Nueva Política de Educación en la India.

Sri Sathya Grama, Muddenahalli
Templo y estatua de Adi Shankaracharya
5 de junio de 2022

Inauguración de la estatua
Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharathi Sannidhanam, Jagadguru Shankaracharya de Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri, inauguró la estatua de Sri Adi Shankaracharya ubicada junto al Veda Gurukulam el 5 de junio de 2022 a las 10 a.m. La estatua de 9 pies de altura se encuentra en el área de Tapovanam. Es fascinantemente hermoso y vibrante con el aura de Adi Shankaracharya. Los ojos de la estatua se ven muy reales y llenos de compasión. Sadguru ha pedido a todos que pasen y mediten allí sobre la sabiduría suprema tal como la realizó Adi Shankaracharya.
Los jóvenes estudiantes védicos cantan Vishnu Sahasranamam y otros stotras alrededor de las 6:30 p. m., todos los días. Los muchachos hacen Sandhya Vandanam (canto del mantra Gayatri 108 veces con otros rituales purificatorios) en el Veda Gurukulam, 3 veces al día, como se ordena en los shastras .
El canto anterior se encuentra en el templo Adi Shankara.

Inauguración del Templo
Jagadguru Sri Vidushekhara Bharati también inauguró el templo Adi Shankaracharya adyacente al Veda Gurukulam.

Un nuevo hito en la misión
El primer lote de misioneros
11 de junio de 2022

Designaciones de la 1ª hornada de estudiantes de posgrado
de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la excelencia humana


Divine Will Foundation


July 2022

Master the Mind
Audio and Video Series
Video Series

Access Audios and Videos Here
Scroll down to reach Master the Mind and Kathopanishad

Click Here for Video Playlists

Sathya Sai Grama
Muddenahalli, Karnataka

Love is what gives you the courage to do what you have set out to do.
Love is what gives courage to God to do what He wants to do.
Love is what makes everything happen.

And this love alone is the property of God. 
- Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai

The Human and the Divine
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai is leading the global mission of spirituality and service by furthering the cause of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Under His leadership several mammoth service projects have been undertaken in the last 11 years in India and across 30 countries in the fields of healthcare, education, and nutrition. Thousands of needy children and families have benefitted from these projects, with all services being rendered totally free of cost.

Sadguru Sir Madhusudan Sai says, "Respect all, love all, hurt nobody, serve everyone as much as possible, remain selfless, think about everybody‟s welfare and concern, and live with a sense of sacrifice by giving more than what you take from the world." His core teaching is – "ahaṁ brahmā, sarvaṁ brahmā - You are Divine and so is everyone‟, therefore live in accordance with that truth. Serve and sacrifice for others considering them as your very own for all spirituality must express as selfless service to all."

Online Monthly Satsang Invitation From
Heart to Heart Foundation
July 2, 2022

It is an honor to welcome our Special Guest for the July Satsang 
Sri C. Sreenivas
Devotees of Swami dearly love and respect Brother Sreenivas, knowing him to be an exemplary devotee and an embodiment of Swami's values. His love and devotion to Swami is outstanding. 
While in Fiji for the inauguration of the newest hospital offering free-of-charge heart operations for children, it was a great blessing to spend a few hours with our dear Brother Sreenivas. It was incredibly inspiring and most wonderful to listen to him. His continual selfless service to those in need and his remarkable love, devotion and dedication to Swami leaves us in awe! Swami has said that only one among 8 billion people has the depth and breadth of devotion that is embodied in Brother Srinivas! 
Sri C. Sreenivas, has been associated with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and His various service projects in healthcare, education, drinking water supply and rural service initiatives for over 40 years. He holds Master's Degrees in Communication and Philosophy. A selfless worker, Sri C. Sreenivas has built and run a number of service institutions throughout India. He serves as the lead for the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital System which has centers for Child Heart Care in India and Fiji. At these institutions, all services are provided totally free of cost to all. In the short span since inception of this system, over 15,000 surgeries as well as 5,500 Pediatric Cath Interventions have been performed. He is presently the Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust as well as a founding board member of the Divine Will Foundation.
Please join our Satsang in July with our dear Brother Sreenivas.

Satsang with C. Sreenivas
• Topic: Sai Satsang - Bhajans, Speakers & Updates
• Date: Saturday, July 2, 2022, USA
Time: 5:30 PM Pacific Time, 7:30 PM Central Time,
             8:30 PM East Coast Time (IST 6:00 AM on July 3, 2022)

• Please click the link below to join the webinar:

If your Center/ Region/ City would like to host the next Monthly Satsang with Bhajans / Prayers, please email Brother Mehran Ataee at

Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani
Children's Heart Hospital

A Collaboration
D Y Patil Deemed to be University, School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai; Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Kharghar and Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Research Foundation have agreed to collaborate towards providing exposure to Medical Graduates, Post-Graduates, Nursing and Para-Medic students in Pediatric Cardiac Sciences and Community Medicine in Compassionate Healthcare.

D Y Patil Faculty shall provide advanced life support training to doctors and nurses in Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre. They shall also jointly work with Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Research Foundation towards collaborative research and Joint Research Projects.
Dr. V K Sashindharan, Dean D Y Patil Deemed to be University, School of Medicine; Dr. Manisha Bobade, Director & Head D Y Patil Hospital; Sri C Sreenivas, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals; Sri Sunil Gavaskar, Trustee; Dr. C S Srinivas, Director Academics; and Dr. Snehal Kulkarni, Mentor Pediatric Cardiology were present at the occasion.

Children's Heart Hospital
Upcoming Locations
Mother & Child Hospital
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust and Kantilal Gandhi Memorial Hospital Trust for Commencement of Totally Free-of-Cost Services in Jharkhand by establishing Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Mother & Child Cardiac Care Hospital at Jamshedpur.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Ramnugrah Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust for the setting up of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Mother & Child Hospital at Raiwala, Dehradun District, Uttarakhand. All services are to be provided totally free of cost.

Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust
Update on Activities

Breakfast Program Collaboration 
June 15, 2022
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust in collaboration with Kempegowda International Airport Foundation has initiated a Breakfast Program for 1200 Rural Students in Karnataka. The program was launched on June 15th, 2022, at G HPS Bettakote, Devanahalli Taluk in Bangalore Rural, and will run for the whole academic session of 2022-23.

Breakfast Program Inauguration
June 23, 2022
Morning Nutrition Program for Government School Children
was inaugurated in Puducherry in the presence of
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
Lt. Governor of Puducherry, the Chief Minister, the Education Minister, MLA, Education Secretary, Officials and school children were present at the occasion. They appreciated Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust for providing 'Sai Sure' Morning Nutritional Drink to 23,000 Government School children. This was in tune with the visionary path set by the Prime Minister of India to provide Nutrition monitored Education at all levels as stated in the New Education Policy in India.

Sri Sathya Grama, Muddenahalli
Adi Shankaracharya Statue & Temple
June 5, 2022

Unveiling of  the Statue
Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharathi Sannidhanam, Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri, unveiled the statue of Sri Adi Shankaracharya located next to the Veda Gurukulam on June 5th, 2022 at 10 AM. The 9-foot-high statue is in the Tapovanam area. It is mesmerisingly beautiful and vibrant with the aura of Adi Shankaracharya. The eyes of the statue look very real and full of compassion. Sadguru has asked everyone to go by and meditate there on the supreme wisdom as realized by Adi Shankaracharya.
The young Vedic students chant Vishnu Sahasranamam and other stotras from around 6:30 PM, daily. The boys do Sandhya Vandanam (chanting of Gayatri mantra 108 times with other purificatory rituals) in the Veda Gurukulam, 3 times a day, as ordained in the shastras.
The above chanting is in the Adi Shankara temple.

Inauguration of the Temple
Jagadguru Sri Vidushekhara Bharati also inaugurated the Adi Shankaracharya temple adjacent to the Veda Gurukulam. 

A New Milestone in the Mission
The First Batch of Missionaries
June 11, 2022

Appointments of 1st batch of postgraduate students
from Sri Sathya Sai University for Human excellence

Each One Educate One Foundation
Update on Activities

Momentous Milestone
10th Grade Board Examinations
Our students from the Prashanthi Bala Mandira Gurukulam clocked yet another remarkable performance in the Tenth Grade Board Examinations conducted by the Government of Karnataka in March 2022.

Of the 20 girl students who appeared for the examinations, 13 secured Distinction and the rest obtained a First Class. The school topper Kumari Lahiri stands 4th in the State Rank list securing an exceptional percentile of 99.52 with a perfect score in English, Hindi, Science & Social Science.
All this despite the unprecedented challenges they faced due to the pandemic, and the wide-ranging disruptions it caused to their established learning routines. These students hailing from rural India, through their hard work and resilience bolstered by the tireless, unconditional support from their selfless teachers, have consistently reported 100% results over the last several years.

This is indeed a very proud & gratifying moment for the Each One Educate One (E1E1) family, as we acknowledge and laud this stupendous accomplishment of our students. The E1E1 family wishes them the very best for their onward journey into higher education with us.

We are most grateful to our partners and patrons for their unstinted support and participation in our students' success story.

World Environment Day
June 5, 2022
Championing a greener, healthier and a more sustainable future
for the next generation,
through the gift of knowledge and higher wisdom
Ecology is the physiology of a community and we as a community are committed to the outcome of a safe, equitable and environmentally conscious human society that co-exists in harmony with nature. Focused efforts on environmental awareness are an ongoing part of life at all our campuses because we believe that environmental awareness and conservation is not just a one-day affair, but a way of life itself.
Glimpses from
Belagavi and Mandya Campuses
Living on campus in the lap of nature, our students get to avail of diverse opportunities to understand & conserve nature through tree-planting drives, water conservation & harvesting, waste recycled into creative Art exhibits, waste reduction initiatives, zero single use plastics and various other eco-friendly initiatives, involving the community as well.

The annual Environment Day observed on June 5th the world over thus marks the beginning of a year-long focus and calendar of eco-conservation activities planned by the staff and students in each of our campuses. Here are some images of activities from two of our campuses.
Our junior students from grades 6 and 7 of the Belagavi campus, reached out to the community to build awareness and spread the message of environmental conservation & sustainability. The staff & students organized a range of different activities to engage with the local community through a village cleaning program, distribution of saplings and talks about the critical need for society to engage in eco-conservation activities. Besides, the students also participated in a nature related drawing, painting and model-making workshop back in school, and staged a skit about the importance of plants.
The students & staff from our campus in Mandya district, in collaboration with the Forest department, doctors & volunteers from the Mandya Medical College, a few among them also being alumni of our institutions; got together for the 3rd year in a row to plant 1,000 saplings in and around the campus. This again is a wonderful example of our campus and the local communities, institutions, joining hands to carry out various socially relevant and beneficent projects, eco-conservation being an important one among them.

World Music Day
 21, 2022
When children from rural, underprivileged backgrounds come together to form a symphony orchestra; and no less than a Greek magician (read musician) from New York decides to make it his life's purpose to train and groom these young boys into musicians par excellence, the impossible becomes possible!
This World Music Day prompts a viewing (see below) of a teaser of the Sai Symphony Orchestra, a band of young boys who had no idea of the talent that lay hidden in them and had never seen or heard of these instruments that they so masterfully play today.
Here they are, announcing to the world:
"Mission I M Possible"
Stay tuned, for there's more to come. A grand performance is in the offing and Mr. Dimitris Lambrianos - the musical wizard himself - will be sharing some thoughts on his fulfilling journey with this talented bunch of boys from the rural hinterlands

International Yoga Day
 21, 2022
Mend the Senses to Focus Right 
Bend the Bodies in Service

End the Limited Perceptions of the Mind

Glimpses of International Yoga Day Proceedings from our Campuses
View Video Here
'Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam' - the motto of Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence is to strive for 'perfection in action' and hence Yoga, one of the greatest treasures of our Indian cultural and spiritual heritage is a way of life for the students at our institutions.
We strive for the holistic development of children, nurturing and transforming them into young citizens with sharp intellects, compassionate hearts and competent hands.
Students of Sri Sathya Sai Karunyaniketanam, Tumkur: 
View Video Here  
The need of the hour today in our strife-torn world is for humans to embrace their humanity; a key focus of our Gurukulam Education System which is modeled upon the belief of Oneness of all creation - Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
What better way to celebrate International Yoga Day than to dedicate it to humanity, to the idea of Humaneness and Oneness!
Students of Sathya Sai Gayatriniketanam, Doddaballapura: 
View Video Here  

An Emphasis on Sports
Sports, games and yoga are an integral part of our Gurukulam model of Education, where students are encouraged to take up some sporting activity or the other in their curated daily routine at the campus.

"I am so happy to see sporting infrastructure being built here, because I think the foundation for health and well-being comes out of sports." - Padma Bhushan Sri Pullela Gopichand during his visit to our campuses.
In a candid, heart-to-heart address to our students during his recent visit to Sri Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, the All-England Open Badminton Championship 2001 winner, Padma Bhushan Shri Pullela Gopichand recalled the two exhibition matches he was called upon to play in Puttaparthi, he shared his learnings from the experience saying, "I wondered why Swami (referring to Sri Sathya Sai Baba) wanted a stadium in a Spiritual Center? The more I looked at it over time, I could see why the Spiritual Masters give importance to sports. It is not merely for winning; it is actually for competing with ourselves, to become the best versions of what we can be!"
Sri Gopichand went on to emphasize the importance of having sports in every school, for every student and not just for the best five or ten of them. He drew parallels from various sports, elucidating how they teach the students valuable lessons in teamwork, handling failure and success, developing self-confidence and making quick decisions on the field.

The following day, Sri Pullela Gopichand spent some quality time with our school and university students; engaging them in a few games of badminton and inspiring them with his humility, charm and indomitable sporting spirit. Those fun-filled moments left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of the young enthusiasts.

Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini 
Creating a Healthy Ecosystem
in Rural India

The Non-Stop Journey of Love on Wheels
Aarogya Vahini Mobile Medical Mission is co-creating a Healthy Ecosystem to access Free-of-Cost Health for all by bridging the gap between one's responsibility and one's affordability. They are facilitating high end Tertiary Surgical Procedures at State-of-the-Art Hospitals from rural doorsteps after screening and confirmation of health symptoms, completely Free-of-Cost.

With its ongoing scheduled program of Women & Child Wellness Camps at Kaliara in the District of Hooghly, the Mobile Medical Team offered health services to rural women including expecting mothers with scheduled, periodic monitoring, nutrition along with medicinal and investigative support.
While children were screened for Congenital Anomalies and general symptoms, identified surgical symptoms were addressed at Bhagirathi Neotia Hospital of Kolkata; completing the spectrum of healthcare services from screening, detection, confirmation and treatment all of which were offered totally free of cost with the most robust model of health care delivery involving innovative, portable, medical tools inside fabricated Mobile Medical Vans fondly named as Love on Wheels.

An overwhelming response for the uninterrupted services which Aarogya Vahini Medical Team has been offering has been the mass volunteerism; witnessed as an outcome of the Societal Transformation through Compassionate Healthcare.
A humble beginning from a hamlet of a rural family with many initiatives of a mother and son whose selfless efforts have led to the expansion of services to 3 health stations in their zone. This has created access to over 15 cluster villages, where Chronic NCD (non-communicable disease) patients are supported with Care Continuum, monthly medicines and quarterly investigations. As always, all services are rendered totally free of cost. 

With Love and Prayers for the Well-Being and Happiness of All! 

Website for
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana
Books and Publications, Media and Communications Division of Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli

Sai Prakashana's Website: 
Access the latest videos, audio recordings, radio programs, newsletters, articles and browse through to order books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and other items from the Sai Prakashana online store. 

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai gives answers to important questions:

Upcoming Satsangs with Sadguru

Register to be notified whenever exclusive Satsangs with Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai are held. As a member of this list, you will not need to   register   separately  each  time  a 

satsang is livestreamed online via Zoom. You will receive notifications and direct access links to upcoming satsangs.

Additionally, throughout the year, Newsletters with exclusive content in relation to Sadguru, His teachings and His mission will be made available to you.


'Sai Vrinda Official' YouTube Channel
Links for Playlists
Playlist Links for the Following Series:


Includes Bhagavad Gita Summaries

New Book Release
"Master the Mind and be a mastermind. Not just a mastermind; be a master."
- Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai
'Master the Mind', a veritable eye-opening treatise in the form of talks and videos on mastering one's mind to bring positivity, hope and spiritual wellbeing to people across the world, especially in the ongoing times of the pandemic, is now available in Paperback and Kindle e-book editions.
To get your copy of the book 'Master the Mind' authored by
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, Click Here
For the Amazon Kindle version, Click Here
To download the free Kindle app on your mobile, Click Here

eBooks on Amazon Kindle

A selection of eBooks to keep you connected 24x7. Receive His guidance anywhere, everywhere:

Spirituality 101
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Vol - 15
God Management
Sanatana Dharma
The Story Divine, Part - 1
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha, Vol - 1

Audio & Video Series
Radio Programs
Study Circles & Satsangs

Sound Cloud Audio for Master the Mind Series: CLICK HERE  
Sai Vrinda YouTube Channel Videos:
Download and Install Sanathana Vani App: Google Play Store; App Store; Website 
Study Circles have been scheduled every day of the week. They are taking place in the US, Canada, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand/Laos and Australia. Please contact the facilitator of the Study Circle you wish to join by checking the link below. Please Bookmark this web page and refer back to it for the latest information. CLICK HERE

Important Links

There is so much happening in the world of Sai that it is almost impossible to keep up with everything.  Below are a few links to sites that provide updated info, videos, summaries of talks and much more.  What a delight it is to be a part of Swami's ongoing mission of love and service.

Copyright © 2022 Divine Will Foundation, All rights reserved.




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Divine Will Foundation
PO Box 235795
Encinitas, CA 92023-5795

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