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sábado, 2 de marzo de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Emisión de ciento cincuenta y cinco - 02 de marzo de, 2019.

Número ciento cincuenta y cinco de marzo de 2019
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La devoción es la forma más pura de amor. Amor por Dios, amor por todos porque Dios está en todos. Solo cuando desarrollamos este amor, el amor por todos, servir a todos, sera posible en este mundo. Realmente si experimentas el verdadero amor divino, déjame asegurarte que destruirá todos los deseos en ti, te liberará, te purificará, te hará inmortal, te volverá loco por Dios. Esa es la belleza de ese amor. Desarrollen un amor puro por Dios, y por lo tanto, se amaran el uno al otro -Baba
Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento cincuenta y cinco de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le presentamos un informe sobre el lanzamiento de "Sai Sure", un suplemento de nutrientes múltiples recientemente desarrollado para combatir el "hambre oculta" de los niños, que tuvo lugar en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, el 22 de febrero de 2019. Un breve video en el suplemento 'Sai Sure' ha sido presentado. 

Además, les traemos las actualizaciones de la visita de Bhagavan a la Escuela Secundaria Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli el 24 de febrero de 2019. 

En esta semana,  VISION INTERIOR, Sri Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante que tuvo lugar entre Bhagavan y los niños. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

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Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!
Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

Trabajo sólido!

Cuando Sri Indulal Ji fue llevado a la sala de entrevistas, sus hijos le dijeron a Swami, que el les estaba diciendo, que ellos debían hacer un trabajo sólido para Swami, lo cual era decir, que debían hacer un...

Para saber más, haga clic AQUÍ

Sai Sure - Un Suplemento Multi Nutriente

22 DE FEBRERO DE 2019.

La agradable tarde del 22 de febrero de 2019 marcó la gran ocasión de la dedicación a la nación de Sai Sure, un programa de suplementos de múltiples nutrientes para niños pequeños, niños, adolescentes, embarazadas y madres lactantes que se ofrece de forma totalmente gratuita .

Dirigido en colaboración con el Programa Divine Mother & Child Health y el Programa Annapoorna Breakfast Seva, el lanzamiento de Sai Sure vio una gran reunión de personalidades eminentes que han desempeñado un papel importante en llevar adelante la misión de Swami en los campos de la salud de mujeres y niños. .

El evento comenzó con la conmovedora interpretación de bhajans y con la llegada de Bhagavan y los dignatarios del día, el ambiente divino se vio realzado por una iluminación ceremoniosa de la lámpara, seguida del canto apropiado de Anna Brahma Suktam por alumnos de segundo año, del colegio preuniversitario.

Muchos dignatarios de la región de Karnataka, habían honrado la ocasión y cada uno fue recibido y honrado en agradecimiento por su apoyo a este esfuerzo único. Teníamos con nosotros: Sri NH Shivashankar Reddy, Honorable Ministro de Agricultura, Gobierno de Karnataka; Sri TB Jayachandra, ex ministra del Gobierno de Karnataka; Sri V Muniyappa, Secretario Político del Honorable Ministro Principal y MLA de Sidlaghatta Taluk; Sri HP Manjunath, Presidente de Zilla Panchayat, Distrito de Chikkaballapur y Sri Anirudh Sravan, Comisionado Adjunto, Distrito de Chikkaballapur.

Según el Informe Global de Nutrición de 2018, el...

Bhagavan junto con los dignatarios en el estrado
Encendiendo la lámpara ceremonial.
Lanzamiento del libro 'Compasión - El corazón de la enfermería: una guía para la enfermería en las instituciones médicas de Sri Sathya Sai Baba', escrita por la Sra. Helen Martino-Bailey
Charla del Dr. Satish Babu, Jefe de Departamento de Endocrinología, BGS Global Hospitals
Lanzamiento de 'Sai Sure'
Muestras de Sai Sure siendo distribuidas a mujeres embarazadas.
Muestras de Sai Sure siendo distribuidas a los niños.
Sri TB Jayachandra, ex ministra, gobierno de Karnataka, se dirigió a la reunión
Charla de Sri NH Shivashankar Reddy, Honorable Ministro de Agricultura, Gobierno de Karnataka
Discurso de Sri C Sreenivas, presidente de Sri Sathya Sai Health and Education Trust
Discurso divino

Visita Divina - Escuela Secundaria Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva - Aldea Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli - 24 de Febrero de 2019.

En la mañana del 24 de febrero de 2019, Bhagavan visitó Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School a las 10.15 horas con gran expectativa, el personal y los estudiantes han estado trabajando día y noche durante varios días, haciendo grandes esfuerzos con el fin de complacer a su amado Señor.

Bhagavan llegó a la sala de oración Annapoorna y al comedor y fue recibido con canto Védico , y bailes folclóricos: Nandi Kolu y Kamsale. 
Entró en la sala de oración donde todos los estudiantes, personal, ancianos, doctores e invitados esperaban Su Darshan.

El programa comenzó con canto Védico , con el...

Para saber más, haga clic AQUÍ

Bhagavan fue recibido por Sri GM Anantha Murthy y Sri MS Harish
Sri GM Anantha Murthy da la bienvenida a la reunión
Charlas de los estudiantes - Sahil y Basavaraj, 10º grado
Actuación musical de los alumnos.
Espectáculo de danza
Presentación de Yogasana
Lanzamiento de la revista escolar 
Charla de Sri C Sreenivas 
Fotografía grupal con los alumnos. 
Inaugurando la habitación renovada de Bhagavan 
Sesión privada con alumnos de 10º grado.
Almuerzo con estudiantes, personal e invitados. 
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Fifty Five - March 02, 2019
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Devotion is the purest form of love. Love for God, love for everyone because God is in everyone. Only when we develop this love, love all serve all is possible in this world. Really if you experience the true Divine love, let Me assure you it will destroy all the desires in you, it will render you free, it will render you pure, it will make you immortal, it will make you mad. That is the beauty of that love. Develop such pure love for God, thereby love for each other.                                                                                                                                    -Baba

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Fifty Fifth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you a report on the launch of  "Sai Sure", a newly developed Multi Nutrient Supplement to combat the ‘hidden hunger’ of children, held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on February 22, 2019. A short video on 'Sai Sure' supplement has been presented.

Also, we bring you the updates of Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on February 24, 2019.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sri Madhusudan shares an interesting moment which took place between Bhagawan and children.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
Log on to to watch the LIVE broadcast
By Sri Madhusudan 
Solid Work!       

As Sri Indulal Ji was wheeled into the interview room, Swami was told by his children that he was telling them that they must do solid work for Swami, which was to say that real good work needed to be done and not some ordinary little effort.

Swami was quick to acknowledge when He remarked, “Oh, that’s true, most do ‘gas work’ as they only speak but do nothing, then there are those who do ‘liquid work’ by speaking a lot but doing only some occasional short-stinted Seva once in a while. However, only a few really work hard in a way that’s continuous and impactful, they alone truly do ‘solid work’!”

Well, that sums up the several states of service, all said and done! 

Sai Sure - A Multi Nutrient Supplement

FEBRUARY 22, 2019 
The pleasant afternoon of February 22, 2019 marked the grand occasion of the dedication to the nation Sai Sure, multi nutrient supplement programme for toddler, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating mothers offered totally free of cost.

Being run in collaboration with the Divine Mother & Child Health Programme and Annapoorna Breakfast Seva Programme, the launch of Sai Sure saw a huge gathering of eminent personalities who have played significant roles in carrying forward the mission of Swami in the fields of women’s and children’s health.

The event began with the soulful rendering of Bhajans and upon the arrival of Bhagawan and the dignitaries for the day, the Divine ambience was enhanced by a ceremonious lighting of the lamp, followed by the befitting chant of the Anna Brahma Suktam by the second-year students of the Pre-University College.

Many dignitaries from the Karnataka region, had graced the occasion and each was welcomed and honored in gratitude for their support in this unique endeavor. We had with us: Sri N H Shivashankar Reddy, Hon’ble Agriculture Minister, Government of Karnataka; Sri T B Jayachandra, Former Minister, Government of Karnataka; Sri V Muniyappa, Political Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister and MLA from Sidlaghatta Taluk; Sri H P Manjunath, Zilla Panchayat Chairman, Chikkaballapur District and Sri Anirudh Sravan, Deputy Commissioner, Chikkaballapur District.

According to the 2018 Global Nutrition Report, 45% of the under-5 mortality is because of malnutrition. India also houses about 50% of the under-nourished children of the world. It is said that the health of a child is the true health....   
To know more, click HERE
Bhagawan along with the dignitaries on the dais
Lighting the ceremonial lamp
Launch of the book 'Compassion – The heart of nursing: A guide for nursing in the Sri Sathya Sai Baba medical institutions', written by Ms Helen Martino-Bailey
Talk by Dr Satish Babu, Head of Dept. of Endocrinology, BGS Global Hospitals
Launch of 'Sai Sure'
Samples of Sai Sure being distributed to expecting women
Samples of Sai Sure being distributed to the children
Sri T B Jayachandra, Former Minister, Government of Karnataka addressing the gathering
Talk by Sri N H Shivashankar Reddy, Hon’ble Agriculture Minister, Government of Karnataka
Speech by Sri C Sreenivas, Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai Health and Education Trust
Divine Discourse
 FEBRUARY 24, 2019

On the morning of February 24th 2019, Bhagawan visited Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School at 10.15 a.m. With eager anticipation, the staff and students had been working day and night for several days, making great efforts in order to please their beloved Lord.

Bhagawan arrived at Annapoorna prayer hall cum dining hall and was welcomed with Veda chanting, folk dances – Nandi Kolu and Kamsale. He entered the prayer hall where all the students, staff, seniors, doctors and guests were waiting for His Darshan.

The programme commenced with Veda chanting, with the chanting of Medha Suktham by the students of Grade 9 and Grade 10. Bhagawan was very pleased with them and blessed them profusely.

Thereafter, Sri G M Anantha Murthy, Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Composite High School gave his welcome address. He said that everyone was happy because of Bhagawan’s arrival and the explode and current of devotion was palpable. Sri Anantha Murthy spoke about various activities the students had undertaken and also appreciated the newly joined teachers who inspired the students to do Seva activities.

This was followed by a music programme by the students, who offered a bouquet of devotional songs both in Kannada and English, interspersed....

To know more, click HERE
Bhagawan being welcomed by Sri G M Anantha Murthy and Sri M S Harish
Sri G M Anantha Murthy welcoming the gathering
Talks by the students - Sahil and Basavaraj, Grade 10
Music performance by students
Dance performance
Yogasana presentation
Launch of School Magazine 
Talk by Sri C Sreenivas 
Group photograph with the students 
Inaugurating Bhagawan's renovated room 
Private session with Grade 10 students
Lunch with students, staff and guests 
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*Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna*, All rights reserved.

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