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viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento Cincuenta y Siete - 14 marzo 2019

Número ciento ciento siete, 14 de marzo de 2019
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Si has reafirmado tu mente, si tienes esa pureza en tu corazón y te entregas a la palabra de Swami, Swami abrirá paso a todo y se asegurará de que logres lo que Él quiere que logres porque Él conoce tu pasado, presente y futuro y Él sabe Cuál es la mejor manera de servir a los demás, puede ser feliz y puede ser una buena persona en la vida. De hecho, es en la entrega que no perdemos nuestro poder, ganamos todo el poder. Si te rindes a Dios, el poder de Dios también se vuelve tuyo. Por lo tanto, ríndase a la voluntad de Dios y Dios se encargará de todo.                                                                                                                                                                    -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento ciento cincuenta y siete  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le presentamos la primera parte de las actualizaciones sobre la visita en curso de Bhagavan en el extranjero. 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , Sri Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante entre Bhagavan y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan 
      Ati Vishishta Avatar         

Swami le estaba preguntando a un devoto cuántos tipos de Avatares se mencionan según nuestras Escrituras? 

El devoto dijo: “Hay Aveshaavatars, que se manifiestan durante un período muy corto con ciertos poderes específicos, como el Narasimhavataara, la forma de medio león mitad hombre. Hay Amshavataras, aquellos que parecen lograr una tarea específica y están dotados de poderes limitados, como Parashurama Avatar. Luego, los Poornavatars son aquellos que se manifiestan con toda su gloria y los 16 tipos de cualidades divinas, que son solo dos: el Señor Krishna y Swami ".

Swami no estaba completamente satisfecho y entonces dijo: “Bueno, mi Avatar está más allá de eso, es uno muy especial, el Avatar Ati-Vishishta.Porque soy el único Avatar que ha ido de ciudad en ciudad, calle a calle, puerta a puerta para despertar a la humanidad dormida. ¡Y todavía lo hago sin siquiera un cuerpo, algo que ningún Avatar ha hecho antes! " 

Ahora que lo pienso, es increíble darse cuenta de que realmente estamos viviendo en momentos muy especiales con un Avatar muy especial, del tipo de quien ¡Nunca fue antes y nunca volverá a serlo!   

Discurso divino: 11 de marzo de 2019, Satsang en 
Sai Ananda, Malasia  

Visita Divina - Kuala Lumpur, Malasia - 10 al 12 de Marzo de 2019.

Dos veces al año, el benevolente y amado Señor, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, bendice a sus alumnos y al personal selecto para que lo acompañen en un viaje divino e inolvidable al Lejano Oriente. Un viaje que se grabaría en su memoria como el primer vuelo al extranjero para esta vida. ¡Un viaje que se grabaría en su memoria, como un viaje con Dios mismo! ¡Así que en la mañana del 10 de marzo, un grupo de estudiantes entusiasmados junto con el personal se embarcaron en su primer vuelo que se elevaría por encima del Océano Índico! ¡Y como siempre, Swami los había bendecido con prácticamente todo para este viaje, zapatos, equipaje y todo lo demás! El séquito aterrizó a última ...

10 de marzo, por la noche: A su llegada a Sai Amrutam en Kuala Lumpur 
Mañana del 11 de marzo: en Sri Sathya Sai Sevashram 
El hermano Kishen y su esposa Smt Sheela, junto con su madre
11 de marzo, mañana: Visita a Kuala Lumpur.
La noche del 11 de marzo: Inauguración de la clínica dental en el Centro Sai Ananda. 
11 de marzo, por la noche: Satsang público en Sai Ananda
El hermano Ayavoo Arumugam da la bienvenida a la reunión
Lanzamiento del sitio web de Sai Ananda.
Charla de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy
Discurso divino
Recital de danza de los alumnos de Bal Vikas.
Bendiciendo a los devotos
En el puesto de comida
Disponible en  
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Fifty Seven - March 14, 2019
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If you have firmed your mind, if you have that purity in your heart and surrender to Swami’s word, Swami will make way for everything and ensure that you achieve what He wants you to achieve because He knows your past, present and future and He knows what is the best way you can serve others, you can be happy and you can be a good person in life. In fact, it is in surrender we don’t lose our power, we gain all the power. If you surrender to God, God’s power also becomes yours. Therefore, be surrendered to the will of God and God will look after everything.                                                                                                                                                                    -Baba
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Fifty Seventh issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the first part of the updates on Bhagawan's ongoing overseas visit. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sri Madhusudan shares an interesting moment between Bhagawan and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan 
      Ati Vishishta Avatar         

Swami was asking a devotee as to how many kinds of Avatars are mentioned as per our scriptures?

The devotee said, “There are Aveshaavatars, who manifest for a very short period with certain specific powers like the Narasimhavataara - the half man half lion form. There are Amshavataras, those who appear to achieve a specific task and are endowed with limited powers only, like Parashurama Avatar. Then the Poornavatars are those who manifest with their complete glory and all 16 kinds of divine qualities , who are only two so far - Lord Krishna and Swami.”

Swami wasn’t completely satisfied and so He said, “ Well My Avatar is beyond those, it is a very special one, Ati-Vishishta Avatar. For I am the only Avatar who has gone town to town, street to street, door to door to awaken the slumbering humanity. And I still do so without even a body, something that no Avatar has ever done before!”

Come to think of it, it’s mind boggling to realise that we are truly living in very special times with a very special Avatar, the like of whom was never before and never will be again!   
Divine Discourse: March 11, 2019, Satsang at
Sai Ananda, Malaysia  
MARCH 10 TO 12, 2019  
Twice a year, the benevolent and beloved Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba blesses His students and select staff to accompany Him on a divine and unforgettable trip to the Far East. A trip which would be etched in their memory as the first flight abroad for this lifetime. A trip which would be etched in their memory, as a trip with God Himself! So on the morning of March 10th, one batch of excited students along with staff embarked on their first flight which would soar high above the Indian Ocean! And as always, Swami had blessed them with practically everything for this trip, shoes clothes, baggage and everything in between! The entourage landed late evening, and as always were welcomed with love at the Airport by the energetic Sai youth. After a little over an hour’s drive through the city, everyone reached Sai Amrutam, residence of Brother Ayavoo Arumugam and his wife Dr Vimala. Bhajans were in progress, and as Swami entered the living room, the tempo of the Bhajans reached crescendo and tearfully everyone welcomed their beloved Lord, who had yet again mercifully decided Kuala Lumpur with His gracious presence. Devotees and youth presented Swami with welcome gifts of flowers, cookies, chocolates and paintings, and thereafter Mangala Arati was offered to the Lord. The second batch of students had a later flight in the evening, and arrived early next morning at Kuala Lumpur.

The morning began with sumptuous breakfast, after which all the students and staff proceeded for a tour of the city, Swami proceeded to inaugurate a new Ashram. So, on the glorious morning of March 11, 2019, Swami inaugurated the blessed Sri Sathya Sai Sevashram, christened by Swami Himself. Swami had indicated that the activities of the Ashram would focus on youth transformation, and the Seva activities must focus on quality of selflessness with beneficiaries being children, followed by adults especially mothers and the elderly. He had commanded Brother Kishen Ranai and his wife Smt Sheela to establish this beautiful Ashram. They took the command as their life breath, and for the last six months worked hard shuttling between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, where they live and work!Melodious Bhajans were in progress and Swami entered....   
To know more, click HERE
March 10, evening: Upon arrival at Sai Amrutam in Kuala Lumpur 
March 11, morning: At Sri Sathya Sai Sevashram 
Brother Kishen and wife Smt Sheela, along with her mother
March 11, morning: Sight seeing at Kuala Lumpur
March 11, evening: Inauguration of the Dental clinic at Sai Ananda Centre 
March 11, evening: Public Satsang at Sai Ananda
Brother Ayavoo Arumugam welcoming the gathering
Launch of Sai Ananda website
Talk by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy
Divine Discourse
Dance recital by Bal Vikas students
Blessing the devotees
At the food stall
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