photo om_anm_zps9964cdbf.gif


martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

La historia detrás de esta foto _The Story behind this Photo.


Esta fotografía muestra la abhisheka vibhuti, realizados por Sai Baba durante las fiestas, especialmente de MahaShivarathri - la noche dedicada a Shiva, que forma parte de la trinidad hindú. 
Brahma es el creador,  Vishnu es el preservador, y Shiva el destructor de la ilusión y lo falso. 

Antes de que Sai Baba ponga su mano en la urna, la misma fue puesta boca abajo por un devoto, para que todos pudieran ver que la urna estaba vacía. 
Sai Baba entonces enrollo sus dos mangas, para ser mas transparente. 
Una vez que Él  puso la mano en la urna, Sai Baba comenzó mover la mano y el brazo con fuerza y una gran cantidad de vibhuti comenzó a caer. 
El Profesor N. Kasturi, biógrafo de Sai Baba, que tenia la urna en alto. Observó que una vez que Sai Baba introducía su mano en la urna,  al instante ponía  mucho más pesado. Del mismo modo, cuando Sai Baba retiró la mano, se detuvo de inmediato la salida de vibhuti  y Kasturi se sorprendía por el hecho de que la urna de repente sentía mas liviana. 

El difunto Dick Bock, que produjo las primeras películas sobre Sai Baba, registró este evento y comentó que era increíble cuando Sai Baba sacaba la mano de la urna y se detenía el flujo de vibhuti, como empezó a brotar de vibhuti a sentirse como el estado normal. 
Aunque no se puede ver en esta imagen, el vibhuti se vierte sobre una estatua de plata de Shirdi Sai Baba, el primero de la triple reencarnación de Sai, quien murió en 1918. 
La cantidad de vibhuti producido en el abhiskeka vibhuti es tan grande que no sólo la estatua de Shirdi Sai está cubierta,  también lo esta el suelo.



The Story behind this Photo.

This photograph depicts the vibhuti abhisheka, performed by Sai Baba during festivals, especially MahaShivarathri - the night dedicated to Shiva, part of the Hindu Trinity. Brahma is the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer of illusion and untruth.

Before Sai Baba put his hand into the urn, it was held upside down by a devotee, so that all could see that the urn was empty. Sai Baba would then roll up both sleeves so as to further show lack of trickery. Once he had put his hand in the urn, Sai Baba would move his hand and arm vigorously and large amounts of vibhuti would pour out. Professor N. Kasturi, Sai Baba's biographer, often held the urn. He observed that once Sai Baba inserted his hand into the urn, it instantly became much heavier. Likewise, when Sai Baba withdrew his hand, vibhuti immediately stopped pouring out and Kasturi would be surprised by the fact that the urn would suddenly feel quite light once again.

The late Dick Bock, who produced the early films about Sai Baba, recorded this event and commented that it was almost stranger when Sai Baba took his hand out of the urn and stopped the flow of vibhuti, as the gushing out of vibhuti began to feel like the normal state.

Although one cannot see it in this picture, the vibhuti is being poured over a silver statue of Shirdi Sai Baba, the first of the triple Sai incarnation, who died in 1918. The amount of vibhuti produced in the vibhuti abhiskeka is so great that not only the statue of Shirdi Sai is covered, but so also is the floor.

