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lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento sesenta y dos - 06 Mayo 2019

Número ciento sesenta y dos - 06 de mayo de 2019
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A veces puedes preguntar: '¿Es práctico recordar que somos divinos todo el tiempo?' Déjame decirte que esto es lo más práctico para recordar, porque esta es una verdad, no cambiará; las otras cosas siguen cambiando La falsedad sigue cambiando, mientras que la verdad permanece igual todo el tiempo; por lo tanto, es fácil recordar la verdad. Crean en esta verdad que 'Yo soy divino', y por lo tanto, transformémonos.                                                                                                          - Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número cien y sesenta y dos  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le presentamos la primera parte de las actualizaciones de la visita de Bhagavan a Fiji y Australia entre el 20 de abril y el 5 de mayo de 2019. 

El legendario jugador de críquet indio Sri Sunil Gavaskar anunció el patrocinio de 34 cirugías para salvar vidas de niños económicamente desfavorecidos en Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centro Internacional para el Cuidado del Corazón Infantil en Kharghar, Navi Mumbai el 2 de mayo de 2019. Se ha presentado un breve informe sobre este tema. 

En VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana , Sri Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante entre Bhagavan y el Coordinador principal de Sai Prema Ashram, Fiji. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!
Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

* Ecuánime, como el océano *

Después de la inauguración del Ashram a orillas del mar en Fiji, Swami llamó y habló con el Coordinador principal del Ashram, quien tuvo que enfrentar muchos ...


 20 al 24 de abril de 2019  

Con la velocidad a la que Dios opera, Él no deja ningún respiro para Su séquito, ya que todos estaban empacados y listos para irse a las Islas Fiji en las primeras horas del 20 de abril, ¡en un lapso de cinco días después de regresar de Europa! 
Por primera vez, Swami decidió llevar a seis estudiantes que actualmente cursan sus cursos profesionales, junto con los estudiantes el Alcaide de la Pre Universidad en Muddenahalli, el siempre sonriente Hermano Manjrekar. Vuelos retrasados, lluvias torrenciales, tormentas inminentes y, finalmente, todos llegaron a Suva la noche del 21 de abril. 

El hermano Sumeet Tappoo, su padre Sri Mahendra Tappoo y su familia dieron la bienvenida al séquito de Swami en su casa. A la mañana siguiente, el ........
Acogiendo con satisfacción al Honorable Primer Ministro de Fiji, el Sr. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama
Inauguración del Centro de detección cardiaca en el Centro médico Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani 
Satsang: el Dr. Krupali Tappoo, Director Médico de la Fundación Sai Prema, da la bienvenida a la reunión.
El Dr. Shaun Setty presenta el primer dispositivo médico móvil de Fiji, el inteligente Stheth desarrollado por HD Medical de California, al Primer Ministro
Honorable Primer Ministro de Fiji, Sr. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, expresando su apoyo a la Fundación
Discurso divino
El hermano Sumeet Tappoo expresa su gratitud al Primer Ministro por su apoyo al Centro Médico

 25 Y 26 DE ABRIL, 2019  

Las oraciones del equipo central de devotos fueron contestadas en Fiji, cuando el Creador, que tiene todo bajo su control, decidió dar un respiro a las lluvias incesantes. 
Un día brillante y soleado dio la bienvenida a los invitados internacionales, a los estudiantes y a todos los devotos que se dirigieron a Pacific Harbour para ser parte de la historia. 
Un día que se grabará en la misión de Sai como un día auspicioso para la gran inauguración de otro Ashram. 
A un giro de la carretera, y por un camino de ....

Inauguración del Ashram Sai Prema
Fiyi tradicional bienvenida
Encendiendo la lámpara ceremonial.
Yajna siendo realizada por los miembros de la Fundación.
Dr Krupali Tappoo dirigiéndose a la reunión
Charla de la Sra. Maya Tappoo, compartiendo sus experiencias y gratitud a Bhagavan.
Bhagavan con los miembros de la Fundación 


La leyenda del críquet Sunil Gavaskar comienza la nueva etapa de su vida, comprometiéndose a apoyar las cirugías de 34 niños con cardiopatías congénitas en Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

El galardonado de Padma Bhushan compartió su sincera apreciación por el trabajo desinteresado realizado por Sanjeevani, y expresó su compromiso con CURAR PEQUEÑOS CORAZONES

“Habiendo visitado los centros de Sanjeevani en Raipur y Palwal, vi el magnífico trabajo que se está realizando. Cuando Sanjeevani vino a Mumbai y donde Mumbai creció, hubo una conexión más inmediata y realmente quería ayudar de alguna manera.

Soy lo que soy, conocido por las entradas que anoté ... y si puedo hacer esta pequeña contribución donde por cada cien entradas que he puntuado, podría ayudar a salvar una vida, me sentiría bendecido, y esa es la razón para esta ofrenda.

Esta es una nueva posibilidad para mí. Esta es mi tercera entrada. Jugar el juego fue mi primera entrada, involucrarme con los medios de comunicación fue mi segunda entrada, creo que mi tercera entrada será la mejor de todas.

El punto es que, como en el juego de cricket, los bateadores de apertura establecen las bases para que el resto del equipo se inspire y haga una contribución. Mi solicitud es que ustedes difundan el mensaje y le digan al mundo el trabajo que se está haciendo aquí, para un mundo mejor y más saludable ".

- Leyenda del Cricket Sunil Gavaskar.
La leyenda del críquet Sunil Gavaskar expresando su apoyo en el Centro Internacional Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para el Cuidado del Corazón Infantil,  Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Sixty Two - May 06, 2019
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Sometimes you may ask, ‘Is it practical to remember that we are divine all the time?’ Let Me tell you this is the most practical thing to remember, because this is one truth, it won’t change; the other things keep changing. Untruth keeps changing, whereas truth remains the same all the time; therefore, it is easy to remember truth. Believe in this truth that ‘I am divine’, and thereby transform yourselves.                                                                                                          -Baba

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Sixty Second issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you the first part of the updates on Bhagawan's visit to Fiji and Australia between April 20 and May 05, 2019.

Legendary Indian Cricketer Sri Sunil Gavaskar announced sponsoring 34 lifesaving heart surgeries for economically deprived children at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai on May 2, 2019. A brief report has been presented in this issue.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sri Madhusudan shares an interesting moment between Bhagawan and main Coordinator of Sai Prema Ashram, Fiji.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan 
         Equanimous like the Ocean          

After the seaside Ashram was inaugurated in Fiji, Swami called and spoke to the main Coordinator of the Ashram who had to face many a hurdles and listen to hurtful remarks in the process of building the Ashram, from those who thought otherwise.

Swami looked at the calm ocean from the large glass window of His room and gave him a precious piece of advise about the one who is into social service, “Look at the ocean, neither it swells nor shrinks even when so many rivers pour into it or when so much of water gets evaporated, likewise the one who is on the path of social service must not swell with pride when others praise, nor should he shrink with sorrow when others blame; he should remain equanimous like the ocean and accept both flowers and stones with equal attitude.”

As the young devotee pondered over the message, Swami said with a smile, “In fact, it’s always the stones that are pelted first and the flowers are showered only later. So if you are trying to good and getting blamed, you should be rest assured that you are on the right path.”   

 APRIL 20 to 24, 2019  
With the speed at which God operates, He leaves no breather for His entourage, as they were all packed and ready to leave for Fiji Islands in the wee hours of April 20th, within a span of five days after returning from Europe! For the first time, Swami decided to take along six students who are currently pursuing their professional courses, along with the Warden of the Pre University students in Muddenahalli, the ever-smiling Brother Manjrekar. Delayed flights, torrential rains, impending storms, and finally, everyone reached Suva on the evening of April 21st. Brother Sumeet Tappoo, his father Sri Mahendra Tappoo and the family welcomed Swami’s entourage at their home. The next morning, April 22 was spent adjusting to the new time zone, and in the evening, Swami met the core team members of the Sai Prema Foundation and their families. Devotees from New Zealand were also present as part of this intimate evening. It also happened to be the birthday of Sri Mahendra Tappoo, and after a few devotional songs offered to welcome the Lord in their midst in Fiji, the devotees led by Brother Sumeet Tappoo’s mellifluous voice offered the Niravana Shatakam at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet. Swami explained the meaning of the six couplets to the joy of everyone. He went on to narrate the story of Adi Shankaracharya when he composed the couplets, and advised everyone to be an ideal and fit disciple. Quoting the story of Ekalavya and Dronacharya, Swami explained that it is not only important if a disciple is fit, as the Guru should be a role model as well. After the traditional cake cutting, Mangala Arati was offered to Swami, and dinner Prasadam was served to everyone.

The morning of April 23 was set aside for a visit to the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre for the inauguration of the Cardiac Screening Centre within the facility. Swami along with His entourage reached the Medical Centre...    
To know more, click HERE

Welcoming Honourable Prime Minister of Fiji, Mr Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama
Inauguration of the Cardiac Screening Centre at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre 
Satsang - Dr Krupali Tappoo, Medical Director of the Sai Prema Foundation welcoming the gathering
Dr Shaun Setty presenting Fiji’s first mobile medical device, the smart Stheth developed by HD Medical from California, to the Prime Minister
Honourable Prime Minister of Fiji, Mr Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama expressing his suppport to the Foundation
Divine Discourse
Brother Sumeet Tappoo expressing his gratitude to the Prime Minister for his support to the Medical Centre

 APRIL 25 AND 26, 2019  
Prayers of the core team of devotees were answered in Fiji, when the Creator who has everything under His control, decided to give some respite from the incessant rains. A bright and sunny day welcomed the international guests, students and all the devotees who made their way to Pacific Harbour to be a part of history in the making. A day that will be etched in the mission of Sai as an auspicious day for the grand inauguration of yet another Ashram. A turn from the highway, and through the rugged little dirt road, what stands in front of the eyes is a golden glistening miracle of God! It seemed picture perfect – dark green foliage, freshly washed roads leading up to the Ashram, sky laden with grey clouds, and of course at a distance the soft waves brushing against the coastline, almost waiting to kiss the Feet of the Almighty!

Sai Prema Ashram, one of the 18 Ashrams being established by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in His continuing mission as He continues to guide and guard from His ethereal realm, stood proudly to be inaugurated by its Master. A golden Sarva Dharma Stupa stood in front of the Ashram, to remind everyone about the unity of all religions, and the everlasting teaching of human values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa by Sri Sathya Sai to the world. The Stupa, the magnificent dome and all the finer embellishments were done by the sculptors from India, who have engaged in similar projects at Prasanthi Nilayam, Muddenahalli and other places. They stayed for three months, toiled through rain and sun to do their part in making this Ashram a reality!

Swami reached around 10:30 a.m., and was received with a traditional Fijian welcome, befitting a King. A choir from the local church burst out into a solemn hymn, and the entire atmosphere was indeed charged with a surreal bliss. Men, women and children from the core Fiji team were all colour coordinated, and the bright....
To know more, click HERE
Inauguration of Sai Prema Ashram
Fijian traditional welcome
Lighting the ceremonial lamp
Yajna being performed by the Foundation members
Dr Krupali Tappoo addressing the gathering
Talk by Mrs Maya Tappoo, sharing her experiences and gratitude to Bhagawan
Bhagawan with the Foundation members 

Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar begins his life’s new innings, pledging to support the surgeries of 34 Children with Congenital Heart Disease at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

The Padma Bhushan awardee shared his heartfelt appreciation for the selfless work done by Sanjeevani, and expressed his commitment towards #HealingLittleHearts.

“Having visited the Sanjeevani centres at Raipur and Palwal, I saw the magnificent work that is being done. When Sanjeevani came to Mumbai, and Mumbai being where I grew up, there was a more immediate connection and I really wanted to help in some way.

I am what I am, known because of the centuries that I scored… and if I may make this little contribution where for every century that I have scored, I could help save a life, I would feel blessed - and that is the reason for this.

This is a new innings for me. This is my third innings. Playing the game was my first innings, being involved with media was my second innings, I do believe that my third innings will be the best of them all.

The whole point is that as in the game of cricket, the opening batsmen lay the foundation for the rest of the team to come forward and make a contribution. My request is for you to spread the message and to tell the world of the work that is being done here towards a healthier and better world.” – Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar.
Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar expressing his support at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
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