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viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento treinta y seis - 09 de agosto de, 2018 _ Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Thirty Six - August 09, 2018

Número Ciento treinta y seis - 09 de agosto de 2018
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Cualquiera que sea la actividad que nos purifique, incluso si estamos retirando los restos y los platos o las hojas, si purifica mi corazón, me hace humilde, me hace sincero, definitivamente esa es una actividad que debemos emprender. Deberían estar listos para inclinarse y servir sin importar en que posición se encuentran. Es muy fácil deshacerse del ego y el apego cuando desarrollamos este sentimiento de servidumbre y eso nos ayudará a liberarnos de esta esclavitud del nacimiento y la muerte, y finalmente realizar el principio de Atman...Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento treinta y seis  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le traeremos las actualizaciones de la visita de Bhagavan a Malasia y Singapur entre el 1 de agosto y el 8 de agosto de 2018. 
Inscríbase en "One Nation Youth 2018", una reunión juvenil que tendrá lugar en Bengaluru el 15 de agosto de 2018 para discutir algunos de los problemas sociales. Los detalles de la Reunión de jóvenes se han compartido en este número. 

En la VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante sucedido en Malasia. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Dentro y fuera* 

Fue en Malasia que se organizó la tercera Reunión de Jóvenes de Asia y el Pacífico, a la que asistieron nuestros propios estudiantes de la Universidad, aparte de los jóvenes Sai de las naciones vecinas. Swami ...


AGOSTO 01 Y 02 DE 2018.

Cuando el avión de Malaysian Airlines despegó del Aeropuerto Internacional de Bangalore al mediodía del 1 de agosto, se escucharon carcajadas y risas emocionantes, ya que el séquito de Swami en Malasia y Singapur incluía a cincuenta estudiantes de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, que incluía treinta -tres chicas por primera vez. Swami había llamado cariñosamente a todas las estudiantes y guardianes acompañantes para una ...

Mañana - Visita a 'Janda Baik'
Visita a la residencia del hermano Jullius Tan y su esposa Smt Uma Parvati 
Noche - Satsang privado en 'Sai Amrutham'

AGOSTO 03, 2018,

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba siempre ha puesto mucha importancia y énfasis en el desarrollo de la juventud. Los jóvenes, hombres y mujeres jóvenes, tienen la habilidad y la capacidad para erradicar los males prevalecientes en la sociedad. 
Los jóvenes Sai de Kuala Lumpur fueron bendecidos de nuevo para ser anfitriones de la reunión anual de jóvenes de Asia-Pacífico. Y jóvenes de diez países se habían reunido para disfrutar de su amor. El tema de Swami fue: "Unidad en la juventud: juventud para la juventud, cómo puede un joven ayudar a otro joven." 
Mientras los mayores disfrutaban de una mañana de descanso, Swami le había ordenado a todos los jóvenes que se reunieran por la mañana, y la sesión comenzó con ...         

Para saber más, haga clic AQUÍ

Mañana - Encuentro de Jóvenes de Asia Pacífico
Presentación del hermano Dinesh Rudra
Taller de delegados juveniles
Noche - Lanzamiento de la clínica móvil Sai Ananda Medicare
En el Centro de Diálisis Sai Ananda
Actuación musical de Sai Ananda Youth
Satsang en progreso
Discurso Divino

 AGOSTO 04 Y 05, 2018.

Era hora de dejar Kuala Lumpur y continuar hacia el próximo destino, Singapur. Poco después del desayuno, todos se reunieron en la sala de estar de Sai Amrutham para un Satsang de  despedida. Fue una sesión maravillosa y causal, donde Swami habló sobre varias cosas. Hablando sobre la necesidad de trabajar juntos, Swami dijo: "Aquellos que han estado en el Himalaya son conscientes de que el Ganga comienza de una pequeña manera en el Gangotri. Nadie puede imaginar que se convertirá en un poderoso río. Los tres ríos Bhagirathi, Alaknanda, Mandakini se unen, y se convierten en el Ganges, que es tan poderoso, y atraviesa muchas tierras y le da tanta agua, tanta vida, tanta comida a tanta gente. 
Pero solos no pueden. Así, deben ...

04 de agosto de 2018 - Mañana - Adiós Satsang
04 de agosto de 2018 - Tarde- Salida hacia Singapur
En 'Lion King Show' en Singapur
 05 de agosto de 2018 - Noche - Public Satsang en 'Sai Anandam'
La hermana Vidushini Sivaramkrishnan dando la bienvenida a la reunión


Una mañana bastante húmeda, pero ciertamente no disuadió a los entusiastas estudiantes, que estaban listos para explorar la ciudad por segunda mañana consecutiva junto con la Juventud Sai de Singapur, quienes planean con cariño el itinerario cada vez. Y Swami, poco después de su desayuno, procedió a bendecir la oficina de Sri Kishore Parikh. Después de hablar con el personal y pasar momentos preciosos con todos, Swami regresó a la residencia de ...

Visitar - En SEA Aquarium
En Universal Studios
Satsang privado con el equipo central en 'Sai Anandam'
Cena en la residencia de la hermana Tina Leong 

 07 Y 08 DE AGOSTO DE 2018. 

En 1979, una iniciativa de servicio comunitario se convirtió en un Proyecto de hogar de ancianos. Después de seis años de visitas regulares a los ancianos y ancianos en las diferentes residencias de ancianos, un grupo de voluntarios decidió que era hora de consolidar su trabajo comunitario, con el objetivo de proporcionar atención de enfermería y refugio para enfermos, ancianos y discapacitados del sector socioeconómico inferior. 
Y en 1986, nació SWAMI HOME(La Casa de Swami). Los voluntarios habían estado orando fervientemente y ardientemente a su amado Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, para que bendijera a ...

Mañana - Visita a 'SWAMI Home - Sunshine Welfare Action Mission Home' 
Satsang en progreso
Sr. Low Chang Yee, presidente de SWAMI HOME, dando la bienvenida a Bhagavan entre ellos    
El Dr. Lim Wee Kiak, miembro del Parlamento que se dirige a la reunión
Tarde-'Sai-ling los mares de Singapur 'con Bhagawan 
Actuación musical de 'Singapur Gang'

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Thirty Six - August 09, 2018
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Whatever activity purifies us, even if it is lifting the leftover and the plates or the leaves, if it purifies my heart, makes me humble, makes me sincere, definitely that is an activity that we must undertake. You should be ready to bend your back and serve no matter whether you are in which position. It is very easy to get rid of ego and attachment when we develop this feeling of servitude and that will help us become free from this bondage of birth and death and ultimately realise the principle of Atman.             

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Thirty Sixth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the updates on Bhagawan's visit to Malaysia and Singapore between August 01 and August 08, 2018.  

Register for the 'One Nation Youth 2018', a Youth Meet that will be hosted in Bengaluru on August 15, 2018 to discuss some of the societal problems. Details of the Youth Meet have been shared in this issue.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment happened in Malaysia.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Inside And Outside   

It was in Malaysia that the third Asia Pacific Youth Meet was organised, which was attended by our own students of the University apart from Sai youth from surrounding nations. Swami was happy to give away sarees and Tshirts to all for uniformity of dressing for the event.

In the evening, when He met them again and looked at all of them clothed in the T shirts and draped in the sarees that He had given, He remarked joyfully, “They all look alike now despite coming from different countries as they are all wearing uniform clothes. They look the same from outside also now, though they are all already same from inside.”

While many thought it was just another happy remark by Swami, the depth of it was understood only by a few. He sees them all as the same Atman always and so considers all as same. Today, it was just that He was happy to see them look alike from outside too. Isn’t it why He is capable of loving all equally for He sees only oneness?                      

As the Malaysian Airlines plane took off from the Bengaluru International Airport at noon on August 01, peals of laughter and excited giggles filled the air, for Swami’s entourage to Malaysia and Singapore included fifty students from the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence which included thirty-three girls for the very first time. Swami had lovingly called all the students and accompanying wardens for an exclusive session the previous morning, and blessed them with everything required for the travel. From suitcases to Sarees, essential toiletries to clothes and footwear, Swami had ensured everything was bought for the students who were travelling for the very first time outside their motherland, and in fact most of them were on a plane for the first time in their lives. So naturally, they were emotionally filled with gratitude for Bhagawan, the Divine parent who nurtures His creation in a matchless way.

Upon arrival at Kuala Lumpur at around 7 p.m., the Sai youth welcomed everyone, including the Vice Chancellor and his wife who were accompanying the students. A little over an hour’s drive, the entourage reached Sai Amrutham, the residence of Brother Ayavoo Arumugam and his wife Dr Vimala. Swami manifested in front of the residence, just as Brother Madhusudan Naidu emerged from the car. Bhajans were in progress, as many youth and devotees had gathered to welcome Swami yet again to Kuala Lumpur. After a couple of Bhajans, Swami’s humorous comment had everyone laughing when He said, “It’s not the time for Bhajan, but rather Bhojan (food).” Swami went on to say that with good food, the head also will become good. “Bhajan and Bhojanboth are important, as whatever we touch, taste or look is also food”, He advised. After Arati, dinner was served to everyone and Swami took the elders of His entourage up to His room to show them around, a tradition which He always follows to tell everyone how His devotees look after Him, and more importantly how they sacrifice for the mission of uplifting fellow human beings around the world.

The next morning, Aug 2, 2018 after an early breakfast, while Swami proceeded to Janda Baik, an hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur city to bless the land which has been identified to build a new....

To know more, click HERE
Morning - Visit to 'Janda Baik'
Visit to the residence of Brother Jullius Tan and his wife Smt Uma Parvati 
Evening - Private Satsang at ‘Sai Amrutham’

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has always placed much importance and emphasis on youth development. Youth, young men and women have the capability and capacity to eradicate any prevailing ills in the society. The Sai youth of Kuala Lumpur were blessed again to host the annual Asia Pacific Youth Meet, and youth from ten countries had gathered to bask in His love. The theme given by Swami was, ‘Unity in Youth – Youth for youth, how can one youth help another Youth.’ While it was a morning of rest for the elders, Swami had commanded all the youth to meet in the morning, and the session started with opening remarks by Sri Ravi Nayar, Chairman of the Sai Ananda Malaysia Foundation. Sister Bhuvana Santhanam took to the podium next. The previous night Swami had given a letter to be read out to the youth, and Bhuvana started by reading the beautiful letter to the youth, where Swami had stressed the importance of time. Thereafter, she took the youth through a presentation of all the Global Seva activities of the youth of the four regions.

Brother Dinesh Rudra from Australia took over for the interactive engaging session next. Swami had given specific instructions on how the session must be conducted, so that the end of the morning would result in three practical outcomes of how one youth can help another youth. Swami’s University students were also a part of the session, and together all the youth deliberated on the theme of the Youth Meet. After Mangala Arati, lunch was served to all at Sai Anand Centre.

In the evening, Swami arrived with His entourage to Sai Ananda at around 5 p.m., and first proceeded to inaugurate the ‘Sai Ananda Mobile Medical Van’. Thereafter, He proceeded to the free Dialysis Centre, blessed the patients, walked to Ananda Cares, a part of Sai Ananda, which supports single needy women by providing skills training. Swami also blessed the Sai Ananda kitchen, before going to the Prayer Hall where over           

To know more, click HERE
Morning - Asia Pacific Youth Meet
Presentation by Brother Dinesh Rudra
Youth Delegate Workshop
Evening - Launch of Sai Ananda Medicare Mobile Clinic
At Sai Ananda Dialysis Centre
Musical performance by Sai Ananda Youth
Satsang in progress
Divine Discourse
It was time to leave Kuala Lumpur and proceed to the next destination, Singapore. Soon after breakfast, everyone gathered at the living room of Sai Amrutham for the farewell Satsang. It was a wonderful and causalsession, where Swami spoke about various things. Speaking on the need to work together, Swami said, “Those who have been to the Himalayas are aware that the Ganga starts in a small way in the Gangotri. Nobody can imagine that it will become a mighty river. All the three rivers Bhagirathi, Alaknanda, Mandakini come together, and they become the Ganga which is so powerful, and passes through many lands and gives so much of water, so much of life, so much of food to so many people. But alone it cannot. Like that, you should join hands with other good people, good groups and try to serve in a better way. That is possible only if you subdue your ego. ‘I am also somebody, I need to be known for doing something’ – this kind of thinking is not required. If you just do in any name, any form, as long as you do good, many many people can join and do more work. That is the way to work forward!”
One of the devotees seated submitted to Swami saying, “Swami, You should be in all our hearts all the time.” And the Lord was quick to reply by saying, “If your heart has some place, then only I can be there. If too many things are there in the heart, I cannot be. God is the resident of the heart. He is known as Hrudaya Nivasi. However, when Swami wanted to come here, though they (pointing to Brother Ayavoo and his wife) had a big room upstairs, they vacated it, because they didn’t want Swami to stay in a small room. So, they wanted the big room for Swami, and they went up to the small room. What did they do? They vacated, they createdplace for God to stay. So God came, and stayed!

Body is a temple. In that, the resident is God. Here they have taken so much care of the physical house for Swami to stay. How much more care we have to take to see that our temples are.....

To know more, click HERE
August 04, 2018 - Morning - Farewell Satsang
August 04, 2018 - Afternoon- Departure to Singapore
At 'Lion King Show' in Singapore
 August 05, 2018 - Evening - Public Satsang at 'Sai Anandam'
Sister Vidushini Sivaramkrishnan welcoming the gathering
A rather humid morning, but it certainly did not deter the enthusiastic students who were all set to explore the city for the second consecutive morning along with the Sai Youth of Singapore, who lovingly plan the itinerary every single time. And Swami, soon after His breakfast proceeded to bless the office of Sri Kishore Parikh. After speaking to the staff, and spending precious moments with all, Swami returned to the Pillay residence in the afternoon.
In the evening, Swami met the core group of devotees, the ‘Singapore Gang’, who are ever ready to embark on anything the Lord says. Swami spent more than an hour talking to them about various aspects of the ongoing mission. Brother Giorgos Sioufas and his family from Greece who travelled to be with Swami in both Malaysia and Singapore was also part of the gathering, along with Dr K P Saileela, Dr PDN Srinivasu (Vice Chancellor), his wife and the Wardens. Swami reminisced how the Sri Sathya Sai University in Gulbarga was established, and said that though people may think it happened in a year, the whole process from finding land to training teachers, etc was actually a long drawn journey of seven years, and how selfless individuals like the ‘Singapore Gang’ bring projects like this to fruition, simply by keeping others before themselves!
Swami then beautifully narrated the story of Lord Krishna, and how the Yadavas, Gopikas, and everyone else lived with Krishna, breathed the same air, and even ate the same food. “The Gopikas were unlettered and illiterate, did not know anything but loved Krishna from the bottom of their hearts, and always
To know more, click HERE
Sight seeing - At S.E.A Aquarium
At Universal Studios
Private Satsang with Core team at 'Sai Anandam'
Dinner at the residence of Sister Tina Leong 
 AUGUST 07 AND 08, 2018 

In 1979, a community service initiative turned into a Nursing Home Project. After six years of regular visits to the aged and aged sick in the various Nursing Homes, a group of volunteers decided that it was time to consolidate their community work, with the objective of providing nursing care and shelter for the sick, aged sick and handicapped from the lower socio-economic sector. And in 1986, SWAMI HOME was born. The volunteers had been earnestly and ardently praying to their beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai to bless Swami Home, His Home. Swami did promise them, and had said He would visit when the new building ‘Grace’ would be ready. With one building called ‘Sunshine’ and the other building ‘Grace’, this Home provides succour to a few hundred residents who need tender, loving care. The Home started with only 20 residents, 32 years ago, and today with 265 staff, they care for more than 300 elders. Home help, home medical and nursing services are also offered, and all together every single day SWAMI HOME touches the lives of over 1000 elders.
And the Lord had compassionately decided to bless SWAMI HOME, and soon after breakfast at the Pillay residence, He proceeded to this home of love and compassion. Mr Low Chang Yee, Chairman of SWAMI HOME, Mr Ramon Quek, Mr Yap Boon Phye along with other committee members of SWAMI HOME welcomed Swami amidst traditional lion dance and Vedam chanting. After alighting from the car, Swami proceeded first to inaugurate and consecrate the Shirdi Baba shrine. He also planted a Bodhi tree....

To know more, click HERE
Morning - Visit to ‘SWAMI Home – Sunshine Welfare Action Mission Home’ 
Satsang in progress
Mr Low Chang Yee, Chairman of SWAMI HOME welcoming Bhagawan in their midst    
Dr Lim Wee Kiak, Member of Parliament addressing the gathering
Evening-‘Sai-ling the Singapore Seas’ with Bhagawan 
Musical Performance by 'Singapore Gang'
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