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viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento dieciocho - 22 marzo 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Eighteen - March 22, 2018

Número ciento dieciocho: 22 de marzo de 2018
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En lo más profundo de su corazón, es solo a través del amor que pueden entender a Dios, que pueden experimentar a Dios. Es el corazón el que experimenta y disfruta de lo Divino; todos los demás sentidos son inútiles, sin resultado en este asunto. Con esa rendición de Bali Chakravarthy, con esa devoción de Prahlada, con esa sabiduría de Adi Sankara, debes trabajar con la cabeza, el corazón y las manos. - Baba.
Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento  diecinueve de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos la parte final de la visita de Bhagavan a Japón, Hong Kong y Singapur entre el 8 de marzo y el 17 de marzo de 2018. También se ha presentado un informe sobre las celebraciones de Ugadi celebradas en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli el 18 de marzo de 2018. En este número, durante el cual Bhagavan gentilmente inauguró Prem Kutir - Albergue para estudiantes de Preuniversidad y Prem Sadana - Bloque Residencial para Tyagajeevis. ¡Deseamos a todos los lectores un feliz y próspero Sri Rama Navami!  

En VISION INTERIOR de esta semana , El hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu

*Da más, para obtener más.* 

Fue durante nuestro reciente viaje a Kalady en Kerala, que Swami estaba siendo servido en su cena en la residencia del devoto, cuando una madre de una pequeña niña de cuatro años hizo esta pregunta. "Swami, mi hija tiene una duda que me pide que aclare, pero no sé qué responder, así que por favor guíame. 
Me pregunta que cuando todos nosotros tenemos dos manos, ¿por qué Lord Vishnu y muchos otros dioses tienen cuatro manos? "Mientras todos sonreían ante esta duda genuina de un pequeño bebé que estaba dando sus primeros pasos hacia Dios, nadie sabía realmente la respuesta y todos miraron hacia Swami con ansiosa anticipación.
Swami, el que es un hombre entre los hombres, una mujer entre mujeres y un niño cuando está con niños, lo respondió de la manera más inimitable, para que la cabecita se envolviera en esta profunda pregunta: "Verás, Dios tiene que hacer más trabajo que los humanos." 

No estoy seguro acerca de otros dioses, pero he visto a este Dios (Baba), el más diligente y el más activo de todos, trabajando día y noche por el bien de los demás, y seguramente cuatro manos no son suficientes, ni siquiera cinco cabezas son suficientes para un Dios que siempre está pensando en nosotros y trabajando para nosotros en todo momento. 

Para la transmisión en vivo , visite o sintonícese  para la transmisión de radio en vivo.  

Todos los libros y DVD anteriores están disponibles en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli

14 Y 15 DE MARZO, 2018.

Comenzaba el día pero la breve visita a Hong Kong finalizaba, ya que Swami y su comitiva volarían pronto a Singapur por la tarde. Después del desayuno, Swami se dirigió a la sala y habló un rato antes de que se le ofreciera el Mangala Arati, enfatizando la relación inseparable entre Dios y Sus devotos. Una visita a la isla de Lantau para ver la estatua del Buda Tian Tan, el Buda sentado más grande del mundo ya estaba planeada antes de ir al aeropuerto. Swami habló entonces ...
Visita a Tian Tan Big Buddha 
Visita al monasterio de Po Lin 
Public Satsang en 'Sai Anandam'
El hermano Kabilan Pillay dando la bienvenida a la reunión 
Hermano Anand Kadali hablando sobre el Programa de Desayuno Annapoorna
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy dirigiéndose a la audiencia
Discurso Divino


16 Y 17 DE MARZO DE 2018.   


El último día en Singapur para este viaje, y dos familias fueron bendecidas con la visita del Señor a sus hogares, que llaman la casa de Swami. El hermano Thiagarajan y su esposa Smt Shantini dieron la bienvenida a Bhagavan por la mañana en medio de los bhajans. Un emotivo hermano Thiaga estableció el tono de la mañana y extendió su sincera gratitud a ...
En la residencia de Sri S Thiagarajan en la mañana 
Sri S Thiagarajan dando la bienvenida a Bhagawan 
El hermano Ryan Tan hablando sobre las actividades juveniles
El Dr. Sanjay Nair de Malasia hablando sobre los campamentos médicos en Kuala Lumpur 
Visita a la oficina del Sr. Anthony Tan en la tarde
En la residencia del Dr. Yeoh y la Sra. Janice
Recital de piano de Dimitris Lambrianos 


18 DE MARZO DE 2018 .

Programa matutino:

Ugadi se celebra en los estados indios de Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka y Maharashtra,  significando 'el comienzo de un nuevo año'. Es celebrado como Gudi Padwa por la gente de Maharashtra. Este año 2018-2019 se conoce como Vilambi Samvatsara según el ciclo actual en el calendario gregoriano. En la mayoría de las tradiciones, el Año Nuevo es bienvenido con coloridas decoraciones, preparaciones deliciosas y saludos orantes. El festival se ...
Lanzamiento del libro 'Divya Kathamrutha' (Parte 1) - 'The Story Divine, Part 1' en idioma kannada
Lanzamiento del libro 'Divya Kathamrutha' (Parte 1) - 'The Story Divine, Part 1' en idioma kannada
Lanzamiento del libro 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', escrito por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy
Sri C Sreenivas dirigiéndose a la reunión
Inauguración de Prem Kutir - Segundo piso, albergue para estudiantes de segundo año de PUC en la noche
Satsang en progreso
El hermano SG Ajay y el hermano SG Vijay con la familia junto con Bhagawan
De acuerdo con Sadana - bloque residencial para Tyagajeevis
Inauguración de Sad Sadan
Entregando las llaves a Sri B Narayana Rao
'Prahalada Charitram', una presentación de danza y drama de Melattur Bhagavata Mela Natya Vidya Sangam, Melattur 
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Sintoniza , una radio por Internet 24x7 de Muddenahalli, una plataforma asociarse y transformarse con amor, servicio y espiritualidad
Amruta Vahini es una revista mensual de 50 páginas en inglés / kannada de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli que capta los Divinos Discursos de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en sutiles actualizaciones de eventos, desde reportajes fotográficos hasta relatos de viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias. También presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.
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Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna, Amruta Vahini , B-103, 
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¡Suscríbete a 'Amruta Vahini', la revista mensual de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli hoy! Desde los Discursos Divinos hasta las actualizaciones de eventos, desde las funciones fotográficas hasta los relatos de viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias, ¡'Amruta Vahini' es una revista mensual imprescindible! 

Amruta Vahini también presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.

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Copyright © * 2017 * 
* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Eighteen - March 22, 2018
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In your heart of hearts, it is only through love, that you can understand God, that you can experience God. It is the heart, it is the heart that experiences and enjoys the Divine; all other senses are useless, of no avail in this matter. With that surrender of Bali Chakravarthy, with that devotion of Prahlada, with that wisdom of Adi Sankara, you must work with your head, heart and hand. 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Eighteenth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the final part of Bhagawan's visit to Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore between March 08 and March 17, 2018.

A report on the Ugadi Celebrations held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on March 18 2018 has also been featured in this issue, during which Bhagawan graciously inaugurated Prem Kutir - Hostel for Pre University students and Prem Sadana - Residential Block for Tyagajeevis. 

We wish all the readers a happy and prosperous Sri Rama Navami!

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
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It was during our recent trip to Kalady in Kerala, that Swami was being served His dinner at the residence of the devotee when a mother of a little four-year-old girl asked this question. “Swami, my daughter has a doubt which she asks me to clarify but I don’t know what to answer, so please guide. She asks me that when all of us have two hands then why Lord Vishnu and many other Gods have four hands?” While everyone smiled at this genuine doubt of a tiny tot who was taking her first steps towards God, no one really knew the answer and all looked towards Swami in eager anticipation. Swami, the one who is a man amongst men, woman amidst women and a child when with children, answered it in His most inimitable way so that the little head could wrap itself around this profound query, “ You see, God has to do more work than humans. While He blesses with one hand, He protects with another, gives with yet another and holds you with the fourth one, so He needs four hands.” The little devotee was satisfied even as we all grinned at the simplicity of the profound truth, God had more work than humans!

Not sure about other Gods, but I have seen this God, the most diligent and the busiest of all, working day and night for others sake, and surely four hands are not enough, nor even five heads sufficient for a God who is always thinking of us and working for us every moment. 
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All the above books & DVD are available at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
MARCH 14 & 15, 2018  

The short visit to Hong Kong came to an end, as Swami and His entourage were to fly to the next destination Singapore, in the afternoon. After breakfast, Swami came out to the living room and spoke for a while before Mangala Arati was offered. He reiterated about the inseparable relationship between God and His devotees. A visit to Lantau Island to see the Tian Tan Buddha, the world’s largest sitting Buddha was planned before reaching the Airport. Swami spoke about the life of Buddha, and said that Buddha was not born a Saint, but was born as a Prince. “He had all the luxuries and comforts of the world. But something in his heart kept saying that this was not everything. He had a very sensitive nature and his restlessness led to his quest for truth. He had no Guru or guide, but this inner quest was repeating itself. No one could help Buddha with answers. So he sat under a tree, closed his eyes and made an earnest attempt to seek the answers for all the questions. He developed a sense of detachment when he realised the truth.” Swami urged everyone to lead a detached life, with the sense that all belongs to God!
Mr Raja and Mrs Shalini Daswani, along with few others devotees proceeded to Lantau Island to see the big Buddha. After a wonderful lunch at the Po Lin Monastery, the entourage proceeded to the Airport...

To know more, click HERE
Visit to Tian Tan Big Buddha 
Visit to Po Lin Monastery 
Public Satsang at ‘Sai Anandam’
Brother Kabilan Pillay welcoming the gathering 
Brother Anand Kadali speaking about the Annapoorna Breakfast Programme
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy addressing the audience
Divine Discourse
MARCH 16 AND 17, 2018   

Last day in Singapore for this trip, and two families were being blessed with the Lord’s visit to their homes, which they call Swami’s home. Brother Thiagarajan and his wife Smt Shantini welcomed Bhagawan in the morning amidst Bhajans. An emotional Brother Thiaga set the tone for the morning, and extended his heartfelt gratitude to Swami for blessing their home yet again. Swami then beckoned one of the youth leaders of Singapore Ryan Tan to address the gathering, and talk about the youth Seva initiatives. He spoke about a new group One Youth which has been formed in Singapore, which embraces youth from various backgrounds and ethnicities to come together and work together for the greater good of the needy. Swami lovingly guided Ryan with a five-point charter, and said that time is merciless, and we can never get back lost time. “Time is greater than God, and cannot be reversed. So it is very important to use time wisely.” Swami said it was important for all the members of One Youth to follow this code:
1. Gratitude in thought, word and deed
2. Meet once in a month for community service and come together once in a year as a global community of youths
3. Bring one person, family or friend during the year into One Youth
4. Encourage each other to be of use to the society
5. Treat each other as a family
Swami then called upon Dr Sanjay Nair from Kuala Lumpur who was visiting Singapore along with his family on Swami’s command. Dr Sanjay is a third generation Sai devotee, and the family has been immensely blessed by Bhagawan. He reminisced Swami’s Visit to Kuala Lumpur to Sai Ananda....

To know more, click HERE
At the residence of Sri S Thiagarajan in the morning 
Sri S Thiagarajan welcoming Bhagawan 
Brother Ryan Tan speaking about the youth activities
Dr Sanjay Nair from Malaysia speaking about the Medical Camps in Kuala Lumpur 
Visit to the Office of Mr Anthony Tan in the evening
At the residence of Dr Yeoh and Mrs Janice
Piano recital by Dimitris Lambrianos 
Morning Programme:
Ugadi is celebrated in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra signifying ‘the beginning of a new year’. It is celebrated as Gudi Padwa by the people of Maharashtra. This year 2018-2019 is referred to as Vilambi Samvatsara as per the current cycle in Gregorian calendar. In most traditions, the New Year is welcomed with colourful decorations, delicious preparations and prayerful salutations. The festival is characterised by the preparation of food items that combine all the tastes – sweet, sour, salty and bitter. This is a symbolic reminder that one must be equanimous to all the experiences that awaits one in the coming year.
On this festive morning, Bhagawan was welcomed amidst loud singing of Bhajans. The session began with Vedicinvocation of Hiranyagarbha Suktam by Grade 6 and Grade 7 boys from Sri Sathya Seva Loka Seva Higher Primary and High school in Muddenahalli. This was followed by an elaborate pictorial presentation by Ms Bhuvana Santhanam about the Divine visit to Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore from March 8, 2018 to March 17, 2018.
There were three new launches for the new year day. The first was the DVD release of the Sri Sathya Sai Annual Sports and Cultural Meet 2018 by the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions. Omkar Sai and Prathap B S who are students of the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence and Sai Preetham, second year Pre-University student of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Pre-University college at Muddenahalli, being part of the video team, shot the sports meet videos and helped in mixing of these to prepare the DVD.  
The second launch was the Kannada version of the book ‘The Story Divine – Divya Kathamruta’, autobiography of Brother Madhusudhan Naidu and the unprecedented tale of his divine adventure. Sri Anantha Murthy and Smt Chaya Murthy along with Sri Sundar Bhat and Sri Kabir worked on the translation....

To know more, click HERE
Release of 'Sri Sathya Sai Annual Sports and Cultural Meet 2018' DVD
Launch of the book, 'Divya Kathamrutha' (Part 1) - 'The Story Divine, Part 1' in Kannada language
Launch of the book, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', authoured by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy
Sri C Sreenivas addressing the gathering
Inauguration of Prem Kutir - Second Floor, Hostel for second year PUC students in the evening
Satsang in progress
Brother S G Ajay and Brother S G Vijay with family along with Bhagawan
Prema Sadana - residential block for Tyagajeevis
Inauguration of Prema Sadana
Handing the keys to Sri B Narayana Rao
'Prahalada Charitram', a dance - drama presentation by Melattur Bhagavata Mela Natya Vidya Sangam, Melattur 
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Amruta Vahini is a 50 page monthly magazine in English/Kannada from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli which captures from Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in subtle to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from book excerpts to news updates. It also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.
Below are the subscription charges,

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For details, contact:
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Chikkaballapur Taluk & District - 562101,
Phone Number: +91-9902035742, +91-7760221060.
Subscribe to 'Amruta Vahini', the monthly magazine from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli today! From Divine Discourses to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from  book excerpts to news updates, 'Amruta Vahini' is a must-have monthly magazine!

Amruta Vahini also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.

To subscribe to 'Amruta Vahini' mail us at 

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