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domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento veinticinco - 13 de mayo de 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Twenty Five - May 13, 2018

Número ciento veinticinco - 13 de mayo de 2018

No hay humanidad sin compasión, y uno deja de ser humano cuando uno deja de tener compasión. ¿Qué es la compasión? No puede permanecer callado cuando ve a otra persona sufrir. La compasión impulsa a uno a actuar. Aliviar, entra en acción cuando ve a alguien sufrir. Solo la oración no es suficiente, por nuestra propia capacidad, por pequeña que sea, uno debe actuar con este sentimiento de compasión. Esta es tu verdadera identidad. ¡El día que te olvidas, tú no existes.!
La compasión debería convertirse en tu sello y virtud. -Baba    

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento veinticinco de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos el informe sobre las celebraciones del Día Easwaramma celebradas en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli el 6 de mayo de 2018. Además, les presentamos un artículo sobre 'Regalo de vida', una iniciativa de los Hospitales Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani realizada con éxito en la Fundación Sai Prema, Fiji por segundo año consecutivo, del 13 de abril al 20 de abril de 2018.    

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y la familia anfitriona en Fiji.

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.



Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.
*Cara y Pies* 

Mientras conducía desde la casa del anfitrión a la casa de otro devoto para una cena en Satsang en Fiji, la congestión del tráfico en una carretera que de otro modo sería libre, tomó por sorpresa al conductor, Sumeet Tappoo, un joven aprendiz espiritual de Swami.

Sin embargo, después ...



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 06 DE MAYO, 2018 .

El 6 de mayo se celebra en toda la fraternidad Sai como el Día Eswaramma, el día que marca el ascenso físico de la Madre elegida. La Madre Eswaramma representaba a todos los oprimidos y deprimidos, por el sufrimiento y el desamparo, y fue esa naturaleza muy compasiva de ella la que surgió cuando ella pidió tres bendiciones desinteresadas de ...

Celebraciones del Día Easwaramma en Muddenahalli
Estudiantes del Centro Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, Campus Prashantiniketanam cantando el Devi Suktam
Recital musical del grupo musical femenino 
Sri K Sanjeeva Shetty, Fideicomisario Principal de Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Confianza hablando sobre Madre Easwaramma 
Discurso Divino 

Fiji es popular por sus playas de arena, su clima tropical durante todo el año, los bosques, los arrecifes de coral blando y la vida marina exótica, que suena como un verdadero paraíso para los viajeros. Viajar le da alegría al viajero, pero ¿cómo llamarlo si se hace para infundir alegría a los demás? Bueno, en abril de este año, un equipo de médicos emprendió un tipo diferente de viaje. El propósito de la visita de este equipo internacional fue operar a niños fiyianos que nacieron con anomalías en sus corazones, potencialmente cirugías que salvan vidas.

La Fundación Sai Prema, Fiji, organizó el 'Regalo de la vida' a través del cual cirujanos, médicos y enfermeras especializadas de India, Estados Unidos, Australia y Omán viajaron a la nación isleña y realizaron 27 cirugías del 13 de abril al 20 de abril de 2018, el niños dándoles una nueva vida. El equipo fue dirigido por el Dr. Ashish Katewa, Director del Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani en Raipur. 

El Dr. Krupali Tappoo, coordinador médico de la misión de salud de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba en Fiji, mencionó que de 27 cirugías, 21 se realizaron en el quirófano mientras que el resto se realizó en el laboratorio de cateterismo (cateterismo). La Fundación Sai Prema, Fiji, se dedica a proporcionar servicios médicos a las comunidades de las islas.En un esfuerzo similar, 25 cirugías se llevaron a cabo bajo la dirección de la Dra. Katewa en 2016 también.

Al reparar los corazones de estos niños, la Fundación realmente les ha dado el 'Regalo de la Vida'. Los corazones de los niños, cirujanos y todas las personas involucradas en este impulso ahora están llenos de amor, ¡lo cual no tiene precio!

El primer ministro de Fiji junto con los niños 'Gift of Life'


En este mundo, en comparación con todas las formas de amor, el afecto de la madre es indescriptible y el más elevado. 
Una madre así, todos deberíamos cuidarla con amor. También deberíamos protegerla con gratitud. 
Hay muchos niños que, una vez que crecen, ignoran a sus padres y los ponen en los hogares de ancianos; piensan que su deber se acaba simplemente pagando unas pequeñas tarifas a la casa de la tercera edad. Los niños ...

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La cultura india no solo es antigua, sino que también tiene un gran mérito. Los indios, desde la antigüedad, siempre han orado para que todos en el mundo sean felices, llenos de alegría, lleven vidas cómodas y felices. 
Renunciando a los sentimientos egoístas del "yo" y "lo mío", abrazaron el amplio y generoso sentimiento de ...

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Issue One Hundred and Twenty Five - May 13, 2018

There is no humanity without compassion, and one ceases to be a human when one ceases to have compassion. What is compassion – unable to stay quiet when you see someone else suffer. Compassion propels one to act. It relieves, it springs into action when it sees someone suffer. Only prayer is not enough, in our own capacity however small, one must act with this feeling of compassion. This is your true identity. The day you forget, you don’t exist! Compassion should become your hallmark and virtue.    

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Twenty Fifth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the report on Easwaramma Day celebrations held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on May 06, 2018.

Also, we present you an article on 'Gift of Life', an initiative by Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals successfully conducted at Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji for the second year in succession, from April 13 to April 20, 2018.  

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and the host family in Fiji.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Face and Feet!    
While driving from the home of the host to the house of another devotee for a dinner Satsang at Fiji, the traffic congestion on an otherwise free road, took the driver, Sumeet Tappoo, a young spiritual apprentice of Swami, by surprise.

However after a little wait, the vehicles started to move again and Swami noticed that the jam was caused due to an accident.

Looking at the scene of long queue of cars and vehicles on either lanes of the road, Swami remarked, “See! The mistake of one person can cause inconvenience to so many. That is the principle of a society. Every individual is a limb of the larger society and just like in a body, if any limb suffers, the whole body suffers. One may think that we are wealthy and healthy and life is good, why bother about those who are poor and sick. But let me tell you, like the unclean feet are also a part of the body as much as the beautiful face, if we don’t bend and clean our feet with our own hands, the dirt will cause infection. And the first part to twitch with pain will be our beautiful face!”

A Sai-sermon on the street
about the face and the feet,
drove home the point straight
as we drove past the queue of cars,
that had no choice but to wait.  

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 MAY 06, 2018 

The Sixth of May is celebrated all over the Sai fraternity as Eswaramma Day, the day marking the physical ascent of the chosen Mother. Mother Eswaramma stood for all the oppressed and the depressed, for the suffering and the forlorn, and it was that very compassionate nature of hers that came to the fore as she asked for three selfless boons from her son, known the millions today as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba – a school for the village children, a primary clinic to help the sick villagers and to dig a few wells for clean drinking water. In answer to her prayers, Bhagawan undertook colossal projects on educare, healthcare and sociocare which He continues on a grand scale even now. His story is filled with such tales of unbounding compassion of the Divine mother, who never asked anything for herself but always prayed to Swami to fulfill the prayers of His devotees.
To pay homage to this venerable Mother on the auspicious day, students and devotees gathered in the Sathya Sai Premamrutham Hall waiting expectantly for their Lord to arrive. As Bhagawan arrived, He was welcomed with Poorna Kumbham and Vedic chants amidst melodious Bhajans. Once Bhagawan was seated on His throne, the evening’s programme began with Vedic invocation by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Centre of Human Excellence, Prashantiniketanam campus chanting the Devi Suktam.
This was followed by a presentation of three beautiful, heartfelt songs....

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Easwaramma Day celebrations at Muddenahalli
Students of Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence, Prashantiniketanam Campus chanting the Devi Suktam
Musical recital by the ladies music group 
Sri K Sanjeeva Shetty, Senior Trustee of the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust speaking about Mother Easwaramma 
Divine Discourse 
Fiji is popular for its sandy beaches, year-round tropical weather, forests, soft coral reefs, and the exotic sea life—sounds like a true paradise for travellers. Travel gives joy to the traveller, but what would you call it if it is done to impart joy to others! Well, in April this year, a team of doctors undertook a different kind of a journey. The purpose of the visit of this international team was to operate upon Fijian children who were born with anomalies in their hearts—potentially life-saving surgeries.

Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji, organised the ‘Gift of Life’ through which surgeons, doctors, and specialist nurses from India, USA, Australia and Oman travelled to the island-nation and conducted 27 surgeries from April 13 to April 20, 2018, on children gifting them a new life. The team was led by Dr Ashish Katewa, Director of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital in Raipur.

Dr Krupali Tappoo, medical co-ordinator for the healthcare mission of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Baba in Fiji mentioned that out of 27 surgeries, 21 were done in the operation theatre while the rest of them were done in the Catheterization (Cath) lab. Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji, is engaged in providing medical services to the communities of the islands. In a similar effort, 25 surgeries were conducted under the leadership of Dr Katewa in 2016 as well.

Mending hearts of these children, the Foundation has truly given them the ‘Gift of Life’. The hearts of the children, surgeons, and everyone involved in this drive are now filled with love, which is priceless, indeed!
Prime Minister of Fiji along with the 'Gift of Life' children
In this world, compared to all forms of love, mother’s affection is indescribable and highest. Such a mother, all of us should look after her with love. We should also protect her with gratitude. There are a lot of children, after they grow up, they ignore their parents and put them in the old-age homes; they think that their duty is over just by paying a little fees to the old-age home. Children ignoring their parents when they most need their children and just placing them in the old-age homes and thinking that we have completed our responsibilities, is a tragedy.

What children need is mothers’ love. Even if we may earn little less money, but our love for our children should not be less. Only with love, parents canmould their children well. As mothers, your first duty is to look after the children with love. Only then those children will grow up as good citizens of the country. The conduct and the qualities and the character of children depends mostly on their parents. These days’ parents pray that their children become great but nobody prays that they should become good. But what we have to aspire for is to become good. Mothers should be selfless. If we bring up our children with selfless love will they not look after us later with selfless love? When you cultivate lot of materialistic desires in children, naturally they become very materialistic and ignore the parents. Whatever kind of love you... 

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Indian culture is not only ancient but also carries great merit. Indians, since ancient times, have always prayed that let everyone in the world be happy, full of joy, lead comfortable, happy lives. Giving up the selfish feelings of ‘I’ and ‘mine’, they embraced the broad-minded selfless feeling of ‘we’ and ‘ours’; all the time they prayed for the welfare of everyone. All are children of God. All are brothers and sisters. All are the members of the one world family. When you have such broad-mindedness, we feel others sufferings are our own sufferings; their joy is our joy – that is what we will think. That is the Indian ideal. God resides in everyone. When we serve anyone, we are serving God. When we work that way for the welfare of others, we can be truly called Bharateeyas.
If we have true love for Swami, we have to follow His idealism of selfless service to everybody. There is nothing wrong. We offer flowers and worship and offer food to the photographs of Swami but a superior way of worship of Swami is to help the poor people, the down-troddenpeople and serve them and relieve them of their suffering. When we do such service, Swami will be very very happy. You may have to carry on all your activities in life but most importantly, love everyone. Taking up such activity ultimately we have to redeem the whole society. Gratitude is very important. With gratitude, we have to serve everyone. 
It is not that we just remain mute witnesses to this great act of service; we should participate in this service. It is not that just we talk about it or just witness it. We have to do it. To the extent possible,...

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