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martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento sesenta y uno - 21 Abril 2019

Número ciento sesenta y uno - 21 de abril de 2019
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Lo que ha comenzado de una manera pequeña debe extenderse y llegar a muchas más personas. Más allá de los límites de cualquier organización, programa, cultura y religión, esta verdad de que "cada uno es Divino" es algo que debe ser contado a todos. Mientras conduces tu vida, recuerda siempre, deja que nuestros pensamientos, que nuestras palabras, que nuestras acciones sean canales de esa Divinidad. Deja que Dios hable a través de nosotros, piense a través de nosotros, respire a través de nosotros, camine a través de nosotros, hable a través de nosotros, actúe a través de nosotros. Involucren a todos. Bienvenidos todos. Y ayúdenles a probar esta alegría de servir... 


Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento sesenta  y uno de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, les presentamos las actualizaciones sobre las celebraciones de Año Nuevo Tamil y Vishu que se llevaron a cabo el 14 de abril y el 15 de abril de 2019, respectivamente, en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , Sri Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante entre Bhagavan y los devotos de Kerala. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.



Los devotos de Kerala estaban todos en Muddenehalli para celebrar el año nuevo 'Vishu' con su Señor. Swami también estaba encantado de recibirlos a todos. 

Cuando le desearon un feliz Vishu (Vishu Asamsakal) y le oraron para que bendijera al Vishu Kani, un arreglo de frutas, flores, granos y dinero alrededor del ídolo de Krishna, que debe verse como la primera cosa de la mañana, por los devotos,
Él dijo, que "Vishu" significa igual, ya que la noche y el día son iguales en esta época del año, y "Kani" significa ver, por lo tanto, ver la igualdad en todas las situaciones es verdadero Vishu Kani ".

¿Quién más, excepto Swami? habría dado un significado espiritual tan profundo a un ritual por lo demás ordinario. ¡Cada ritual se vuelve espiritual con Sai.!

Celebraciones de Año Nuevo Tamil - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 14 de Abril de 2019.

Los festivales bendecidos de Sri Ram Navami y el Año Nuevo Tamil convergieron el mismo día según el Calendario del año 2019 y fue una experiencia encantadora para los devotos celebrar la llegada del Año Nuevo con el mismo Sai Rama.

Bhagavan ingresó al Salon Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham desde el lado del escenario y bendijo a los devotos con Darshan (visión divina), Sparsham y Sambhashanam, dando orientación, consuelo e inspiración. 
Aceptó cartas y flores, derramo Akshata (arroz con cúrcuma) y les dio a todos tiempo suficiente para obtener la máxima alegría de ...  

Celebraciones de año nuevo tamil
Lanzamiento de 'Ananda Sudha - Volumen II', Bhajans por la hermana Pooja Vaidyanath
Lanzamiento de 'The Story Divine - Volume II' en telugu, traducido por el hermano Sai Srinivas
Lanzamiento del musical Kannada de tres CDs por el hermano Nagathalli Ramesh
Charla de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy
Discurso divino

Celebraciones de Vishu - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 15 de Abril de 2019.

El festival de Vishu, que marca la ofrenda de oración a Dios por un año de prosperidad y felicidad, no podría celebrarse mejor, que estando en la presencia de Dios mismo. Y para rendir homenaje, los devotos del estado de Kerala se habían reunido en Muddenahalli, mientras Bhagavan ingresaba en el Salón Premamrutham, bendiciendo a los devotos, aceptando cartas y guiándolos y aconsejándolos sobre diversos asuntos antes de subir al escenario, donde un hermoso y tradicional Vishu Kani fue preparado, una ofrenda convencional hecha por ...

Encendiendo la lámpara ceremonial.
Canto védico de los devotos de Kerala.
Hermano Jayakrishnan compartiendo sus experiencias.
Ofrenda musical de los jóvenes de Kerala.
Discurso divino
Bhagavan con los artistas
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Sixty One - April 21, 2019
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What has begun in a small way must spread and reach to many more people. Beyond the boundaries of any organisations and programmes and cultures and religions, this truth that 'each one is Divine' is something that needs to be told to everyone. While you lead your lives, remember always, let our thoughts, let our words, let our actions be channels of that Divinity. Let God speak though us, think through us, breathe through us, walk through us, talk through us, act through us. Involve everybody. Welcome everybody. And help them taste this joy of service.                                                                                                                                                -Baba
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Sixty First issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you the updates on Tamil New Year and Vishu celebrations held on April 14 and April 15, 2019 respectively at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sri Madhusudan shares an interesting moment between Bhagawan and devotees from Kerala.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan 
     Vishu Kani         

The devotees of Kerala were all at Muddenehalli to celebrate the new year ‘Vishu’ with their Lord. Swami was also overjoyed to receive them all.

As they wished Him a happy Vishu (Vishu Asamsakal) and prayed to Him to bless the Vishu Kani, an arrangement of fruits, flowers, grains and money around the idol of Krishna which is to be seen as the first thing in the morning by the devotees, He said, “‘Vishu’ means equal, as night and day become equal at this time of the year, and ‘Kani’ means to see, therefore seeing equality in all situations is true Vishu Kani.”

Who else but Swami could have given such a profound spiritual meaning to an otherwise ordinary ritual. Every ritual becomes spiritual with Sai!
 APRIL 14, 2019  
The blessed festivals of Sri Ram Navami and Tamil New Year converged on the same day according to the Calendar of the year 2019 and it was a delightful experience for devotees to celebrate the arrival of the New Year with Sai Rama Himself.

Bhagawan entered the Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham Hall from stage-side and blessed the devotees with Darshan, Sparsham and Sambhashanam, giving guidance, solace, and inspiration. He accepted letters and flowers, showered Akshatas, and gave everybody ample time to derive maximum joy of being in His presence.

After almost half an hour of spending time with devotees, Bhagawan went on to the stage and signalled the two young boys to present their Rama-Katha, a musical offering in traditional way retelling the story of Lord Rama. He was pleased with their efforts and applauded their presentation.

A series of releases and launches by Bhagawan including a CD release of nine songs by Sister Pooja Vaidyanath named Anand Sudha Volume II, the book release of ‘The Story Divine Volume II’ in Telugu by Brother Sai Srinivas, and a Kannada musical of three CDs by Brother Nagathalli Ramesh, was next in the evening’s proceedings.

This was followed by a brief recap of Bhagawan’s visits to various countries in the last two weeks including Dubai (United Arab Emirates), London (UK), Paris (France), Rome (Italy) and Assisi (Italy), and Athens (Greece).

Sri B N Narasimha Murty spoke about Lord Rama next, that He was the first integrator....   
To know more, click HERE
Tamil New Year celebrations
Launch of 'Ananda Sudha - Volume II', Bhajans by Sister Pooja Vaidyanath
Launch of  'The Story Divine - Volume II’ in Telugu, translated by Brother Sai Srinivas
Launch of Kannada musical of three CDs by Brother Nagathalli Ramesh
Talk by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy
Divine Discourse
 APRIL 15, 2019
The festival of Vishu, marking the prayerful offering to God for a year of prosperity and happiness, could not be better celebrated than being in the very presence of God Himself. And to pay their obeisance, devotees from the State of Kerala had gathered in Muddenahalli, as Bhagawan entered the Premamrutham Hall, blessing devotees, accepting letters, and guiding and counselling them on various matters before getting on stage, where a beautiful and traditional Vishu Kani was prepared—a conventional offering made by fruits, flowers, and cereals. Bhagawan lit the ceremonial lamp placed before the Lord Krishna idol marking the beginning of the occasion.

The programme commenced with the Vedic chanting by the devotees from Kerala who recited the Sanyasa Suktam. Brother Jayakrishnan, a mechanical engineer was invited on stage to share his thoughts. He mentioned that Bhagawan called him to His Physical Presence thirteen years back during January, and also in January this year. He spoke in Malayalam and offered gratitude to Bhagawan for letting him be a part of His Mission. This was followed by a musical offering by Kerala Youth, who rendered many vocal and instrumental songs in Malayalam, Telugu and even Hindi.

Sri B N Narasimha Murty addressed the gathering next, and his talk was translated to Malayalam. He mentioned that every festival signifies the same spirit of love for God and the brotherhood of humanity. He related an incident through which he conveyed the message that God Himself is the best companion....   
To know more, click HERE
Lighting the ceremonial lamp
Vedic chanting by the devotees from Kerala
Brother Jayakrishnan sharing his experiences
Musical offering by the Youth from Kerala
Divine Discourse
Bhagawan with the performers
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*Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna*, All rights reserved.

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