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miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

ETERNO CONDUCTOR DE ABRIL 2012_Sanathana Sarathi

Dedicado a la elevación Moral y Espiritual de la Humanidad       Abril de 2012 
Eterno Conductor
Alcanzar a Dios mediante el Amor
Para realizar a la Divinidad, el amor es el camino más fácil. Así como se puede ver la luna solo con la luz de la luna, Dios que es la encarnación del amor puede ser alcanzado solo a través del amor. Consideren al amor como su aliento vital. El amor es la primera cualidad que emerge en el proceso creativo. Todas las otras cualidades vienen después. Por lo tanto, llenen su corazón con amor y basen su vida en él.

Periódico mensual virtual
compartiendo el amor de
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Sitio Oficial de la Organización
Sri Sathya Sai Baba de Argentina.
Sitio Oficial del Sri Sathya
Sai Central Trust:
Sitio Oficial del Sri Sathya Sai
Books & Publications Trust:
Radio Sai Global Harmony:
Sitio Oficial de la Organización
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Internacional:
Otros Libros de Sai y
Ediciones Mensuales (en inglés)

Bhagavan dio Su primer Discurso durante los festejos de Dasara, en el día de Vijaya Dasami de 1953. Nos bendijo con Su último Discurso el 22 de noviembre de 2010.
Divino Discurso
Ustedes ven, oyen, hablan, huelen y llevan a cabo todas sus acciones, sólo debido a la energía divina de Dios. No deben malgastar su energía divina usando mal sus sentidos.
Mientras los cantantes cantaban el canto de cierre expresando su amor y devoción a Bhagaván, los devotos en el hall ondulaban pequeñas placas en forma de corazón con la leyenda inscrita “Te amamos, Swami” 
    En este viaje del alma hacia Él
Kaya Gunata
Después de la sanación, ella me preguntó quién era “ese hombre” que estaba en la fotografía en la pared. Cuando le pregunté por qué estaba preguntando, ella me dijo que durante la sanación “ese hombre” había salido del retrato con Su túnica naranja y corona de pelo, caminó hacia ella, la tocó, regresó y desapareció en el marco del retrato
Dr. A.N. Safaya
Las compañías de seguros, sindicatos de instrumentos técnicos y otras organizaciones tienen a la profesión médica en sus garras. Las probabilidades que la humanidad tenga fe en la ciencia médica como una profesión de tratamiento son muy bajas.
De Nuestros Archivos
La historia de Rama, el Ramayana, no es más que otra versión de los Vedas. De hecho, se dice que los Vedas encarnaron como el Ramayana a fin de ayudar en la destrucción de la maldad y el renacimiento de la vida recta, tareas que el Señor asumió sobre Sí mismo durante Su carrera humana como Rama. 
Fize Mohammed
La Madre Sai ha sido el ancla en la peor de las tormentas. Él tiene el amor de mil madres y nunca nos defraudará. Sus palabras son la verdad. Más de una vez, puede que sintamos que Él no nos está prestando atención o que se está tomando Su tiempo para resolver algunos temas o problemas que podamos estar teniendo.
Mayor General S.P. Mahadevan
Uno puede preguntarse porqué nuestro Bienamado Bhagaván ha sido tan bondadoso, compasivo, generoso y amoroso hacia un devoto soldado común como yo. Tal vez sea porque entregué mi mente, corazón, cuerpo y alma a Sus Divinos Pies de Loto y Él es el único refugio de aquellos que se Le entregan.
B. V. Ramana Rao
Es suficientemente grande para mi, yo no soy Sai Geeta, he estado en lugares mas pequeños, si hubieras invitado a todos tus amigos y parientes, entonces si seria pequeña. Por eso no les avise de antemano.
Refulgencia de la Gloria Divina
De algún modo la punta del pico de acero aguanto lo suficiente como para que los porteadores descendieran rápidamente y me rescataran. Después de algunas otras dificultades de ascenso, tuvimos éxito y llegamos a nuestro destino sagrado
Leonardo Gutter 
Estamos unidos por el Amor de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, y nuestro deseo es servir en Su Misión
Vijay Yadalam
A veces el maternal consuelo en Sus ojos hace que olvides todas tus angustias y tus problemas 
Shitu Chudasama
Ahora los jóvenes deben podar y cuidar este árbol para que todas las generaciones en el futuro puedan encontrar consuelo y refugiarse bajo este árbol. ¿Qué es este árbol? Es nuestra Organización Sai, la sagrada organización que lleva el nombre de la Divinidad
Pequeña Historia
Tal es el velo del engaño que cubre a la divinidad inherente en el hombre e infla su ego
Como parte de las celebraciones del Cumpleaños 86 de Bhagaván, 50 mosquiteros tratados con insecticidas fueron preparados por voluntarios Seva Dal. Éstos fueron distribuidos a los beneficiarios del Programa de Narayana seva Sri Sathya Sai en aldeas para combatir malaria y otras enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos.
Copyright © 2006-2010 Todos los derechos reservados.


Prof. N. Kasturi was the Editor of Sanathana Sarathi from its inception in 1958 till he attained the Divine Lotus Feet in the year 1987.
I got the good news pretty quick; Baba had come to Bangalore. He was staying in Sri Vittal Rao’s house on the 9th Cross Road, Wilson Gardens, only five minutes away from my residence, “Ashoka” on the 12th cross. Knowing that there was a possibility of His coming to His place, I had tipped the dry cleaner, who attended to the washing and ironing of his door and window curtains, to inform me as soon as he delivered the wash to Vittal Rao. I had noticed that he had the curtains washed and ironed as part of house cleaning, preliminary to Baba’s visit. When the news leaked at last, I posted the little daughter of my domestic help on a slab of stone facing his house, with directions to keep watch for a big car and an orange robe. So within ten minutes of Baba’s stepping into his house, Vittal Rao was amazed to find me on his verandah! “Wait! Wait! He pleaded. But Baba spotted and came towards me with His palm ready to fall on my shoulder. “Now, you have work at Puttaparthi”, he said. “A monthly magazine will start soon. Guess! How is it named?” He asked. I confessed I could not delve into His will. Yet He drew out from my reluctance a few names. “The Godward Path”, “Karma Dharma”, “Prema Yoga”. He waved aside the titles I suggested and announced that he had decided to designate it as “Sanathana Sarathi”.
That name is a clarion call. It is the conch of Vishnu, awakening the sleeping. It is the drum of Siva challenging the unruly to shed their waywardness. ‘Sarathi’ means ‘he who holds the reins’, ‘Sanathana’ means ‘Eternal’. So, that title would announce to the world that Baba is the Omniwill, which is moulding and manipulating, since Times began, the wills of living beings from the amoeba to the astronaut. “Recognise God as the Sarathi, yield wholeheartedly to His direction, reach your Destination in good shape”, was the message Baba was conveying through that Name. I was elated, elevated.
“This is the 32nd year of the Avataric Career and it is time He stood forth as the world Teacher,” I said to myself, recalling His first public discourse during Dasara, 1953. It was while the Lord was the Sarathi for Arjuna that the Bhagavad Gita was conferred on mankind through him. The Lord is therefore known as Partha (Arjuna) Sarathi. Baba is now standing forth as Sanathana Sarathi – the Sarathi for every one, everywhere.
A few days prior to the release of the first number of the magazine, Baba declared before a gathering on the Chithravathi sands, “The Bhagavad Gita is a guidebook, a map for the aspirant to peace and liberation. The Lord has installed Himself in every heart as the charioteer. Ask Him for the proper direction and He will answer and lead. You can hear a Gita specially designed for you, if you call upon the Lord”. The “Sanathana Sarathi” was therefore intended as the “Bhagawan Uvacha” (Thus saith the Lord) for a world that has jumped the rails and is in fatal jeopardy.

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Discoursing during the launch of Sanathana Sarathi...

From this day, our Sanathana Sarathi will lead to victory the cohorts of truth - the Vedas, the Sastras and similar scriptures of all faiths, against the forces of the ego such as injustice, falsehood, immorality and cruelty. This is the reason why it has emerged. This Sarathi will fight in order to establish world prosperity. It is bound to sound the paean of triumph when universal Ananda is achieved.

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Un mensaje del equipo de Radio Sai_A Message from the Radio Sai team.

Un mensaje del equipo de Radio Sai

Queridos hermanos y hermanas:


Estamos felices de informarles que mañana (31 de mayo de 2012) será el tercer jueves sucesiva de transmisión en vivo de nuestros programas desde los estudios de Prashanti Nilayam.

Al igual que en semanas anteriores, vamos a comenzar a las 6:30 am y cerramos a las 21:30 (la India el tiempo). Usted puede escucharlo en Asiastream en nuestro sitio web . Así que por favor conéctate y comparte con nosotros lo que sientes acerca de este servicio.

En segundo lugar, luego el Prof. Venkataraman, también se unirá a nosotros en estas transmisiones en vivo desde Prashanti Nilayam y  seran 
una preguntas y respuestas. 

Así que aquí está tu oportunidad para hacernos llegar cualquier pregunta relacionada con las enseñanzas de Bhagavan y su espiritualidad, y éstas serán respondidas por el profesor en beneficio de todos los oyentes.

Por lo tanto, hace tu pregunta espiritual por correo electrónico a la dirección ; en el asunto del correo electrónico por favor escriba "Sp. Q and A".

Muchas gracias.

Equipo Radio Sai  


A Message from the Radio Sai team

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


We are happy to inform you that tomorrow (May 31, 2012) will be the third successive Thursday of Live Broadcast of our programs from the studios of Prasanthi Nilayam.

Like in previous weeks, we will begin at 6.30 a.m. and close at 9.30 p.m. (India time). You can listen to this only on Asiastream on our website -

. So please do tune in and share with us what you feel about this service.

Secondly, soon Prof. Venkataraman too will be joining us on these Live Broadcasts from Prasanthi Nilayam and that will be a 'Spiritual Question and Answer' session.

So here is your opportunity to send us any question related to Bhagawan's teachings and Spirituality, and these will be answered by the learned Professor for the benefit of all listeners.

Therefore, do email your spiritual doubts and dilemmas to; in the subject of your email please write “Sp Q and A”.

Let us together work towards making our lives reflections of His love and His message.

Thank you very much.

Loving regards,
Radio Sai team




Dedicado a la elevación Moral y Espiritual de la Humanidad       Febrero de 2012 
Eterno Conductor
La calidez al Orar me Derrite el Corazón
Ustedes pueden decir que el progreso solamente se logra con Mi gracia. Aunque mi corazón es suave como la mantequilla, solamente se derrite cuando hay calidez en sus oraciones. A menos que hagan algún esfuerzo disciplinado, algún Sadhana, la gracia no puede llegar a ustedes. El anhelo, la agonía de no cumplir los propósitos, eso derrite Mi corazón. Esa es la angustia con la que se gana la gracia.

Periódico mensual virtual
compartiendo el amor de
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Sitio Oficial de la Organización
Sri Sathya Sai Baba de Argentina.
Sitio Oficial del Sri Sathya
Sai Central Trust:
Sitio Oficial del Sri Sathya Sai
Books & Publications Trust:
Radio Sai Global Harmony:
Sitio Oficial de la Organización
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Internacional:
Otros Libros de Sai y
Ediciones Mensuales (en inglés)

Divino Discurso
Si no emprenden ahora la espiritualidad, no les será posible hacerlo en la vejez.
De Nuestros Archivos
Aun el pensar que no se han beneficiado con el Puja o Japa no debería contaminar su fe. Practicar el Sadhana es su tarea, su mayor urgencia, su actividad genuina
Resplandor de la Gloria Divina
“Hislop, ¿por qué estás viendo así a Swami?” Entonces Baba dijo, “Lo que Hislop ve es correcto.”
Krishna estaba listo a realizar cualquier acto insignificante para proteger a Sus devotos, los Pandavas.
Copyright © 2006-2010 Todos los derechos reservados.



Prof. N. Kasturi was the Editor of Sanathana Sarathi from its inception in 1958 till he attained the Divine Lotus Feet in the year 1987.
I got the good news pretty quick; Baba had come to Bangalore. He was staying in Sri Vittal Rao’s house on the 9th Cross Road, Wilson Gardens, only five minutes away from my residence, “Ashoka” on the 12th cross. Knowing that there was a possibility of His coming to His place, I had tipped the dry cleaner, who attended to the washing and ironing of his door and window curtains, to inform me as soon as he delivered the wash to Vittal Rao. I had noticed that he had the curtains washed and ironed as part of house cleaning, preliminary to Baba’s visit. When the news leaked at last, I posted the little daughter of my domestic help on a slab of stone facing his house, with directions to keep watch for a big car and an orange robe. So within ten minutes of Baba’s stepping into his house, Vittal Rao was amazed to find me on his verandah! “Wait! Wait! He pleaded. But Baba spotted and came towards me with His palm ready to fall on my shoulder. “Now, you have work at Puttaparthi”, he said. “A monthly magazine will start soon. Guess! How is it named?” He asked. I confessed I could not delve into His will. Yet He drew out from my reluctance a few names. “The Godward Path”, “Karma Dharma”, “Prema Yoga”. He waved aside the titles I suggested and announced that he had decided to designate it as “Sanathana Sarathi”.
That name is a clarion call. It is the conch of Vishnu, awakening the sleeping. It is the drum of Siva challenging the unruly to shed their waywardness. ‘Sarathi’ means ‘he who holds the reins’, ‘Sanathana’ means ‘Eternal’. So, that title would announce to the world that Baba is the Omniwill, which is moulding and manipulating, since Times began, the wills of living beings from the amoeba to the astronaut. “Recognise God as the Sarathi, yield wholeheartedly to His direction, reach your Destination in good shape”, was the message Baba was conveying through that Name. I was elated, elevated.
“This is the 32nd year of the Avataric Career and it is time He stood forth as the world Teacher,” I said to myself, recalling His first public discourse during Dasara, 1953. It was while the Lord was the Sarathi for Arjuna that the Bhagavad Gita was conferred on mankind through him. The Lord is therefore known as Partha (Arjuna) Sarathi. Baba is now standing forth as Sanathana Sarathi – the Sarathi for every one, everywhere.
A few days prior to the release of the first number of the magazine, Baba declared before a gathering on the Chithravathi sands, “The Bhagavad Gita is a guidebook, a map for the aspirant to peace and liberation. The Lord has installed Himself in every heart as the charioteer. Ask Him for the proper direction and He will answer and lead. You can hear a Gita specially designed for you, if you call upon the Lord”. The “Sanathana Sarathi” was therefore intended as the “Bhagawan Uvacha” (Thus saith the Lord) for a world that has jumped the rails and is in fatal jeopardy.

Back Volumes


Discoursing during the launch of Sanathana Sarathi...

From this day, our Sanathana Sarathi will lead to victory the cohorts of truth - the Vedas, the Sastras and similar scriptures of all faiths, against the forces of the ego such as injustice, falsehood, immorality and cruelty. This is the reason why it has emerged. This Sarathi will fight in order to establish world prosperity. It is bound to sound the paean of triumph when universal Ananda is achieved.

Tip: Kindly right-click on the below links and "save target/link as..." since opening these large files directly on your browser may affect the performance of your system.

For purchasing Pdf and Epub files of last three months kindly click here.


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