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sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018



A Sri Indulal Shah 

Prashanthi Nilayam 17-04-1966

Mi querido Indulal,

Tu y los otros miembros del Seva Samithi saben con qué prisa, salí el 26 de marzo, a causa del Programa en Poona. De Poona, conduje directamente a Gulbarga y al día siguiente salí para Hyderabad.

No pude pasar más tiempo con ustedes, tanto tiempo como me hubiera gustado. Estabas tan ocupado haciendo todos los arreglos para los cientos de miles de Bhakthas y Yo estaba tan ocupado compartiendo con ellos mi Ananda, que tuve poco tiempo para pasar con los hombres del Samithi, ya sea en el Palacio o en las casas que visité.

Bien. La próxima vez, se puede hacer una compensación.

El servicio que hiciste a la gente de Bombay es realmente encomiable. Puedo ver la cantidad de ideas, organización, destreza y devoción que deben tener todos para hacer que todo sea tan fácil y cómodo para todos. La próxima vez, será un trabajo aún más difícil, más aún, más agradable; Estoy seguro de que puedes hacerlo y me encantará hacerlo.

Recibo muchas cartas de Bombay y otros lugares, de devotos que estuvieron allí, apreciando tu Seva; cuan orgulloso me siento de la fina banda de trabajadores que se ha formado en esa ciudad.

Cientos de personas vienen a este lugar todos los días, y por lo tanto, tengo que estar aquí por unas dos semanas más, en plena acción durante las horas más calurosas.
Cuando los corazones de todos ustedes se mantienen frescos, para Mí es estimulante y refresco.

Con bendiciones .

... BABA

(Extraído del libro "Una vida en servicio - Sri Indulal Shah y Smt Sarla Shah" por la Sra. Bhuvana Santhanam)




To Sri Indulal Shah

Prashanthi Nilayam 17-04-1966

My dear Indulal,

You and the other members of the Seva Samithi know in what great haste, I came away, on 26 th March, on account of the poona Programe. From Poona, I drove straight to Gulbarga and the very next day, I left for Hyderabad.

I could not spend more time with you all, as much time as I woud have liked. You were so busy making all the nicw arrangements for the hundreds of thousands of Bhakthas and I was so busy sharing with them my Ananda, that I had little time to spend with the Samithi menbers, either at the Palace or in the homas I visited.

Well. Next time, compensation can be made.

The service that you did to the people of Bombay is really commendable. I can see what amount of fore thought, organisation, skill and devotion you must have all put in to make everything so smooth and comfortable for all. Next time, it is going to be an even more difficult, rather, an even more enjoy able jobe; I am sure, you can do it, and will love to do it.

I am getting many letters from Bombay and other places, from devotees who were there, appreciating your Seva; when I feel proud of the fine band of workers which has been formed in that City.

Hundreds of people are coming to this place every day and so, I have to be here for some two weeks more, in apite action during the hottest hours.
When the hearts of you all are kept cool, that is fine refreshing, coolness for me.



( Extracted from the book "A Life in Service- Sri Indulal Shah & Smt Sarla Shah" by Ms Bhuvana Santhanam )

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento cuarenta y seis - 15 de noviembre 2018

Número ciento cuarenta y seis - 15 de noviembre de 2018.
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¿Qué se puede ofrecer al Señor que es el Maestro de todo y de todos? El que tiene el Brahmanda en su estómago, ¿puede alguien alimentarlo con manjares? Quien impregna, impregna todos los cuerpos de agua, ¿alguien puede darle un Abhisheka, un baño?El que es más brillante que el sol, más que mil soles, un crore de soles, ¿puede alguien encender una lámpara delante de Él? Pero el corazón que el Señor nos ha dado es una ofrenda adecuada para ofrecérselo nuevamente al Señor lleno de amor.Verdaderamente el Señor no espera nada de los devotos porque Él lo tiene todo, Él es todo.Sin embargo, esta única ofrenda de Bhakti, un corazón lleno de devoción, es todo lo que el Señor anhela.                 -Baba                                                                                       

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento ochenta y seis  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, les traemos las actualizaciones de las celebraciones Diwali y Global Akhanda Bhajan que se celebraron el 8 de noviembre y el 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2018, respectivamente, en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.  

Una presentación fotográfica de la visita de Bhagawan a Mumbai el 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2018 para supervisar el trabajo del próximo Hospital, se ha presentado el Centro Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para el Cuidado del Corazón Infantil y Capacitación en Habilidades Cardíacas Pediátricas, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. 

En la VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana , El hermano Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre Bhagavan y los estudiantes del 
Centro Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Ahora o nunca*. 

Swami estaba hablando con los niños del Centro Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, que es el regalo de compasión de Swami, no solo a los estudiantes o al personal, sino a la sociedad en general. Allí es donde se entrena a sus ...


Celebraciones de Diwali - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 08 de noviembre de 2018.

Diwali o Deepavali, el festival de las luces es uno de los festivales hindúes más significativos que se celebran el día 13 lunar de la quincena oscura en el mes de Ashwin (entre mediados de octubre y mediados de noviembre), y también se celebra tradicionalmente 18 días después. El festival de Dussehra. Es celebrado por hindúes, jainistas, sikhs y budistas  al encender lámparas de barro, decorar casas, hacer estallar petardos e invitar a sus seres queridos a sus hogares para participar en un suntuoso banquete. 
Pero espiritualmente, el festival simboliza ...

Satsang en progreso
Discurso Divino
Encendiendo el primer fuego de craqueo iniciando la quema de galletas de fuego y exhibición de fuegos artificiales
Distribuyendo galletas de fuego a los niños y devotos.

Akhanda Bhajans globales - Aldea Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli - 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2018. 

En 1946, un pequeño grupo de devotos de Bangalore realizó el primer Bhajan de 24 horas en la ciudad de Bangalore. Esto se repitió cada año durante los siguientes 28 años. Bhagavan asistió y participó todos los años, por lo que se denominó Akhanda Bhajans. 
En 1974, hablando en el Golden Jubilee Hall de Lalbagh, Bangalore, después del 25º Akhanda Bhajan al que asistió, Bhagavan ordenó que este auspicioso evento de Bhajans se convierta en un evento global. Le dijo ...

Encendiendo la lámpara Akhanda Jyoti iniciando los Bhajans de 24 horas
Discurso Divino después de los Bhajans.
Distribución de saris al grupo Bhajan.
Prasadam después de Akhanda Bhajan las 24 horas


Llegada a las instalaciones del hospital.
Bhagavan siendo recibido por devotos y personal 
En Ganapathi Mandir
Un paseo por el hospital.
Discusiones sobre el próximo hospital.
Bendición de los contratistas - Anil y Sagar Muthyala
 Satsang  nocturno - Sri C Sreenivas dirigiéndose a la reunión.
10 de noviembre - En la Residencia de Sri Kunal y Smt Gayathri Ganjawala
En la Residencia de Sri A Balasubramanian
Mangala Arati 

 Centro Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para el cuidado del corazón infantil y capacitación en habilidades cardíacas pediátricas, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 

- Resumen del Discurso Divino: 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2018.

Ya sea Hanuman Ramayana o Valmiki Ramayana, todos los Ramayanas se han vuelto demasiado viejos para los tiempos de hoy. Los niños de hoy no creerán en ese Ramayana. Este es el camino de Sai Rama, el camino de Sai Rama donde todas estas personas caminan y están construyendo una nueva "historia", Su - Historia . 
Están construyendo una nueva ...

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Forty Six - November 15, 2018
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What can one offer to the Lord who is the Master of everything and everyone? The one who has the Brahmanda in His stomach, can somebody feed Him delicacies? The one who permeates, pervades all the water-bodies, can somebody give Him an Abhisheka, a bath? The one who is brighter than the sun, nay a thousand suns, a crore of suns, can somebody light a lamp in front of Him? But the heart that the Lord has given us is a fitting offering to offer it back to the Lord full of love. Truly the Lord expects nothing from the devotees for He has everything, He is all. However, this one offering of Bhakti, a heart full of devotion, is all that the Lord longs for.                                                                                                        -Baba

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Forty Sixth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the updates of Diwali and Global Akhanda Bhajan Celebrations held on November 08 and November 10 & 11, 2018 respectively at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.  

A photo feature of Bhagawan's visit to Mumbai on November 09 and 10, 2018 to oversee the work of upcoming Hospital, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre for Child Heart Care and Training in Pediatric Cardiac Skills, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra has been presented.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan shares an interesting moment which happened between Bhagawan and students of 
Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan 
Now or Never  

Swami was speaking to the boys of Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence, which is Swami’s gift of compassion, not only to the students or staff, but the society at large for that is where His soldiers of service are getting trained to fight the evils of the society and establish the Sai Saamrajya (Kingdom of Sai), that of fraternity, equality and peace. 

He roared, “The culture of Sanathana Dharma, that of one’s own divinity, must be spread to the corners of the world and I am preparing you all just for that. The world has been waiting too long for it to happen but now the time has come. With Swami by your side, there is nothing that you can’t achieve. With you all like the obedient, brave and dextrous Arjuna, and I, the Lord and Master Krishna, this ought to be achieved. If it can’t happen now it can never happen again, if can’t happen here it can’t happen anywhere else, this is the best time and place to achieve this.”  

It happened then, when there was an Arjuna alongside Krishna and it will happen now, with multiple Arjunas by His side. Lord is always there but what could make it now or never is whether we rise to be His true instruments.

Diwali or Deepavali, the festival of lights is one of the most significant of Hindu festivals that falls on 13th lunar day of the dark fortnight in the month of Ashwin (between the mid October and mid-November), and also traditionally celebrated 18 days after the Dussehra festival. It is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs and Newar Buddhists by lighting earthen lamps, decorating houses, bursting firecrackers and inviting near and dear ones to their households for partaking in a sumptuous feast. But spiritually, the festival symbolises the victory of inner light (Rama) over spiritual darkness (Ravana), knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, hope over despair.
Diwali is also celebrated as the day Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.
On this auspicious day, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was escorted into the Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham Auditorium amidst melodious Bhajans.
Once Bhagawan was seated on the dais, there was a short elaboration on Bhagawan’s visits to Visakapatnam, Jayapura, Mandya, Gadag and Gulbarga during the first week of November.
This was followed by a talk by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, who said it was heartening to see many students come back early from holidays to have Bhagawan’s Darshan on His visit to various campuses. Indeed, it was a spiritual connection. He said, “Deepavali stands for projecting the inner light outside. That is possible....

To know more, click HERE
Satsang in progress
Divine Discourse
Lighting the first fire-cracker initiating the burning of fire-crackers and fireworks display
Distributing fire crackers to the children and devotees
NOVEMBER 10 AND 11, 2018 

In 1946, a small group of devotees from Bangalore conducted the first ever 24-hour Bhajan in the city of Bangalore. This was repeated every year for the next 28 years. Bhagawan attended and participated and where every year, for what came to be called as Akhanda Bhajans. In 1974, speaking in the Lalbagh Golden Jubilee Hall, Bangalore, after the 25th Akhanda Bhajan that He attended, Bhagawan directed that this auspicious Bhajan event, should become a global event. He told the blessed devotees who were fortunate to start this tradition, “The lamp that you have lit and fostered, will now spread over the whole world!” 
Bhagawan Baba has often reminded all about the benefits of congregational singing. 
Samyak-keerthanam Sankeerthanam” (Congregational singing of Bhajans is the best of Bhajans). There is a big difference between Keerthanam and SankeerthanamKeerthanam is an individual affair. It is singing by an individual for the fulfillment of his prayers. Sankeerthanam aims at the well-being of the whole universe. This is also described as Saamaajika Bhajans (community singing).
Sankeerthana aims at demonstrating unity in diversity. When all the participants combine to sing in unison with one voice, it is described as Sankeerthana
What then is the essence of Sankeerthana? Its essential purpose is to earn the love of God. Combining one’s voice, tune, feeling and rhythm to the appropriate beat of the song, the devotee...

To know more, click HERE
Lighting the Akhanda Jyoti lamp initiating the 24-hour Bhajans
Divine Discourse after the Bhajans
Distribution of sarees to the Bhajan group
Prasadam after 24-hour Akhanda Bhajan
Arrival at the Hospital Premises
Bhagawan being welcomed by devotees and Staff 
At Ganapathi Mandir
A walk around the Hospital
Discussions about the upcoming Hospital
Blessing the Contractors – Anil and Sagar Muthyala
Evening Satsang - Sri C Sreenivas addressing the gathering
November 10 - At the Residence of Sri Kunal and Smt Gayathri Ganjawala
At the Residence of Sri A Balasubramanian
Mangala Arati 

EVENING - NOVEMBER 09, 2018   

Whether Hanuman Ramayana or Valmiki Ramayana, all Ramayanas have become too old for today’s times. Today’s children won’t believe in that Ramayana. This is Sai Rama’s path, Sai Rama’s way where all these people are walking, and they are building a new ‘history’, His-Story. They are building a new His-Story, new Ramayana for you, where people can see these things for themselves and they will know that such things which are considered impossible are possible because of Rama Bhakti 
A bridge was being built. A small squirrel in one corner, it saw, ‘Oh! They are doing such great work for Lord Rama.’ Something tugged at its heart. It also wanted to be of service. It would start filling the gaps between the stones, so that the path becomes smother. It went on doing. How much can a little squirrel do? But it did not think how much I can do. It thought, ‘I should do whatever I can.’ So, it kept on doing. Rama finally blessed the squirrel. Not only that squirrel, but generations and generations, the whole species of squirrel has become immortal because of the little Seva that one squirrel did. Little Seva that few Bombay devotees will do, the whole Bombay’s story will become immortal. It will become a part of Sai Ramayana. It will become a part of the history forever. And this opportunity has come your way. It was given to the monkeys and not anyone else has made the entire monkey race itself eternal. When we see any monkey running around, we think, ‘Oh, that’s Hanuman’ we will say. Likewise, they have already...

To know more, click HERE
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