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sábado, 16 de marzo de 2019

Boletín Global de Sai Jovenes OWOS _ Número 114 - 10 de MARZO de 2019.

Número 114 - 10 de marzo de 2019
Nota inspiradora ...
En 2016 un Satsang celebrado en la presencia divina en California, Estados Unidos. Cuando una familia que atraviesa tiempos difíciles busca orientación,

Aquí está lo que dijo Swami:

Ustedes, hermanos y hermanas, tienen que pensar igual. Tienen que pensar el uno en el otro, no en ti mismo. La familia no se trata de pensar en ti mismo como un individuo. Desde lo "individual", muévete a la "familia", donde piensan el uno en el otro. Solo si todos comienzan a tomar en cuenta las opiniones de los demás, encontrarán una solución. Si hay cuatro caballos enganchados a un carro y todos tiran en direcciones diferentes, ¿se moverá el carro? Todos tienen que ir en la misma dirección. Entonces, primero que todo, debes pensar el uno en el otro y luego pensar lo que Dios querría, luego encontrarás una solución, de inmediato. Debido a que todos piensan de manera diferente, todos piensan solo en sí mismos, usted no puede llegar a una conclusión. La solución está en tus manos.

Annapoorna aparece en la BSE
Plataforma Sammaan

Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust ahora se encuentra en la plataforma BSE Sammaan *, que es una iniciativa de la Confederación de la Industria India (CII), BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) y el Instituto Indio de Asuntos Corporativos (IICA).

La entrada de Annapoorna en BSE Sammaan se puede ver en:

* Sammaan es una plataforma que es la primera de su tipo que cierra la brecha de responsabilidad entre las empresas y las ONG (organización no gubernamental). Con más de 20 lakh de ONG registradas en la India, a las empresas hoy en día les resulta cada vez más difícil navegar por el mundo de la responsabilidad social corporativa (CSR). No tienen forma de validar la legitimidad de las ONG o la comprensión limitada de cómo se están utilizando sus fondos. Con Sammaan, ahora pueden elegir entre ONG verificadas, hacer uso de informes periódicos y obtener la certificación de Sammaan por sus contribuciones a la RSE.
Impulso de la nutrición para los niños de la escuela del gobierno de Karnataka.

Pronto, los niños de las Escuelas del Gobierno y las Escuelas Asistidas por el estado de Karnataka podrán disfrutar de la leche más sabrosa y nutritiva que proporciona la Fundación Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna. 
El Departamento de Educación Primaria y Secundaria está pensando en fortificar la leche suministrada a las escuelas bajo el esquema Ksheera Bhagya del Gobierno del Estado, con una mezcla para la salud. 
La iniciativa se lanzó de forma experimental en algunas escuelas del distrito de Taluks of Chikkaballapur para estudiar los beneficios.
Lanzamiento de desayuno de Annapoorna en el distrito de Sirsilla en Telangana
Annapoorna se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del programa de desayuno gratuito para niños de escuelas primarias y secundarias en la aldea de Thadur que se encuentra en el distrito de Sirsilla en Telangana.

Alrededor de 120 niños recibirán un desayuno sólido, lo que se suma a la presencia de Annapoorna en el estado de Telangana.
Annapoorna Breakfast Launch in more Schools at Siddipet District
Annapoorna launched free Breakfast Programmes for the school children belonging to three more schools in Siddipet in Telangana.

About 240 children across three schools comprising of 42 children studying in MPUPS (Mandal Primary and Upper Primary School) from Adavi Bhramannapalli Thanda, 131 children from MPUPS Chityal, and 65 children studying in PS (Primary School) Kurmawada will benefit from daily solid breakfast!
Lanzamiento del programa de desayuno en la escuela Sri Surat Sarwajanik en Jamshedpur.
Como un gran regalo con motivo del Día de San Valentín, un día celebrado compartiendo el amor con todos, ¡el equipo de Annapoorna lanzó el Programa de desayuno para los pequeños ángeles que estudian en la Escuela Sri Surat Sarwajanik en Jamshedpur!

Unos 130 niños necesitados que estudian desde el jardín de infantes hasta la clase 6 en la escuela mencionada anteriormente ubicada en Bistupur en Jamshedpur en el estado de Jharkhand recibieron poha y laddus para su desayuno el día del lanzamiento del programa de desayuno el 14 de febrero de 2019.
Annapoorna está muy feliz de compartir una historia real de amor desinteresado que reconstruyó las vidas de toda una familia que estaba en ruinas. ¡Los voluntarios de Annapoorna de Kannur, Kerala, además de alimentar las vidas de más de 500 niños que asisten a la escuela a través del Programa de desayuno de Annapoorna en el distrito de Kannur, han reavivado las esperanzas de una familia necesitada con su extraordinario servicio desinteresado!
El amor de la mano al estómago.
El equipo juvenil de Sevas llegó a los escalones de una pequeña y concurrida escuela en Pettah, Colombo, que estaba llena de la energía de más de 70 niños. Fueron recibidos con emocionados aplausos y gritos de alegría, así como abrazos enérgicos, ya que los niños los reconocieron con cariño y estaban ansiosos por participar de la deliciosa comida casera.

Mientras varios jóvenes interactuaban con cariño con los niños, los demás se pusieron a trabajar, acomodando todos los platos y sirviéndolos para los niños entusiasmados. Al ver que traían los platos calientes, los niños se apresuraron a formar filas y esperaron impacientes a recibir las comidas. Lo que más les encantó fueron las golosinas que los jóvenes habían traído, dulces de todo tipo para satisfacer su gusto por lo dulce. Durante el tiempo que tuvo lugar el Seva , el pequeño edificio se llenó de nada más que alegria, risas y amor.
From Love, to Love
Los hospitales y su relación con la fe suelen ser tangentes. El esfuerzo de los médicos y el personal junto con la gracia de lo Divino es lo que garantiza el tratamiento correcto y oportuno de los enfermos y enfermos, ya sea desde un niño de pocas semanas hasta un anciano de casi 90 años. El Hospital de Cáncer en Maharagama se encuentra Como un testimonio de esto, mientras los padres, familiares y amigos oran colectivamente a la Divinidad para que sean las manos que tratan y el toque que sana.
Middle East Seva Activities For
February 2019
The youth from the Middle East region try to attain the state of Selflessness by constantly engaging in various service activities as shared below. The group is also very active in organizing and attending Satsangs and Bhajan sessions on a regular basis. These sessions have rejuvenated the group to plunge into more good work and thereby transform themselves in to better individuals.

Construction Site Seva

The youth from the region lovingly make it a point to reach out to the less fortunate brothers who work in construction sites every weekend and serve them with raw vegetables, fruits, juice, biscuits and so on. These laborers feels so touched when there is so much Love shown by such young people with nothing expected in return!   
Seva Opportunity with the Indian Consulate
The youth were approached by the Consulate of India to help a few stranded laborers who were stuck in a camp without the basic necessities like food, water and electricity. The group got into action by arranging the basic amenities for these four hundred laborers and distributed them at the camp. The joy filled faces of those workers filled the hearts of the youth!
Women’s Empowerment
The women of the youth group have been visiting a ladies camp to motivate and empower the women by giving them yoga classes, fun puzzle sessions and meditation sessions. The ladies feel very connected with these youth and are ready to share any personal issues they have, as they feel a closeness with these Sai sisters. 
Spirituality for Self-Development
The youth group is very active in organising and attending Satsangsand Bhajan sessions on a regular basis. These sessions have rejuvenated the group to plunge into more good work and thereby transform themselves into better individuals!  
Royal Dove Creche And Nursery Lekki, Lagos
The Breakfast Seva at the Royal Dove Creche and Nursery in Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria feeds 120 children two times a week (and three times on special occasions) every Monday and Friday. The youth distribute packets that contain Bread, Fruits and an Egg as these foods are both nutritious and rich in energy.

These children belong to the local community around the locality of Lekki, Lagos and usually cannot afford more than one meal a day. They look forward to the service and accept the youth’s love with utmost gratitude.

The youth are thankful to the Lord for providing them with this opportunity
Ereko Methodist Primary School, Lagos
In addition to regular primary students, this school also caters for Children with Special Needs such as the Learning Disabled, Hearing Impaired and Intellectually Challenged ones.
The total strength of the students is 259 (Regular – 200 and Special Needs – 59).
518 Breakfast Packets were served to the Children and Teachers/Caretakers during January/February 2019, once a month on a Thursday. This was possible only with their Swami’s love and grace. It was so wonderful and they truly enjoyed the blissful moments they spent with the kids!
Lessons in Gratitude
Swami has always told us that our heart is His Seat. He always employs unique methods to find His Place in our Hearts. And He loves it when we keep His seat clean and reserved for Him only.
I am Sunil, working at Bangalore currently. By Swami’s Grace, I have the opportunity to regularly serve at the Annnapoorna...
I received a very valuable message from Swami during one Divine visit to Kodaikanal in the summer. Swami had visited some Tibetan shops for shopping and was returning to His Bungalow. The lane leading to His Bungalow is very narrow, and unfortunately a car was already parked mid-way. Thus, Swami’s Car could not be driven up to His Bungalow. It was decided that another car from the opposite end of the lane be brought for Swami so that He could be driven to His Bungalow.
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One World One Sai | OWOS, OWOS, CA 99999


Issue 114 - March 10, 2019
Inspirational Note...
In 2016 a Satsang held in the divine presence in California, USA. When a family going through diffcult times seeks guidance,

Here is what Swami said:

You brothers and sisters have to think alike. You have to think about each other, not about yourself. Family is not about thinking of yourself as an individual. From ‘individual’ move to ‘family’, where you think about each other. Only if you all start taking account of each other’s views and opinions will you find a solution. If there are four horses harnessed to a cart and all pull it in different directions, will the cart move? They all have to go in the same direction. So, first of all, you must think about each other and then think what God would want – then you will find a solution, immediately. Because everybody is thinking differently, everybody is thinking only about themselves, you are unable to come to a conclusion. The solution is in your hands.
Service Updates
Annapoorna is Listed in BSE
Sammaan Platform
Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust is now listed in the BSE Sammaan* platform, which is an initiative by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) and Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA).

Annapoorna's entry in BSE Sammaan can be viewed at:

*Sammaan is a platform that is the first of its kind that bridges the accountability gap between corporations and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisation). With over 20 lakh NGOs registered in India, companies today find it increasingly hard to navigate the world of corporate social responsibility (CSR). They have no way to validate the legitimacy of the NGOs or limited understanding of how their funds are being utilised. With Sammaan, they can now pick from verified NGOs, avail of periodic reports and get certification for Sammaan for their CSR contributions.
Nutrition Boost for Karnataka Government School Kids
Soon, children of the Government Schools and Aided Schools in Karnataka State can enjoy tastier, as well as more nutritious milk provided by the Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust. The Department of Primary and Secondary Education is thinking of fortifying the milk supplied to schools under the Ksheera Bhagya scheme of the State Government, with a health mix powder. The initiative was launched on an experimental basis in some schools in two Taluks of Chikkaballapur District to study the benefits.
Annapoorna Breakfast Launch in Sirsilla District in Telangana
Annapoorna is happy to announce the launch of the free breakfast programme for the school children belonging to Primary and High schools at Thadur village that comes under the Sirsilla district in Telangana.

About 120 children will receive solid breakfast, adding further to Annapoorna’s presence in Telangana state.
Annapoorna Breakfast Launch in more Schools at Siddipet District
Annapoorna launched free Breakfast Programmes for the school children belonging to three more schools in Siddipet in Telangana.

About 240 children across three schools comprising of 42 children studying in MPUPS (Mandal Primary and Upper Primary School) from Adavi Bhramannapalli Thanda, 131 children from MPUPS Chityal, and 65 children studying in PS (Primary School) Kurmawada will benefit from daily solid breakfast!
Breakfast Programme Launch at Sri Surat Sarwajanik School in Jamshedpur
As a grand gift on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, a day celebrated by sharing love with one and all, the Annapoorna team launched the Breakfast Programme for the little angels studying in the Sri Surat Sarwajanik School in Jamshedpur!
About 130 needy children studying from kindergarten to class 6 in the above said school located at Bistupur in Jamshedpur in the State of Jharkhand received poha and laddus for their breakfast on the launch day of the Breakfast Programme on February 14, 2019.
Reconstructing a Family’s Fortune
Annapoorna is very happy to share a true story of selfless love that reconstructed the lives of an entire family which were in shambles. The Annapoorna volunteers from Kannur, Kerala, apart from nourishing the lives of more than 500 school going children through the Annapoorna Breakfast Programme in Kannur district, have revived the hopes of a needy family with their remarkable selfless service!
Love from Hand to Stomach
The youth team arrived at the steps of a busy little school in Pettah, Colombo which was bustling with the energy of over 70 children. They were greeted with excited cheers and shouting as well as energetic tackles, as the children fondly recognised them and were all too eager to partake in the delicious home-made food.
From Love, to Love
Hospitals and their relation to faith is often tangent. The effort of doctors and the staff together with the grace of the Divine is what ensures the correct and timely treatment of the sick and the ailing, be it from a tiny few weeks old child to an elder nearing 90. The Cancer Hospital in Maharagama stands as a testimony to this, as parents, relatives and friends collectively pray to the Divine to be the hands that treat and the touch that heals.
Middle East Seva Activities For
February 2019
The youth from the Middle East region try to attain the state of Selflessness by constantly engaging in various service activities as shared below. The group is also very active in organizing and attending Satsangs and Bhajan sessions on a regular basis. These sessions have rejuvenated the group to plunge into more good work and thereby transform themselves in to better individuals.

Construction Site Seva

The youth from the region lovingly make it a point to reach out to the less fortunate brothers who work in construction sites every weekend and serve them with raw vegetables, fruits, juice, biscuits and so on. These laborers feels so touched when there is so much Love shown by such young people with nothing expected in return!   
Seva Opportunity with the Indian Consulate
The youth were approached by the Consulate of India to help a few stranded laborers who were stuck in a camp without the basic necessities like food, water and electricity. The group got into action by arranging the basic amenities for these four hundred laborers and distributed them at the camp. The joy filled faces of those workers filled the hearts of the youth!
Women’s Empowerment
The women of the youth group have been visiting a ladies camp to motivate and empower the women by giving them yoga classes, fun puzzle sessions and meditation sessions. The ladies feel very connected with these youth and are ready to share any personal issues they have, as they feel a closeness with these Sai sisters. 
Spirituality for Self-Development
The youth group is very active in organising and attending Satsangsand Bhajan sessions on a regular basis. These sessions have rejuvenated the group to plunge into more good work and thereby transform themselves into better individuals!  
Royal Dove Creche And Nursery Lekki, Lagos
The Breakfast Seva at the Royal Dove Creche and Nursery in Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria feeds 120 children two times a week (and three times on special occasions) every Monday and Friday. The youth distribute packets that contain Bread, Fruits and an Egg as these foods are both nutritious and rich in energy.

These children belong to the local community around the locality of Lekki, Lagos and usually cannot afford more than one meal a day. They look forward to the service and accept the youth’s love with utmost gratitude.

The youth are thankful to the Lord for providing them with this opportunity
Ereko Methodist Primary School, Lagos
In addition to regular primary students, this school also caters for Children with Special Needs such as the Learning Disabled, Hearing Impaired and Intellectually Challenged ones.
The total strength of the students is 259 (Regular – 200 and Special Needs – 59).
518 Breakfast Packets were served to the Children and Teachers/Caretakers during January/February 2019, once a month on a Thursday. This was possible only with their Swami’s love and grace. It was so wonderful and they truly enjoyed the blissful moments they spent with the kids!
Lessons in Gratitude
Swami has always told us that our heart is His Seat. He always employs unique methods to find His Place in our Hearts. And He loves it when we keep His seat clean and reserved for Him only.
I am Sunil, working at Bangalore currently. By Swami’s Grace, I have the opportunity to regularly serve at the Annnapoorna...
I received a very valuable message from Swami during one Divine visit to Kodaikanal in the summer. Swami had visited some Tibetan shops for shopping and was returning to His Bungalow. The lane leading to His Bungalow is very narrow, and unfortunately a car was already parked mid-way. Thus, Swami’s Car could not be driven up to His Bungalow. It was decided that another car from the opposite end of the lane be brought for Swami so that He could be driven to His Bungalow.
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One World One Sai | OWOS, OWOS, CA 99999